You're an island of a girl / Adrift in the world / With the Rising Tide / You know that the coming storm / Is gonna be a crazy ride- Rising Tide - Beats Antique featuring Lynx

"Well, daughter, I think I need to get back home. I'm sure Donna is beside herself with worry looking for me. We seriously need to get some of those communicators onto the island. She could have contacted you about me. And she might be holding back a few that have wanted to take over the throne for ages."
"Oh, don't you worry about that. I'll put them in their place. We all know I'm the next queen."
Second Star - Breath; Home, Hearts, and Heroes

Modern Themyscira

Donna fought against the urge to pace, but lost to the overwhelming need to move. She had observed her heart-mother doing that various times - pacing while mulling over a senate decision, what judgments to render between two squabbling temples, and how in Tartarus did she not see that Diana would steal her armor and take matters into her own hands?

In her case, the princess paced as she worried over the queen. Hippolyta had suddenly disappeared, and Donna sent search parties to comb the kingdom. Not a trace. When rumors of her demise circulated through the population, she knew she had to do something. So the princess took her place in the throne room. And there she stayed. Wondering… brooding...

Pace… pace… pace… sigh.

When that became annoying, Donna stood still, then sat on the stairs, leaned on the throne, and thought about floating above it. She considered closing the palace until her mother was found, but that would have been showing fear, and she wanted to show her people she could handle the pressure of ruling their nation.

"I need to get a message to Diana," she thought out loud. "This is her responsibility, not mine." Like the younger sister she was, she folded her arms across her chest and pouted. I'm second daughter... I don't WANT to do this! "If only Mother allowed some communication antenna on the island, then I could have called her. Can't even get a signal out here!"

Donna sighed and grabbed her hair to dissipate the tension. She wanted to be out looking for Hippolyta, but there were a greedy few who would take advantage of her absence. When the queen hadn't shown herself in a day, they whispered that it was their chance to take over the throne. The second day, they were gathering in front of the palace, an ill-hidden attempt to form a coup. The adopted princess was having none of that.

"In place of my mother and my sister, I will rule Themyscira until one of them returns. If anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with me in honorable combat, but only after the allotted time and as the gods decree."

Donna knew it was a stalling tactic, and she had no idea if or when she would actually fight for the throne. She possessed god-given strengths, like Diana, but she didn't have the divine heritage nor the royal lineage to truly stake her claim. Her people followed power, but they respected tradition more.

And yet, she still felt like it was her duty to guard the throne. Not that it had any real value; it was only a glorified chair. The real power came from what it stood for.

Eternal rule. Gods. She didn't want that.

"Keep pouting like that, your face will stay that way, and I don't want to look at that forever."

Donna jumped out of her thoughts and looked towards the speaker. A tall warrior stood in the doorway, a spear held loosely in one hand, a shield in the other. She faced away, so all that could be seen was her muscular back and floor-length red hair. Leaning against the doorframe, her posture was deceptively calm. Everyone was aware of her ability to strike like a snake. And her bite was very, very poisonous.

"How can you tell I'm pouting? You haven't turned around," Donna said.

"I can feel it. The air ripples when your mouth turns down, and the room chills when you feel sad."

Donna touched her face. "Really?"

The warrior shifted slightly, and lifted her shield to eye height. Her reflection looked back at the princess. "Not really."

Donna sighed, then sat down on the stairs. "You have a weird sense of humor, Artemis."

The Guard Captain huffed. "Some would argue that I didn't possess a sense of humor at all."

"You have one, it's just… abrasive."

"Or sharp, like this." Artemis lifted her spear.

"And you use it to poke at people when they are down."

Artemis finally turned to face the princess. "I don't wait until they're down. I will 'poke' them as I stare them in the eye."

"I'm not sure how to take that, Captain," Donna said.

"Take it however you like, Your Highness." Artemis waved her spear. "I'm a very generous person. I give these away as often as I can." She flashed a toothy grin. "With force and gusto!"

