Previously from Poké la Poké

The new transfer student known as Haydn Conley arrives at Honnouji Academy. She seeks the answers about her mysterious scissor blade, and she plans on getting them from the Student Council President, Jacelyn Simons. But, evidently, there are some obstacles in the way, preventing her from learning about what she wants to know…


Haydn Conley was a woman on mission fueled by anger. And anyone who saw that in her eyes knew she was never going to take "no" for an answer.


Chapter One, Pt. 2- If Only I Had Thorns like a Ferrothorn

"GAH! GAH! UGH! ACK! I-I'm sorry, sir!"

"'Sorry' ain't enough! I can't believe you let that girl slip away!"

Pained shouts and snapping sounds came from a room guarded by two One-Star students, echoing down the hall. Beyond the curtain they stood in front of was an impressive room. It was like a lounge of sorts, with couches and personal things of many people scattered about. At the head of the room sat a chair atop a platform under some lights, like a modern throne. Another One-Star sat at a piano, playing a soft tune despite the shouts.

Marshal was kneeling in front of a man with spiky, teal-blue hair and aquamarine eyes. Around both of them were the broken remains of bamboo swords. Jay sat on the throne-like chair. A rough-looking, old man, donning a torn up black and blue sea-captain's coat was pouring tea for Jay, while a Salamence and her Arcanine rested on a huge couch nearby.

"You let her mock Lady Jay, let her escape, and didn't even THINK to confiscate her blade and Pokémon the moment she went down?!" Morty roared with anger, standing next to the taller man. "Regardless if it's you or one of your club members, you made the mistake and have to own up to it, Brawly!"

"I know, Arceus damn it!" was the other man's frustrated response.

Brawly went over to a couch and sat down with an angry huff. Compared to Morty, he wore a more simple uniform, with a longer coat, spiked collar, and a blue wife-beater.

"You think I want to punish one of my star athletes?! By the way, short-stuff, the disciplinary committee should have been the ones dealing with it the moment she stepped in Lady Jay's way. And remember whose job that is?"

"What did you call me?!"

"Don't pull that on me, I know it's your Ghost-types making you look bigger! Face the facts, you're the shortest boy here in the school, and shorter than half the chicks, too!"

"Why don't you two shut up and listen?"

Before it could escalate any quicker between the two, another voice spoke up. A boy with semi-long, dark hair and bespectacled, ocean-blue eyes was sitting at a table, typing away at a laptop. He wore a high-collared jacket and belt with various gadgets around his waist. Various blue wires connected to different parts of his uniform.

"I gathered some information on this...'Haydn Conley'. She's been starting fights all over Kanto, at schools commanded by us. Apparently, they were all personal, so none were reported, but-"

"Foolish." Jay said coldly, cutting the male off. "Cheren, command all branches to keep an eye out for her, and continue what you were saying."

"At once," Cheren said and nodded respectfully. "As I was saying, I have gathered almost all information regarding records to her right now, except for one particular type. All of her medical records are, not only kept from any viewing we have been granted access to, but heavily coded, confined, and scattered. I'm sure I can get them decoded, but with how much has been scattered all over it might take a while. The question is, why so much trouble over all her medical records...and who did it for what reasons?"

"Maybe she's on birth control and embarrassed about it or something?" Brawly asked bluntly, rolling his eyes. "Why should we even care when we're going to destroy her anyways?"

"How shocking. Even the Poochyena can't find information right off the bat. Not to mention, the Mankey and Politoed screwed up big time."

A bored, high-pitched voice taunted from the corner. A girl with pink pigtails sitting on a pink sofa covered in plush toys was twirling a conductor's baton around.

"Were it me, this 'Conley' girl would already be dead. By the way, milady, should we be really that worried about that blade and confiscate it? ..Not like she can use it well, anyways."

"That blade is specifically designed to combat Goku Uniforms." Jay spoke slowly, eyes narrowing.

The Elite Four gasped at that piece of information.

"How can a girl like her possess something as dangerous as that?!" Morty demanded.

"...What is her name again, Cheren?" asked Jay.

