Season 1, Episode 1. You know that's right.

Carlton hummed as he prepared scrambled eggs with a side of pancakes and sliced pineapple. On the table the plates and cups were already set with the cereal box and milk carton near the edge, within reach of tiny little hands, and immature grown up hands as well.

He placed the eggs in one plate and the pancakes in another. The pineapples were put in a small bowl nearest to the chair that was titled the 'Pineapple King' chair and the syrup on the side of that same bowl. Carlton patted his hands together, proud of his work. Breakfast was ready and the table painted the perfect picture for it. All that was needed were the mouths to feed.

He walked to his bedroom and peaked inside. On the bed was the snoring and shirtless form of his husband; one hand over his messy head and the other on his chest. The blanket was tangled on his legs, covering just above his hipbone and creating a beautiful picture on Carlton's mind. He got closer and sat on the edge of the bed, absorbing the relaxed image that could only be made early in the morning, just as the town started to wake up for the day.

Skimming the body, his eyes landed on the chain silver necklace that reached just above where the heart was and on the necklace was the golden marriage ring. He rubbed his own ring on his finger in response. For some reason or another his husband didn't enjoy wearing any jewelry on his hand, but at the same time he didn't want to abandoned the ring. He couldn't risk carrying the ring in his pockets since he had a nasty habit of losing everything on him. Carlton was surprised his husband could walk around without losing his clothes.

The solution for the dilemma? Wear the ring around his neck instead. Carlton didn't understand how that was different from wearing the ring on his finger or even his pocket, but his husband kept repeating it made all the difference in the world because "It's closer to my heart." He didn't understand what exactly that meant but Carlton will admit that was perhaps the best response his husband could have said to him. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy.

He grabbed the sleeping man's shoulder and began to shake him slowly. "Shawn."

No response.

"Shawn, time to wake up. Breakfast is ready."

There was a snort and Shawn turned his head in an attempt to get away. Carlton shook a bit harder.

"Five m're minutes, dad," Shawn tried pulling the blankets over himself but was stopped by Carlton.

"We're going to be late if you don't wake up. There's a pineapple bowl with your name on it, and pancakes."

Shawn turned and cracked an eye open, "Pineappl'?"

He couldn't help but grin. "That's right, pineapple. All for you, if you wake up."

There was a sigh and the bed creaked as the now awake man tried to get up. And while the younger man looked cranky and almost murderous at having been woken up with messy hair that spiked all over, Carlton couldn't help but think the man looked absolutely beautiful, or handsome, whichever one.

"What time is it?" Shawn asked when he was somewhat awake, rubbing his face in an attempt to rid the sleep.

"Late. I have thirty minutes until I leave for work."

"You only need fifteen of those to eat," Shawn looked at him and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"And ten of those are for getting Bee ready. Up," Carlton ordered, "Will you be able to take Bee today?"

"Yeah, Gus should be up and ready to pick us up. Did you make enough pancakes? Gus will probably want some as compensation for waking up this early."

"As he usually does," Carlton rolled his eyes, already used to and prepared for the package deal that came with marrying Shawn. You can't have one idiot without the other. "There's a couple wrapped up and ready for him on the counter."

"Always the prepared one," Shawn got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back out there were no traces that he had woken up not five minutes ago. His hair was the perfect Shawn Spencer hair and he smelled of fresh pineapple. With a jump in his steps he made his way back to Carlton and kissed him. Carlton eagerly responded, tasting the cinnamon of the toothpaste.

"Good morning, handsome." Shawn said when they broke apart with a cheeky grin.

"Good morning to you too. Ready for breakfast?"

"I'm ready for more than breakfast. A side of sausage couldn't hurt."

Carlton slapped his thigh. "We don't have time for that. I'll go get Bee ready while you dress."

"You take the fun out of everything," Shawn grabbed jeans and a grey shirt, purposely taking forever to put them on as Carlton walked out and went to Bee's room.

Carlton peaked his head inside, spotting his son still sleeping on his child's bed. He walked up to him, lifting the blankets off and ruffling the dark curls, softly. "Bee? Bee time to get up. Breakfast is ready and school is waiting."

Similar to Shawn his son turned his head away and tried pulling the blankets over, barely even grabbing them and pulling nothing for his effort.

"Your favorite cereal is up, and there's pancakes too." Carlton bribed, smirking when he got a reaction. No way was his son going to ignore the call of sugar.

"'c'co 'uffs?" Came the groggy question.

"That's right, Coco Puffs. Coco coo and waiting for you."

"'m up." He sat up with his eyes closed, reaching blindly for the edge of his bed to stand up.

"Want help?" Carlton hid his smile behind his hand. His son looked ridiculous and was the spitting image of Shawn, although smaller and with his coloration.

"No, I can do it on my own." His son tripped on his feet trying to find a new shirt and jeans for the day and ran to his own restroom.

