I'm so sorry for the wait people! I went through some things in life and was unable to update most of my stories! But i'm back now and i'm ready to keep going with this story. Although this chapter is short, the next chapter will be a lot longer!

"Not knowing who you are is a certain kind of hell."

― Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King


With the midday sun beating down on him, Robin could feel the heat waves run through his entirety. "You ready?" Shulk nudged the tactician in the back.

Robin nodded his head in response, "yeah."

"Ok," Shulk shuffled forward, making little noise as possible. He approached a large door with Robin following behind. The holy boy rapped on the door, behind you could hear the scuffling of someone inside.

Robin turned his head to the side, peering up to where Lucina and Marth were. They were currently sitting in a sturdy branch of a tree that hung over the top of the house. How they got up there, he had no clue.

The tactician ran the plan through his head. Ike was near the back door of the house, ready to pounce on whoever managed to escape.

Suddenly, catching Robin in the midst of his thought, Shulk kicked open the oak door.

Inside the house, it was pitch black as if the people inside wanted to make it seem like no one was home. Robin dug through the inside of his mysterious coat, whipping out his red tome. Willing himself, he quickly held his hand up with one finger standing. An ember came to life out of seemingly nothing, lighting the whole entire room.

It was a mess, chairs were spewed all over the place. The table was tipped, and empty cans covered the floor. Someone made a hasty get away to somewhere else in the house. Otherwise they would've heard Ike dueling with the robbers outside.

Putting away his crimson tome, Robin pulled out his Levin sword, it crackled with electricity as soon as he pulled it out into the air. It was full of the male's magical energy.

Shulk reached behind his back, grabbing the handle of his Monado. "Let us go, Robin."

The white-haired male didn't respond. They both began climbing up the stairs when a figure jumped out in front of them. The man who appeared had a bow and arrow in hand as he was drawing the arrow back pointing towards the two.

Shulk immediately switched modes, and shouted "jump," before leaping into the air and kicking the man in the stomach, not wanting to seriously injure him.

Dashing up the stairs as fast as he could, another robber jumped from the railing on the second floor, catching Robin off guard. As slow as he was, the white-haired male surprisingly was able to dodge man's attack.

The blonde haired companion of Robin brought his fingers to his mouth, whistling loudly to give both Marths a signal to join them in the fight. Sliding to the right, Robin stepped up a stair to gain an advantage over the robber now standing below him.

The ember on his finger dissipated into thin air and the tactician brought his foot forward to kick the robber, however the robber reached out his hand to catch the oncoming body part. Though, Robin was much too smart for a little, tom foolery robber. Faking the kick, he brought back in his foot and swiped his other foot across the stairs, tucking it behind the robber's ankle, and causing him to fall down the stairs.

Running up the groaning stairs, Robin could hear Marth and Lucina breaking in through the old windows located at the second floor's den. Rushing up to join them, Robin furrowed his eyebrows. They were to bring in the leader of the robbers and bring him back to the jail alive.

Although, the robbers seemed to be much too weak, and even the police could easily handle these people. So why was it posted up on the board? With those thoughts in his head, Robin came to clash with another robber, this time a female. However, she had a smirk on her face. One that Robin would soon be wiping off.

"Hey, you!" He called out to the girl.

She didn't respond whatsoever except for running straight towards him with a knife in hand.

Robin stood still, his lips curled in a frown.

Thrusting the knife forward, aiming for Robin's chest, she laughed. Making contact with the flesh of a human, she dug the knife downwards, eliciting a painful scream. Despite that she had made contact with a person, that person was not Robin.

The tactician had pulled up her team mate that had been kicked by Shulk from earlier. Dropping the man, Robin elbowed the girl in the skull; she dropped the knife. It clattered on the floor. "I was gonna tell you that it was not a good idea to fight me, I don't like to hurt girls after all," he shrugged.

Robin took this chance to get a look at the situation each of his friends were in.

Marth was pummeling a man to unconsciousness, and Shulk was currently taking care of binding the robbers who were unable to fight back. That was when Robin spotted Lucina dealing with two people at the same time.

Lucina slashed to the left, clashing swords with another swordsman. That must be the leader... Held at a stalemate, they pressed against each other, testing who had the most strength.

The second man took this chance to stab Lucina in the back. Not this time! The white-haired amnesiac brought out his yellow tome, switching out his Levin sword. Shooting out his right hand, a ball of pure electricity zoomed towards the second robber.

The second robber saw the ball coming and side stepped it, allowing it to burst a hole in the frame of the house. Sprinting forward, Robin drew his Levin sword once more for close combat.

Lucina, still fighting the leader, inched forward. Her sword keeping the robber at bay. Jumping forward, she twirled her sword, catching the leader unexpectedly. Falchion sliced at the man's skin, splitting an ugly wound.

