Chapter 1

This story is wrote from the perspective of Nagisa. I may write one from Karma's views if this receives well, but it's my first fanfiction so I'm not sure xD I hope you enjoy! Constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated.


I couldn't believe what was before my eyes.

Karma-kun… All along…

It'd all happened very quickly. One minute, Karma had called me into the storage cupboard when Kayano had required assistance and he wasn't enough to help on his own. Then, Koro-Sensei had followed us in, offering to help. Yet, just moments later, an earth-rattling explosion occurred. Where Koro-sensei had once stood was a gaping hole. I was in a complete daze, trying to find Karma when another explosion rattled the building, creating a hole to the outside. I and the rest of Class E as well as the faculty dashed outside to investigate the commotion.

Safe to say, I was not ready for what was before me.

"KARMA-KUN!" I called out in a mix of surprise, shock and agony. Protruding from underneath his scarlet-red hair were…


Tentacles just like Koro-sensei's and Itona's. There was a part of me that hoped it was another of Karma's many sick pranks, but it really wasn't. Koro-sensei's face had twisted from his ever-calming smile into an expression of distress, still obviously failing how to process how his lazy prankster of a student had become this way.

"Karma…What on earth has happened to you?" Koro-sensei finally asked, breaking the silence. Karma looked down to the octopus, his eyes completely dulled from their bright amber colour to a dark, serious gold. His playful tone had completely faded as he smirked and replied.

"Sorry. Akabane isn't my real surname. I'm the younger brother of Yukimura Aguri. Get it yet, murderer?" Karma spoke harshly, putting special emphasis on murderer. It was so unlike him, and so unnatural for him that I couldn't bear to listen. The Karma before us was not the Karma I knew. He looked so grim I couldn't recognise him any more…

"Since my plan failed, I'll come and kill you tomorrow, Koro-sensei. I'll tell you when and where. As I am now, I can kill you easily" Karma laughed, licking his lips at the last part.

And with that, Karma Yukimura left the scene, leaving everyone present completely frozen.

"Which one… Is the real Karma?"