This is still related to the canon of Magi but very different since Alibaba will be the main character and she's a girl here…yeah he's too feminine I swear… and so I hope you'll like it. This is my first Magi fic so please bear with me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in anime just my crazy imaginative brain.

Title: The Golden Angel

Genre: Romance, Friendship, Drama, Fantasy, Adventure

Characters: Mainly Alibaba Saluja, Ren Kouen, Sinbad – No OC


With the last ray light of Rukh from Alma Toran that has been roaming every dimensional worlds to find the right vessel to reside in, finally it has chosen a human to be the Light who will crown the fated King.


Chapter 1: The Rumored Angel

There's been a rumor all over the world these recent months – that a voice of a woman was always heard from the sea borderline of Balbadd; they said that it was an Angel bestowed upon the lands of Balbadd to prosper and protect it; the merchants said that it was a Golden Angel – a goddess with wings much purer than white, golden hair that would cost a million diamonds and with a pair of golden amber eyes – as fiery as the sun but gentle as the twilight in the sky.

But none has known who truly she is – that is why most of the people don't believed the rumors but others would. And to prove it is to meet the Angel in person but no one has ever done so.

Ren Kouen is curious – yes and he's very interested in Balbadd ever since it's prosperous reign for the past eight years, that and the land of marine trades is always second to Reim when it comes to big dealings and trades with famous merchants all over the world. And the very picture of a great addition to the lands of Kou Empire but not the best to just invade without proper precautionary measures now that the rumor has level up that the marine land is said to be protected by this so called rumored Angel.

His fingering the tip corner of the scroll paper his holding when he heard a small knock from the sliding door of his office – from the small gap of the door a mop of disheveled red hair poked out.

"My Brother and King, you seemed troubled?" Ren Koumei let himself inside his older brother's room and walked towards the table while holding a delicate feathered fan over his lower face.

"Not really…but…I was thinking of going to Balbadd…" he said absentmindedly to his brother.

Koumei quirked an eyebrow "That rumored country in South-East?" Kouen nodded not looking up from the report scroll given to him, "Why? I'm not really against it since they are a perfect country to invade but as much as we wanted to have a connection with them other than product trading is nearly impossible. The citizens of that country are too tight-lipped when it comes to information and the fact that that country is getting stronger every year is making it harder."

"I know and we need to do something to eradicate their defense or the Sindria will do the first move since their countries have been in good terms for years." Kouen rubbed his aching eyes and kept the scroll aside. "And I also want to confirm if this Golden Angel they're talking about is true."

"The Guardian Protector of Balbadd; do you think she's a Magi?" Koumei asked. "If that is the case then surely they would have at least a couple of Dungeon Capturers but none has been said." Kouen prompted after, "That's the second guess we could make though."

Koumei nodded in understanding, "So, when is the departure?" Kouen stood from his seat. "We'll depart a couple of weeks after this night." He finalized.


Mariam looked again at Alibaba as the Balbaddian princess focused herself in her painting of that odd scenery that only she knows.

"Princess Ali…?" She called out. "You're spacing out again." The blonde princess jumped in surprise and turned to her back to see her lady-in-waiting. "Mariam! Thank goodness… I thought I was going to die in boredom!" Alibaba Saluja, third and only daughter and princess of Balbadd, heaved a sigh.

"Don't put your stress in your paintings too much; I know you're bored but quit harassing the canvass." Mariam chided playfully as she walked towards the blonde princess. "I am?" Alibaba looked back at her art work and noticed the abstract scenery she's been looking in her head a while ago. "Oh…"

"Yes… 'Oh'." Mariam echoed then she put both of her hands on Ali's shoulders. "I'll help you get dressed, My Princess…Your brothers, His Highnesses are expecting you in dinner." Alibaba practically glowed at the mention of her two older brothers. "That's great! I wonder what Brother King and Brother Deputy will tell me this evening." Alibaba excitedly asked to no one then proceeded to get change. "His Majesty has been out for a while so I bet he'll tell some interesting stories just for you." Mariam replied politely while combing the blonde hair of the princess.

It's been ten years when she, her big brother Kassim and Alibaba were fetched by the late King of Balbadd, Rashid Saluja, from the slums and it's been eight years when the whole Royal Palace have known Alibaba's true power – the power that had changed the fate of Balbadd and its people. Alibaba saved them as well as the other slums of Balbadd – brought back the economy and made it more than just a little country. But none of the people outside the Palace knows it, only them – the people interacting with the princess herself knows the truth.