"You want this coup to happen, so you can show how giving you are," Donna droned.

"Not at all. I'd rather not poke any of our sisters, no matter how greedy and misguided they are. Throw them around… yes. Knock some manners into them… absolutely. Run them through until the shaft of my spear impales them with its wood and tear them limb from limb… not so much. But I'm not opposed to the idea if it keeps them off the throne."

"Your loyalty is comforting, and a little scary."

Artemis answered with a shield salute. "You should rest, Your Highness. You've been guarding the throne since your mother disappeared. You needn't worry about anyone claiming it. I'm here."

"I've tried, but I can't sleep until I know what happened to her. You said she ran out of her chambers, ignored the night guard, and was screaming at the gods. Then she vanished. I can't help but fear the worst. You said you saw her talking to someone on the temple grounds."

"I did. A hooded figure, definitely a woman. Your mother knelt at her feet."

Donna's eyes widened. "Mother kneels to no one, except maybe…"

"I feel Her Majesty's fate has been taken into the gods' hands."

"Then her fate is uncertain, indeed." Donna rubbed her eyes wearily. "What was it that she yelled again?"

"Oh no you don't! She just got him! This will not happen to her! I won't let it! Stop, please!"

"Her… her… who is she talking about?"

"Who else has elicited such a response from your mother?"

"Diana," they both groaned. Donna sighed as Artemis shook her head.

"What would my sister have to do with this?" Donna asked. "She's busy serving with the Justice League and acting as Ambassador. She hasn't even been home in a while." She tried saying this with as little bitterness as possible.

"Your sister has fought the gods themselves. She sent Ares home licking his wounds various times."

"Yes, and Mother fought Circe and won. Both have done so fearlessly. So why was Mother so afraid for Diana?"

"A mother is afraid for her child in many ways," Artemis murmured. Donna waited for more explanation. The guard captain shook off the thought and straightened her back resolutely. "Perhaps we should ask the gods what happened to Her Majesty. Mighty Athena might be able to give us some answers."

"No. If the gods took Mother, asking for a favor might put her in jeopardy. We'll have to figure this out on our own."

Donna thought back to a conversation she had with a dear friend. Dick had been teaching her how he conducted his investigations. She couldn't help but be amused; he was obviously trying to impress her. But behind his charm, he was giving her some very valuable advice:

"Before you go off investigating conspiracy theories, look at what is right in front of you. Take a minute, ask questions of the evidence. Who is the suspect? What are they ACTUALLY saying? Many have motivations that come to light only after you've listened to their words… and the meaning underneath them. It's easier to walk a straight line then to do somersaults from building to building. Believe me, I know!"

"Alright, let's look at what she said," Donna said. "'Oh no you don't!' Gods, I've heard that so many times, I almost thought it was my name." She leaned her elbows back onto a step behind her. "If you think Mother was taken by the gods, then she seriously gaffed them off. You don't give orders to a god."

"Hippolyta's had so many dealings with the divine, she might as well be one of them. Perhaps she forgot that she isn't a goddess," Artemis said. Donna nodded in agreement.

"The next thing she said was 'She just got him!' Who did Diana just get?"

Artemis grinned her scary smile. "I have my suspicions, but I don't want to go off on tangents. I don't think who Diana got matters, only the fact that it was a 'him'."

"Which is against the rules. We're not allowed to 'get' men." Donna sighed. That was technically not true. They were allowed to have relationships with men, if only they were willing to give up everything it meant to be an Amazon. She thought of Nightwing. So many complications… too many to count…

"Diana has something to do with this, and it has Mother upset. 'This will not happen to her! I won't let it!' She invokes Diana and gives the gods orders. She's on a roll by now."

"Diana, making trouble… again," Artemis droned.

"Good thing I'm here to be the 'good kid'," Donna chimed.

