A/N: Okay, it's been a long time since I've updated. I just wanted to make it work just right. I've thought about this long and hard, and I've decided that this will be the last chapter. No worries, I'll try to start writing a new fic soon, can't tell you when though, or which show. You can always follow me, to stay posted. Who knows, maybe I'll write an epilogue…

A giant thank you to all the people that left me a review! They made me love writing this fic even more. You're always welcome to leave me another review, to tell me what you think of the ending, or for suggestions for the new fic.

Thank you to everyone who followed or favorite this story!

Disclaimer: I owe nothing.

Chapter 20

Raven was waiting impatiently outside the pub where she had met Veronica Mars a few weeks earlier. The blonde had told her to wait for her there, while she finished collecting everything she needed for her plan.

She hadn't seen or heard from the P.I. since she had last met her here. She had already been wondering if she was failing in her role to keep the girl invested. There was no way to describe how relieved she had felt when she got the text.

V (18:05): Meet me in 3 hrs at the pub. V

She had answered quickly.

R (18:06): No problem. See you there.

It was the fast response that had told her she was still in the game.

V (18:07): Can't wait. V

"Hey you", she heard behind her.

She smiled when she turned around.

"Right back at ya", she said.

The blonde was smiling at her.

"Long time, no see", Raven said.

"Yes, unfortunately. I had a lot of work to do and some stuff to figure out."

"About Mrs G?"

"Among other things", the blonde smiled. "Let's go inside?"

Raven nodded and held the door open for the P.I.

A few days earlier…

Raven was the perfect beard, Lexa thought. She hadn't had any visits anymore from the dean, nor had she seen anyone being suspicious about her and Clarke. It worked like a charm.

Still, she thought while teaching her class that Monday morning, I do feel jealous. I want Clarke to be mine, and only mine. Let's hope the plan the P.I. came up with will work, and soon.

She looked at Clarke, sitting in the same spot she had sat the first time Lexa had seen her in her class.

Green met blue.

Her eyes drifted further backwards, toward her supervisor of the day. He looked at his watch often, as if he was waiting for the class to be over.

Good, Lexa thought.

Clarke was getting her stuff together, when she heard someone calling her name.

"Miss Griffin? Can I speak to you for a minute, please?"

It was Lexa.

Clarke's heart made a summersault.

"Uhm, ofcourse Miss Woods", she answered politely and started for the front of the class.

"We'll be on our way then, Clarke", Octavia grinned.

"Yeah, and we won't wait for you", Raven winked, smug.

"What is it about?" Clarke asked when she arrived at Lexa's desk.

"It's about that paper you wrote last week", Lexa answered. "I'll show you."

Lexa pointed at a paper lying on her desk.

It wasn't Clarke's paper.

I want you, it read.

Clarke instantly felt the pull she always felt when she was near the brunette winning from her self control.

"Is everyone out?" she whispered, her voice already raw from desire.

Lexa looked up from the desk, around the auditorium.

When she was certain everyone had left, she looked back at the blonde.

Fiery green met a dark blue.

She pulled Clarke closer to her and kissed her.

"You're insane", Clarke managed to get out in between passionate kisses that begged for more.

Lexa just smiled and picked up the blonde, sitting her down on top of the desk.

Back at the pub…

Raven put down a beer in front of the blonde, sitting down with one of her own.

"So, Veronica, are we ready to go?"

She couldn't help noticing how ravishing the blonde looked today.

"I just posted the envelope in a nearby town. Abigail Griffin should get it in a couple of days. I'll have the burner phone on me at all times. Now we wait."

Raven nodded. She knew that with the envelope the P.I. meant an envelope with pictures proving Abby paid people to follow Lexa and her daughter and to report back to her, as well as a note saying "I know what you're doing" and the number of the burner phone she just mentioned.

"So why didn't you just text me that?" Raven smiled, leaning forward.

"I might have thought about that", the blonde smiled, also leaning forward.

"So why not?" Raven said, capturing the girl's eyes with her own.

"Because it appears that this case is not the only thing that has captured my interest."

Raven felt a hand on her knee underneath the table. This made her bold.

"What about your boyfriend?" she asked.

"I don't really do boyfriends anymore", the blonde answered.

Raven grinned smug.

