Notes: Akagi and Kaga have been given last names in this fanfic. Their last names are Akiyama (秋=[Autumn] 山=[Mountain]) and Fuyukawa (冬=[Winter] 川=[River]) respectively.
1. Warm as Ice
'Fuyukawa might be an excellent setter, but she can be so cold and emotionless, it's hard for us, teammates, to even read her some times.'
'She's ruthless too.'
'Yeah, like a Spartan.'
Words like 'emotionless', 'cold' and 'ruthless' are things that are often overheard in conversations between teammates about Kaga.
And as much as Akagi knows that she should have probably gotten used to such idle remarks by now, she just can't.
Because she knows— very well— that Kaga is anything but an 'emotionless block of ice', as many would have come to refer her as, and she can't possibly count with her fingers— and toes— to the many times she had to refrain herself from shouting out loud into the faces of their many teammates who think that way of Kaga.
Because she isn't, she isn't, she isn't.
But of course she doesn't.
Because Kaga would have expected better of her than to pick on petty little fights with their teammates.
However, that thought alone is simply not enough to satiate the flames of injustice that burns strongly within Akagi.
If only everyone could understand Kaga like the way she could.
They would see her as someone who's not 'emotionless' but someone who is capable of an array of expressions.
Like the subtle way in which her brows would slant, while the tension in her muscles dissipates in concentration right before a match.
Or the slight narrowing of her eyes in annoyance whenever she realizes that the last of the remaining onigiris have been swiped away by their hungry underclassmen. (But Akagi always makes it a point to save some for her nonetheless, and likewise.)
The way she expresses her amusement with an adorable tiny quirk of a brow.
And last but not least, the softening of the steel in those liquid amber eyes as the edges of her lips tilt into a ghost of a smile whenever she's happy.
Kaga is multi-faceted, and it irritates Akagi to no end that no one, but herself, is able to see it.
At the sound of the quiet address of Kaga, Akagi falters for a split of a second and barely misses her toss as the ball comes into contact with her palm. Her form is slightly off, but she still manages to pull off a flawless spike across the empty court.
Landing gracefully onto her feet, she turns to the girl in question with a placid smile.
"Is something troubling you?"
There is a moment of pause, and Akagi thinks that the surprise must be evident on her face, because Kaga then proceeds on, albeit this time with a frown.
"Or are my tosses not precise enough? Maybe I should have increased the angle a little…"
Akagi frowns, and feels a spark of emotion well up inside of her.
After another lapse of silence, Kaga lets out a soft sigh, reaching for another ball in the cart to the side.
"As I thought, I have to further improve my tosses."
"No, your tosses are good. They're already as accurate as it is—"
"No, they're not," interjects Kaga with a hint of finality.
She clutches at the ball tightly, lips pursing ever so slightly. There's this unwavering spark of unadulterated determination— passion— burning fervidly in those amber eyes, setting them ablaze.
"There's still room left for improvement. I need to get better, in order to coordinate your fast sets more efficiently during matches."
And then she lunges like a spring, body curling as the ball is sent flying with the uncanny accuracy that is known of her tosses.
In the midst of her toss, Akagi catches a glimpse of a fleeting smile.
"We're the pride of Kaito Academy's volleyball team, after all."
Without a moment of hesitation, Akagi jumps upon instinct, ball connecting against her palm as she delivers yet another flawless spike, albeit throwing in a little too much force than was required this time.
The impact of her spike is left, reverberating throughout the empty court and while it doesn't leave a crater behind in its place, it has definitely managed to leave a small dent in the current mood.
Dearest Kaga-san, who always put her team first before herself. For someone as warm and kind as yourself, how could anyone possibly call you 'ruthless and cold'?
Gritting her teeth and clenching at her fists, Akagi storms her way over towards an unsuspecting Kaga, who has her back turned to retrieve another ball. Before Akagi even knows it, she already has her arms thrown over the setter, enveloping her in a tight embrace.
She supposes that she must have caught her by surprise, as the ball in her hands had fallen out of her grasp, starting on its slow progression across the court.
"Our teammates have been talking about you," Akagi murmurs and sighs.
"I know."
"They call you things like 'ruthless', 'cold' and 'emotionless'." She tries to keep her voice leveled and controlled, but she's sure that the burning anger which she's been trying so hard in curbing, is seething through her steadily.
After a long meaningful pause, Kaga answers.
"I know." She says, softly.
Akagi frowns deeply at that.
She holds her close— closer— and gently rests the side of her face against her shoulder in hopes to extinguish the flames of anger within her.
And it helps, sort of.
Because Kaga is warm, and being close to her like this is all so very calming.
"You're not upset?"
"Not at all." Kaga hums.
Her voice is soft, gentle like a passing breeze, and it does so much to soothe Akagi down a notch, but she still couldn't help but draw away slightly from the embrace, perturbed.
"It doesn't matter to me. The things that people say about me… I don't care, really."
Kaga shrugs at her shoulder nonchalantly.
"Because so long as Akagi-san doesn't think that way, I'll be fine. It doesn't matter at all."
She smiles, and in that moment, Akagi feels an odd emotion swell within her. She brings her arms around her once more— closer, tighter—, causing the setter to stumble back slightly from the force of her hug.
"You're not ruthless, cold or emotionless." She mumbles, nuzzling the smooth curve of the girl's neck.
Kaga chuckles softly, and it comes off as a pleasant rumble through her entire being.
"I know."
"You're the kindest, warmest and the most gentle person ever."
Akagi feels a pair of arms coiling around her, giving her shoulders a soft appreciative squeeze.
"I know."
Kaga pulls away, and Akagi is left, missing the pleasant warmth of her body pressing against her own. But the brilliant smile that Kaga bestows her, is nearly enough to make up for it.
Kaga reaches in, fingers lightly brushing against Akagi's cheek as she tucks a lock of stray hair behind her ear with utmost tenderness.
"Akagi-san, thank you."
And for the first time that day, the fire in Akagi quells.
A/N: Lol and I was actually this close to picking a generic high school name like Kantai Academy, which is a little strange and inappropriate for such a context. Anyway, for additional information, the kanji for Kaito is (海=[sea] 東=[east].) Hope you enjoyed this first out of the many one-shots and drabbles (hopefully). Thank you for reading. :)