Artemis snorted. "Diana's Big Trouble, you're Little Trouble. There aren't any 'good kids' among the lot of you." Donna blew a derisive raspberry. "Manners, Your Highness. Something your mother remembered at the last moment. 'Stop, please!' She should have said that first."

"I don't think any politeness would have mattered. She questioned the gods, she disappeared. We need to find Diana to get to the bottom of this, but I can't leave or the kingdom will be left without a member of the royal family. There are some power hungry Amazons ready to take advantage of that."

"I've studied the legal scrolls in Athena's library," Artemis said. "A declaration from the Senate can halt any claim to the throne until your Mother is found or all efforts render fruitless. Then tradition will have to be followed in naming the successor."

Donna perked up hopefully. "What kind of declaration do they have to make?"

"A declaration of war is the most expedient," the guard captain answered. The princess slouched in exasperation. "It would call upon the monarchy to take their places as Generals, which means your royal sword becomes the 'throne'. But that would have to be followed up with a full report of who the enemy is, why we're fighting them, supply inventories for the army, when we're invading, what our main targets are, a budget for possible ransoms…"

"Stop," Donna barked. "I'd rather sit on the throne than carry it in a sheathe. And Mother could be going through torture while the Senate squabbles over what star alignment is the most auspicious for invasion."

"Only Hecate's witches would ask for such omens," Artemis said derisively. "Athena's Army is ready to move out at any moment. Any monarch dressed for battle carries the Right of Succession with her. You could ride out in front as a Warrior Princess and lead us to rescue the Queen."

"And where would I go? If the gods took Mother…"

"We have access to one of the God Realms, and we hold the key. We could start there."

"Are you suggesting we invade Tartarus?!" Donna's eyes widened as Artemis nodded eagerly. "That would cause more problems than solve them. Besides, Mother would be furious if we used war as a way to retrieve her," she said. "We all read the scrolls on what happened to Queen Antiope and our sister warriors during the Attic War. We might as well fall on our swords to save her the burden of killing us herself." Both Amazons nodded soberly, then lapsed into silence.

"You stay here, Your Highness. I will fetch Diana," Artemis stated abruptly. Donna blinked a few times before answering.

"How would you do that, Arty? You can't fly."

"We have ships. I will take one with a crew and supplies. You can help us by providing a map."

"You know our ships haven't been seen in those waters in many millennia. You would be quite the spectacle out there."

"Then they will see a mighty vessel of the Themysciran Armada and marvel!"

"Actually, our best battleship will look like a leaf boat next to one of their aircraft carriers. And they will think it was a pleasure cruise with all of you women on it."

"You think they would take pleasure in this?" Artemis held up her spear.

"That's not the best way to introduce yourself."

"Why not? I find it pleasurable."

"You will stay here. For all their sakes," Donna said with authority. Artemis shrugged. "If only we had communicator antenna on the island…" she muttered for the umpteenth time.

"We don't need those," Artemis grunted. "They are constructs of Man's World for their talking devices, and that would be the first step to letting them find us."

"But you have to admit it would be useful if we could call Diana for official communications."

"We've done fine without them. How did we get a message to her so many times in the first place?"

"We left offerings on Hermes' altar along with a scroll. Those disappeared and new scrolls appeared when she answered them."

"Then let's do that… never mind. Like you said, making a request of the gods now could jeopardize your mother. We shall find another way."

"I'm open to more suggestions."

"I suggest we both get some rest. I can get my lieutenants to guard the palace, and you can dream up more ideas."

"I shouldn't -"

"Your Highness. Even if someone gets in here, it doesn't mean she will rule. It takes more than sitting one's arse on that chair to be queen. We would need proof of both your mother's and sister's demise, then you would wear the crown. Both your kin have a stubborn streak as solid as the ground we stand on. I don't think you'll ascend anytime soon."

"Even still, I don't think I could rest. The moment I close my eyes, I hear Mother crying for me, 'DONNA! I'M UP HERE!' I keep looking into the sky, but there's nothing there. I feel in my soul that she in mortal danger. That she might already be..." Donna closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn't think about that… wouldn't thinking about it...