With nothing to do there Carlton left the room and waited at the table, grabbing a plate and fixing himself breakfast. He was in the middle of putting scrambled eggs on his plate when a pair of arms snaked around his waist and a warm chest pressed against his back. He shivered as lips kissed the base of his neck, leaving a trail up to his ears.

"Do you know how sexy you look just getting eggs?" Shawn's warm breath blew against his skin.

"The way your hands are all over me gives me an idea."

"Can't help it. It's your own fault I can't keep my hands off."

"As if I had a choice."

Shawn continued kissing his neck. Carlton leaned his head to the side to allow him more room and closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation. He groaned when the hands began slipping down, closer and closer to a certain area that shouldn't be touched that early in the day, especially when a son was getting ready and could pop out at any time.


"I know, I know," Shawn pulled back and rested his chin on the taller man's shoulder, "Can't risk letting a six year old see porn way before his time."


"Can't imagine how traumatized he'll be seeing his dads getting hot and bothered over the table."


"Although that'll be something for the newspapers."

"It's books, something for the books. Shawn."

"I've heard it both ways, and what?"

Carlton got a spoonful of eggs into his mouth. "Breakfast is getting cold." With Shawn still clinging he walked around the table to grab the milk.

Not seeing Shawn letting go anytime soon he didn't bother sitting down and stood up eating. He managed to finish the eggs on his plate and began tackling his pancakes. He took two bites before Shawn said, "Will you be at the station all day?"

"I should be, unless a case is suddenly dropped on me that requires driving around. Why?"

"I'll be visiting today."

Carlton turned around and stared at Shawn as best as he could. "What did you do?"

"Thanks for the faith, Carly," Shawn glared playfully, "I gave a tip yesterday about the stuff being stolen by the manager. I'm stopping by to pick up my money once they call me."

"You gave a tip again without telling me?" Carlton frowned.

"You were busy," Shawn defended, "besides, the case wasn't that big of a deal."

"All cases are a big deal, Shawn."

"And now you're angry," Shawn sighed and let him go, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want you wasting your time on something so simple. Go handle the big guns while the rookies chase after the rebellious teens breaking laws for fun. It was one small tip anyways."

"Right, just like the blue sedan was one small tip."

"Hey, you were there when I got that, right here on this table. I don't know why you're grumpy; you were the only person to get that tip. You managed to catch the killer."

"I brought the case to you, Shawn and we figured it out together. Of course I was the only person."

"All because of the blue sedan."

Carlton looked at him. "You never even looked at this robbery case. How did you-?"

"The news ran it and I saw the way the manager twitched. Classic case of the jitters. He had guilt written all over him, plus he wouldn't look at the reporter's eyes."

Carlton shook his head and grinned. Of course his husband would figure it out just by looking at the news and studying the behavior. After years of witnessing it firsthand he was still amazed every time Shawn explained the little reasons for piecing it together. Feeling pride fill up in his chest he leaned down and kissed him, expressing it all in that one little contact.

When they parted Shawn looked dazed and confused but didn't seem to mind it. "I'm lost, are you angry at me or happy? Did I say something to turn you on?"

"You astound me," Carlton said and returned back to his pancakes. It was on that moment that their son decided to venture in for breakfast.

"Good morning," He said with a fresh face and hair that was as neat as it would get.

"Buzzy, my little man," Shawn went to ruffle his hair, "Good morning. Are you ready for school?"

"Nope," Buzz gave them that famous Spencer smile.

"Too bad. I went through it, and your dad went through it. There's no escape." Shawn grabbed a small bowl and gave it to the six year old.

Buzz began eagerly filling up the bowl with the cereal just within reach. His pa had to help him fill it with milk. "Pancakes?" He asked.

Shawn grabbed a plate and put two pancakes on it.


Shawn hesitated as he filled a corner of a plate with the fruit. Buzz now had a bowl of cereal with plates of pancakes and pineapples. Carlton looked exasperated at all the food a six year old shouldn't be able to eat. "He has that famous Shawn appetite."

Shawn looked offended. "Hey, growing boys have to eat!"

"You're a grown man, unless there's something you haven't told me all these years, in which case I demand a divorce because there is no way I'm going to stay married to a child."

"I'm a child at heart."

"I'm not sure that makes it better."

"You're going to have to fight me tooth and nail if you want a divorce. I'm clingy and I don't let go easily. You'll have to hide my body if you want to be free."

"Being stuck with you seems a lot easier than trying to hide a body. Hiding and erasing the evidence is such a hassle."

Shawn put his hands together and swooned. "Aw, I love you too, Carly."

Carlton rolled his eyes. "Shut up and eat already."

Shortly after finishing breakfast Carlton kissed his son goodbye on his forehead and got his mouth ravished by his husband who refused to let go. He almost joined him in the car and for a second the detective was tempted in dragging his husband to the station.