"Haydn Conley, milady."

"Conley…" she said, smiling shortly afterwards. "Interesting enough, I suppose…for a heathen…"

Far outside the city, high in the mountains stood the stone skeleton of a mansion. The bike Haydn took rested under a half-burned, wooden sign that read 'Conley' with the first names of the inhabitants burned off. Inside, Haydn stood in front of an old mantelpiece. Her eyes were trained on a singed picture. A little child with messy orange hair with a single blue streak stood, staring shyly at the camera and holding the hand of someone. The part of the picture that would have shown the person was burned away.


The images flashed in Haydn's head. Blood; dripping down the blue blade. Licking, red flames.

...A person running away, holding a green scissor blade identical to hers.

"Damn it!" Haydn screamed, slamming the tip of her blade into the ground. She lowered her head with a sob. "I'm sorry, pops…I was so damned close...and I wasn't strong enough to get it! She knew…that bitch Jay Simons knew who killed you! I'll avenge you! I'll get stronger and MAKE them tell me! I- AGHH!"

Haydn screamed, suddenly disappearing down a hole as the ground under her gave out. She vanished into the dark, voice and all when someone stepped out from the shadows of the remains of the mansion. Her homeroom teacher removed his sunglasses and pushed his hair back a bit, revealing his sparkling, silver eyes.

"Now the rest is up to you, Miss Conley."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! AAAAHHH!"

Various sounds- curses and screaming, mainly- echoed throughout the mysterious room, a hatch opening up. Haydn fell through, straight into a pile of rubble. Light came through the various holes in the ceiling. Haydn only groaned, landing in a mix of sharp wood and soft cloth. The girl sat up, holding back a gasp of pain as she looked down at her arm. Tears welled in her eyes as she saw the cut on her underarm made by her own scissor blade. Shaking her head to fight against the urge to cry out, she stood up as blood rushed out.

"Damn... I knew Pops spent a lot of time down here, but I didn't figure his basement would be this big…" Haydn groaned and reached down. She needed to grab Rowan, knowing his psychic powers could lift them out of there, moving to a different hole. "Rowan, I need your help, buddy."


Haydn's eyes went wide at this. She stopped walking.

"…Rowan?" she asked aloud in a firm yet confused voice.


"Was that you just now…?"

"More…give me more…!"

"Haydn, I really wish it was and I could help, but whatever it is, it's strong enough to interfere with my Pokeball signal and keep me from coming out!"

"Who's there?! Show yourself right now, damn you!" Haydn screamed and turned around, brandishing her blade in her uninjured hand. Her eyes scanned the area, trying to identify the threat.

"More...I need more…! More! Give me more! MORE!"

The voice got louder and louder, echoing through the room until finally, something jumped from the bloody clothes by Haydn. She swiped at the fabric, slashing it in half when suddenly a bright light blinded her. Through her lashes, Haydn could make out a skirt… a neckerchief…?

"Is that a SAILOR UNIFORM?!" she shouted, gaping in shock. Unfortunately, her shock gave the uniform the perfect chance to pin her to a wall, hand just out of reach of her scissor blade.

"Please, don't leave!" it said desperately, one yellow and blue eye bulging madly.

It was a mainly white uniform with blue trim and golden-yellow buttons and straps. Haydn reared back, shocked and disturbed all at once.

"Put me on, put me on!"

"What the fuck?! No, you pervy sailor uniform!" Haydn shouted with a bright red blush, trying to keep her hoodie over her chest while the uniform tried to take it off.

"Wear me! Feed me your delicious blood! I can't go back to sleep, not when I've tasted blood this good!"

"No means fucking NO! Get off me! You are a freak! You talk! Sailor uniforms don't talk except for in a creepy-ass, fanservice anime!"

"I can't hold out much longer! I'm not going to hurt you, I swear! I just need blood! Please, I beg of you, put me on, put me on, PUT ME ON!"


"That's not important! And I'm NOT a pervert! Just wear me!"

Suddenly the uniform opened its 'mouth' wide, going over most of Haydn's head and torso, still struggling to get her first layer off. Needless to say, both were very stubborn.