"Worrying is not helping her one bit. For better or worse, her fate is in the gods' hands. All you can do is pray for her safe homecoming. Come, let's ask Despoina for a sleeping draught. She'll infuse it in her best apple cider and you can relax with a drink."

"Can we use your last batch of wine instead? That was really good."

"Of course, Your Highness. I'm actually trying something different with the next grape harvest… do you hear that?"

"The only time I hear your grapes talking is when I drink too much."

"No, on the wind. Listen." Both Amazons stood in the palace door. Donna heard only the everyday sounds of life on the island - women chatting as they walked pass, horses pulling their carts, metal smiths hammering their wares, warriors practicing their skill…

What she thought was the roar of the waves grew to a constant rush of wind. It became louder as it approached. The sound shifted and the whine could only be described as mechanical. Though nothing was visible in the sky, she knew it could be only one person…

"DIANA!" Women were startled out of their conversations, horses reared and nearly overturned their carts, and all other activity stopped. Barely feeling Artemis push her on the back, Donna ran out of the palace, down the stairs, and through the common plaza.

Artemis nodded. "Good. With the Champion here, there will be a daughter searching for the queen and a daughter to watch the kingdom. You did well by adopting another child, Hippolyta."

The guard captain scanned the crowd milling about the palace stairs. A few looked back at her, the challenge in their eyes. Artemis simply positioned her shield at combat height, planted her staff at attention, and raised her chin derisively at the coup.

She wiggled an index finger to greet them, still holding her spear, then winked. The usurpers slinked into the crowd rushing towards the beach.

Donna approximated where the engine's sound would end up. Diana had a way of landing at different points on the beach, keeping her jet's whereabouts hidden. This was more an inside joke than a security reason. She wanted to see if anyone could find it without hitting their heads in the process.

The wind kicked up a specific part among the surf, and sand flew out in a circle of concentrated power. The engine sound revved one more time, then powered down. Donna waited in anticipation.

A shaft of light appeared many hands widths above the ground, and familiar dark hair peaked over the side. Donna began to yell a greeting when her voice stuck in her throat. Right behind her was a head of bright golden hair.

Diana floated out of the cockpit, reached in, and lifted Hippolyta out of the seat. Together, they descended to the ground and a dumbfounded princess.

"Mo... mo... mo," Donna stuttered. She couldn't take her eyes off the pair.

"Slowdown, Daughter. What are you saying?" Hippolyta's playful jib was forced out of her as Donna tackled her with a hug. Only with Diana's assistance did she not fall to the ground.

Any other jokes were silenced as Hippolyta realized her daughter was shaking. "Donna? Are you alright?" A shift of the head was her only answer. "Look at me, Troia. What's wrong?" She leaned back to find a face battling with a number of emotions - sorrow, worry, relief, exhaustion...

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Donna suddenly yelled. Hippolyta reared away in surprise. "You… you… disappeared and we couldn't find you and then I felt that you were in danger…and that you had… you had… "

"Died?" Hippolyta completed for her. She reached for her daughter again, rubbing her back soothingly. Donna tucked her head against her mother's chest. Even a grown woman needs comfort in times of sadness.

"Don't worry, Troia. You know Mother's strong," Diana said, placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. "She would have found a way of getting home, no matter what."

"But… but… what happened to you?" Donna asked, her voice catching as she fought her emotions. "Artemis saw you talking to a god, then you vanished. We searched, but you were nowhere on the island."

"I wish there was a way I could have sent you a message," Hippolyta explained. "I was constrained by certain… variables. I was taken to the God Realms and have gone through many trials. It was only yesterday morning that I found Diana…"

"Wait," Donna barked. She pushed back from her mother's embrace. "You were with Diana since yesterday morning?"

"Ah...yes." Hippolyta glanced over at her oldest child. Even as the most powerful woman in the world, Diana retreated from the irritation in her sister's voice.

