Here's a new chapter, I don't own characters and all that. Please enjoy.


Naruto was waiting patiently in the far corner of the diner, having ordered a banana milkshake to pass the time. Sasuke had already texted him a bunch of times but Naruto hasn't responded except for one time, telling Sasuke that he's fine and that he's just going to clear his head out. Every time the bell on the door went off, he would look up and sigh every time it wasn't Sakura. This is so crazy. I thought I was the one with the psycho ex's? Guess not. He sipped his milkshake when Sakura finally showed up, Neji in tow. Naruto rolled his eyes and threw his head back, knowing Neji would tell Sasuke where he was although it wasn't like he was exactly in hiding.

"I'll see you later Sakura," Neji murmured as he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Let me know when you're done, and I'll come pick you up." Sakura blushed and smiled, nodding her head while she pushed her hair behind her ear. The brunette nodded his head in Naruto's direction and Naruto did the same before he left.

"Hey Naruto, how are you doing? What's going on? I hope everything's okay." She offered him a gentle smile as she sat down across from him, putting her hand on his as it laid on the table. All he could do is sigh and shake his head before staring at the table.

"I feel bad for even asking you to talk, taking you away from Neji the morning after Valentine's day," he started, looking up at her for a second. "I keep calling you for all of my problems, I'm sorry I keep bothering you."

"No Naruto, you're not a bother," she shook her head in reply. "You're my friend, that's what friends are for. Although I've gotta say, I'm surprised you called me and not Kiba. I thought he was like, your best friend of all time."

"Yeah, I know, but he's busy and honestly, I think he's dealt with enough of my guy problems in the past I just feel like a fresh point of view might be good, ya know?"

"I know what you mean." They paused for a moment as a waitress walked over to greet Sakura, offering to take her order before going back to the kitchen. "So Naru, tell me what's going on? How did things go last night?"

"It was honestly like, a really great night," Naruto smiled, sitting back in his chair and putting his arms up behind his head. "We went to this restaurant called Kapow and got to see this local band that I love perform. Well, it was great until afterwards." He paused for a moment before getting a bit serious. "Gaara was there and threatened us. Sasuke fought him and Gaara pulled a knife out on him. Don't worry, Sasuke is fine," he reassured her once he saw the look of horror on her for a split second. "He got a little beat up but he's fine. I had a mental breakdown and couldn't like, function until we took off."

"That's awful! Why didn't you call the police or something?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if Gaara had managed to seriously injure Sasuke. But I've gotta say, seeing Sasuke in action was pretty hot," he smirked, taking another sip of his now almost empty milkshake. "Anyways, we got back to the dorm and stuff and he gave me a promise ring although I'm sure you already knew that."

"I kinda did, yeah. Let me see it," she held out her hand. Naruto brought his hand down and she looked over the ring. "It's really nice, simple too. He has the same one?"

"No, his is silver. Something about gold looking better with my skin tone or whatever." He shrugged and pulled his hand away as the waitress walked over with a plate of fries and some soda for the two of them. They said their thanks and she left them to it. "But yeah so like, after all that, we had some really hot fucking sex and then shower sex too."

"So, you're upset because Sasuke fought Gaara? I think that's pretty badass if you ask me." Sakura managed between fries.

"No, that's not all that happened. This morning, he got up early like usual and went to get us breakfast. Turns out, someone keyed his car really good and he didn't tell me about it until it was way too late." He rolled his eyes and huffed as he crossed his arms. "Apparently, this chick that Sasuke knew back in Japan thinks that her and Sasuke are engaged so she keyed his car thinking it was my car since I drove it back to the dorms last night."

"Oh my god, are you fucking serious?" Sakura looked at him with wide eyes, almost choking on her fries. She took a sip of her soda and cleared her throat. "Some random chick keyed Sasuke car?"

