Looking back I saw that in my pre-chapter note I said I made Danny smaller than I was when I was that age. I meant taller. It was late. I had been up for a while. I had also changed the sentence from what it originally was so that didn't help. Sorry about that.

But this is the end! It has been a long ride. When I started this story in 2015, I had no idea it would take so long to finish. I hope you all enjoyed!

I do not own Danny Phantom.

"We already talked to your parents about what happened. You guys will be staying with us while your house is rebuilt. That being said however, you will be sleeping in the living room from now on. I think you know why." Mr. Fenton started.

I nodded. I knew that me staying in Danny's room wasn't going to last much longer. It was fun while it lasted though.

"Yeah, I figured this would happen." Was my only response.

"Dash? I need to apologize to you. I was way out of line yesterday. I don't know what got into me. You have been an extended member of this family ever since you were little. I know you care about Danny. I just… there is no excuse. I am sorry." Mrs. Fenton apologized with her head down, eyes locked on her hands clasped on the table.

"I do care for her. I can promise you, I will never hurt her. Not intentionally anyways. She means the world to me. I know I am young, too young, but I know how I feel. I don't think I have ever been as sure as I am about that."

"What is going on?" Danny groggily asked as she walked into the room.

"Hey sleepy head. Sleep well?" I asked.

She nodded and went to the fridge just like I had done.

"How are you feeling?" Her mom asked.

Danny's back stiffened at the sound of her mother's voice. She, understandably so, was still having issues dealing with her. Now that there is no excuse for her to not be near her mom, I could only imagine the thoughts moving through her head.

"I am fine." She answered shortly and hesitantly.

"Danny… I know no apology will make things okay between us again—"

"I need time. Just… Please don't push me. I will be alright eventually. Until then it is hard to be around you."

"I understand. I am going to go check on Vlad. He hasn't woken up yet either."

"He left."

"Then I will go check on Jazz's injuries. It is about time to change his bandages."

Mrs. Fenton left. She could tell that Danny was injured still. Anyone could. She had been limping and seemed to not breath in too deeply. When she sat down with food she practically collapsed into the chair.

"How are you really?" I asked.

"I feel like I am going to fall apart. I had no idea I was this injured when I was fighting. If Vlad wasn't there, I don't know what would have happened to me."

"You two did good though. Without you two we still might be fighting."

"The ghosts had opened a portal in the school gym using some device." She then went on to give more details about what happened.

"So we are going to have to isolate Technus so that we can interrogate him to see where he got the tech for that."

"Vlad took the thermos he is in with him. I trust that he will be able to handle it. I can't bring myself to care more about it. I need a few days to heal."

"Danny, is Vlad like you?" Mr. Fenton questioned.

This caught both of us by surprise. We both sputtered for a bit before nodding. Mr. Fenton's only response was to burry his head in his hands. This was tearing him apart. I felt bad for him. To find out you could have fully killed two people who are close to you.

"Hey… we are still alive at least. Well, partially." Danny tried to comfort her dad.

Needless to say it didn't work.

"We need to shut the lab down. It is too dangerous."

"It is a bit late for that. We need the things in the lab to keep the town safe. At first ghosts were only getting in through our portal, but now they have other means. The lab is the only thing giving us an edge against the ghosts."

Jack put a hand on his daughter's shoulder gently as to not hurt her. Claiming that he was tired he got up and left.

Danny and I sat in comfortable silence as we ate. It was nice. Finally, the storm had passed.

Danny's Point of View

Time passed, and my birthday parties came and went. It was good for everyone to take a break from rebuilding the town after the catastrophe. Reconstruction still was needed, but life was returning to normalcy. The school year was quickly approaching its end. Dash and his family were able to move back into their house. His parents knew about us, not that we were hiding it. They made it hard for us to have some alone time, but when you have ghost powers it is easy to sneak into your boyfriend's house.

I lay next to Dash as he slept. Our clothes were thrown all over the room. Before I leave I will have to make sure that we clean up. His parents have been suspicious of me ever since they came in the room to wake Dash up for school only to find us both asleep in each other's arms. They had threatened to remove his door, but his grandmother managed to dissuade them. I don't know exactly what she said, but it made me love her even more.

Then there were things with my own parents. Time had healed the damage done to my relationship with my mom, leaving nothing but a scar. It would never be the way it once was. We were okay enough for me to tell her the ghost secret. Now her and dad work together to make my job easier. I train with them, and often Dash and my friends join in. We all worked together to prepare for another invasion or incident like the one we stopped. The town gave all of us medals. While that was nice, it would not stop another incident from happening.

Vlad informed us what Technus had to say. Apparently, he stole the portal tech from the Guys in White. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. Now that they have the technology to enter the Ghost Zone, who knows what damage they will do. They might even end up destroying our world in an attempt to obliterate the Ghost Zone. That is a frightening thought.

Dash's arms tightened around me.

"Go to sleep. It is too early to think." He muttered.

I smiled and kissed his chest. He opened his eyes a bit and smirked at me. For now, things are good. Maybe we are heading towards a bigger battle. Maybe the only way to go from here is up. Only time would be able to tell.

My ghost sense goes off and I hear a distant yell of "Beware!"

The Box Ghost can have his fun tonight. Tomorrow I will show him no mercy.