He knew Shawn had a love-hate relationship with the police station. The station represented everything Shawn was taught to be, everything his father forced on him. Shawn hated it, but he loved it at the same time. He loved that the station was filled with people he could easily impress and out-detect (though he was never trying to purposely embarrass Carlton, the whole situation was just unavoidable but he learned to accept it for the sake of their love and marriage). Carlton knew Shawn was a sucker for attention. He also loved the station because "That's where I met you, Carly! It was love at first sight, almost like it was meant to be. Me, getting arrested, and you, standing there with your uniform and handcuffs and 50's 'stache looking so sexy and delicious. It was destiny."

Carlton arrived at the station in the nick of time, barely, almost missing it by one minute. In all his years of being married to Shawn he had never once been late, usually cutting it close on the few occasions where he really was running late because a certain man wouldn't let him go. Still, nobody, not even Shawn, would stop him from continuing his perfect on time record.

He marched inside the station with confidence, nodding to one or two officers who acknowledged him as he made his way towards his desk. Close by his partner stood up to greet him, handing him over a folder with updated information on the robbery case Shawn had earlier informed him about.

"We got a tip yesterday," Lucinda said with a frown, "seems worth checking out. Says the manager is responsible for the whole thing. What do you say?"

Inside, Carlton was grinning like a loon. He knew all about the tip and trusted the source without a doubt. The manager was responsible, that's for sure, and all he needed was to find evidence for it. He loved these little moments where he knew more about a case than the others. Knowing what others didn't, at least not yet, he couldn't explain that feeling. This was how Shawn felt most of the time when he handled cases and Carlton understood why he would get off on it. The feeling was just so exhilarating.

Carlton pretended to look over the folder with the updated tip, "Get the manager in here. If he's responsible you bet I'm going to get the answers out of him."

Lucinda's lips curled upward and she marched away to get it done. With a bit of time on his hands Carlton studied over the items stolen and the evidence presented. In order to crack the manager he'll need a bit of leverage over him. Anything to break him down one piece at a time. Remembering what Shawn told him he searched for things easily avoided. The smallest things that people would dismiss.

He didn't outright find anything on the folder. No recent breakups or fights or possible job losing. There was something, though. There was always something. He just needed to find it, and he did when the manager was brought in. The clothes he wore had been upgraded from the chicken cloth seen on him last week. Not exactly millionaire stuff but it was still an improvement. Anyone with a police badge could see the manager found a way to get a hold on some extra cash.

Carlton waited in the observation room for a moment before deciding to start the interrogation. Lucinda was with him, watching the manager, looking for anything to say he was responsible for the theft.

"Do you think he did it?" She asked.

"It's obvious, isn't it? The clothes are a giveaway."

"Clothes? What about them? They look like regular clothes he'd wear."

Huh, maybe not everyone with a badge could see the difference in the clothing upgrade. Shawn's thought process was starting to rub off on him.

"Shall we?" Carlton entered the room and stared down the manager, pleased when the man flinches and backs away from his glare.

The interrogation didn't last that long. More than half of it was staring down the guy while the rest was briefly mentioning the new clothes and watching the man break down. He was a thief, but that didn't mean the manager was someone made of stones from years of experience. Carlton found no guilt in making the man cry. If anything the pitiful man deserved an eye opener. Maybe next time he won't get the brilliant idea of stealing if he doesn't plan accordingly for the consequences.

Carlton wondered how a man like him somehow took the step into law-breaking. He didn't look to have the guts for it.

"I wasn't alone!"

Well that answered that.

"He had a partner," Lucinda said after leaving the interrogation room.

"That explains how someone like him even took anything in the first place," Carlton leaned back on his chair, idly tapping his finger on his desk. They caught one easily, but now to look for the partner responsible for the whole thing. They had no leads for that. This partner clearly knew what they were doing; either that or they lucked out and used the manager as a scapegoat.

"The tip."

"Excuse me?" Carlton looked up.

"The tip," Lucinda repeated, "it was spot on. No one could give that good of a tip unless they were in on it."

Carlton almost snorted. They could give that good of a tip if they were Shawn Spencer, which the tipper was. And Carlton knew Shawn would never get involved in thieving, at least not the kind meant to steal items to sell for money. Shawn took plenty of things that didn't belong to him, but nothing law-breaking. Mostly his credit card, and Gus's credit card, and his peanut butter, can't forget his peanut butter. Carlton had to improvise in hiding the peanut butter from the butter loving man. On more than one occasion Carlton found himself with peanut butter-less bread because his husband couldn't keep his hands away.

"They didn't do it," Carlton said.

"How do you know?" Lucinda looked at him suspiciously, "Do you know the person who gave the tip?"

And here lied a problem. Carlton and Shawn have been married for years now, and throughout those years they found no right time to mention it to anyone in the station. Well, not so much as found the right time for it. There were plenty of opportunities to mention it in a conversation, but nobody bothered asking. No officer in their right mind went up to Carlton and asked about his marriage and no one really paid much attention to Shawn. Wearing his ring around his neck hid it from sight and most people simply assume that Shawn was single and enjoying life as a bachelor. Even when they were seen together nobody was any wiser that they were actually living together, happily married and had a family going on.

