Author's note:

Hello people. I'm sorry it's been a long time. There are a number of reasons as to why I haven't been updating.

Firstly, I've become increasingly uncomfortable with writing Hetalia fanfiction. I know the characters, sure, but I doubt I know enough about the countries themselves to create a decent portrayal of their personifications. I'm absolutely terrified of possibly offending somebody. It's just…. So awkward, and I doubt really have the time to do in depth research on all these different cultures and governments. Currently, I have no idea what I'm talking about. In conclusion, I'll probably be laying off the Hetalia fanfiction for a while; maybe write some stories about actual fictional individuals.

Secondly, as I mentioned in my character profile, I suffer from a pretty bad case of social anxiety. Truth be told, every chapter I post is pure terror. It's gotten to the point where It's hard to sleep, for fear of what people think of my story, my brain fixating on and replaying every minute detail over and over as I lie awake in bed.

Lastly, It really wasn't that good, in my opinion. Honestly, I have no idea where I was trying to go with this. There was no planning. I just wrote whatever popped into my head, with only the vaguest Idea of what I was trying to accomplish.

I would be lying if I said I don't have, by this point, an ending in mind. However, my confidence in my ability to pull it off in any satisfying way is severely lacking.

I thought just stopping would help, but so far, it hasn't. If anything, it's made it worse. No, I need some sort of closure. I can't stand the thought of just abandoning people without saying a word.

That brings us to now. I finally worked up the courage to tell my brother the title of my story. We came to the agreement that if I let him read it, he would finish the story for me. I spent the rest of the day hiding in the basement, waiting for the final chapter to appear in my in-box.

Ladies, gentlemen, and those of indeterminate gender, I present to you the final chapter of 'Switched' (courtesy of my brother).

(I would have posted this a week earlier if it weren't for a badly timed power outage '-.-)

Both Arthur and Oliver strode across the room. They met in the center and sat down across from each other on the table that was set for them. There was no way out until a conclusion was made.

This will be fun

'It is marvelous to finally meet you Oliver; I wanted to thank you for leaving those diaries about your life! They made fitting in a breeze.'

Oliver gritted his teeth in contemplation. If he were to make his move correctly, he would need to learn and manipulate Arthur's move quickly before his chance slipped away. If he failed now, he wouldn't be able to recover his life, and surely perish in his own world.

'You know what I propose'

'A re-swap, wasn't it?'

With a curt nod from Oliver Arthur's ever-present smile only deepened.

'We must switch back, or we will both surely perish'

'I have no doubt you will perish, but I know my way around my world. A smile here, a cup of tea here. Everyone will adore you! Or me as it is.'

'I know how America loves you, are you just going to leave him alone? When I die in my world, he will doubt be just as crushed. You are condemning him the worst fate imaginable.'

With this Oliver smiled. He could see Arthur start leaning his way with a look of unease. But that was gone soon enough, and replaced by the smile.

'Life is full of disappointments, us British should know this after all.'

Oliver had gotten in the most important piece of his plan. And Arthur had acted just as he planned. Even as psychotic as Arthur was, he was still a kid at heart, and with the feeling of losing someone he knew as family, he nearly broke. Now that worm of doubt was festering in his conscious, just waiting to break out.

And it was time for Oliver to help it along.

'Alf will be drove to near insanity by the looks of how much he depends on us. Without one of us to be there for him, he will slowly drive into a deep insanity. First it will be him, then his country will be affected, then it will all fall apart. Anarchy at the worst degree most likely.'

Oliver frowned

Arthur wasn't reacting the way he had anticipated, something was wrong.

Instead of more doubt, Arthur seemed to be getting more assured this was the right thing.

'That America is a quite a psychopath, along with that world. If things fall, it is for the better. In fact, they deserve worse than this. '

Every single sentence was chock full of stinging optimism, almost like talking about a lover, or a great ambition. Thing definitely were falling apart, Oliver decided to result to plan B.

_-_-_-_Line Break_-_-_-_

Oliver was a fool. Playing right into Arthur's ploy. He new that Oliver had been thorough in his research into his world and his relationship with America. And knew that would mostly be his plan in getting him to stay. But Arthur was no fool. He worked it into his plan.

Shame, I could really use a cup of tea to enjoy while this plays out.

This was exciting! With Chocolates ability of ESP, the thought process was rapid and invigorating. Chocolate could feel Oliver losing grip on the situation even now, just as he thought it would. A little disappointingly expected sadly.

Never less, things were invigorating, and he couldn't wait to see what was next.

_-_-_-_Line Break_-_-_-_

It was time

'I am sorry Oliver, but the time has come for me to take my leave. It has been a fantastic time catching up with you but I am on a tight schedule and must sadly take my leave.'

Time to act fast

In seconds we both were pointing firearms at another

One of us was going to die, and the other would get their rightful place back.

That's when Oliver realized Chocolate bunny's smile.

He must have warned Arthur about the firearm, but if he had a gun this whole time, why wait until now?

That's when the plane formed.

Arthur's plan was insane, but he needed this time for it to work!

If Oliver doesn't act fast then Arthur will escape, and ruin it all.

'I apologize but I have somewhere to be'

Then the sound of bullets leaving guns, and Oliver was on the ground.

Oliver's old musket wasn't fast enough to keep up with modern firearms, and the duel was over. But Oliver had one last way to stop Arthur.

'Would you so kindly proceed chocolate? I would like nothing more then for this to end.'

And with a smile and a wave, chocolate and Arthur were gone.


Oliver was dying

A bullet had punctured a lung, and although a bullet wasn't enough to kill a country in the real world, in the inter-dimensional place they had chosen to meet, it was quite enough to kill him.

'This place….. Its reality is weak from the strain of me and Arthur being here.

We…. Should be able to bend reality…."

Oliver was wheezing badly

One… more…. task…

'If … we can go back and in time to when Arthur made the deal with chocolate, maybe we can wipe his mind as well like mine, and prevent this from happening'

Mint's eyes were tearing up at the pain of his friend, but if they stopped this, he may be all right,

'I can try Oliver. Here we go'

_-_-_-_Line Break_-_-_-_

The events of the last 300 years went past Oliver's eyes

Everything from the invention of the television to the fall of Hitler.

And then he saw Arthur.

They came just before Arthur made the deal with chocolate, and they looked nearly exactly the same. No slight rosy tint to the hair, no pink clothes, just plain old clothes and hair. And it would stay this way if he succeeded.

With the last of his strength, he whacked Arthur over the head, and dragged him into the bushes. With almost no life left in him, it took only the willpower of a country to make the deal. And then it was done, and Oliver died.

_-_-_-_Line Break_-_-_-_

An uncharacteristic grimness overtook Oliver's features that morning. Only it wasn't Oliver, not really.

The day had begun the same as any other. The morning had seen Arthur to a freshly printed newspaper and a calming cup of tea. Arthur had made himself comfortable in an old but well made patio chair overlooking his immaculately kept rose garden, his cup and scones resting on the little round table beside him.

And there you have it. I certainly hope my brother did an adequate job.

I'm not even going to even bother trying to explain what my original ending entailed. I considered it, but in the end, thought better of it. It was stupid- just take my word on it.

Maybe I'll see you nice people again in the comments of some other fanfic, or maybe not. So, for now, I bid you farewell.

P.S. If I do decide to finish this story myself, It'll probably only be after I rewrite the entire thing, top to bottom. Fix it up so it's, you know, less meandering and pointless.