For Royai Week 2015, Day 2: Skin
A faint knock at his door woke Roy up. He opened his eyes to find his cheek pressed against his open alchemy textbook. With a yawn, he sat up and scooted away from his desk.
"Roy?" Riza Hawkeye's voice sounded like bells even through the closed door. Roy glanced down at himself, making sure he was decent.
"Come in, Ms. Hawkeye!"
The door swung open and Riza waltzed in, carrying a bag full of various materials. "My Dad's not home, so it's safe to call me Riza, now."
Roy nodded. He eyed the bag. "What's that?"
"I want your help with something, Roy. And if you don't agree to help me, I'll find someone else."
Roy's eyes widened. Just what was she up to? "What is it?"
"Help me pierce my ears."
"Help you what?"
Riza started removing items from the bag and placing them on his desk. A long, thick needle. A candle. A lime. Some matches. And a box that he could only assume was a pair of earrings.
"One of the girls at school told me how to do it. You're just going to heat up the needle with the candle, and push it through my ears into the lime. Then, put the earrings in. Quickly." She casually plopped down on the edge of his bed. "Ready when you are!"
"Riza, I'm not sure this is a good idea."
She rolled her eyes. "I'd do it myself, but you have a better eye for making things even. Please?"
Roy sighed and reached for the matches. "Fine, but you'll owe me."
Riza grinned. "You're the best!"
Roy worried that Riza would scream, but all that escaped her mouth was a soft moan and a hiss as juice from the lime hit the puncture. It couldn't have taken Roy more than ten minutes to finish both ears.
Riza stood up and skipped over to the mirror above Roy's dresser. Roy followed her, shamelessly admiring his handiwork. Riza grinned and looked at him. "Thanks."
Roy was slightly concerned - he had just pushed an object through the skin of her ears, after all. "Are you sure you're okay to stand right now?"
Riza rolled her eyes at him and 'tsked.' But her own expression soon turned to one of worry. "Roy?"
The blood had rushed out of Roy's face while he had pierced Riza's ears, but only now was the room starting to spin.
Roy only had time to register that the floor was rapidly approaching his face before everything went black.
When Roy woke up, he was on his bed, a pillow under his head. Riza sat next to him, clutching the other pillow.
"You okay?" She ran her hand across his brow, pushing his hair away. Her hand was cool.
Roy nodded. "Did you lift me up here?"
Riza took a moment to look proud of herself. "Yes. And you're heavy, too." She grinned. "And I never would have pegged you for the squeamish type!"
Roy laughed. "I'm surprised, myself. But your ears look nice. You look nice. It was a good idea."
Riza smiled and leaned forward, bringing her lips to Roy's nose and kissing it. "You're so cute, Roy Mustang!"
Roy felt himself going crimson. "I, uh, so are you!"
Riza laughed.
Both Roy and Riza's heads perked up at the sound of the house door opening on the floor below. Riza gave Roy's hand one last squeeze before skipping out of the room.
"Look, Dad! Roy helped me pierce my ears!"
Roy grew faint again as he imagined how Master Hawkeye would react to finding out that his apprentice had stabbed his daughter's ears through with a hot needle.
Sorry, really short and sloppy! Please let me know if you liked it!