Only a few knew the truth, and by few he meant Gus (naturally), his sister, Lulu (can't avoid that) and his mother (no escape there). Guster and Lulu were unavoidable; after all they couldn't be the best man and maid of honor if they didn't know about the wedding. His mother, well that was a given. No way could he hide anything from her if Lulu knew. Lulu could never keep a secret.

Besides them everyone else was unawares.

No one asked and both Carlton and Shawn don't bother mentioning it.

Being asked if he knew the person who gave the tip, Carlton honestly had no idea what to answer. Was that question directly associated with his marital status? Or was she simply asking if he knew the person in a friendly term?

"Why would someone from the inside risk giving a tip and their name when they know it can expose them?" Carlton found himself avoiding the question. Better to go safe just in case Shawn didn't want others to know.

"Criminals have done dumber things. This could be revenge gone wrong." Lucinda shrugged.

Carlton remained unmoved. "Instead of talking about the tipper we should be looking for clues over at the store. The partner will most likely be close there, have a relation of some sort. Perhaps a worker or even a customer. Someone the manager talked to frequently."

"Carlton," Lucinda placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing her thumb gently against the fabric of his suit, "we have a lead here. This person knew about the manager. They have to get their sources from somewhere. It could lead us to the partner. Why aren't you jumping at this?"

Because I'm married to the person who gave the tip and I'm not about to jump at the chance of arresting my own husband, Carlton thought. "Searching the store is our best bet for leading us to the partner. We'll question the tipper when we have nothing."

"We have nothing now," Lucinda reached out for his hair located in the back.

Carlton moved away from the hand. Lately his partner has been getting really touchy on his person. A gentle caress on his shoulder, a soft pull on his hair, she even held his hand at one point, lifting it up to her eyelevel when she was sitting down to convince him of a point. Touching usually meant acquaintance, and while Lucinda and him have been partnered for a while and placed their lives on each other's hands, the touching she had been giving were anything but friendly. They were loving touches. Little movements to show the person was interested, and Carlton was considerably uncomfortable at the thought. It was one thing to get touchy feeling with someone, but he was wearing his ring out in the open and for the world to see.

Either Lucinda didn't care and was willing to be a mistress, or she's planning on trying to ruin his marriage. Or she could just be really friendly or was actually using her touches to try and manipulate him to do cases her way.

Carlton stood up, grabbing his jacket and keys and went for the door, "I'm heading for the store. There must be something we missed. You coming?"

Lucinda shook her head at the question, "No, I'll stay here and finish the work for the manager. Call me if you find anything."

He nodded and briskly walked out of the building. He made quick work driving to the store and asking workers about possible contacts tied in to the manager. It all led back to nothing. Even when he nearly intimidated the cashier to the point of having an accident, all his efforts were in vain.

Now in a foul mood he drove back towards the station, stopping briefly to get coffee, the good kind, not the one in the station. He was waiting in line when his phone began ringing. Briefly, he thought it to be Lucinda with an update on the case, but instead, and not to his surprise, it was Shawn.

"What do you want, Shawn?" Carlton said to his phone, but with evident mirth in his voice.

"I love you too, Carly," Shawn responded with mock offense, "you know I give and give for this relationship and you never once appreciate me for it. I work blood, sweet and hair to make this work. We're going to have words, mister."

"Shawn," Carlton couldn't help grinning. Leave it to his husband.

"You lied to me. You said you'll be in the station for my visit."

"I never said that. I said I might be in the station when you visit. I had to question the workers if they knew who the manager was talking to."

"Wait, you're still working the case? But the manager did it. You already caught the guy."

"The manager had a partner. We're searching for them but we have no leads at the moment."

"Then what am I doing here?" There was shuffling on the other end.

Carlton frowned. What was Shawn doing at the station? In order for him to pick up his money he needed to get a call from the station to confirm his tip. They still haven't put the case on close, so why-

His eyes widened at a possible reason. "Shawn where are you waiting?" Please say by my desk, please say by my desk.

"I'm waiting on this grimy old bench next to this guy who looks to have had a tussle with a car. What? No, no- you have taillights on your shoulder. You might want to dusk that off," Shawn's voice muffled, signaling he pulled his phone away to talk to someone else. "you know you…. never mind. Carlton?"

"I'll be there in ten." Carlton snapped his phone shut and ran out of the coffee shop. He needed to reach the station and have Shawn released before they interrogate him. His husband had a smart mouth on him, and while Carlton enjoyed it most days that didn't mean others will share his opinion. Knowing Shawn he'll end up getting locked in a holding cell with unfavorable characters that will play house with him.

He didn't reach the station in ten. In fact, he reached it over that time. Traffic decided it was the perfect opportunity to stall and keep him from getting Shawn out of trouble.