The man growled, his teeth grinding together, creating a disgustingly loud sound. Knowing that he couldn't beat the masked man by himself, he licked his lips. His eyes hovered over to where Robin was fighting right in front of them.

The leader dropped his weapon and held his hands in the air. "You got me," he spoke softly with his eyes hung low. Lucina approached him cautiously, her hands gripping her sword tightly.

"Have you finally understood that what you're doing is wrong?" She inquired, stepping forward once more.

He nodded solemnly.

Sheathing her sword, Lucina came close to the man, standing before him. Quickly, he stood up and tried to headbutt her, which she easily was able to move herself. He rolled away.

Lucina withdrew her sword, ticked. "You, Sir. Have no right to be forgiven at this point." The masked 'man' dashed forward, aiming at the man's waist.

He ran to the left, then turning to make the position to how they were earlier before he had raised his hands in the air. "Gentlemen, it's time," the man shouted.

The other robber that Robin had been fighting was the only man left, and on the orders, he suddenly ran to the other side of the room where a whole bunch of windows stood, cracked and broken.

'Marth' attempted to keep her attention on the leader as she made another move to swipe at him. Robin followed the other man. Marth and Shulk joined each other together. "We need to go, Robin! Marth!"

Robin turned his head for a split second to look over at the actual Marth and Shulk before he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. Crying out in pain, Lucina heard her comrade scream, and immediately called out his name.

Smoke began to climb up from the first floor, Marth panicked. "There's a fire! Quickly, we must escape before we get caught in the midst of it!"

Lucina, grabbed the leader by the collar, "You! What did you do!?"

He spat at her, "If i must die here, then I'll take you with me!"

"You imbecile! Is living not worth it for you?"

In pain, Robin fell to the floor, causing the pain to spread from the front of him to the back as if he had pushed something inside him through himself. The last standing robber took this chance to take a stab at the fallen tactician, landing a successful hit on his shoulder. "Argh!"

Before the robber knew it, Shulk had stabbed him through with his Monado. "No one gets away with touching my friends!"

Marth, who had been rushing to aid Lucina pick up the leader, grit his teeth. "It's time to leave!"

Ike who had been standing outside had rushed upstairs to his group. "Robin!" He called out at the sight of the white-haired man. Immediately he lifted Robin up roughly. The amnesiac hoarsely groaned.

Everyone ran out of the house, smoke gathering in their lungs.


"Robin," a voice called out to him. "Helloooooo¬," it called out again.

The man immediately recognized this voice. His eyes fluttered open, and he shot up, wincing in pain. "R—Reflet!"

"So you're awake now, huh?" His sister's voice brought his attention to the left of him.

Robin tensely clutched his side, "Where have you been!? You, idiot!"

Reflet's face flinched, and Robin felt regret. She looked as if he was going to hit or hurt her. "Shhh!" She brought her face to a regular smile as if nothing had happened. "I had to be somewhere, I guess."


The girl brought a finger to her lips, "Be quiet, Robin! Someone here's trying to sleep."

Robin furrowed his eyebrows in perplexity, "sleep? Who?"

Shaking her head at her brother's stupidity, Reflet pointed to a girl who was laying her head at the edge of the bed that he was on. "Lucina."

Robin's heart began to pound the moment Reflet said Lucina's name. "How do you know her name!" He demanded, twisting his body around to face Reflet. He squinted his eyes and gasped. The wound in his stomach was reopening.

"Robin, calm yourself. You're going to hurt yourself even more!"

"Reflet! Just who are you!" Robin shouted, holding his hands to the sides of his head, scratching at the outside. "Who am I?" He whispered, hands falling to the bed, and his eyes dropping to the bed where he had been laying. The white-haired man recieved no answer from the ghost girl. "Reflet?"

"—Robin. Did you just say Reflet?"

The man turned his head slowly to the edge of the bed. Lucina had been awoken, staring at Robin with wide eyes. Robin stared back looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a oncoming car.

"R—Robin, is that you?"

Robin opened his mouth, closing it soon, unable to say anything. Gathering all of his might, the only thing that slipped through his mouth was, "huh?"

Lucina shook her head, her eyes brimming with unspilled tears. "Y—you didn't die..."

"What?" Robin gazed at her, unable to think.

"You're Robin Plegia... Son of Validar. Heir to the throne. The host of Grima—"

Robin had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. Who was Robin Plegia?

Who was Validar,

and what was Grima?

"And— Twin of Reflet Plegia."

He froze.

Boom! Another cliff hanger just to keep y'all interested! I'm so sorry that my fight scenes aren't the best. I've never really done one before this fic. Either way it's my second time. The next chapter will be coming very quickly and a lot longer.