Hello people of earth, and welcome to one of my two new stories tonight!

I hope you like this one! It's your classic fairytale with a few twists and turns!

A very beautiful woman by the name of Anya was a maid for a wealthy family. The head of the house had fallen in love with her beautiful golden locks, fair skin, cherry lips, and emerald eyes.

After a few years of working at the house, Anya met a man by the name of Leon. Leon was another noble man who had fallen in love with Anya. One night, when Anya had gone over to Leon's house, the two had made a great mistake.

Days after the night at Leon's, Anya found herself throwing up everything she ate. The man that had hired her, Eiji, had the best doctor in the kingdom come to his house to look over Anya. All three of them were shocked, when they found out Anya was pregnant. After the doctor left, Eiji demanded that Anya tell him who the other man was. Anya, not wanting to reveal Leon, lied, and said she couldn't remember the name. Eiji had grown angry by this response. He knew Anya was lying, and he was determined to find out the man's name from her. One night, he had another servant follow her. The servant reported back to Eiji that it was his brother, Leon. Eiji's anger boiled over. When Anya had returned the next day, Eiji had told her that he knew who had gotten her pregnant, and was angered that she had not told him.

"You must be punished for not only lying to me, but for keeping the name a secret," Eiji said.

"Wh-What will be my punishment?" Anya asked softly. Eiji thought for a while. A smirk suddenly grew on his face.

"I will allow you to remain with my brother, and you may lead a long, happy life with him. But, for your punishment, you shall give me the child when it is born," Eiji said. Anya's eyes widened. She got on her hands and knees.

"Please! Please, punish me in any other way! Please don't take my child!" Anya begged. But her pleas fell on deaf ears. Anya had run to Leon and had told him what her punishment was. Leon was angered by this, and he went to his brother, demanding another punishment.

"No. My mind is made up. The child will be mine.. You and her may have many more children, but the first one will be mine," Eiji had said.

"What about your other two sons? Shinjiro and Aaron?" Leon asked.

"Shin and Aaron will be delighted to have a younger sibling to look after. Your child will be safe here with me, brother," Eiji said.

After the nine months had passed, Anya gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The boy had deep, amethyst eyes, just like Leon.

"What shall his name be, my sweet?" Leon asked.

"His name shall be Atem. May he be safe at that house forever," Anya said, holding the infant close.

Eiji allowed the two to keep Atem for a while, while the infant was nursing. When Atem had become six months old, the two had given him over to Eiji. Atem had been fussy at first, being separated from his parents. But, another maid had handled Atem when he became like that. After a while, Atem became used to living with Eiji.

That was 17 years ago, and how our story begins.

Atem wiped the sweat off his forehead. He cursed the two 19 year old boys that lived in the house for being such slobs.

"I hate them so much. I swear they make these big messes on purpose, just so Eiji will yell at me to clean it up. I see them smirking in amusement every time he yells at me. I wish I could make them clean up their stupid messes," Atem mutered. He tossed the rag into his bucket filled with dirty water. looking at the time, he sighed.

It was lunch time. Great. Just great.

Atem dragged the bucket downstairs, and outside. He dumped the water into the grass, and went to the barn, where he hung up the bucket. He went back inside, and started to cook the day's lunch. Just as he was getting the food on the plates, Eiji and his sons came in. They sat at the table. Atem served them their lunch.

"Ah, Atem. Where is your plate?" Eiji asked.

"Oh, don't say that, dad!" Shin complained.

"You actually want him to eat with us?" Aaron said.

"He is part of this family" Eiji reminded sternly. The twins closed their mouths.

"I wasn't aware that I could eat with you today," Atem said.

"Come. Get a plate, put some food on it, and join us, Atem. As I said, you are a part of our family," Eiji said. Atem nodded, and followed his 'father's' orders. Atem knew that Eiji wasn't his real father, and that Aaron and Shin weren't his real brothers. When he had told this Eiji, Eiji told him to just think of them as he family, and he could call them his brothers and father. Atem sat at the table with his plate. Aaron and Shin scooted away from him. Atem began to eat silently.

"Dad. Does he really have to eat with us?" Aaron asked. Atem got up.

"Stop complaining and just eat. I'll eat somewhere else," Atem said. He took his plate and left the kitchen. He went outside, and sat on the porch. He sighed softly and started eating again. "I wish I knew...who my real parents were..." he said softly. he put his plate next to him, and rubbed his arms with his hands.

"I have to stop eating out here. It's getting colder and colder every day," Atem muttered. He picked up his plate and finished eating. He stood, and went back to the kitchen. Eigi, Shin, and Avis were still at the table. They hadn't even touched their food yet.