He came barreling inside the building, pushing officers and criminals out of his way. He searched the bench Shawn described, but he wasn't there. Cursing he rushed to the interrogation room, finding it empty and lacking anything related to Shawn. He gave the holding cells a quick glance and still found nothing. If his husband wasn't waiting on the bench, wasn't in the interrogation room and wasn't in the holding cell where could he have been placed?

Panic set in at the thought of Shawn being transferred somewhere with a jail of high security and vicious prisoners. He had his phone out, ready to make calls and thought up an elaborate plan to break Shawn free using Gus as bait, but then the voice of his partner decided to greet him before he did something crazy, like confiscate a car to pursue a high speed chase and get his husband back.

"Carlton, did you find any luck at the store? Possible suspects?" Lucinda came up and placed a careful hand on his arm.

"None," Carlton kept his voice even, "did you bring in the tipper?"

"He's a possible suspect, high on the none-existing list."

"And did you get anything?" Carlton gave her a hard look.

Lucinda was momentarily taken back, "We got nothing from him, except-" Carlton's heart skipped a bit, "- it turns out he might be a psychic."

Well, that was not what he expected to hear. "What?"

"The tipper, Shawn Spencer, claims to be a psychic. He got the tip from the 'spirits.'"

"You're kidding," Carlton didn't believe it. Did Shawn seriously-?

Lucinda shook her head, "No, he even gave us a tip about the angry ex who vandalized a car."

"A psychic." Of all the things his husband could say, what in the world caused him to say he was a psychic? He was going to sit the man down and have a long chat with him.

"A psychic." She confirmed.

Before Carlton could ask further about the interrogation and this possible 'psychic' Shawn came strutting forward and held his arms out in greeting. "There's my detective! Lassie, long time no see!"

Carlton noticed Shawn's eyes narrowing down on his arm that still had Lucinda's hand holding it for three seconds before opening them wide again and shooting him a look that suggested he found the contact worth laughing. Carlton frowned and shook his head slightly. Don't Shawn.

Naturally, Shawn ignored him. "The spirits are telling me… the spirits are telling me. What are the spirits telling me?" He held a finger up to his temple, "There is love blossoming, like weeds rising from the ground, but wait… this love, it's only one sided. I sense," He pointed to Lucinda with his other hand, "You have little flutters going on, little butterflies flying around and causing you to have heartburn. You," Shawn looked to Carlton, "have the hots for this strong and tall and handsome Irish man."

Carlton sighed and looked away. There was no stopping Shawn and the damage was done. He felt Lucinda's hand let him go as if she was burned.

Shawn apparently wasn't done, "You might want to keep an eye on this one. She has a kink for married men it seems."

Lucinda's faced looked to have bloated up from the statement. Carlton, feeling guilty for his husband's actions, tried lessening her embarrassment. "She does not have the hots for me, and even if she did it's perfectly normal for a junior agent to feel attraction to their senior partner. I'm a charming man, but I'm happily married. She wouldn't fool around with someone taken."

If anything that seemed to have made her face worse.

"Happily married, right," Shawn grinned, "tell your wife I said hi."

Carlton narrowed his eyes. "Why don't you tell her yourself, psychic." Meaning: You and I are going to have a long conversation about this. And you owe me for this stunt you just pulled.

Shawn looked innocently at him. "My psychic skills work differently. She needs to be within my sight to relay any messages." Meaning: There's a perfectly good explanation for what I did but I can't say anything until we're alone. The next meal is on me.

"You just lucked out." Carlton refused to play this psychic game. If anything it was belittling Shawn skill's, saying spirits are talking to him instead of his own detective skills.

"Speak no ill of the spirits, Detective. They are very sensitive." Shawn closed his eyes and held both hands up to his head.

Carlton rolled his eyes. Obviously his husband was going to continue this charade. He just hoped there was a very good reason for it. He turned to his partner, "Come on, we still have a case to solve."

Lucinda turned and left without a word, Carlton a few paces behind. When she turned the corner Shawn called out to him, jogging a bit to catch up. "There is a good explanation."

"Tell me everything later." The detective felt tired for a second. There was always an explanation when it came to Shawn.

"Will you be free to eat lunch together? Gus and Buzz want burgers and I do too."

"No promises but I'll try to make it. Usual place?"

"Usual place." Shawn agreed.

"Alright, scat. Get out of here."

Shawn grinned. "I'll see you later, honey."

Carlton grinned back. "Until then, sweetheart."

"You were what?!"

Shawn shrugged, half-eaten hamburger held close to his mouth by his ketchup smeared hands. "Chief hired me to consult your investigation. Needs my psychic-ness to help you guys catch the bad guy."

"I can't believe this." Carlton leaned back and pushed his plate away with his burger missing one bite. "She actually believes your psychic. Karen believes your psychic."

"I wouldn't say believe exactly. She doesn't believe I am, but she knows there's something going on. Instead of looking at a gift moose in the mouth she goes and blackmails me into helping you guys. How much do you think I'm going to get paid for it?"

"It is look at a gift horse in the mouth, Shawn," Gus says from across the table, Buzz sitting next to him, kicking his legs around.