"Just- ow! Let me...GET ON YOU! I don't want to do this, but I'LL MAKE YOU WEAR ME! Gah! I-I'm on! See, I'm not hurting you!"


One bright blue flash of light come from behind where the two were struggling.

"P-Please! T-This is too much!"

Then a second flash, brighter than the last.

"My head…gah...AHHHH!"

A third, and finally Haydn's silhouette stood up. Bright blue shocks of electricity, seeming to be made of pure power were arching around her body and in between the clothes she now wore. She was shaking, and the electricity only seemed to be drawing power into her. She was dripping sweat and looked to be in pain, like something was searing into her flesh, her DNA via fire. The eye on the suit was opened wide and seemed to be pulsing, in beat with her heart. The suit could be seen, soaking in more of her blood, having lied about needing no more.


Haydn screamed, arching her back and screaming to the heavens. A flash of white and blue energy exploded around her and shot into the sky like a lightning bolt. The power barely seemed to die down as her screams continued to shake the area…

"New wench girl known as Haydn Conley!" Marshal called out the crowd of onlookers from the boxing ring; conveniently set up in the middle of the courtyard.

Standing around the ring with anticipation, people of all kinds stood, looking for a good beating or scared of what would happen. Marshal's voice echoed through the town, as he spoke into a microphone that broadcast it through the speakers.

"I hope you're listening! We're going to execute your friend, who is an accomplice in your treason against Honnouji Academy! If you want to save her, come and fight like a man!"

"You seriously aren't going to let your students commit a real execution against an innocent, poor girl, are you, Mr. Principal? I know who Miss Jay is, but Cascade couldn't harm a fly even if she wanted…"

The silver-haired homeroom teacher asked a stout old man from his room, staring down at the group in the courtyard with a frown.

"I'm sorry, but this doesn't concern us...and it is our best interest in the sake of our jobs not to get involved. Miss Simons' father is Head of the Academy's board of directors, and anything I do would be overturned by him in a flash, anyway. She has far too many connections and is far too strong; socially, mentally and physically. She is the queen of this school, and in the best interest and ideas for everyone we only do as she asks and let her do as she pleases."

"You sure using this chick..." Brawly jerked his thumb over his shoulder to Cascade. "..Is a good idea? If she doesn't show up, you really are going to have to kill her, you know? Otherwise…"

"If I fail again, I lose my uniform." Marshal said sternly, arms crossed. "She is the only one we know of with a connection to Conley, and the only thing we have to use…and in that case, it is a sacrifice and burden I am willing to take."

"Glad to see you're taking responsibility to the max. Hopefully, you can prove it when the time comes to get down to it." Brawly said with a big grin.

"No! This is not nice at ALL! This is NOT how you treat a lady, much less hold one hostage!"

Cascade cried out and squirmed in her restraints. She blushed bright red, keeping her legs shut to hide her panties and struggling to keep her shirt up; it almost went all the way over her breasts! It totally made her regret not wearing a bra that day.

"Everyone will see my knickers! At least put me upright or let me go change into a bra and less revealing panties…"

"Bring out the vat!" Marshal called.

Students in bio-hazard suits made their way through the crowd, pushing a boiling glass case of what looked like water put on top of industrial heaters out and under the table Cascade was snapped to. Marshal pulled out a Slowpoke tail and covered it in flour, brought out by a bio-hazard student. He dipped it into the boiling 'water', making it turn yellow. He pulled out a deep fried Slowpoke tail with a grin. Some students clapped in response, while others gasped and gaped in horror.

"That's oil!"

"He's going to deep-fry her!"

Cascade stared in shock, before finally tearing up and starting to cry. Shaking her head and struggling even more, she squealed, "No, no, no, don't you guys have any decency or morality even towards a woman?! I mean, I'm for equality, but this is terrible, I don't wanna become a fatty food object! Lemme go, this is so evil!"

"I haven't heard a girl whine this much since my last girlfriend…" Brawly grumbled, obviously unimpressed.