"I don't know her name but yeah. Sasuke had apparently fucked around with her when he was staying in Japan and she was a virgin. He basically lied and manipulated her to get into her pants." He sighed. "I mean, that's so fucked up, right? And now she even thinks they're engaged? I almost feel bad for her."

"Wait, so Sasuke lied to this poor girl to basically take her virginity?"

"Yes, and I am just as surprised as you are. But yeah, so she keyed his car sometime last night. She showed up at my dorm room while Sasuke stepped out for a minute to talk to his brother on the phone. She was like, going complete psycho on me saying that her and Sasuke are engaged and that he belonged to her and stuff. Then she was talking about how she 'decorated' my car, but my car was fine. That's when Sasuke walked over and stuff. She left and then he told me about his car."

"Did she just leave? I'm sure she's probably going to come back," Sakura told him. "I just can't believe something like this happened to you guys either."

"Right? And I was so fucking upset too because we just had this conversation about telling each other important things and not hiding things from each other. All morning long he knew about the car being messed up and chose to hide that from me. He said he was trying to think of a good time to tell me but seriously, I just feel like he can't trust me at all or feels like, I don't know, that he just can't be honest with me about things."

"Did you give him a chance to explain his side yet?"

Naruto froze mid bite into his fry and closed his eyes, sighing again. "No, I didn't. I mean, I honestly was more thrown off by the fact that some dumb bitch came to the dorm room and tried to claim my boyfriend as her own.

"Yeah, I get that but I'm sure Sasuke made a conscious decision to not tell you about the car thing and has a reason why. You should probably go back to the dorm and talk with him or something."

"I know I should, and I will. I just really needed to like, get it all out I guess you could say. And I honestly feel bad for that girl too. Like, how could he do something like that? But you know, I guess I really can't talk shit because I've done some pretty crazy shit when I was with Gaara." Naruto looked at Sakura with worry in his eyes. "I just can't help but think, he was able to lie to her, what if he's lying to me too? What if he's just using me for sex or something?"

"Stop. Stop it right there, don't you dare start thinking like that. Sasuke loves you to death, even faced his father to be with you and everything. Don't for one second think that his feelings for you aren't real." Sakura had a serious look on her face, one that gave Naruto the clarity he needed.

"You're totally right. I don't know what I was even thinking?" He slapped his cheeks and shook his head. "I think I'll get going now and find Sasuke. Thanks Sakura, I knew you'd be able to help me get my thoughts straight."

"I mean, I feel like you already knew the answers, you just needed someone to guide you through the mess." Naruto stood up and put 15 dollars on the table.

"I'll see you later, that should cover everything I think." Sakura nodded and smiled, waving him off as she pulled out her phone to call Neji to let him know that she was done

Naruto walked out to the parking lot and stopped as he saw Sasuke standing against his car with his arms crossed, his normal resting bitch face scaring anyone walking by him. He noticed Naruto and immediately straightened up, his face and body relaxing as the blonde walked over to him.

"Did Neji tell you where I was?"

"Maybe? Although, I'm not surprised by where you ended up." Sasuke looked over Naruto before sighing. "I'm sorry Naruto, I messed up again. But please, don't let this come between us."

"Sasu, I don't think there is anything that can come between us." Naruto leaned in and gave him a hug. "You do sorta owe me an explanation though."

"Yes, of course. Let's get going, I'll tell you everything back at the dorm."


The ride was relatively quiet, Sasuke driving them to his family's house. It had been a minute since Naruto had been back there, since Sasuke's father had come back home basically. Naruto gets it though, there really wouldn't be anyone there to bother them so that they could talk properly. There was one other car there when they pulled up, one of Itachi's. "Don't worry," Sasuke started. "My parents aren't home. I asked Itachi if there was anyone home and he said no. Kiba ended up showing back up at the dorm not too long after you left, and I figured you didn't want all of this coming out in front of him." Sasuke clenched his jaw, his grip tightening up on the steering wheel as they sat in the car for a moment. "I'm sorry Naruto. I'm a shitty boyfriend, I realize that. I jus-"

"Sasuke, stop." Naruto put his hand on top of his on the steering wheel. "You're not a shitty boyfriend. Just... an unexperienced one. I mean, you were never really in any sort of stable relationships before you said, right?" He offered him a smile. "Come on, let's go inside. I'm thirsty anyways."