"And you're returning today, this late" Donna said evenly.

"Well, yes I am... but..."

"So, no thought to those of us who were worried sick?"

"I did think of you, but there was something happening..."

"Oh, so something else got in the way of you letting your OTHER daughter know you were alive?"

Hippolyta leaned back as Donna's voice began to rise. "Diana, some help, if you please?"

The diplomat took a hesitant step forward. "Well... ah... you see, Troia, I…" Donna's hand went up, her finger shushing her sister with a gesture. "I tried."

Hippolyta glared. "Some ambassador."

"Peace negotiations only work when the other side is ready to listen." Diana waved vaguely. "She's not listening to me."

"I'm not listening to ANYTHING else until I get an EXPLANATION of why you didn't come HOME IMMEDIATELY and let me know that YOU WERE STILL ALIVE!"

Donna's raised voice was echoed by whispers among the gathering crowd. They kept a respectful distance, but they also wanted to know what happened to her. Hippolyta eyed both her angry daughter and curious subjects. Time to take control of the situation.

"Donna Troy, now is not the time to discuss this," Hippolyta said in her sternest royal voice. "I have been on many trials and I would like to return to the palace. There will be answers to your questions after we refresh ourselves."

Hippolyta watched as Donna's expression changed from angry to submissive, hurt and sad. Great. I open my mouth and my mother comes out. Tact… got to learn tact. Her concerns are valid, but now is not the time to go into it...

Diana suddenly launched into the air and reached into the jet's cockpit. She descended quickly to her family huddle and shoved a bag into Donna's hand.

"We come bearing gifts!"

"Hey, that's mine!" Hippolyta exclaimed. "Give her your own."

"You know I have uses for mine. You owe her tribute. Consider this restitution for rushing out and not telling anyone where you were going," Diana chastised, shaking her finger.

"Oh, isn't that the sword calling the spear sharp," Hippolyta retorted. Diana rebelliously folded her arms across her chest. They both turned to find Donna rummaging through the bag curiously.

"Wow! You got all the good stuff in here. Where'd you get this?"

"My assistant made it for her when we stopped by the Embassy to pick up the jet," Diana said.

"Kim never made anything like this for me," Donna whined.

"Seems we have to be higher on the succession chain for her to do that."

Hippolyta stared at the bag mournfully. "Save some of that for me. And don't eat all the chocolate!" She wanted to reach for the bag, but if that's what it took to appease her daughter…

"MAKE WAY FOR THE ROYAL GUARD!" Artemis led a squad of armed soldiers in a synchronized march. Armor gleaming, spear waving, authority radiated from her strong voice. She called a final order that halted their procession to the beach.

"Your Majesty. We stand ready to escort you back to the palace."

"Thank you, Captain, but I'm sure we can manage…"

"It is our duty to give you an escort after you return from a long journey."

Hippolyta motioned for the captain to come forward. "Isn't this a bit formal for a few days? I wasn't gone that long."

"You know how I like to follow tradition to the letter… Your Majesty."

"Really, Artemis…"

The Captain of the Guard leaned in. "Your detractors were hovering around the palace. You need to make a spectacle about your return, remind them who's in charge."

The Queen's eyes narrowed. "I've been gone for only two sunrises. They showed up?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"The usual suspects?"

"Not all of them."

"But those that did. No one new?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"Hmm. I knew they'd take the first chance..." Hippolyta raised her hand expectantly. Artemis snorted, then reached into her pocket and flipped a coin in to her queen's palm. "Thank you. And the other part of the bet?"

"A jug of my finest wine is waiting for you."

"You knew I'd be returning."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"You had faith?"

"Not at all. I knew you couldn't pass to the Elysian Fields without gloating and saying 'I told you so.'"

"Got to have goals in life. Oh, and it's good to see you, Captain."

"Likewise, Your Majesty."

