Yo yeah I know I said I was working on oh gods and I am but you see I am also working on this story, and I have to go out of town soon so I just wanted to post the prologue of this story first.
I wish I could work on this while I'm away but…..actually I can I just wouldn't be able to upload till I'm back. Yosh! I will work a little while away aaaand I have no idea where I was going with this so stop reading this and go read the story. Are you still looking here you shouldn't? LOOK BELOW!
Disclaimer: I dont own nothing
The moon was high over the village of Konoha. The streets alight with paper lanterns, villagers walking around with their family's or dates, and most of the children running around some with little porcelain masks.
Everything seemed so fun and festive except for a young blonde haired blue eyed boy.
This boy was Uzumaki Naruto self-proclaimed future hokage of the leaf, and at the moment only six years old only having been in the academy a month.
Some may ask 'Why was Naruto not having fun' well the reason was because it was this young boy's birthday. For some this may only make their questions increase.
Who wouldn't be happy on their birthday especially with such a beautiful festival going on right outside? Why sit in your apartment having everything stacked up like you were about to be in the middle of the third great shinobi war?
Well the reason is that poor Naruto was the container of the Kyuubi No Kitsune! The strongest bijuu to walk the elemental nations, and the festival outside was to celebrate the death (or so they thought) of the beast that ravaged their village not a few years ago.
The villagers on this day party and get drunk, and when they get drunk they go after poor Naruto believing he was the fox. This small malnourished child they believed to be one in the same as the giant beast that destroyed half of their village.
And so Naruto has learned to become wary of this day that was supposed to be a happy occasion, the only memories he has associated with this day are pain and hopelessness.
Naruto had just finished pushing his large dresser in front of his door when he heard a loud bang and saw the door shudder.
Quickly he turned off all the lights and ran into his room closing and locking the door.
"Come out demon! We know you're in there!" screamed a drunk villager as he continued to slam against the door making the frame shake. Naruto just dived under his bed and hoped if they did get in they couldn't find him.
'What did I do to deserve this? Why does this always happen I never hurt anybody. I never took those peoples precious people away like they said!" Thought Naruto as tears streamed down his face as he curled in a ball silently sobbing to himself, silently praying to kami, Susanoo, yami, Shinigami, any deity that he hoped would listen that he would be able to get through the night with ought the usual abuse he would get on this day.
Naruto was brought out of his prayers when he finally realized the banging had stopped and everything had become quiet. Thinking that maybe the villagers had given up and gone hope he slowly, ever so slowly crawled from under his bed and stood up.
Silently creeping to the front of his trashy apartment given to him by his jiji he stalked towards the door trying to be as silent as possible so he could check for sure if the villagers where there or not.
Stopping two feet from the door young Naruto stopped and listened holding his breath thinking that the villagers could hear him breathe through the door.
After a few seconds of not hearing anything from the other side Naruto slowly let out his breath his shoulders slumped as his body finally relaxed.
But just as Naruto turned his head ready to try and sleep hoping he could just skip this night and go to the next day the door behind him exploded with a resounding BANG! That echoed through Konoha. The explosion threw Naruto further into his apartment wooden splinters stabbing into his tiny frame as he was tossed through the air.
Naruto's flight was stopped by the wall in his living room. He had been thrown down the hall right under his window.
Naruto looked up to see blurry images coming in through the smoldering remains of what used to be his door.
"Ah. So the little demon thought he could hide from his yearly beatings?" One blur said with a sound of sick demented glee in its voice.
"Maybe our little pet is in need of some punishment" said another voice that Naruto recognized instantly.
It was the Villager Naruto was the most afraid of. Yuriko Haruno the pink haired villager, mother of his classmate Sakura Haruno, one of the civilian council, and the woman that raped and tortured Naruto on the last villager raid. Claiming that he owed her relief for killing her husband, and that he needed to be 'punished'.
That had been the worst experience of Naruto young short life, and it traumatized the boy to the point that a he couldn't stand to see the color pink unless looking at cherry blossoms which for some reason helped him relax. (I know sakuras mom's hair isn't really pink but here it is so deal!) Naruto could feel the fear coursing through him trying to lock up his muscles as the person who haunted his nightmares drew closer.
Naruto felt tears coming down his eyes as he heard her draw closer. Like a caged animal Naruto looked in every direction trying think of a way to escape the fate he felt was closing in on him.
"Don't worry Naru- kun I'll take good care of you!" he heard the deranged woman purr with maniacle glee.
Putting his hands up Naruto was about to give up until he felt his hand touch something that felt like glass.
Looking up he finally realized he was under his window, and in that moment he felt hope.
Not even giving himself enough time to think about how high up he was before he could talk himself out of it he jumped out the window narrowly landing on the roof of the building next to his.
His sight finally starting to clear he looked back to see the shocked and enraged faces of the villagers that were staring at him through his window.
Turning around he ran across the roof to the other side before jumping down into a dumpster. He could hear the heavy feet of the mob after him so he quickly climbed out and took off at a run.
Even though he was small even for his age and not as fast as most what he lacked in speed he made up in stamina, determination, and at the moment fear for his life. Naruto ran for what felt like hours navigating the partially deserted streets and back alleys while narrowly avoiding villagers hunting for him.
When the mob finally caught up and surrounded Naruto he had made his way to the forest of death officially training ground 44.
"That was a nice effort demon but it seems you trapped yourself." A villager spoke with a smirk.
"If you try to escape in their chances of living are absolute zero. If you sit there like a good little demon and take your punishment you might actually live through the night" Leered the elder Haruno
"W-what did I ever do to you! I never did anything to hurt you I just want to live normally and become a ninja! I want to be strong so I can protect Konoha! So why why do you do this to me every year!?" cried Naruto his back against the fence.
"Never did anything? NEVER DID ANYTHING? You took the people who were precious to us! You don't deserve to be happy you demon!, Your nothing, nothing but ur little plaything and punching bag, the quicker you give up to your fate the quicker your pain can end."
The haruno woman ground out.
Naruto stared at them wide eyed not knowing what to do anymore.
'Just keep walking.'
Naruto's eyes widened even more as he heard a voice in the back of his head.
'Just keep walking, when things get hard push through them, when obstacles stand in your way jump over and keep walking, when your day is dreary and you feel alone keep walking towards a brighter future where you can live with the people you love with all your heart and they return it in full.
Always keep walking forward this is the way of a true Uzumaki this is the way of a walker!'
And just like that with ought really knowing what he was doing Naruto climbed the fence and ran off into the forest it would only be a few moment before a bright green light shot into the air from the forest. Everyone wondered what it could be none of them knowing the village pariah had just awoken a power that hadn't been seen in century's the only one to have anything close to this was Kushina Uzumaki.
None of them knew that Naruto had just become the first one in century's to awaken the full power of the Uzumaki bloodline
The power of innocence!
So how yall like?
Just to let you know this will be harem and I have the women picked out I'm only telling one…. Anko!
I think she is awesome personally so yeah she is in it.
Hopefully you can tell this is a Naruto somewhat D-Gray Man crossover, and if you don't know what D-Gray Man is stop go watch it.