The two of them left the vehicle and walked into the house, it being very quiet inside. They stopped by the kitchen to grab a few bottles of water and a bag of chips (at Naruto's insistence) and headed up to Sasuke's bedroom. Itachi stuck his head out and beckoned Sasuke over for a second. Naruto went into the bedroom to wait.

It was a little weird being here in Sasuke's room again. They almost never came here, and it was very neat and clean. The maids must have come in to clean it occasionally, even though he usually stays at the campus now. That's one thing Naruto never really realized till now, they spend a lot of time together. Sasuke is almost always spending his time with Naruto, and sometimes Neji. But mostly Naruto. He can't even remember the last time he slept in a bed without his raven next to him, at least until he fell asleep because Sasuke is an early riser and will get up before he does.

Sasuke came back into the room, his shoulders a little tense. He sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him, the blonde complying without any complaint. "So, I don't even know where to begin with all of this," Sasuke huffed. "I just want to start with saying, I'm sorry for not telling you about the car this morning when I found out."

"It's okay Sasuke, I'm over it now." Naruto crossed his legs on the bed and faced him better on the bed. "Really, it's not that big of a deal and I shouldn't have flipped out. It's not my business honestly."

"That may be true, but I didn't want to tell you this morning because... well, I was scared. And angry, but mostly scared. I'm not... I'm not used to being out. I'm not used to people hating me like this. Well, we know now that it was mostly directed towards you, but you get what I mean." Sasuke looked at Naruto and he could tell that the raven was scared. "At first, I thought it was Gaara, and that I needed to keep you as far away from it all as possible."

"But you fought him without being scared, why would this make it any different?"

"You think I wasn't scared? Naruto, I was fucking terrified!" Sasuke stood up, taking a deep breath before turning back around towards him. "All I could think about was protecting you from that asshole and just worrying that you would..." he paused for a moment.

"Worried that I would what Sasuke? Worried I would go with him?" Naruto spat. He stood up as well, this time, with anger in his eyes. "Why would you ever think that? There's no reason I would ever go back to that fucking prick! You see what he's done to me, right?"

"Yes! I have, but I guess I'm not impervious to being insecure either," the raven shouted back. Naruto recoiled slightly, looking to Sasuke for more clarification. "I just.. I'm not used to this. Before I gave you that ring, all I could think about was how I neglected you and how you might actually reject me. But I came out to my dad, he accepted me, and that gave me the courage I didn't think I had. I want to protect you, I want to keep you safe from everything that can hurt you. That's why I never told you about the car this morning, it was to protect you. I don't usually share my feelings, this is something I'm still trying to get used to but yes, I get scared too Naruto."

"I've said this before and I'll say it again Sasuke," he sighed as he stepped closer to Sasuke. "I'm here for you, that's what boyfriends are for. And I've got a ring now. We're not engaged or anything, but this is a serious step in our relationship and I'm not going anywhere." He cupped Sasuke's face and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Now, let's move onto the next subject; this dumb hoe claiming to be your fiancé. I mean, come on Sasuke, that's super fucked."

"That was a different me Naruto, trust me. I would never do anything like that now. I mean, looking back," he paused for a second. "Yeah wow I took advantage of some seriously emotionally vulnerable women." They sat back down on the bed together and Naruto opened his bag of chips, munching on them. "I don't really think we need to do anything about her to be honest. She's harmless if all she's going to do is scratch up a car."

"Hey, that could have actually been my car ya know!"