From the back of the crowed, Falkner could be seen with his crew of friends and Pokémon, carrying their weapons, shaking but looking determined.

"Adopted or not, no one messes with my big sis. Don't worry Cascade, I'll save you or my title isn't-"


Falkner looked up, and gasped at who he saw; Haydn, Rowan, and Ace, each wearing dark cloaks that hid their faces and bodies; even Haydn's hat somehow...

"I got this, you just make sure no one tries to jump in and screw me over. If someone does, tell Ace or Rowan, and don't get involved yourself." Haydn said and crouched down. Falkner just stared.

Haydn jumped, sending an impressive gust of wind up and in all directions. Everyone gasped and watched as she dashed to the boxing ring, using the faces of other students to keep running! Each step left the imprint of a pointed heel on their face. On the last one, a blue shine came from under the cloak, and in a flash she was with Cascade, hacking the bonds off with ease. Cascade gaped at Haydn, while the latter freed the former as quickly as she could before hugging her legs.


"Wrap your arms around me, quick!" she shouted.

Cascade did as she was told, and just in time! A group of One-Stars jumped in the flour, and went tumbling into the oil. Haydn and Cascade, on the other hand, went flying, twirling in the air before Haydn landed on her feet in the boxing ring, holding Cascade upside down by her legs.

"So we meet again, wench!" Marshal boomed over the screaming students climbing out of the oil vat.

Haydn set Cascade down and pushed her away with her blade, mumbling for her to get to safety with her brother.

"You were that desperate to see me again, and you used a hostage? I'd find it sweet, if your ugly mug didn't piss me off so much." Haydn growled, showing her blade off in front of her, ready to fight. "Well, I'm here now, so let's discard these nasty names and settle it all one-on-one."

"Normally, I don't fight approaching challengers, but for you... I'll make an exception." Marshal said with a grin, before getting serious. "Let's go!"

In a flash, a bell rang and people were cheering! A beaming, bikini-clad girl was holding a 'Challenger Approaching!' sign, but only for a second as she was knocked away by Marshal, who was charging Haydn. Haydn just stood there, eyes glued to Marshal as he threw millions upon millions of punches. They were everywhere, bouncing off the ropes and poles, hitting everywhere like they had before.

But Haydn just stood there, eyes unseen as she lowered her head.

"You like that, wench?! The ring is filled with my Regigigas Left Jabs! Even a glutton for punishment like you can't take too many more!" he gloated and laughed, watching his punches attack her from all sides.

After a few moments, he dashed forward with an immense battle cry!

"Here comes a right hook...! But, nope, it's REALLY a corkscrew!"

His glove went spinning like a drill! Some people covered their eyes, unable to watch, while others cheered! Cascade was watching the fight in wonder. The power in the air built up, and Marshal shouted, eyes gleaming as if he already won!


The punch and a blast of power and light rippled through the ring! People watched as the corkscrew punch twisted the cloak. Some cringed, for they thought that her bare skin had been torn to shreds.

Finally, as though it never existed, the cloak was torn.

...And what was underneath made everyone but Cascade gasp, and Haydn and many others blush. Nonetheless, a big surprise.

"Holy shit!"

"She looks like a stripper!"

"She's hot, but at the same time…"

"Look at those muscles!"

"I didn't know a girl could get that ripped!"

All of those statements were true. Haydn wore something incredibly revealing and sexy.

Her legs and most of her thighs were covered in long, white tights with a blue stripe running down the middle of both sides. The heel and sole part that acted as her shoes were made of pure gold, giving the tights and boots a gaudy but complete look. The tights were attached to a garter belt with a gold clasp, and went up to the short, white skirt. The skirt barely covered anything, and anyone could see up where the skirt became her underwear; it actually became- surprise, surprise- a thong.

Along her front and back, there were blue suspenders that connected to the skirt, attached by gold clasps. Two of these claps covered where her nipples would be, but did nothing about the amount of under-breast she was showing. On her upper chest and shoulders, she wore white armor accented blue, with an odd vent-like part in the back connected to the back suspender strap. Her arms were covered in full-length gloves, similar to her tights with the stripes and all. The palm of the glove was blue and the rest was white, and around her wrists were clunky bracelets keeping to the blue and white theme of the outfit.

