"You'll have to do better than that, little girl." Scarlet said boredly. "I've gotten stronger since we last battled."
Sapphire spared a look at her friends. All of them were caught in their own battles with a member of the church. None of them could help her.
Sapphire steeled her nerve.
"So have I!" Sapphire cried. "Drummer, Mega Punch!"
"Fire Punch!"
Drummer the Snorlax jumped forward with surprising agility and met Emboar's fist with hers. The resulting shockwave caused the ground to crack and shake, nearly knocking Sapphire off balance.
Emboar tried to punch Drummer with it's other fist, but Drummer caught it with her paw. Suddenly, the fire spread from Emboar's fists, engulfing Snorlax.
"It appears your Snorlax doesn't have Thick Fat," Scarlet said. "Looks like it has no resistance to fire."
Sapphire ground her teeth. She couldn't lose. Not against someone who hurt Cray. Not against a someone threatening her friends.
"Last Resort!" Sapphire yelled.
The fire around Drummer became golden. It surrounded both Pokémon, and Drummer spun Emboar around, flinging him away. He flew through the air like a comet and crashed into the ground.
"Snor..." The golden fire around Drummer disintegrated, and she fell to the ground.
Scarlet looked vaguely impressed. "Last Resort. A difficult move to master. Perhaps you are worth my time?" She pulled a Pokeball out of her purse and threw it lackadaisically into the air. A deep red Marowak jumped from the ball.
Sapphire balled her fists. "I'm more than that! I'm the girl who will avenge my Pokémon! Bounce!" Sapphire threw a Pokeball, and a blue Pokémon with a three cotton puffs, almost as large as the body itself, extending off it erupted from its ball. Dandy the Jumpluff launched into the air, then came crashing down onMarowak, it's body surrounded by silver sparks.
"Shadow Bone." Scarlet said. Marowak's bone became surrounded by a violet aura. The aura extended, shooting at Dandy like a whip and wrapping around him. "Hex."
Marowak's eyes began to glow. The aura grew brighter, surrounding Dandy. It cried out in pain.
"Jumpluff! How-"
Scarlet grinned, and Sapphire's questions died in her throat. "Shadow Bone allows Marowak to imbue spiritual energy into his bone." She said. "My Marowak can extend that energy outside of it's container and create a whip. I got the idea from your friend, Amber, and her modified Pokemon moves. Originally this was meant to be for her, but Head Priest Gale wanted to destroy her personally. I suppose you'll make a fine substitute. Finish him, Marowak!"
"Jump!" Dandy cried out as the tendrils wrapped around him became tighter. Marowak slammed his bone down, and Dandy with it, crashing into the ground.
Sapphire returned Dandy with a click of a button, then pulled out another ball. "Greta, Brave Bird!"
Greta the Swellow flew out of her ball in a flash of light and sparks and rushed at Marowak. It became surrounded in flames, which turned blue and grew in intensity with each second
"Shadow Bone." Scarlet said. Marowak tried to hit Greta with his whips, but Greta effortlessly maneuvered between them, then crashed into Marowak. It was flung across the field.
Sapphire threw another Pokeball. From it erupted a Volcorona.
Something dawned on Sapphire. "But... that's an impure type. So is Marowak. You're going against your church's doctrine?"
Scarlet smiled. "Sapphire, I once told your friend Amber Dupont that I believed in my Church's doctrine, and that motivated me to attack your Dragonair. In reality, I don't care anything about this Church. Not anymore. I was defeated by a mere girl, one using an Impure Pokemon. So I realized that the church is holding me back."
Sapphire shook her head to clear it. "Then why are you fighting?"
"My true objective is to become stronger." Scarlet said. "That has always been my goal. I thought the light of Alleos could make me strong, but he failed me. So as soon as this battle is over, I shall leave the church. But first... I have to humiliate Amber the way she did me, by destroying her rival! Fiery Dance!"
Volcorona spun around, creating flames with each flap of it's wings. The fire flew at Swellow, who ducked and swooped to avoid the flames. But they soon became too numerous, surrounding her in fire. She cried out as she fell to the ground.
"Return!" Sapphire shouted, returning her to her Pokeball. "Donna, Sparkling Aria!"
A Primarina appeared, then started singing a high note. Water formed around Volcarona, then exploded. Volcarona fell to the ground, then struggled to rise again.