"Yeah, I know but it's not like you would have been able to tell." Sasuke smirked at the shocked look on Naruto's face. "I'm just kidding Naruto. I would have had it taken care of for you regardless."

"Okay but BESIDES my car, what did you even say to her to think you guys were engaged?"

"I think I might have agreed to marry her if we fucked? I'm not sure to be honest. But it's because she was a virgin and like I said, I was an asshole who took advantage of her!"

"You didn't like, force her or anything, right?" Naruto side eyed him for a second before Sasuke looked at him almost offended.

"I would never force myself on anyone Naruto. Everyone I've ever been with has been consensual. I remember with her, she went to this bar that I frequented. She approached me first and introduced herself. We didn't really become friends or anything like that, mostly like acquaintances. She would text me and ask to hang out and stuff, but I never responded. I know she saw me at the bar with other women though." Sasuke paused for a moment to drink his water while Naruto waited patiently (well, as patiently as someone like Naruto can wait) and then continued. "The next few times I had seen her, she had basically dressed like, not slutty but you can tell she was trying to get someone's attention. I thought, hell, why not. So, she comes over and we're getting into it and she's all into it and stuff. Then, she tells me she's a virgin." Naruto snorts at the confession but urges him to continue. "Anyways, I stopped for a minute and looked at her and asked if she was sure. She told me that she's been saving herself for her husband, that she never thought she would ever find him, but she just did. I just nodded along with whatever she was saying, and she just continued; that's what happened. I ended up leaving for the US not that long after and never thought about her ever again. I don't even remember what her name is to be honest."

"That's pretty fucked up man. I mean, damn, how many women did you sleep with?"

"Uh honestly? I can't really say that I know an exact number. It's more than 20, that much I can say for sure." He looked at Naruto for a moment, unclear what the blonde was thinking about it all. "I know I might have slept with a lot of women, but you're the only guy I've ever been with. That I can promise you. And I've been tested and all that too."

"it's alright Sasuke, I don't really care how many people you've slept with. It's okay." The blonde looked away from Sasuke towards the floor. "Since we're confessing, I've slept with quite a few people too. Don't worry, I've been tested too and everything. I mean, I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of, that's why I really don't think I should have gotten so upset earlier. That talk with Sakura help me to get my thoughts into place."

"Yeah, Kiba had asked where you went too. I figured if you didn't call him, you would have called Sakura. Neji told me where you were at." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Man, y'all really can't keep any secrets from each other, can you," Naruto scoffed, smiling lightly. "It's okay though, I was going back to the dorm to see you anyways. Besides, Kiba would have just flown off the handle; Sakura is a lot more level headed."

"That reminds me, you really haven't been hanging out with Kiba that much lately either. I know you guys are best friends and stuff, is everything okay? He seemed somewhat upset you weren't at the dorm."

"You're right actually, we haven't really been hanging out that much. He's with Shikamaru a lot though, and he's been back and forth with his fam's shop. I'm with you a lot too so I guess we're just caught up in our relationships. I should probably text him or something." Naruto pulled out his phone to send off a text to Kiba when there was a knock at the door. Sasuke assumed it was Itachi and called out to come in. Although, it wasn't Itachi.

"Father," Sasuke called out as he straightened up his posture, startling Naruto as well, causing him to drop his phone on the floor.

"Hello Sasuke, I didn't know you had company over." Fugaku's face was slightly red after seeing Naruto sitting beside Naruto on the bed. "I'll let you be."

"No, father, it's okay. I want you two to meet anyways." Naruto looked at Sasuke with wide eyes, mouthing the word NOOOOO before turning back around with a wide smile on his face.

He stood up from the bed and stuck out his hand towards Sasuke's father. "Hello, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Your son's.. uh boyfriend." The blondes face grew three times redder as he shook his hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Naruto. I've heard a few things about you from Mikoto." They stood there for a second, while Naruto just stared at him, not knowing what to say or do next. Fugaku finally turned towards Sasuke. "Your mother and I just arrived home and saw you were visiting. I came to ask if you'd like to join us for lunch, I didn't know you were busy. But you are both welcome if you'd like." With that, Fugaku turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

Naruto let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding before walking back over and plopping face down onto the bed. He was saying something although Sasuke couldn't hear him. "Naruto, please stop talking into the bed. I can't hear anything you're saying."