Her hat remained firmly on her head, covering her forehead, except now her hair seemed longer and more wild. Little white and blue horns that looked oddly scratched and beat up could be seen, having torn through her hat's fabric; a sacrifice she probably made to keep her hat there.

And of the most prominent things this outfit possessed, it was on her upper chest. Two, eye-like plates of metal jutted out, one covered in gold plating with an x-shape across it like a scar. The other was yellow, with an outer white iris and inner blue one, almost like Haydn's eye.

But while this outfit was impressive, Haydn's body was…a mix. Haydn was muscular, with strong arms, legs, and abs. But she had no feminine features, like a waist or chest. She was as flat as a man, muscular as one, and had the hip and waist shape of one, too. Were it not for her girlish face and everyone seeing she had nothing hidden in the skirt, she could probably be mistaken for a man.

But either way, she managed to pull off a rather unwanted and unintended distraction.

"W-What in Arceus' name are you wearing?!" Marshal demanded in a loud whisper, face going dark as he stared down at the girl.

"N-Not your problem, it's mine, so just fuckin' ignore it!" Haydn responded with a hiss, blushing brightly as she pushed against his boxing glove with her blade.

"Y-You're cheating! You're trying to distract me with your BODY!"

"S-So what?! This happens all the damn time in anime and video games! Deal with it, just fight and DON'T STARE!" Haydn shouted frantically, noticing Marshal staring at her chest.

"H-How dare you?! You're mocking a gentleman's sport!"


"...Alright." Marshal said with a grin.

He stepped back, face dark in embarrassment but his smile unwavering. He hooked his thumb under his belt and trunks and lowered them.

"I suppose I'll strip too."

"W-What?!" Haydn exclaimed, blushing even more bright red. "L-Look who's mocking the gentleman's sport now!"


Haydn stared in utter shock as Marshal's boxing glove fell off…only to reveal a massive war hammer head as what was really at the end of his glove. He then pulled another chain at the end of his glove, and suddenly huge SPIKES came out the end.

"Time to remove the padding I wear against newcomers. You're lucky, this rarely think of this as a treat. I have to cover what the true boxing gloves of my uniform look like at all times, so challengers don't run off! But you've pushed me to have to, and I'll gladly oblige." Marshal said, displaying the glove up for all to see.

"… Okay, I hate sports and jocks, but even I know shit like that is illegal and banned." Haydn said, looking rather unimpressed, but still blushing. But she smiled and regained her confidence. "Oh well. Give me your best shot."

The bell rang again. The (beat-up, unfortunately) bikini girl was holding a round two sign; but, again, she was pushed out of the way by Marshal, who was pulling his fist back for another drill-punch.

"Now that I can see under that cloak, I'm going to tear that hooker outfit of yours to shreds!" Marshal shouted, sending another massive drill punch her way.

Haydn stood with a scowl, chest slightly puffed out in preparation. Her hands were curled into tight fists. Despite her scanty clothes, she looked strong and immovable. Many students looked away, unable to watch! Marshal looked like he was going to send Haydn flying!

Students cringed as an ear piercing, terrible sound rang over the crowd. It was awful, like a malfunctioning power tool against rough metal, or even a Metal Sound! The sheer power of the collision of the punch sent some students fall back on their rears.

Cracks were seen.

Students, mostly males, gasped in anticipation.

Red stone went flying everywhere.

Regardless of who the students were cheering for, they all gasped in shock.

"What…? H-How!?"

Marshal demanded in surprise, looking down to where his glove connected...or, rather, what was left of his glove, as a good portion of it was now destroyed and had been broken when he punched Haydn's armor right in the chest.

"You honestly don't think I'd have worn this unless it wasn't as good as your Goku Uniform?" Haydn asked, still looking confident despite her blush.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted into nervous whispers and frantic conversation. Marshal began sweating, eyes shifting everywhere. His arms began shaking, and he went pale and looked nervous. He made a nervous sound, before shouting out of nowhere,

"Sawk! Karate Chop!"