She was declared by King Rashid as the Sacred Treasure of Balbadd – the Golden Angel; but for some reasons that information leaked and now it was being talked all over the world. Mariam frowned at that, whoever spilled that secret should be dead by now or worse since no one was supposed to know about the Golden Angel but as long as no one knows her true identity then all is well.

After tending to Alibaba's needs, the 17 year old lady-in-waiting escorted the Golden Princess to the dining hall where her two older brothers are. "Brother King! Brother Deputy! I am so glad that you're back!" Alibaba practically threw herself to her brothers who yelped in surprise. "Tell me everything about your voyage, please! Did you get me something or did something got you?" The golden princess bombarded the two older royal brothers with questions that they almost didn't catch.

"Calm down…calm down, Ali – we have all the time to talk while eating." Ahbmad Saluja, the current Balbadd King, put a hand over the babbling mouth of his sister to stop her. "Come on, be a lady and take your sit – this will be a long story." Alibaba grinned but took her sit in between her brothers, "Well?" She started while eating. Ahbamd sighed once again while Sahbmad just laughed at their little sister's antics. The Saluja siblings happily talked about anything while they ate dinner – with Alibaba making outrageous gestures here and there or more like pestering her brothers about telling more of their little voyage.

"Alibaba…" Ahbmad suddenly interrupted her sister's rambling. "Yes, Brother King?" Alibaba turned her golden amber eyes to him, mostly knowing why. "I know we've been relying to you these past years but for this month…" He didn't get to finish when Alibaba cut his sentence.

"That's alright!" She chirped. "It's the least I could do for my family and the people of Balbadd." The two older Saluja looked at her with solemn gazes – even though they want to let her out the Palace Walls of this country…they can't…no…they must not let her out at all cost…it was the last will of their dead father.

Alibaba turned to Mariam, "Mariam…can you get me my things?" She asked. "I'll gladly do so…" Mariam bowed and went to get the princess' needs. After placing a piece of Thousand paper on the table, Alibaba took the pen and dipped it on the ink bottle then lifted it up in wait. The whole room tensed up and a soft breeze circled the princess lifting her golden strands of hair then out of nowhere strange floating lights fluttered around her hand with pen while her eyes glowed like fire in the night. Like a possessed person, Alibaba started writing something on the paper with such speed faster than normal – after a couple of minutes her eyes turned back to normal and the lights are gone. "Here." She gave the paper to her oldest brother. "Don't forget the rules."

"I know." Ahbmad replied.

After dinner, Mariam led her back to her room. "Did you have a good night, Princess?" Mariam asked while combing Alibaba's long golden hair. "Yes…but it would be more ecstatic if I could be with them in their voyage." Alibaba's eyes soften in sorrow. How she missed to be outside again – to be free…yet she was forbidden to do so… "Mariam…Am I really going to live my life stuck in this isolated tower? In this boring room?" Alibaba asked solemnly.

Mariam on the other hand, stopped the maintenance with a scowl on her face then she smiled fondly, "I'm sure that one day…you will be free…that's what your brothers have been working for right? For you to go out there without worrying that someone would find and use you." She replied.

"I know but I would love the world the way it is…"Alibaba reasoned out. "I want to know how cruel, ridiculous and beautiful our world can be…how despicable humans could be…"Mariam quirked an eyebrow, "Despicable huh?" Sometimes humans can be more bizarre than magic, "Why?"

"So that I will learn…" Such simple words that held so much meaning, "I want to experience…just a little wound or two that way I'll understand." Alibaba looked out the big window where the night sky is gleaming with stars.

"Alibaba…" Mariam often wonder if she still remembers the slums. "Say Alibaba…Big brother is coming home early…shall we expect him?" Mariam changed the mood to happy. Alibaba's amber eyes lit up, "Kassim's going home!" She turned to the tanned girl, "We shall then!" Mariam nodded cheerfully then helped the princess to her bed.


"Goodnight to you, My Princess…"


"What does it says?"Sahbmad voices out his concern as he looked at his brother. "Is there any problem this month?" He gaze followed every move Ahbmad's doing and heard the older Saluja sigh.