"I'M SUCH AN IDIOT," he exclaimed as turned around on the bed to lay face up. "I mean, I dropped my phone first, I couldn't get anything out besides just saying my name and that I'm your boyfriend. I completely froze and my face was so red, and I just am such an idiot."

"Yes, but you're my idiot. Besides, it wasn't that bad." Sasuke laid on down on the bed, his back flat against it as they both stared up at the ceiling. "Want to go and have lunch with my parents?"

"I mean, I feel like this is something we'll have to get over with eventually." Naruto covered his face with his hand. "I'm such an awkward person, I swear I'm going to mess this up."

Sasuke turned onto his side and propped his head up with his arm. "Naruto, you already met my mom and she loves you. My dad, well, he had wanted to have dinner with you already. He's not as bad as I was making him out to be. I told you all that yesterday though."

"Yeah, I remember. Just do me a favor and do NOT leave me alone in there with them."

"I won't," Sasuke smiled before leaning over and giving Naruto a kiss on the lips. Naruto kept his hand over his eyes and smiled back.

"I could do with another kiss, maybe a little courage?"

Sasuke leaned down and gave him another quick kiss but Naruto had wanted more and wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck, not letting him go. The two of them kissed, Sasuke hissing every so often from the cut on his lip. After another minute or two of the very PG13 make out session, Naruto built up enough courage to head downstairs and stomach lunch with both of Sasuke's parents… After their hard-on's went down first.


The table was already set with four placemats, one of the maids setting the table when the two of them walked in. Mikoto was already in the dining room, holding a glass of some sort of orange drink, looking at her phone. Sasuke cleared his throat and she looked up at the two of them, a wide smile covering her face. "Oh, hello boys." She stood up and walked over, giving each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She pulled back from Sasuke and immediately noticed his appearance. "Oh, my goodness, Sasuke! Look at you, it looks like you got into a fight, are you okay?" She held his chin and turned his face side to side, inspecting him.

"I'm okay mom, seriously. It was just some stupid drunk last night when we went out. I took care of him though." Naruto almost laughed at this, knowing it was mostly a draw. "It's okay." He grabbed her hands and pulled them away from his face gently. "Where's father? He asked if the two of us could join you for lunch."

"Oh yes, he just had to take a quick phone call, but he should be back any moment now." She walked around the table back to her seat. "I'm having mimosas if you two would like some?"

Naruto glanced at Sasuke with a questioning look before Sasuke nodded his head, giving the okay. "Yes mother, we'd like some."

"Great." She held her hand out and pointed them to their seats while one of the maids brought them glasses and filled them up, leaving the pitcher on the table for them to refill when they'd like.

Fugaku walked into the dining room and Naruto almost had a mini freak out until Sasuke put his hand on his under the table. "You're freaking out more than me right now," Sasuke whispered to Naruto while his father sat down.

"I'm sorry, he's intimidating," Naruto admitted before smiling and greeting Fugaku along with Sasuke.

"I'm glad I finally get to sit down and finally meet you Naruto," he admitted. "I know Mikoto here has met you already and I apologize if it seemed like I wasn't the most accepting person. I get how that came across and I want you to know, you have nothing to worry about." Naruto nodded his head and thanked him, his posture relaxing a little more. Sasuke let go of Naruto's leg and gave him a small smile, also thanking his father for the statement.

"Fugaku," Mikoto started as the maids came out with the food on the serving carts. "Look at your sons face, he got into a fight last night!"

"Mom, I told you it's okay." Sasuke turned to his dad, "I'm fine, really I am. It was just some drunken idiot on the street last night picking a fight and I handled it."

