Hello my little minions! So sorry that this took ages. I am writing this on my Windows 8, 7 inch Linx tablet so it's kinda hard to tell if I have written enough for it to be a paragraph and because the tablet doesn't come with Microsoft word, I have to use Wordpad and that doesn't have spell check, so sorry for any spelling mistakes. I am so glad that you guys like the story and for those of you that want me to write a first Avengers fanfic for my "Shield of the Past V2" story then please, please let me know and I will get on it as soon as I can!
Disclaimer: I do not own the Avengers nor do I own Marvel, they belong to Stan Lee and any other rightful owners.
Summary: The Avengers team get hit with an enemy blast whilst in the middle of battle and all except Steve get sent back in time to watch his past.
WARNING!) This story contains child abuse, violence, torture and strong language so if you do not want to read something with any of that in then it is absolutely fine if you want to turn back and for those of you who are sticking around then please ENJOY! XD
By the time they finally arrived back to the Tower, the sun had begun to set, painting the sky with gentle brushes of reds, yellows, purples and blues. But now was not the time for them to admire the scenery. As soon as Clint landed the jet on the roof, Bruce and Tony began to wheel Steve and Natasha, who refused to let go of him, into the Tower with Thor and Clint running behind them. As they rushed through the many corridors to the med bay Tony barked orders at J.A.R.V.S, who immediatly got everything ready.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, run a scan on Steve. Find out what is wrong with him and how we can fix it. And find out who the hell that Gary bastard was and call Fury. Let him know that Cap is down and hurt." Tony commanded, his worry clear in the way his voice wobbled. He didn't really want to admit, especially out loud but he cared for Steve. After the whole "Loki" fiasco they had become good friends, putting their differences behind them and sometimes they could be found in Tony's lab working on projects; Steve would help with the heavy lifting and designs while Tony dealt with all the technical stuff. Steve actually, weirdly, became a father figure to Tony, taking care of him, making sure he ate and slept and didn't stay locked his lab, teaching him a few things that Howard never did.
"Sir, I have already informed Director Fury about Captain Rogers' condition and he shall be here in aproximetley 10 seconds Sir. Running full body scan on Captain Rogers now. Sir I am already searching every record there is on "Gary" as was Captain Rogers' request before you left." J.A.R.V.I.S' said, the A.I's voice gently echoing through the corridor and breaking Tony out of his thoughts. They had finally arrived at the med bay when the A.I's first sentence registered in the team's minds. "Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean that Fury will be here in 10 seconds?" Clint asked rather dumbfounded. Before anyone could offer a response, the door to the room swung open loudly, revealing a rather disheveled and frantic Director.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED OUT THERE!?" Fury roared, living up to his name sake as usual. "I was in a meeting when suddenly I get a call informing me that my best soldier has been hurt and downed! How in hell did that happen!? How is that even possible!?" He yelled at them, worry and concern for the super soldier colouring his words and turning them into those of anger. He like the team had come to care for the young man, caring for Steve as though he was his son; he was even planning to adopt Steve even though he was technically 95 years old. Quickly pulling himself from his thoughts, he laid his eye on the prone, unconcious body that was Steve.
Not pausing in hooking Steve up to various medical machines and collecting his vital signs, Bruce told Fury everything that happened, not leaving anything out. Fury listened quietly and as he did, he began to shake in anger at what that bastard did to His son. He wanted to track this "Gary" guy down and make him pay for what he did. Fury was actually just about to organise a man hunt when out of nowhere a giant black blur crashed through the window and rolled to a stop, startling everyone and making them reach for their weapons. The only one that remained somewhat calm after having the ever living scared out of them was Bruce which is saying a lot about the Hulk's refusal to pop out and say "hi". Everyone aimed their weapons at the intruder, stepping inbetween him and Steve protectively except Natasha, who just curled herself around him tighter.
The intruder slowly stood up from his crouched position on the floor, causing a gasp to bounce around the room as he lifted his head up, revealing brown eyes, long brown hair, a chisled jaw and a metal arm. "The Winter Soldier." Natasha said in shock and disbelief, her eyes widening in recognition. The soldier's brown eyes snapped to her when she spoke and in doing so, noticed Steve's prone body, anger flashing through his eyes at the sight of the man that knew him and saved him, unconcious and hurt. "I'm sorry, who?" Tony asked, still aiming his repulser at him, making sure not to take his eyes off of the soldier just in case he made any sudden movements to hurt anyone.
Natasha slowly got up from her place in Steve's side and aimed her guns at the brainwashed Hydra assassin. "The Winter Soldier," She said again to Tony before continuing, "Hydra brainwashed him and turned him into an assassin, before that he served in the army along side Steve as a sargeant and was a part of the Howling Commandos. Before that he was Steve's best friend, Bucky Barnes." Natasha said, not once looking away from the man that used to be her brother's best friend. Bucky however didn't seem to notice anything around him as he continued to stare at Steve. Slowly, hesitantly, he took a step towards their Captain, ignoring all of the weapons aimed at him and the trigger happy people in the room, ready to shoot him if he tried to harm Steve. Not that he would ever hurt Steve. For some reason he felt as though he knew him and judging by the mans reaction to seeing his face on that bridge, he did, a long time ago and he would like to know him again, to remember everything, no matter how painfull.