"A probable visit is coming to us…but it doesn't say who; other than that Balbadd is fine." Ahbmad replied then rubbed his fore and thumb finger over his aching eyes. "The changing fate…" He suddenly murmured but Sahbmad is able catch it.

"You mean Alibaba?" Ahbmad nodded. "I always wonder what would happen to us if she was not here…or Father didn't get her from the slums…" He paused. "I always fear that…Balbadd will fall…" As per the rules Ahbmad threw the Thousand paper unto the fireplace. "She is truly an Angel sent to us from heaven…but we can't always rely on her…"

Sahbmad agreed, "Brother, this country needs more power – authority to protect her – a future that will never harm her." Though he lowered his head a little, "But how can we do that? If we compete with other bigger nations like Sindria and Kou…we have to strengthen our plateau and a sturdier land is necessary."

"Are you suggesting that we invade?"

"Alliance is the better word to it."

Ahbmad hummed to that, "Like Sindria?" He sneered. Even though he's amazed by the Sindrian King's ability to form a country and to build an alliance to seven countries he still doesn't like the flirty king – he's way too cunning this past three years and that's after their father, Rashid, died. And he wants him out of their life since he doesn't want his little sister falling in love with such a playboy king though he doubts that Alibaba would really fall in love with such a guy – that girl likes a bad boy type like that Kassim brat or him…nah…Alibaba talked to him about boys that she likes and she mentioned that she likes his personality…him? A short plump king without fighting abilities; Great, maybe his sister just wanted to lift his mood that day or she's just teasing him.

And she's too sweet and caring - that Sinbad doesn't deserve his little sister in any slightest, he'll just ruin her. Damn it he could almost feel the ghost of their late father and his last words – "Take care of your sister – no one must know about her and protect her at any cost." And maybe he will add this – "Or I'll personally haunt you in your sleep in beds and torture you slowly to death…" Yup…their father will surely do that, why though? He's obviously over-protective of Alibaba's well-being (and innocence) that is more important than her powers he may say – well, he and Sahbmad had their fair share of sister complex over Alibaba. Who wouldn't? If the word Golden Angel is said then it says everything about her unless she's being annoying and nosy but otherwise she's the epitome of angel-ness.

"But we can't keep her here forever…sooner or later she'll snap and will demand for freedom… if that happens, what will we do then?" Sahbmad asked.

"The only thing we can do is be ready when that time comes."


Did Ahbmad jinx their peace? Obviously not but after a three day voyage far from Balbadd back to their home Ahbmad was greeted by a scroll delivered by a messenger hawk…from Kou. Or may he did jinx after all because right now – early in the morning he's expecting to be in a good mood but now ruined by a message from a certain Crown Prince of Kou Empire.


"This must be a nightmare…" Ahbmad groaned as he fisted the crumpled letter from Kou. "Of all people that will visit Balbadd…why the Kou Empire?" Beside him, Sahbmad shivered as if he can imagine the Crown Prince of Kou is in front of them.

"What will we do now, Ahbmad?" Sahbmad said while hyperventilating. "They're not just here to visit…they need something from us!" He heard the king clicked his tongue. "Maybe we should contact the Sindrian King?" Instead of answering, Ahbmad bonked his brother over the head – bristling visibly.

"Seek help from that sly king?! We are just fine without his help and if you looked closely he's the one who owes us more than we should to him!"

"But we do know that Sindria is much powerful when it comes to military force and add to that he's the conqueror of seven dungeons and he's alliance with several countries. They could go on par with Kou unlike us who happens to be just a trading country. If a war befalls to us we'll be defeated seconds after…" He reasoned out.

"And what – let that Sinbad do whatever he wants whenever he's here? He is maybe the King of Seven Seas Alliances but Balbadd is not one of his lands! And he's maybe friends with Father but that's that – I'm not going to be in friendly terms with him!" Sahbmad was about to retort but Ahbmad beat him to it, "And what if he insisted to know about the Golden Angel in exchange of his help? It's bad enough that we have the attention of the whole world because of that stupid rumor and now we have countries like Kou and Sindria hanging in our necks just to strangle us to surrender to them!" Because of that comment, Sahbmad immediately recoiled – his face contorted in a horrified expression. "If we do something like that, what do you think will happen to Ali? She'll be a slave to them!"