"How very chivalrous of you," Fugaku complimented, smiling to himself. "I know my son is strong and won't let someone beat him up."

After the maids left, they all begun to dig into their meals. It was a nice lunch, salad to start with sandwiches afterwards. Naruto internally groaned at the salad set in front of him, having drowned it in dressing when he got the chance. Sasuke rolled his eyes and earned an offended 'what' from Naruto, causing the two of them to laugh into their food. Fugaku asked a few questions here and there, asking where he was from and what kind of classes he's studying although Sasuke is fairly certain he probably knows all of this information already due to his mother being friends with Naruto's mother.

The conversation was fine for the most part until it got really awkward for a moment… "So Sasuke, Naruto, I hope the two of you are being safe when it comes to sex." Mikoto told the two of them, her face slightly flush from the alcohol she's been drinking. "I've gotta know though, who tops?" Sasuke and Fugaku both almost spit out their drinks while Naruto just laughed, his face a little flush as well. Those damn mimosas.

"You really wanna know?" he asked her, earning a nod from her and a shaken head from Sasuke. Fugaku was still coughing into his napkin while Sasuke was trying to swallow the food left in his mouth. "Sasuke tops. Although, I wouldn't mind switching it up just once or twice, ya know? My bottom sometimes hurts a little too much."

"I think that's enough mimosas for the two of you," Sasuke called out as he stood up from his seat, having finally been able to swallow his mouthful of food. "Come on Naruto, let's go back upstairs." The raven took the glass from his hand and set it on the table.

"I agree, Mikoto, I think that's enough for you. Come, why not lay down for a little bit?" Fugaku grabbed the glass from her hand as well and set it on the table.

"Oh, come on, the conversation was just getting interesting," Mikoto said with a mischievous glint in her eye. Naruto couldn't help but laugh, the alcohol loosening him up a little more than he thought.

"I agree!" Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto's admittance and excused the two of them, tugging him upstairs back to his bedroom. They crossed paths with Itachi, and Naruto stopped in the hallway to say hi to him. "Hey 'Tachi, I haven't seen you all day. How are you?"

"Have you been drinking?" Itachi asked him, looking over to Sasuke, who just sighed in return.

"Father invited me and Naruto to lunch with him and mother. Mother and the idiot here had a little too much to drink and started talking about our sex lives in front of him!" Itachi couldn't help but laugh at this, almost doubling over in the hallway. "That's not funny Itachi! You should have seen his face! He was so embarrassed."

"Oh, I bet. I would have loved to see that. Lighten up little brother, I'm sure he doesn't really care. I mean, yeah it's awkward but talking about sex is normal, especially when adults have been drinking."

"Yes, but me and father didn't nearly drink as much as them. And they were only mimosas!"

"I was just nervous about this whole thing," Naruto admitted, leaning up against the wall. "I'm really not that drunk, just mildly tipsy if I have to gauge it. But your mom, man, she was getting up there."

"Yeah well, it was still awkward. Don't talk about our sex lives with my parents!" Sasuke told him, earning a shrug from the blonde.

"I talk about my sex life all the time with my parents, not really anything wrong with that." Sasuke looked to him with wide eyes before Naruto shrugged again. "Besides, I feel comfortable around your mom. Your dad's gunna take some time to get used to."

"Anyways, Sasuke." Itachi pulled out his phone. "I got a text not too long ago, we found out who scratched up your car."

"Yeah, we already know. I forgot to tell you earlier."


"Yeah," Naruto cut in. "Some psychotic woman who thinks she can steal my boyfriend," he stated in a very matter-of-factly tone.

"So, what are you guys going to do about it?" Itachi asked, his eyebrow peaked.

"I don't know yet, but nothing at the moment. I'm sure she's harmless. I'm not really going to worry too much about her and just park my car closer to the dorm." Sasuke glanced at Naruto before turning towards Itachi. "She was some girl I used to talk to in Japan. She's not important though."

