Tris Prior has had her heart shattered by Tobias Eaton on numerous occasions but this time it was completely torn out and trodden on; it had been 1 year 10 months and 2 weeks since he left without notice.
He not only left her without a goodbye but with a life changing creation which created juxtaposing emotions which simultaneously tugged and ripped at her heart strings.
As she looked down at her daughter, Ruby Prior, who was exploring the world that was her backyard she couldn't help but stare into her deep blue eyes which held countless memories of the moments she shared with Tobias, both good and bad. They are a constant reminder of what they had, what they could have been and what they've missed since his sudden departure. There is no doubt she is his daughter, with the exception of her thin blonde hair, she is a spitting image of her father with a slightly hooked nose, fuller lips and those deep ocean blue eyes.
They were not perfect by any means but the love they shared could be seen by even a blind man and their own troubled pasts simultaneously brought them closer together and also created a barrier between the two. The fact that she had no explanation for his departure after 2 years together pained her deeply. This pain was only exacerbated when a month later she found out that she was 7 weeks pregnant, what should have been a joyous revelation was in fact a torturous reminder of the man who deserted her in her greatest time of need.
All reminders of him had either been damaged through her bouts of rage or remained completely untouched as despite her unwillingness to consciously admit it, even though she knew he would not come back, removing his belongings would confirm her greatest fear. Another person leaving her. Being alone. For months she refused her to leave the house and despite the best efforts of her closest friends she was in denial of being abandoned all over again. It was her greatest insecurity. Tobias knew that. He knew that yet he still left her.
The pregnancy wasn't without complications due to her early unwillingness to accept the cards she had been dealt. The stress and lack of food she was consuming was sure to be affecting the baby and it took a number of months and interventions by her friends to break her out of her trance and for her to look after herself like she knew she had to. This baby was coming into the world whether or not she liked it and she had to accept that Tobias would always be part of her life, through the child they created.
She didn't want a lot of people at the birth and as her birthing partner and self proclaimed auntie; Christina was the rock that kept Tris together for the 16 hour labour, and despite her expletives towards Tobias throughout, she was as supportive as any best friend could be. After many hours of pushing Tris was finally relieved to have delivered a healthy baby girl and as soon as she held her daughter a cascade of tears escaped her eyes, not only from the exhaustion, but at the immense love which coursed through every cell in her body and her undeniable resemblance to her father.
She was broken from her trance when Christina characteristically let herself into the house and through to the backyard and cooed down at Ruby who giggled in response. "How's my sweet girl?" Christina asked in which Tris responded "I'm doing quite well thank you" which earned her a knowing nudge and smirk in return. Christina was her constant rock since Tobias' departure and her recent return renewed positivity provided much relief to her best friend who had witnessed the very lows of lows which Tris experienced.
Christina lifted Ruby into her arms and stared lovingly at the 1 year old who is a constant delight to all those who meet her, although she is not immune from possessing a stubborn streak which she has inherited from both her parents. As Tris and Christina fell into a comfortable silence, which was not unusual for the pair since Tris has been quite recluse since he left, Ruby took the opportunity to fill the silence with her baby babble which was always entertaining.
They don't often speak of Tobias but when they do a scowl immediately adorns Tris' face and a response likened to a moody teenager when they're told what to do. So when Christina delicately asks if she still has yet to hear any word from Four her response is a knowing look which causes to Christina to raise both hands in the air in surrender to approaching the subject.
"You and Uriah then" Christina wiggled her eyebrows which caused a blush to spread across Tris' face and her hands to immediately hide and cool down her face, "you and Will huh" was her eventual response. It was Christina's' turn to blush and she whispered gently "touché" and both girls giggled at their respective responses. Tris and Uriah had been friends for years and they have only been casually seeing each other for the past few months and on their rare public outings they looked to any observer like a young happy couple but she was still harbouring the deep pain inflicted by one man almost two years ago who had a stranglehold on her heart. She was always questioning whether she would ever be granted a happy ever after.
Tobias frustratingly dragged his hand down his face as he looked longingly at the last photo he and Tris took together, they were staring lovingly at each other at a party with their friends, he sighed heavily as we wished it didn't have to be like this and that he could be enveloped in the comfort of her arms.
It was easily the hardest thing to do leaving Tris but he hoped she was happy and found someone who cared deeply for her. Although the latter caused a deep ache in his heart each time he thought of someone else holding and comforting her when it should be him. But he made the decision and he had to live with the pain each day that had past in the last year, 10 months and 2 weeks since he left Chicago.
He didn't willingly choose to leave her but he was forced into the decision by his father Marcus who held more power over him then he would ever be willing to admit. Years and years of abuse at the hands of his father during his childhood contributed to his inability to stand up to him. He thought he had found an out when he met the Pedrad's who offered him a safe home and ultimately led to his introduction to the most beautiful girl he had ever met. It wasn't necessarily her physical characteristics which contributed to this but her natural and radiating spirit which created a feeling he had yet to experience and one he could only describe as constant fluttering in his stomach whenever he was with her. It had been quite a number of years since he had heard form Marcus as he'd moved in with the Pedrad's when he was 18 and it wasn't until he was 25, two years into his and Tris' relationship that contact resumed. At first he thought it was all an act to ensure his father's professional image was perfect but it soon became clear this was only part of his reason. He was well known in the business world but he had a second life as a feared and respected member in the New York underworld. This gave him ties to powerful people who are accustomed to using violence to solve issues and an order by Marcus would not be questioned. This is why when his father threatened the safety of the one person in the world he has ever loved he had no hesitation to do anything to protect her. He had hurt her too many times before to let anything happen to her and if he knew he had to leave and surrender to his father's threats, he just didn't know how much it would hurt him. His unhappiness and torture was Marcus' joy and resumed the control over his son which he had lost for seven years. It is why he now sits still staring at the picture with tears running down his face and his heart breaking at the prospect of never hearing her sweet voice again or feeling her soft touch as she caressed his face. Every day since he left he questioned the ending of the stories his mother often read to him as a child, is there ever a happy ever after?
Hi, this is my first time writing fan fiction and I would love to hear what you think and if I should continue this? Thank you :)