"I've heard it both ways."

"No you haven't." Carlton, Gus and Buzz say at the same time.

"Et tu, Buzz? You're all turning traitors on me. How could you." Shawn mocked and placed a hand over his heart.

"If it helps any I don't think everyone believes he's psychic." Gus said to Carlton.

"Not yet anyways." Shawn chirps in. "Me alone, I can sell it, no doubt, but to actually make it real I need you guys to play along. Gus I need you to be amazed each time I'm revealing something. Explain to everyone what's happening as I flail my arms around."

"I don't need to explain anything when you flail your arms around, Shawn. You do that on your own. Everyone will know you're crazy without me saying a word." Gus said and took another bite of his burger.

"Carlton, I'll need you to act-"

"Not going to happen," Carlton cut in. "I'm not playing along with this little act of yours."

"Come on, Carlton, the love of my life, the hole to my doughnut, the sprinkles to my ice cream. Even Buzzy is playing along with it."

Buzz looked up from his fries. "My pa is a psychic."

"See? You can do it, for me?" Shawn fluttered his eyes and gave the best smile he could.

"No," Carlton muttered.

"Fine, we'll work with this skepticism instead. You can be the grumpy detective who doesn't believe in psychics and gets outsmarted each time the spirits are proved to be right."

He sighed, "Shawn."

"I'll keep it minimal. Just play along, follow protocol and get one or two suspects wrong until I find the real culprit and then we'll share in the arrest. My psychic powers will take some credit in helping and you'll do the arrest each time. What do you say?"

"I'm not going to purposely place myself up to get embarrassed."

"But, Carly, it won't work if there isn't someone out there who doesn't believe me."

"I don't believe you about the psychic thing because I know it's not true, Shawn."

"We don't believe you about the psychic thing." Gus corrected, gesturing to Carlton, Buzz and himself.

"That's perfect then. You know already so use that. You don't believe I have psychic powers because you know. Be that person who knows exactly what's going on while the others have no clue. Feel the power, Carly, use it."

"And the embarrassing, getting some of them wrong part?" Carlton raised an eyebrow.

"I'll make it up to you." Shawn wiggled his eyes suggestively.

"You're going to have to do better. We're talking about smudging my title as head detective here."

"I'll give you hints on other cases you can solve on your own. All the free tips you want. Don't even have to pay me for it."

Carlton thought it over. There was no avoiding the situation. Shawn needed to be a 'psychic' to keep himself from getting locked up and he needed to make others believe him. For the sake of keeping Shawn free Carlton will do it, but getting them wrong in front of the other officers… there was going to be a problem there. "Promise I will make all the arrests?"

Shawn grinned, "Promise. With all my big heart."

It didn't ease his mind, but Carlton accepted it.

They went back to enjoying their burgers. Shawn and Gus ended up finishing first at an inhumanly pace while Carlton and Buzz took their time, enjoying the flavor and their drinks. It wasn't until Carlton was only two bites away from finishing it that Gus made a noise, clearing his throat and gesturing to him using his eyes. He was giving Shawn 'the signal' to say something important. The detective turned to his husband, waiting for whatever he needed to say.

Shawn rubbed the back of his neck. "So while we were driving around,"

"At the speed limit," Gus cut in.

"Right, at the speed limit. We got stop by someone who was completely out of line, by the way. I was going the exact speed limit but he decided my hair was a threat or something because he stopped us under false accusations."

"Shawn," Gus said.

"Okay," Shawn took a deep breath, "we had a little chat with the guy. I tried to justify not getting a ticket because it wasn't my fault."

Carlton knew what that meant. Each time Shawn ran the risk of getting a ticket he would always use his father's name to bail out of it. "You used Henry's name again, didn't you?"

"I am offended by such an accusation on my person!"


"But I may have suggested his name.

"Shawn," Carlton groaned and put his burger-less hand on his forehead.

"You'll be happy to know it worked, but we also learned something." Shawn's eyes began shifting. When Carlton looked to Gus he noted Gus's eyes doing the same. They were nervous, or at least concerned about what was going to be said.

When he looked at his son for any form of clues to tell him what was going on he found Buzz was already looking at him with a huge grin on his face. A forced grin that meant he was trying to play innocent under the orders of his pa.

"Fess up, Shawn. What did you guys learn?"

Shawn cleared his throat. "The good news is we're not paying for that ticket, the bad news is we learned that my dad is back in town."

The burger still held in his other hand fell to the plate with a small squish sound. Carlton swallowed. "Henry is back?"


"Are you planning on talking to him?"


"Shawn!" Gus frowned at him. "He's your dad. He has a right to know."

"He doesn't need to know anything. What I did and do with my life is my business." Shawn crossed his arms.

"And what about Buzz? He wants to meet his grandfather." They all looked to Buzz, who was munching happily on ice and completely oblivious to what was going around him. "He may not look it, but he does." Gus tried to recover.