"Want to get out of here?" she asked and grabbed the blonde's hand.

Two days later…

"I'm here. What do you want?"

Abigail Griffin was standing in a back alley somewhere in the darker corners of town. A few meters in front of her, covered by shadows, stood the person that had sent her the envelope.

"I want you to stop doing what you're doing", a female voice answered.

A woman, Abigail thought smug. I can take her out easily.

She placed one step forward.

"That's close enough", the voice said.

Abby could see a flash of metal.

A gun?

She decided to hear what this person wanted from her.

"What do I have to stop doing?" she asked.

"You may have destroyed your family, but it's not too late to fix it."

This surprised Abby. She thought this person, this woman, was someone Lexa Woods had set on her trail.

"How", she simply answered.

"Stop all this crazy stuff. Confess what you did. Let go of you hunger for power. It's not worth it."

"Or else?"

"The world gets to know the real Abigail Griffin."

With that, the mystery person turned around and left, leaving Abby standing in the alley, all alone.

The next day…

Clarke jumped up when she heard the knock on her door. She hadn't expected Lexa to be back so soon.

"Mom?" she asked surprised, seeing who was on the other side of her front door.

"Can I come in?" Abby asked.

Clarke had never seen her mother this nervous, this insecure.

"Sure, mom, come in. What's up?" Clarke took a step back to let her mother in.

"Raven not here?" Abby asked.


"Good", Abby said and she said down at the table, gesturing Clarke to join her.

"I need to talk to you about something", the older woman started when Clarke sat down.

Clarke felt panic creeping up her spine. She had no idea what her mother was planning this time.

"I owe you an apology."

Clarke nearly fell of her chair. Did she just hear that right?

"I'm sorry, I think I misheard you", she managed to get out.

"I owe you an apology, for everything I've done, Clarke. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve it, neither did your dad, or all the people that got hurt in the process."

"Is this some sick joke?" Clarke asked, still not able to grasp what was happening.

"I'm begging you, Clarke, hear me out. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't myself for the last few years. What I did to your dad, what I did to you, is inexcusable. I'm not expecting you to forgive me, I'm just asking for you to give me a chance to fix it."

Clarke had to grab the side of the table with both of her hands to stabilize herself.

She couldn't believe what was happening. This had to have something to do with Raven and the P.I.'s plan. Raven hadn't asked the P.I. to stop her mother, she had asked her to fix it, to fix them. She had never thought the girl would do that for her. Clarke made a mental note to thank the girl for that, big time.

"And how do you plan on doing that? Dad is still in jail. You're still the dean. And you still have that stupid rule just to spite dad."

Abby sighed.

"I've been thinking about it all night. I'm going to ask the girl that testified against your dad to retract her statement. That way, they can reopen his case and he can be found innocent. I'll step aside as dean for him to take back the position, after I've taken that rule out of the rulebook."

"It won't fix us, you know."

Abby sighed again.

"I know, Clarke. I know what I did, is unforgivable. All I'm asking you is a chance to make it up to you, to try and fix us. I'm going back to being a doctor. And I'm going to see a shrink, to work on my control issues."

She got up and took in a deep breath.

"I hope you find it in your heart to give me this chance, Clarke. I won't bother you anymore now."

Abby walked to the door.

When she opened it, she found herself face to face with Lexa.

"Uhm, mum, about that rule… meet my girlfriend."

Lexa wasn't able to say anything anymore.

Did Clarke just introduce her to her mother as her girlfriend?

She had only left for an hour?

Questioning green searched a nervous blue.

"I hope you'll threat her better than I did", was all Abby said.

She walked passed Lexa and left.

"What was that?" Lexa asked, while closing the door.

"I don't know. She just showed up at my door and apologized for everything she had done. She says she's going to fix it all. The rule will be gone, she will get dad out of jail, and she's stepping aside as dean. She's even going to see a shrink."

Lexa walked over to Clarke, giving her a soft kiss.

"So you decided to push your luck by introducing me as your girlfriend?" she grinned.

"How else was I going to explain you standing in front of my door?" Clarke smiled back.

Lexa kissed Clarke again.

"I love you", she whispered, as to not break the magic of the moment.

"I love you too", Clarke answered and pulled the brunette closer.