So new story!

I don't own the characters. It would be cool if I did. But I don't. Hope you enjoy!

Classes had just gotten out for summer vacation, and Hermione couldn't be any happier. This year, the Tri-Wizard Tournament decided to use Hogwarts as its venue. That in itself was a stressful time for Hermione, considering she had to help Harry with his tasks, and then she had put up with Rita Skeeter and her horrendous Prophet articles. To she say couldn't be happier, was a lie. She was thrilled. It was just going to be her and her parents.

"Hermione dear, can you go down to the farmer's market for me? I have a list ready for you," Helen called from the kitchen. Hermione went over to her mother and grabbed the list from her hands.

"There's so much on here though. How am I supposed to carry it?" Helen gave her daughter a look.

"Don't think I haven't seen you practicing magic without your wand. I haven't seen any letters come in about the use of magic yet, so I'm fairly certain when I say this, that if you keep doing that then you won't get in trouble. Use that feather-light charm that I've seen on your school books on them." Hermione nodded her head.

"Okay. I'll be back in an hour. I'm walking there, and I don't really feel like riding my bike. It's too nice, not to enjoy the weather. If not, I'll give you a call on my cell," Helen nodded her head and sent her daughter out of the house with money, list, and the reusable shopping bags.

The local farmer's market that the Granger's frequented was roughly two miles away. The market was set up for five months of the year, and often times Hermione volunteered to go shopping since it was a nice walk away from her house, and it gave her something to do over the summer holidays.

Once Hermione arrived at the market, she grabbed one of the small shopping baskets and then glanced down at her mother's shopping list. She walked over to one of the local venders.

"Oi! 'Mione, good to see you back again. How were your classes this year?" Hermione smiled, explaining the 'classes' she had at the prestigious boarding school that her parents 'sent' her to every school year. The vendor, Michael, was one of the Grangers' family friends.

"Are any of the other fruits in season yet, Uncle Mike?" The middle-aged man shook his head.

"Tell your parents that it'll be about a month before they're ripe. Now, young lady, go on and get. I know your mother well enough, and she will want you back at a reasonable hour. You've been standing here at my stall for over ten minutes now! Go and get the rest of your things, and if you have a little bit of time, stop back by the stall," Hermione pouted, but nodded. She hugged her quasi-Uncle, and continued her shopping. Hermione was walking over to the little check-out area, when someone bumped into her.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" The young man exclaimed as he began to help her pick up her things off the ground. Hermione had yet to look up, and the young man froze as he saw who it was.

"Granger?" Surprise was evident in the voice. Hermione snapped her head up.

"Malfoy?!" Hermione froze as she stared at the boy in front of her. Draco scowled as he saw the look on her face.

"Are you just going to sit there? Get up," Hermione narrowed her eyes at the offered hand in front of her before reluctantly grabbing it.

"Malfoy, why are you in Muggle London for? Specifically here!" She screeched. The scowl already on his face deepened. People began to look towards the two arguing teens. Hermione snapped her mouth shut and elbowed him, gesturing the people around them. Draco shut his mouth immediately and followed Hermione. Hermione brought her things to the cashier and paid for them. She placed them inside her bag and motioned for Draco to follow her. Once they were both away from the market, she turned to Draco with a serious look on her face.

"Malfoy, why on earth are you in Muggle London for?" The scowl on his face returned, but moments later, seemed to wear away and he sighed in defeat.

"I've emancipated myself. I took the inheritance my mother left me, and left." Hermione raised an eyebrow, hoping he would continue to explain. Hermione froze as she remembered her mother.

"Shit! I got to call my mum! I told her I would be back in an hour!" Draco stopped and looked at the frantic girl in front of him. He rolled his eyes, but offered out his hand, so he could hold her bag that she recently bought from the market. He raised an eyebrow at how light it seemed to be, despite the fact that it was loaded down with food. He watched as she pulled out a rectangular looking device and began to tap on its screen. He watched in fascination as she spoke into it, and watched as her shoulders slumped in relief.