"I hate to say this, Shawn, but Gus is right. Henry has a right to know his son is married and has a son of his own." Carlton said.

Shawn frowned at him. "You really want my dad to know about us? You're going to have to face him, eat dinners with him, go fishing with him."

"I think I can handle that."

"You say that now, just wait and see."

"Will you at least go see him? See how he's been. Ask him about his day and then bring up how you got married without him knowing and you now have a son." Gus said.

"Oh, yeah, when you say it like that what could possibly go wrong?" Shawn bit sarcastically.


He sighed, "I'll talk to the guy, go visit him, see what he's up to. You know this means he's going to want to interrogate you, right?" He said to Carlton.

"I'll handle it."

Shawn petted his shoulder. "Gus, I'm going to be a widow.

"I'm sure you'll find someone again." Gus said casually.

Carlton rolled his eyes at them both. It was just talking to a parent, how bad would it be? He worked close to Henry before, when he began as a rookie. Of course he didn't exactly worked worked with him, but he was always a few feet away. It still counted. He's arrested criminals, thieves, conmen and murderers, how bad would meeting one parent be?

Turned out it was very, very bad. Meeting Henry for the first time since marrying Shawn was perhaps one of the most terrifying moments of Carlton's life, right up there with standing in front of Shawn and saying their vows and waiting for news on his son's birth.

Carlton stood on the porch of Henry Spencer's house. They had solved the case of the missing son and his dog and brought the dad in for murder. As planned he had to look like an ass in front of the unit and chief to allow Shawn to play his role as psychic with a bit of resistance. It wasn't one of his best moments and Shawn owed him ten tips and make-up sex to even come close to repayment for it.

There was still paperwork to be done for the case but instead of finishing it today he left early in order to make it for Henry's dinner plans. Shawn invited him, telling him it was Henry's way of interrogating on their relationship. Unsurprisingly, Henry reacted negatively to the news of Shawn's marriage, especially when he learned how many years they've been together, and even more so when he learned they had a six year old son.

The age gap (a blow to Carlton since he's spent a long time arguing with himself about it when they first started dating) between them was something Henry didn't approve when he figured out the years and what it entailed. Together for ten years and married for eight. Shawn was currently 30 while Carlton was 37, meaning Shawn was 20 and Carlton 27 when they first got together, and not two years later they got married. Shawn was 22 and Carlton 29 when they tied the knot. There was certainly an age difference, but at least it wasn't a 15 year gap or anything. It was reasonable. Now if Shawn was a minor when they first met then that would have been a completely different story.

Carlton had every right to be terrified of the man, especially if he turned out to be those overprotective parents who didn't enjoy the idea of their children marrying someone older. And also because he managed to marry his son without him knowing a single thing about it. Carlton has avoided the parent shovel talk, but sooner or later it was bound to happen. He couldn't hide forever.

Sucking in a deep breath he knocked the door, waiting anxiously for the sound of footsteps on the other side. His heart leaped when the doorknob moved and out popped the head of his husband. It was extremely hard to tell, but after years of living together and learning everything they could of their little quirks to tell when something was wrong, Carlton noticed the pale complexion Shawn carried and the pained look he had. He was upset, troubled, and really didn't want to be there.

"Hey," He said.

Even his voice sounded off. "Hey," Carlton replied.

"You're here."

"You did invite me."

Shawn hugged the door closer, almost shutting it if it wasn't for his head in the way. "You don't have to do this. We can play hooky and get out of here. I'll snatch Bee while you start the car."

Carlton lifted his hand carefully to the other's face, caressing softly with his thumb. "It was bound to happen, Shawn. Might as well get it over with."

His husband nodded. "You're a brave man. I'll mourn you, but I won't wear black in your funeral. It clashes with my eyes."

"That's very reassuring." Carlton walked through the door when Shawn opened it completely. He followed closely behind as he was led to the kitchen where Buzz was sitting stiffly in one seat and a man that he figured was Henry stood with his arms holding him up over the sink. When Buzz noticed him he cheered, "Dad! You're here!" and effectively got the attention of the man of the house.

Henry turned around, his eyes hard and revealing nothing but silent anger. He crossed his arms, that only strengthened the image of a very pissed off father, which he was. Tension filled the air as nobody said anything. Buzz looked ready to bolt, and Shawn did too. Carlton stood with his back straight, refusing to show any fear, even though that was exactly all that was coursing through him.

Henry broke the silence, grunting before saying, "So, you're the guy."

He nodded, "Carlton Lassiter."

"I was told its Spencer-Lassiter, seeing as you're married to my son." There was obvious bitterness in his voice.

"It is, written in paper and everything. I don't think you'd appreciate it being said yet, though." Carlton could have sworn he saw a vein pulse on Henry's head after saying that. He felt a bit of regret muttering those words, but he wasn't going to stand here and kneel while Henry lashed out on him.

"Wise guy, huh?"