Bucky reached out his flesh hand out and softly ran his fingers through short, blonde locks, tilting his head to the side, still ignoring everyone in the room, his attention fixated on Steve's calm and peacefull face, so different from the pained and sorrowful look he had the last time they saw eachother; there was no pain, no sorrow, nothing was guarded anymore, he no longer looked troubled and more his age, no longer the battle hardend soldier that kept his thoughts and feelings private. Now he looked young, carefree and peaceful. Bucky raised his head to look at Bruce who was rushing around the room trying to figure out what had happened to Steve. "What happened to him?" He asked softly as though afraid that speaking any louder would disturb the unconcious man on the table. Bruce paused and looked Bucky in the eye, searching to see if he meant to harm his brother but found nothing but concern, worry and protectiveness and so told him what happened. As the story went on, Bucky grew more and more angry until all he knew was white hot rage towards the bastard that did this to the man that, despite all that he had done and what he was going to do, cared for him and wanted to help him remember who he was. He wanted nothing more than to hunt this "Gary" down and toture him in the most painful ways he knew, before slowly killing him, but as he looked at Steve's face, he knew that it would do no good and he knew that it would upset Steve as well as disappoint him. He doubted anyone wanted to disappoint Steve.
Bucky continued to gently stroke Steve's hair, his fingers occasionaly sweeping across his forehead tenderly. Seeing this and his reation to the story, everyone slowly, caustously put their weapons down but kept them close by just in case the Hydra assassin tried anything, although it didn't look like he was going to harm Steve but you can never be too careful with a brainwashed former Hydra soldier. As his fingers tenderly swept across Steve's forehead, Bucky suddenly felt a shock race from his fingertips up his arm and towards his head. The sudden pain that he felt caused him to cry out in surprise and confusion before he took a step away from Steve and began shaking his arm as though he was trying to get rid of the feeling. "What happened?" Clint asked him. He didn't care really but if whatever it was came from his unconcious best friend then he was concerned. "I don't know," Bucky replied, looking very confused. "But," he continued, "Whatever it was it came from Steve. It felt like hitting your funny bone while getting an electric shock." At his description, Bruce walked closer to Steve before slowly, caustously reaching out his hand and laid it on Steve's forehead before quickly pulling it back as he too, got shocked. Suddenly Steve's body began to convulse uncontrolably and a blood curdling scream ripped it's way out of his throat. Everyone rushed forword to try and hold him down so he wouldn't hurt himself. However as soon as they came into contact with him, they were shocked before everything went black.
The last thought in their minds; Steve.
When they woke up, it was somewhere unrecognisable. They appeared to be in someone's home. But that was impossible because they were in the tower's med bay with Steve. Steve. Everyone frantically looked around the toom in search for him but found nothing. "Where the hell are we?" Tony asked, a slight fear lacing his voice. However before anyone could give an answer, a woman's scream cut through the air causing them all to whirl around to see a pregnant woman laying on a couch, obviously going into labor, and another woman holding her hand and telling the pregnant one to breath. The pregnant woman had pale skin, dark blonde hair and blue eyes while the other woman had brown hair and brown eyes with a slight tan. "I know her." Natasha stated, pointing at the pregnant one. Bruce immediatly rushed forword to help, going into his doctor mode but when he reached out a hand, it went straight through her causing him to cry out in surprise and reel back. "So," Clint started, looking very freaked out but really, can you blame him?, "That's new. Who is she? Where are we? How did we get here? And where the hell is Steve?" Clint rushed out.
"Come on Sarah! Push!" The brunette woman yelled to the woman called 'Sarah'. Natasha tilted her head, recognising that name somewhere but unable to recall from where. "This Lady 'Sarah' is having a child. It is rude for men to be here." Thor said, turning around to face the wall, Clint and Tony quickly followed his lead, not wanting to be scarred for life. "Come on Sarah. You can do it. One last push and then you'll have your beautiful baby in your arms!" Encouraged by her brunette friend's words, Sarah pushed and pushed until finally the sound of baby's cry echoed around the room causing Thor, Tony and Clint to spin around wanting to see the baby.
The brunette gently cleaned the child before handing it to her friend. "Congratulations Sarah. You have a beautiful baby boy." She said softly. The baby in Sarah's arms was tiny and skinny and as he slowly opened his eyes, everyone in the room saw that they were beautiful and blue like the sea and sky. There was a collective "awwwww" that came from the male occupants in the room. "So what are you going to call him?" The brunette asked her tired friend who was stroking her son's head and cooing to him. Sarah looked up when she heard an explosion coming from outside the window. Her brunette friend quickly rushed to it along with the Avengers, Fury and Bucky to see that it was fireworks colouring the sky in different colours. Sarah's voice made them look away and to her as she spoke to her child. "Happy 4th July, mo aingeal beag, mo miricale beag. My son, Steven Anthony Grant Rogers."
And with those words cold realisation washed over everyone like freezing water. They were in the past. Or more accuratly Steve's past. "Well, didn't see that coming. Shit."
Hey! Sorry it took so long. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please leave a review and tell me what you think! I dont know when the next chapter will be up, I haven't even started it yet. I was going to bring Coulson in but I didn't want to destroy his, you know, vision of Captain America, I'm not that cruel ok?
Mo aingeal beag = My little angel
Mo miricale beag = My little miracle. Yeah i'm bringing in the Irish and I really hope i am getting this right. So sorry if im not. Anyway that is all from me, bye guys! Stay awesome!
Live Madly and Prosper xx ^_^