Draco furrowed his eyes. "W-what is that thing?" Curiosity filled his voice. Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"It's a cell phone." Recognition entered his head. The thing that he had in his new flat had that name.

"You mean kind of like the tele-fone thing?" Hermione nodded her head.

"So, you've been emancipated. Why?" Hermione brought back up. Draco nodded his head, but frowned.

"I'm not allowed back in Malfoy Manor, or into Malfoy anything for that matter," The two teenagers stopped at a small playground a few blocks away from Hermione's house. Draco placed the bag he was holding down near his feet and plopped down into a swing. Hermione sat down next to him.

"My father disowned me." Hermione stared at him in shock and he just continued to talk, more so ramble to her.

"I never agreed with him on his beliefs on blood purity. I only acted that way to appease him, but I got tired of it. I snapped at him last week. Mother agrees with me of course, but she can't leave my father without him taking advantage of her. She gave me everything she inherited from her parents and gave it to me so I can at least have money to buy a house that I can stay at. Once Lucius disowned me, Mother and I went to Gringotts the next day. She signed the papers and I became emancipated. It's legal in both the wizarding and muggle world." Hermione gaped at him.

"Wow," Was all Hermione managed to utter out. Draco nodded his head. He turned to Hermione with a questioning look on his face.

"I-I would like to apologize," He uttered out. Draco had his elbows on his knees with his head in his hand. He stared at the grass in front of him blankly.

"I personally never minded that you were muggle-born. It went against everything Lucius would tell me about muggle-born witches or wizards. He told me that they weren't smart, or that they weren't powerful. You go against that. You're the smartest person that I know for Merlin's sake! Hell, even I know not to get on your bad side anymore. You pack a mean right hook. But, that's beside the point. Oh God, I suck at this. I'm rambling again, I-" Draco bent down and put his head down on his knees. He took a deep breath. Hermione sat there, confused on what to do with the boy in front of her.

"I need to apologize for all that I've done." He uttered quietly. "That includes calling you by that foul name. On more than one occasion I'll add. And your teeth. I honestly did not mean for it to hit you that day. Your teeth were fine the way they were and-" Draco groaned in frustration. He looked up helplessly.

"It's fine. Really." Draco snapped his head up at the curly haired witch in front of him.

"But I-" Hermione shook her head. The blond boy snapped his mouth shut.

"No. Your apology accepted. From what I gathered, you were just trying to please your bastard of a father. You were just a child and you wanted your father to accept you. It seems like the more you did, was never enough for him. Plus, I could kind of tell that the first time you called me a mudblood, I saw the look of guilt that flashed across your face, even if it was for a moment." Draco sighed, defeated.

"I don't understand how you could forgive me- I've been a total prat to you for the four years that I've known you," He said quietly. Hermione sighed. She looked at the boy in front of her. He looked so defeated, like nothing else in the world mattered to him anymore.

"You may have acted like a prat, a massive one I might add, but like I said. You were acting. I doubt that you've actually had the chance to be your self with your father's influence. You're away from him now, without him influencing you, and watching your every move like a hawk. Everyone deserves a second chance in my opinion. And this is yours." Draco looked up at Hermione with a hopeful look in his eyes. He nodded his head. He stood up and held out his hand.

"Hi. I would like to properly introduce myself. I'm Draco Black," Hermione smiled warmly at the blond teen in front of her.

"Hermione Granger. It's nice to finally be introduced." A bright smile formed on Draco's face causing Hermione to smile widely.

"So, I guess we call a truce?" He questioned. Hermione nodded and shook his hand.


I got bored and came up with this. I'm writing a second chapter as we speak. If you want it done by tonight, review and tell me what you think of this. I also have another story in the works. I have about ten chapters of that one written, but I'm hoping to get the entire thing written before I post it.