"Atem. I want to talk to you after lunch is over. Do you understand?" Eiji asked. Atem sighed, and nodded. He started to was his plate and fork, and the rest of the dishes he had made preparing lunch. Right as he had finished washing them, the three came up to him, and gave him their lunch dishes. Before Atem could start washing them, however, Eiji gently placed his hand on Atem's shoulder, and led him to the barn.

"What did you want to talk with me about?" Atem asked timidly, afraid that he was in trouble for how he had stormed off. iif there was one thing Atem was afraid of, it was Eiji's wrath. The whip lases he had recieved last time still hadn't fully healed.

"Atem. I understand that Aaron frustrated you, but you had no right to storm off like that," Eiji reprimanded lightly.

"I...I understand," Atem said softly.

"Now, I'm not going to give you a punishment, if you promise me you won't do that again," Eiji said.

"I promise," Atem said.

"Good. Now, go wash the dishes, and thenstart with dinner. I'm having company tonight, so I want a large feast. Do you understand?" Eiji asked.

"Yes," Atem said. Eiji smiled.

"Good boy," he said. He ruffled Atem's hair, and went back inside. Atem went inside, and went back to the kitchen. He finished the dishes, and sighed as he wiped his hands off. What was supposed to make for dinner?

'I hate Shin. I hate Aaron. I hate their friends.' Atem thought, wiping off the different foods and ingredients that adorned his body. He wiped the tears that were going down his cheeks. The twins had been reprimanded heavily by Eiji, and had been grounded, but that didn't erase what they had done.

Earlier, he had decided that he would make a ham for dinner, along with a rice dish, and a fruit bowl. Eiji had praised him constantly throughout dinner, and when Atem had brought out a specially-made cake for dessert, Eiji had proudly proclaimed that Atem was his favorite son, who made wonderful meals. Atem had been too busy basking in the praise that he never noticed Shin and Aaron glaring at him. After the adults had moved to the living room to talk, Aaron, Shin, and their friends had cornered Atem in the kitchen.

"Favorite son who makes wonderful meals, huh?" Aaron said.

"You know you aren't his real son, so why did you say nothing? Why didn't you correct him?" Shin asked.

"I...I just-"

"It seems he needs to be taught a lesson or two," Jounouchi, one of the twins' friends, said. Honda, another friend, had opened a cabinet, and pulled out the flour. He had dumped the entire bag on Atem. Jounouchi had grabbed a few tomatoes from the counter, and hadmade them burst all over Atem. Atem tried to run, but Shin held him in place. Aaron had taken a jar of pickles from the refrigerator, opened it, and dumped it's contents on Atem. It continued for a long time. Honda, Jou, and Aaron grabbing different things and dumping them on Atem, while Shin held him in place. It continued, until Eiji had come in, asked what all the noise was about. The three boys had immediately stopped in their positions. Eiji had taken in the sight of Atem, the mess on the floor, the three who were holding foods, and Shin holding Atem in place.

"Boys. Your friends need to leave. Now," Eiji had said, suppressing his immense anger. Honda and Jou had quickly put down their foods, and ran out of the house. Eiji told the three to stay put, as he went to bid his friends goodnight. Once everyone had left, Eiji had come back. He had sent Atem to go get cleaned up, and had told Aaron and Shin that they were to clean up the mess they had made, and that they were grounded for the next three weeks.

As Atem finished cleaning himself off, Eiji came in with a few towels.

"Atem, look at me," Eiji said. Atem looked up, swallowing a lump in his throat. Eiji noticed the slight tearstains on Atem's cheeks.

"It'll be alright. I've forbade them to come near you in the three weeks they're grounded," Eiji said. He handed Atem a towel, and Atem started to dry himself off. Eiji held out a plain, white nightgown to Atem. Atem raised an eyebrow slightly. "I know it's for a girl, but you can have this to sleep in," Eiji said. Atem nodded silently. Eiji turned around so Atem could change. Once Atem was done changing, Eiji turned back around and pulled Atem into a hug.

"I'm sorry for their behavior tonight, Atem. I'll try to watch over them more, and be a better father for you," Eiji said. Atem nodded, hugging Eiji back.

Dang, that took a while to type!

~It wouldn't have, had you not gone on YouTube in the middle of typing and watch three videos, before wasting more time reading comments!~

Shut up, Minami. Anywho, I'll post story #2 tomorrow, well, later, as it is about 1:45 a.m. where I live, and Shulkie-chan is tired.

By the way, Atemerella is a temporary name. If you people can think of a good name, I might use it! So, that's the contest for this fic right now xD

Another thing I'm going to start doing is Question of the Chapter.

So, Question of the Chapter: What is your favorite fairy tale, and why is it your favorite? Who knows? I might make a fanfic out of a fairy tale you like!