Hippolyta turned to her daughters. "Seems I have to follow some protocols and make a grand entrance. Would you prepare the way for me?"

Two dark haired heads nodded. Donna lifted her chin proudly. "Herald! Summon the gods!" A guard raised a horn and blew. Three long tones sounded across the beach.

They waited for the note to fade. "Herald! Announce your queen!" One long tone blared back towards the kingdom. More citizens rushed to join them.

Diana stepped forward. The crowd murmured in admiration. "All hail her Royal Majesty Hippolyta, daughter of Andromache, Savior of Themyscira, First Champion of the Gods, and Blessed Immortal Queen of the Amazons." Voice strong and clear, her announcement brought a cheer from the population. Excited chatter competed with the sound of rushing waves.

The royal guard snapped to attention. A section filed towards the palace, forcing the crowd to make a path. Being of the royal family, both daughters had the honor of first greeting. The youngest kissed her mother on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're home," Donna said, her eyes still cast downward, but her words sincere. Hippolyta knew she had to work on getting that smile back.

"I know, Troia." She tapped the bag in her hand. "We'll share these after all this is done. There are some things you need to hear about my time away."

Diana kissed her on the other cheek. Both mother and daughter's eyes met. A silent understanding passed between them. Hippolyta could sense Diana's excitement. She couldn't wait to talk to her sister.

But before life-altering news could be shared, she had to run the gauntlet.

Hippolyta couldn't help stand taller as two of the most powerful people in the world preceded her. One served as a guardian among other super beings, the other was as heroic as her older sister. Yet they loved her. Both were their mother's pride and joy.

Behind her were highly trained warriors, their armor polished to a high sheen. She knew their skills were considered antiquated compared to the technologies of Man's World, but even those armies trained in traditional hand-to-hand combat. Amazons were among the most skilled fighters on Gaia... and they had her back.

Head held high, Hippolyta stepped forward, confident her guards followed. Face holding a practiced expression of nobility, she reached the first of her flock. The woman bowed at the waist and touched the back of the Queen's hand to her forehead. Hippolyta accepted this tribute from a loyal citizen.

The next leaned forward and touched her, cheek-to-cheek. A tribute from an affectionate citizen. Another fell to her knees and placed her forehead on the monarch's feet. Dramatic but devoted citizen.

One statuesque woman mimed a shield salute. Hippolyta echoed a response. Warriors acknowledging each other. Strong citizen.

Hippolyta paused before one woman who stood among the crowd, but didn't acknowledge her presence. The Queen stood patiently, then Artemis cleared her throat. Rebellious eyes reluctantly glanced up. Hippolyta continued to stare past her subordinate, her bored eyes confirming… remember who rules here. The woman nodded, then shifted away.

Dangerous citizen. Cowed… for now.

Hippolyta had no idea what this next woman was doing, but she sure was enthusiastic! The crowd laughed as she was led in a pseudo dance-hug-thingy. Every society had their eccentric but sincere citizens.

The procession continued, each Amazon paying tribute to their returning monarch, some elaborately, others with a simple gesture or touch. The sun dipped lower along the horizon, casting its twilight hues across the sky by the time she reached the palace. Hippolyta turned to watch as her subjects returned to their homes, resumed their business, or lingered to give her one last wave.

She motioned Hestia's blessing at the remaining group. They giggled at her humble gesture, then returned the sentiment. These were the girls she had tutored so long ago when they were Spring Blossoms newly arrived on their shores, and daughters of those who stayed after an Egyptian captain dropped them off. They had gone through many trials together, and they had faith in her leadership. Loving Citizens

Hippolyta considered them daughters as well, and they treated each other like sisters. They would need that bond more than ever. A decision had been made on their behalf, if they liked it or not. And it would drastically change their world forever.

"There must be some kind of way out of here, " / Said the joker to the thief, / "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief…

A/N "But... where's the rest of the Justice League? It's been a while since we've seen them." Oh... just you wait. ;-)