Rapid, pitter-patter of footsteps were heard...and from the crowd jumped a Sawk, ready to attack Haydn. Haydn looked over her shoulder and merely watched…before smiling. Marshal made a choking, retching sound, and the students just mumbled and stared.

The Sawk looked around in confusion...and the shock in its wide eyes was obvious when it realized what was going on.

It was floating in mid-air, surrounded by purple, glowing energy. It looked around in panic, before seeing Rowan in the front row with a laughing, pointing Ace. Rowan waved his finger like one would at a naughty child, before flinging Sawk with his magical stick. The fighting type howled as it went flying out of the walls of Honnouji Academy.

"You were the ones that said no Pokémon battles or interference of any kind…and we are MORE than glad to comply. Besides, in human fights, it's against the rules for Pokemon to help out anyway, and we best kept it a fair fight." Rowan said telepathically, making Haydn smile even wider.

"Well, aren't you a smug bastard today?"

"Shut up. You've yet to go to a school and not cause a fight on the first day. Don't expect me to praise you because you've just so happen to win every one." Rowan shook his head and put his stick back.

"I know. Same, grouchy, old Rowan, as usual." Haydn rolled her eyes with a smirk, and look back to Marshal, who was shaking.

" NO NO! NOOOOO! THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE! I CAN'T LOOOOOOOOOSE!" he screamed, getting desperate and resorting to regular punching. He threw one after the other, both on her regular skin and the metal. He tried as hard as he could, sweating madly until he slipped. He even tried kicking her from his position on the ground, but it did nothing.

"You call that a punch?! I can't feel a thing!" she exclaimed.


Marshal screamed and jumped up, delivering an uppercut right to Haydn's head. This actually got her head to jerk back and stumble a bit, but nothing major. Her blue, felt boater went flying in the air, caught in the wind and flew away. Marshal smiled, thinking he redeemed himself, but quickly went back to looking afraid…

And with good reason.

The expression on Haydn's face was barely contained fury. She wasn't even trying to mask how angry she was. Even if she had, her eyes were dead giveaways. They looked ready to burst into flames any minute, and her hands began shaking from how tightly she was clenching them.

Without her hat, Haydn's hair was noticeably more fly-away, with a unique blue underside as it was spiked back a bit. Her hair shone in the sunlight, looking almost blonde instead of orange. The blue streak that crossed over her forehead was still there, with a few other bangs, also blue. There was nothing notable… at least, not from Marshal's punch.

Arching and twisting everywhere across her forehead, above her eyebrows were scars. Some looked natural, some looked like surgery scars. Pale white, some tinted a slight blue, but still noticeable. They started above her brow and disappeared past her hairline, likely going farther back still. The horns on her head, in fact, bore a resemblance to these scars.

And Haydn was obviously not very happy about having these scars revealed.

"You just fucking pissed me off, asshole."

"What is she wearing?" Whitney asked with curious eyes, staring down at the figures in the ring as she adjusted one of her pigtails.

"I think it's a Goku uniform, but…it's so powerful! These readings and the way it's reacting…how the Pokémon in the area are reacting…" Cheren said in surprise as he rapidly typed in information. "What is this...?"


Haydn looked over her shoulder at Cascade, who looked determined and excited all at once. She let her eyes go between Marshal and Haydn before Cascade smiled and simply said,

"Kick his ass."

"Please do!" Falkner shouted and added in, blushing bright.

Haydn stared for a few moments, before looking back at Marshal, who had his fists up, ready to fight if needed.


She stood up straight and closed her eyes, and instantly the change could be felt in the air. The suit seemed to tighten across her, power rippling from her...but rather than releasing it, it was storing it. Steam blew out from under her chest piece and skirt, the blue on the suit and in her hair glowing with power. Blue sparkles seemed to spread across her body. When she opened her eyes, the strength within could easily be seen, in alignment with her soul and emotions.

"Amazing…" Rowan said, accidentally letting his thoughts slip out. "She managed to control her anger and turn it into power. ...I guess she's finally getting it."

