Another chapter completed. I had a bit of a problem with inspiration for this chapter and life happened to distract me. However, I managed to figure it out and I planned out the next few chapters while I was at it. This time I won't take as long as before to post a new chapter. Hopefully, I can get onto an update schedule soon. As soon as I have that figured out, I will let you all know. Also I just checked what the viewing number was on this story. I was surprised that I have over 1,600 views. I was ecstatic when I saw that, because I hadn't realized that I would get so many people to view this story. Thanks for making my day. Also thanks again to everyone who has reviewed, favorited and followed this story. I do not own One Piece. It is owned by its creator, Eiichiro Oda. The only things I own are the right to like the show, One Piece merchandise I purchased and having Zolo as my favorite character. I make no profit on this story other than any reviews it may get and satisfaction from writing it. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I have decided that I will make this a Zolo/Luffy pairing type of story. If there is anyone who doesn't like the pairing or men being with other men in general then please find another story to read. I will let everyone know if I decide on other pairings.

"Speaking aloud"


Chapter 6: Fighting

Zolo Roronoa was bored and angry. It had been hours since Luffy had fallen asleep. The swordsman had kept his silent promise to himself to keep his crew safe. That didn't mean that he couldn't get bored. It also didn't stop him from feeling angry at what had happened.

"Even if I was unconscious, that is still no excuse to abuse my family," He silently fumed. Dark green eyes examined his crewmates once more. The bandages didn't show any red coming through.

"At least that means that the wounds aren't as bad as they had looked," the dark eyed male thought. While the rest of the crew was being treated, Zolo had seen how bad they looked with all of the blood. Thankfully the fox medic had cleaned them up and bandaged them properly. Even if he hadn't he would have had to or be faced the green haired man's fury and then been forced to anyway.

"I am not going to let my pack be harmed anymore," the new fox vowed. A hand lifted up and touched the fox ears that were perched on the top of the swordsman's head. Zolo looked down at where the hand had come from and then smiled softly.

"Hey, Luffy, how did you sleep?" The swordsman asked softly as his own hand lifted to touch his captain's. There was a fascinated look on his captain's face that concerned the unofficial first mate. Moments passed without an answer to his question. When the green eyed male had been about to ask again, the straw hat wearer finally spoke.

"So it wasn't a dream." Luffy murmured. It was pitched low and filled with relief. Zolo was certain that if he hadn't had better hearing then before he wouldn't have heard him.

"Why would you think me being awake was a dream?" was what escaped the older man. He was genuinely curious what the response would be. Brown eyes looked up at him as the green haired fox leaned over the black haired human.

"Because I dreamed about it happening before, and found out it was a dream after waking up to find you were still asleep." Luffy stated softly as his hand gently rubbed Zolo's new fox ear. A purr began to escape the other male's lips, as the straw hat bearer rubbed the furry appendage. When the swordsman realized that the purring was coming from him, he decided not to stop the younger male from rubbing his ear. The soft smile that was on the brown eyed one's lips was too fragile looking and green haired being wanted it to remain for as long as possible.

"Even if I have to put up with purring," Zolo thought. A smile graced his lips as Luffy continued to rub the new fox's ear and the straw hats' lips pulled into a wide smile.

Noise from outside drew the swordsman's attention. This also caused Luffy to withdraw his hand and tense with his smile fading away. Looking downward clued the green eyed male into the terror that was slowly taking up his captain's face. Fury raced through the older man's body at what was happening.

"Whoever the fuck had caused Luffy to feel terror will die?" The green haired one silently vowed. Dark eyes narrowed on the only way into or out of the healing hut they were in. He refused to let any more harm come to his pack.

"Over my dead body," Zolo silently snarled. His arms protectively cradled his Luffy. Unaware of the significance of the change in thinking, he kept his gaze firmly on the entrance.

Brown eyes widened at the way he was being held. He knew the significance even if his unofficial first mate didn't. His eyes softened as the terror left them and closed as he tucked himself into the older males' chest.

The fox eared one glanced down to ensure that Luffy was alright, saw he looked better than before and looked back at the entrance where the loud voices came from. A voice firmly ended the conversation as a shadow fell over the hut flap. The shadow on the other side of the hut flap reached to open it. Ears flattened to his skull as a warning growl escaped the new fox.

Unfortunately, the intruder refused to heed the territorial sound. The scent that came with the form was male and it was confirmed with the being's appearance. It was a grey haired and fox eared man with light brown skin. He gazed around the healing hut with cold light blue eyes. Finally his eyes settled on an unconscious curly black haired man. It was Usopp. A cruel smirk graced his lips revealing sharp canines.