An image of a crying and overly used Alibaba crossed their minds, "You're right, Ahbmad…I was stupid – I'm sorry." He bowed in apology that Ahbmad just shrugged off.

"If Kou wants this land…we will protect it at all cost…or more like Alibaba will…" Ahbmad tiredly sighed when he remembered that Alibaba's the one protecting them from invaders. "We need to inform her about this visit and the last thing we need is a war coming to us…" He shook his head diminishing the negative thoughts invading his mind and went out his office with Sahbmad tailing after him.

As they descend the grand halls to the isolated tower, Sahbmad looked over his brother with worry written on his face, "What are you planning, Ahbmad?" He asked but the Balbadd King remained unresponsive to him. After a few strides they stopped in front of a big two door entrance; Ahbmad knocked a couple of times, "Ali…it's us your brothers…" He called out. A shuffle was heard inside the room then one of the door swung open with a grinning Alibaba beaming at them like a sun.

"Brother King! Brother Deputy!" She exclaimed in excitement and immediately pulled her brother inside, gesturing them to her humble living room slashed bedroom. "Have a sit please." She pointed the living room part of the room where a round table and four chairs are.

"It's been three days since we checked on you, Alibaba…how are you by the way?" Both older Saluja's took their sit. "These business trips always eat our time…"

"It's okay as usual – I pestered the cooks to teach me how to cook meals after that I went to the study room to read books and then I resume painting," She said letting her gaze fall onto many canvasses leaning on the side of the big bedroom.

Sahbmad is really amazed by his sister's talents especially when it comes to singing and painting – she's also smart, kind though a little mischievous if it kicks in making her annoying, a real hard-headed girl and of course – for them, she's the most beautiful. Unlike him and Ahbmad – Alibaba inherited the very image of the Saluja bloodline; her golden blonde hair and golden amber eyes matches her title as the Golden Angel but unlike the stern face of late King Rashid, Alibaba got the soft and kind features of her late mother, Anise, who was a former maid in the Royal Palace and a harlot back when Balbadd was still trying to solve their economic crisis. He and Ahbmad were furious when they found out that they have a bastard sister outside the palace thinking that she's a threat to them but Alibaba was never like that to them.

"That's good to hear then…and I know you're curious as to why we're here right now." Alibaba nodded. "Actually, we received a letter this morning…"

"A letter? From who?" Alibaba asked.

"From…it's from Kou…" Both brothers leveled the reaction their little sister is making but none so far so Ahbmad continued, "And they're visiting Balbadd this upcoming Tuesday and they'll be staying here for…five days…"


"WHAT?!" Alibaba spluttered. "Five days…" Her shoulders sagged. "I'm going to stay here for five goddamn days?!" She let out a sob while burying her face on her palms. Sahbmad can't help but pity his little sister – it's a rule to never introduce her to public especially to strangers from different countries after all she's the Sacred Treasure of Balbadd. The day they have known her kindness, innocence and powers made them, her older brothers, her personal retainers and the servants here inside the Royal Palace really protective of her – because she is their glowing sun, their delicate flower, their treasure – and their precious little sister.

With the help of her powers and persuasion, Balbadd was reborn a new when the slums vanished and replace by lively and happy former slum citizens – no diseases lingering around, no hatred among the people, no crimes inflicted with each other and no poverty all over the country.

All is well.

Just like what Alibaba said, just like what she did for the past eight years and for someone like Kou to threaten them like this…if they know about her – everything they have done for to protect her will go waste.

"Who will be the one visiting us then?" Alibaba asked while composing herself again. "The visitors are the Crown Prince of Kou, Ren Kouen and his brother, Ren Koumei." Sahbmad replied.

"And it's necessary to protect the country if by chance they're here for invasion." Ahbmad said looking at her with a serious expression. "We need your Song, Ali. We need the Will of the Rukh."

Alibaba looked at them once more then closed her eyes, sighing…

"I will."


That's chapter 1 for you! Yeah! Finally I've decided to make this…I've done so many drafts with Alibaba as a girl and especially the main character…and to answer any questions – no, she's not a magi…that will be boring. But it will be explained later on the story so…yeah…please leave a review! Thank you very much!

I have favor guys for the pairings…which one do you like for Alibaba…Kouen or Sinbad? I'm still deciding who to pair so I depend in your answers.

And it's very hard to decide mind you…!