"Far from it, Mr. Spencer. It's obvious you wish to say something but can't because my husband and son are here. Shawn," Carlton faced him, "do you mind taking Bee outside?"

Shawn frowned, "You're suicidal, aren't you?"

"I won't be a minute."

"You only need twenty seconds for your body to be found in some biopsy." Shawn faced his father. "He's my husband, dad. Don't do anything to him. Bee will miss his dad if he disappears." With that said he grabbed Buzz's hand and led him outside the house.

With Shawn and Buzz gone Henry didn't waste any time and before Carlton knew it he had a raging father just inches from his face.

"What the hell is the idea? I come back to find my son not only married to someone who is seven years his senior but he's a father too! Did you blackmail him into this? What did you say?"

Carlton was both surprised and insulted at the accusation. Blackmail Shawn into marrying him? What was the man thinking? "I didn't blackmail him or say anything. Shawn married me because he loves me, and I love him. We started a family together because we wanted to. None of it was forced."

"Bull," Henry barked, "I know my son. He could never commit to anything, or finish what he's started. He runs away from responsibility. Bails the first moment he can. You'd have to force him to even finish a lousy drawing. You're telling me you somehow tied him down willingly into a marriage with you and have a kid together? I don't believe it."

Carlton glared, "With all due respect, Mr. Spencer, I don't think you know your son as well as you think you do. Shawn wanted this. In fact, it was he who proposed in the first place. He's the whole reason any of this happened. He was persistent in dating, wouldn't leave me alone no matter how many times I said no. You're worried about the age gap? I was completely opposed to the idea of dating him because of it. Shawn didn't care and wouldn't drop it. After we started dating it was Shawn who took it to the next step. I didn't even get a chance to give him a promise ring because he was already giving me a wedding ring. And he was the one who suggested we have children."

Henry looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "You expect me to believe Shawn did all that? Asked you to marry him and have a son together? I'm old, detective, but I'm not stupid."

"What do you want me to say?" Carlton growled, "Do you want me to admit to something that never happened? I never blackmailed him or said anything to keep him with me. It was all him. You can even ask Gus about it. He was there from the start and even for the wedding. I never forced him."

Henry raised his eyebrows close to the invisible hairline of his. "Gus? Gus knows about this?"

"Of course. You can't have one idiot without the other. Shawn comes with package that's with us every day. Gus knows all about us and he can never lie. Go ask him if you want to hear the truth."

Henry uncrossed his arms. "Maybe I will."

"I don't expect to hear an apology from you when you do, but I do expect you to make up for what you said to Shawn." He received a seething glare.

"You're very confident about this."

"Because I know it's the truth."

"Tell me, detective, what do you gain from being with my son?"

Carlton couldn't believe this man. Did he really think he married his son to gain something? He loved the idiot! Nothing more, nothing less. "I gain happiness from spending time with someone I love. I gain a family I adore. I gain company waiting at home with smiles when I return from work, even when I show up late. I gain someone who loves me for me, even when I wear my ugly ties and cheap suits. I gain a friend who would never abandon me, even after we have one of our biggest fights of the year. He comes back to me, and I come back to him. I gain my everything, and if you can't accept that, Mr. Spencer, then we have nothing else to talk about and no reason for being here."

"Are you threatening to take them away from me?" Henry took a menacing step forward.

"No, I am offering to leave the door open for you. Buzz wants to know his grandfather, and I believe you have a right to see your grandson. Shawn won't admit it, but he does want Buzz to have his grandfather in his life, and in his own as well, but if you shut the door close, Mr. Spencer, I swear to you I will make it impossible for you to open again." Carlton said evenly.

The seconds that ticked by were perhaps the most tense Carlton ever felt in his life. Any moment now Henry would lash out, he just knew it. He was waiting for the punch or the beat down, but all Henry did was stand there, staring him down. Then, to Carlton's shock, Henry began laughing. Well, not so much as a laugh, but a chuckle, very serious chuckles.

He wasn't prepared for the sudden punch on his shoulder, or even the pat on his back. The wind was knocked out of him.

"Henry," Henry said.

A moment to comprehend what he meant later, and Carlton nodded, catching his breath. "Carlton."

"No offense, but I'm going to call you Lassiter, at least for now. You still owe me for marrying my son without even asking me permission." Henry's voice was serious, but Carlton could notice a faint hint of a light tone on it. Shawn's father was warming up to him. At least a little bit.

"If it makes it any better, Shawn married me without asking my mother."

This time Henry did laugh and gave him an even harder punch on his other shoulder.

"If you keep doing that you'll really make Shawn a widow."

Another punch. "That's the plan."

Carlton couldn't tell if he was joking or dead serious.

Buzz is their biological son. He could come from mpreg or a surrogate, your choice. Just know he's their flesh and blood. I was too lazy to make them an actual son. Also I wanted Buzz to play a bigger role than what he usually did. So here you go!

This might be a thing where I add in chapters from different episodes of the show and change it up to go with this idea. Who knows! Got any episodes in mind that would be perfect?