Haydn lifted her blade and ran toward Marshal. Desperately, he attacked with all the power he had left, backing up as far as he could as he threw all the punches he could at Haydn. She only dodged them all, pulling her blade back and jumping over his last punches.

"LEFT JAB!" she shouted, slamming the handle of her blade into his head. Marshal let out a pained shout as he hit the ground.


She twisted her blade under him and slammed the dull end against his gut, forcing him back on his feet as he coughed heavily.


She delivered this hit right to his jaw with the dull edge. Had he not been wearing a mouthguard, all his teeth would have likely gone flying into the air, separate of him as he went up into the air and landed right on his face, making him finally spit up blood.

Haydn shouted, her scissor blade still held high in the air and shining with power. Twirling around her wrist and back into her grip, she pulled it back, as if she was charging for some sort of attack.

"Now, reap what you've sown!" Haydn shouted with anger and jumped forward.

It happened in the blink of an eye. A bright red slash, and suddenly, Haydn was standing beside Marshal.

It took one second.



The tearing of cloth was heard, as well as the swish of a blade. Marshal gave a pained scream, his clothes exploding off his body in various pieces.

"Sen-i-soshitsu! Fiber Lost!"

Haydn bit her lip in surprise as she heard the uniform's voice again, shouting out something she just hoped no one else heard.

From the scraps of uniform still in the air, a single red thread came down and was sucked into the vents into the back of her uniform. She didn't notice, just standing up.

"IMPOSSIBLE! That should be IMPOSSIBLE!" Brawly shouted, looking shocked as his mouth dropped open.

"She defeated..." Morty started with a twitch of his eye.

"A GOKU UNIFORM?!" Whitney finished, looking absolutely flabbergasted.

"That blade is powerful…" Cheren stated in awe, looking up from his laptop to watch Haydn.

"No." Jay said bluntly as she adjusted her glasses, watching as the girl's uniform glowed blue and sucked in the red thread. "It isn't her blade."

"Now..." Haydn growled out as Marshal seemed to only be, just now, falling to the ground. However, before he could hit it, Haydn pulled her blade back once more and hit him with it like a baseball bat...sending him flying toward the tower…

Toward Jay and the Elite Four.


Despite Marshal flying toward them at an insane speed, the response was immediate. A group of One-Stars acted as the first shield. The Elite Four stood in front of Lady Jay as a second measure. The One-Stars took the blow and all of the blood.

Except for one drop.

This drop smeared itself against Jay's jawline, making the Elite Four gasp and stare- like a crime had been committed.

Jay didn't flinch, simply reaching up to wipe the blood away with her thumb.

Growling with fury, Brawly moved to climb into the ring with Haydn, intentions obvious. "How dare you-?!"

"Stand down."

This command froze Brawly in his tracks. Shortly after, Jay called down.

"New girl. Where did you get that uniform?"

Haydn glared at the tower, eyes boring into the silhouette of Jay. Skillfully, Haydn moved her leg and kicked the microphone up into her hand. Turning it on, bangs hiding her eyes, she lifted it to her face. She obviously hesitated, before almost proudly declaring,

"It was a gift from my Pops."

Jay let a small smile play on her lips. "Is that so?"

"Damn right, it is!" Haydn growled, and then lifted the scissor blade, showing it off by pointing right at Jay. "Same with this blade... except this one is a burden! It was left by the monster that murdered him...and I intend to put it to rest! So you're going to tell me who this belongs to…"

Haydn's glare seemed to get angrier and more emotion-fueled by the second.

And her intentions were made clear to all in a single shout.



Haydn Conley was a woman on a mission.

She wasn't going to take any form of 'no' for an answer.

...And she was ready to fight to get what she wanted.


Author's Note: Hopefully, for the first chapter, you enjoyed reading it. We've spent lots of time planning for this and deciding if we should actually make this a thing!

If you liked it and have additional comments/criticism (please be kind if you do so), please leave a review. We appreciate it, and if you have questions we will gladly respond!

Tune in next time for Chapter Two!

With regards,

~Mystic and Princess Blaziken