"What are you doing here?" Zolo demanded. The grey fox ignored him and moved toward the unconscious one. Dark green eyes narrowed at this and gently placed Luffy down on the furs beneath them. He crouched above Luffy in preparation to lunge at the male if he got too close to Usopp. Luffy didn't protest what Zolo did because he was thrilled that his swordsman was awake to protect them.

The swordsman snarled at the light blue eyed male. When the other fox continued to ignore him and reached for Usopp, this caused the green eyed male to lunge. Clawed hands grabbed grey hair and yanked the one it was attached to backward and toward the entrance to the hut. The force used sent the offender through the hut entrance with an enraged man chasing after him.

A snarl escaped the grey fox as he whirled to face the one who attacked him. It didn't register that the man he faced was the same male that the tribe had taken in as one of their own. The green haired male snarled in return.

"What the fuck did you plan to do with Usopp?!" Dark green eyes were furious slits as his tail lashed from side to side.

"I can do anything I want to those filthy humans." The older fox growled. "They deserve that and more."

"That is my pack that you are talking about. They are not filthy." Zolo snarled as his clawed fingers flexed.

"They are not pack!" Light blue eyes narrowed in raged as his ears flattened. Before the green haired male could reply, the grey furred fox launched himself at him.

Claws flashed as vicious snarls and growls escaped the two foxes. When they finally broke apart, it revealed that the grey haired one had twice as many wounds as the green furred male. Dark green eyes narrowed as they took in the other's expression. Seeing no remorse there, his eyes widened and the swordsman decided on his course of action.

Eyes narrowed once more as he bent low with his arms crossed in front of himself like he had his swords only with his fingers fully extended. When the other man advanced upon him once more, Zolo moved, disappeared and reappeared behind him.

The dark eyed one straightened and no injuries appeared. His opponent, however, developed multiple deep cuts from the green haired one's claws. No one spoke or said a word as the grey haired fox fell to the ground and quickly died from blood loss and the depths of his wounds.

"Anyone else think they have a right to my pack?" Zolo growled out at the surrounding crowed. No one spoke a word of protest at what had happened.

"Zolo, come back to the tent."

When the fox looked, he saw it was Luffy who called him. Flattened ears straightened at his captain's presence and words. After one last glance around to ensure there wouldn't be any more challengers, Zolo went to Luffy and pulled him up into his arms. A glance back in warning to anyone else who may try to enter his temporary territory was all that was given before both disappeared back into the hut.

Only Luffy seemed to be aware of the meaning of what had happened. His crewmate seemed unaware of the stance he had just taken in front of the entire village. Zolo resettled his precious cargo onto the furs in the center of the area and remained by his side. Silence descended between the two as they got comfortable with the younger man lying against the older one's chest. Finally, Luffy was the first to break the silence.

"Zolo, do you realize the meaning of what you just did?" He questioned.

"Protect my pack," was the reply he received. This caused the black eyed male to smile in response.

"You just claimed us as your pack which is considered sacred among the fox people here." Luffy explained. "This means that you have given yourself the right to kill anyone who endangers us. No one in the village can go against you regardless of what you decide to do with anyone in the Straw Hat pirates."

About to reply, the Straw Hat wearer's expression registers and Zolo froze in response. What emotions he saw in Luffy's face were excitement, acceptance, relief, warm welcome and a little sadness. It was like the other male had fully given over decision making to Zolo.

"I am not going to be captain of the Straw Hat pirates." The swordsman stated firmly. A sunny smile engulfed the black haired male's face and he gave a curt nod of acceptance in response. Fox ears flicked in irritation at the easy agreement from the other. He was about to ask his Luffy more when he noticed that the black eyed male had gone to back to sleep.

Sighing in resignation at that, dark green eyes took in the others. Surprisingly, none of them were awake yet. It seemed that they were more exhausted then he realized. Zolo settled Luffy more comfortably against himself and resigned himself to waiting once more. He also kept his senses alert to the surrounding area just in case any more village members tried to take members of his pack away from him.

The swordsman decided that if pack was so important to the fox people here then he would take full advantage of that to protect his crew. He refused to let anyone else harm them and would do everything in his power to protect them. It was the least he could do to repay his crewmates for not being there for a full month.

The new fox got a little more comfortable by pulling furs from the floor around himself and his Luffy. Green eyes were thoughtful as he registered that his thinking concerning Luffy had changed. A light shrug was all it warranted since it would help him more effectively protect Luffy.

After the furs were placed, Zolo Roronoa prepared to wait for however long it took everyone to wake up. He was once again unaware of the real meaning behind the change in his thinking about Luffy. Eventually, he would discover the real meaning but for now he had a pack to protect.