"Okay, just let me know if anything needs to be done." Itachi turned and started to walk away before he paused for a moment. "And Sasuke, let me know if we need to take care of that other issue," he commented, tapping his lip.

Sasuke brought his hand up to his lip before realizing what he meant, nodding his head and grabbing Naruto, dragging him into his room. "You're such an idiot sometimes," he murmured, pushing Naruto onto the bed.

"I'm sorry, I was just nervous. I didn't realize I drank so much." Naruto laid back on the bed and put his arms behind his head. Sasuke walked back over and laid next to him again, closing his eyes.

"No, it's okay. It's not like we planned and prepared for this. But hey, at least we crossed that bridge. So next time, it will be better."

"That's true," the blonde yawned. Sasuke looked over at Naruto and noticed how tired he was beginning to look. It's been a long day.

"Want to take a nap?" he asked. Naruto's face lit up at the thought and nodded, sitting up and sliding off his pants so that he's just in his boxers. Sasuke stared at him for a second.

"What? I'm getting comfortable. You know I get hot when I sleep."

"I'll lock the door so that no one will bothers us," Sasuke murmured before getting up to lock the door. He took off his pants as well and turned off the light, walking over to the windows and closing the blinds. He pulled the blanket back and slipped under the covers next to Naruto. Naruto turned towards Sasuke and laid his hand on his chest, snuggling into his side and drifting off to sleep.


It was dark outside, Sasuke didn't know what time it was but he figured it was probably almost dinner time. Naruto could really sleep, he thought to himself as he sat up from the bed, turning on one of the bedside lamps. Naruto slept soundly while he stood up and found a pair of sweat pants, slipping them on before walking out of the bedroom. Sasuke was thirsty and knew Naruto would be too whenever he decided to wake up.

He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, almost startling the other person in there as he walked in. It was his father with a glass of what looked like milk and a plate of cookies.

"Oh, Sasuke, I didn't see you there." His father looked him up and down for a second. "Did you just wake up?"

"Yes, Naruto was tired, so we ended up taking a nap, but I didn't realize how long we had slept. Was dinner already served?" Sasuke walked over to the fridge and opened it, scanning its contents.

"No, it's not that late. Your mother just wanted something sweet, so I'm bring her some milk and cookies."

"That's… nice," Sasuke nodded, grabbing two bottles of water before closing the fridge and turning towards his father. "I uh... I'm sorry about earlier. Naruto was very nervous about meeting you and ended up drinking a little more than he should have."

"It's alright. It was a little awkward but funny now that I think about it." His father had a small smile on his lips. "He seems like a nice kid. Your mom likes him a lot too."

"He's amazing," Sasuke commented, his face lighting up at the mention of his father complimenting his boyfriend. "He's so funny and a great person to be around. He also very attractive and I just can't help but fall for him more and more each day."

"I noticed at lunch you guys were laughing and exchanging glances. It reminded me a lot of when me and Mikoto were younger." Sasuke looked at him with a raised eyebrow, almost earning an eye roll from his father. "Believe it or not, I wasn't always such a stern person. Running this business has its disadvantages though and has made me keep everyone at a distance. And for that, I'm sorry. But yes, you two remind me a lot of us. You must really like him."

"I do…" Sasuke looked down at his hand where his ring resided.

"Are those...?"

"They're promise rings. No worries father, we didn't get secretly married or anything," the raven joked, his cheeks tinting red. "But I don't just like him… I think I might actually, truly love him. I told him I did but each day, it's like, my feelings become more solidified." He looked at his father and noticed the soft look in his eyes. "I'm happy."

"I'm glad, Sasuke." His father smiled at him and turned to leave the kitchen, his plate of cookies in one hand and a glass of milk in the other. Sasuke stood there for another moment before taking both bottles and returning to his sleeping beauty upstairs.