"Hydro Pump!" Sapphire yelled.
"Flare Blitz!" Scarlet commanded.
Volcorona became surrounded by a blazing inferno right as a jet of water hit her. The water evaporated into steam that quickly surrounded them.
Sapphire looked around. She couldn't see-
"Prima!" the steam started to clear. Donna was lying motionless on the ground.
"My Pokémon don't need their senses to fight." Scarlet said. Her eyes gleamed. "Didn't Amber tell you?"
"If your so obsessed with Amber, why fight me?" Sapphire asked.
"Because Gale is going after her," Scarlet said with a smile. "That bitch is as good as dead."
Sapphire returned her Pokémon, angry tears clouding her vision. Amber. "You-" she snarled.
"What, are you mad because you and Amber are dying separately?" Scarlet taunted. She pulled out another ball. "I told you, I'm going to get my revenge. And I'm getting tired of these games."
Sapphire reached for two pokeballs and threw them right as Scarlet did. Torkoal, Blazikin, Snowflake, and Cray appeared on the road. "Snowflake! Cray! Blizzard!"
But Blazikin was faster. In a flash, he grabbed Snowflake and Cray and landed a blazing kick on both of them, knocking them across the pavement.
"Blizzard? On fire types?" Scarlet shook her head. "Your anger is clouding your judgment."
"Torkoal, Volcarona, kill her." Scarlet commanded. Torkoal shot smoke from it's shell and nostrils. The smoke surrounded Sapphire.
Sapphire looked around, but the smoke was so intense she couldn't keep her eyes open. She tried to call out to her Pokémon, but all that came out was a scream of frustration.
"It's no use," Scarlet's voice surrounded Sapphire. Sje ace. was coming from all directions. "This smoke is arletmixed with various powders from Volcarona's wings. This particular combination causes stress and anxiety, until the victim dies. Goodbye, Sapphire Anderson."
Sapphire couldn't breathe. She was going to die, wasn't she?
Sapphire fell to the ground, covering her mouth as warm tears fell down her
"Say hi to Amber for me."
Amber. Sapphire thought hazily.
Sapphire was sitting on her bed, her friends in heaps around her. Austin's foot was in Ken's face. Braedon was cuddling Argent. Rhodes was sprawled out as possible in the confined space.s
And Amber. She was sitting at the foot of the bed, appsharing her private stash of candy with Sapphire.
Amber was just rambling on about her favorite Pokémon to take care of at the ranch and which Pokémon were so friendly and her eyes were bright and beautiful and Sapphire was on a sugar high and tired and it was 4am and -
Sapphire pulled Amber into a hug.
"I'm so glad I met you," Sapphire said in the barest whisper. "Tonight was my first sleep over, and it's all because of you."
Sapphire had so much more she wanted to say. That Amber and the others were her first real friends. That because of how standoffish Sapphire was, no one had ever wanted to be her friend besides het Pokémon. That she appreciated them for taking that extra effort. That no matter how much they annoyed her, they made her smile more.
That she loved them.
But instead, it came out as "Thank you."
Sapphire's thoughts became clear. Amber. My friends. I've got to protect them.
Sapphire found her voice. "Hurricane!" she yelled.
Then she collapsed.
"Sapphire!" Rhodes yelled. Surrounding her and Scarlet was a vortex water and debris.
Rhodes looked back at his Pokémon. To his horror, Marowak and Crobat had been defeated.
"Had enough?" Pierce said. Cedar grinned beside her sibling at Ken. Mulan and Rios weren't even fighting.
"You thought you could defeat four members of the s just around the cornerchurch?" Mulan boasted. "You can't even handle two."
Rhodes wasn't sure what to do. Sapphire was unconscious and in danger. They were out numbered. Cedar's Tropius and Pierce's Crynogal were staring them down eagerly, as if they knew victory was just around the corner.
Then the ground beneath Tropius and Crynogal exploded.
"Then let's make this fair."
Rhodes spun around. A red flying Pokémon landed in front him, holding Sapphire in its talons. Behind him was a pale woman with curly brown hair and violet eyes. Next to her, a boy with beige skin and frizzy hair.
Olivia and Leeland had arrived.
A/N: OHHHHHHH. Betcha didn't see that comin'.