Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Calibur or any of its characters. It all belongs to Namco.

Chapter 1-Reunited

~Harbor of Souls~ (Indian Port) 1591 A.D.

On a cliff overlooking the east sea, a little way out from the city stands a grave marker made from what appears to be the fragments of a Ryukyu ship. In front of it lies a container of Ryukyu wine.

A man in his late twenties also stood in front of the grave. He carried a pair of nunchaku and wore an slightly open white vest with white pants and black boots. His jet black hair was sleeked down to perfection while a thick, curled lock of hair framed the right side of his face. He was very handsome with his strong, exotic features and dark chestnut eyes. His body was in pretty good shape too, built and well toned. This man was known across the seas as Maxi.

Sleeping beneath this unknown grave were Maxi's fallen comrades and loyal crew, whom he sailed the seas with for many years. Now they were gone. His only remaining family had left him forever.

It was four years ago here, at a trading port in India, that his crew was slain by a grotesque group of lizard like creatures and that damned axe wielding golem. Maxi had come to the trading port to pay his respects to his friends and renew his vow to avenge them. This place could also be considered the turning point in Maxi's life, as this event began his lust and thirst for revenge.

The Ryukyu pirate kneeled in front of the grave as flashbacks of that twisted day began to fill his memory. He could remember seeing the bodies of his crew lying lifeless across the port in pools of blood along with the terrified screams of fear and helplessness that rang throughout the winds. What pained him the most was knowing there was nothing he could do to bring them back. Maxi hadn't quite been himself since that tragic day. He was very much alone now. Along his journey he had met two brave warriors who managed to bring a little sunshine into the storm which was his life, but he didn't know where they were now. The only thing keeping him alive at this point was his hunger for vengeance.

As he stood up overlooking the grave he could feel a fire, a rage burning within him greater than before. There was no way he would let this monster get away with this act of butchery no matter what the cost! A somber but serious expression etched onto his face, the pirate turned to look over his shoulder at the grave once more before making his departure.

"Kyam...I will avenge you and everyone else who lost their lives at the hands of that freak! I promise. Even if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself!" Renewing his promise to his fallen comrades, Maxi felt more determined than ever to accomplish his mission and this time he'd make sure to get the job done.

Heading back into the bustling city, the handsome young pirate was on his way to meet a friend at the Tavern to discuss arrangements regarding staying onboard his ship when he heard two familiar voices calling out to him from the busy crowd. He'd turned around to see a short young Asian girl who appeared to be no more than about twenty years old. She had cropped, dark brown hair with two locks she kept decorated with Chinese adornments and soft brown eyes. She was dressed in a lavender, light blue and white crop top with a matching jacket and shorts outlined in blue and lavender trim, knee high socks with blue ribbons and oriental styled shoes. She also wielded a Jian sword.

With her there was a young Asian man with short brown hair wearing fine, dark navy blue robes embroidered with gold stitching and dark brown boots. There was a jade green crystal attached to a thick string hanging around his neck. He looked to be a few years older than the girl and carried a red Bo staff with him. He also had a scar under his left eye. The two figures walked in Maxi's direction excited at the chance to reunite with their best friend.

"Well well, long time no see," Maxi chuckled.

Immediately old memories came flooding back to Maxi as he stood face to face with his old traveling companions. Four years had passed since the group seen each other and traveled together on their quest for Soul Edge. The three warriors had previously defeated the Azure Knight and the demonic blade together before being separated. The duo believed Maxi to have been killed in his final fight with the golem that slaughtered his crew since they had not seen him for some time, so they were surprised to behold him.

"I can't believe it's really you!" The young woman said practically leaping into Maxi's arms with excitement.

"Heh. It's good to see you too, kiddo."

"You mean to tell me that you've been alive this whole time?" The man next to her asked bewildered and astonished.

"Of course I have, Kilik. You didn't think I would be killed off that easily did ya?"

"No, but the last time we were all together you weren't exactly in the best of shape."

"Well, I'm in the best shape of my life now thanks to a medicine man from a secluded village who saved me. You guys don't have to worry much about me this time around."

"Glad to hear it," Kilik smiled before pulling Maxi into a headlock and ruffling his smooth jet black hair. "Aww man, you messed up my hair." Maxi laughed before pushing Kilik away and fixing his hair into its signature style neatly again.

"So, where were you headed in such a rush?" the girl asked glancing around as they walked, taking in the sights of the city around her.

"I was actually on my way over to the Tavern to meet an old friend of mine. Hopefully he'll allow me some time on his ship and agree to take me West. I have some business to resolve."

"Mind if we join you? There's something important Xianghua and I need to tell you. Not to mention we could also use a good rest and perhaps some food too."

"Sure," Maxi smiled. "It'll be just like old times."

The trio arrived at the Tavern taking a table for three near the back of the room. The Tavern was relatively busy, filled with people from all across the globe. Foreigners, travelers, vacationers and townsfolk all sharing cheerful laughs over ale and good food. Most were conversing about the women they had slept with, their expeditions or tales of rumors circulating the town. Others were probably too drunk to even remember their own names.

It was an energetic environment with a outgoing and boisterous crowd. Kilik and Xianghua weren't quite use to this, but the setting didn't seem to bother Maxi at all. In fact, he found himself interacting with a few of the men and women there every now and then. He was even able to locate his friend in all the madness. He then found his way back to his seat and turned his gaze towards his friends realizing they were sort of rattled by their present surroundings. He'd hoped however, that the good news he just received would change that.

What's the matter guys? You should be enjoying yourselves. Instead, you both look like you just found out Soul Edge was resurrected.

Xianghua glanced around the room then propped her chin in the palm of her hand. "Can we just get some food?"

"Someone's grumpy...alright, fine." Maxi then called for a pretty female bartender. She was average height and pale with mid-length copper hair and large dark green eyes. She wore the usual bartending attire and was also rather endowed to say the least. Maxi noticed this, his lips forming a smirk as his dark eyes roamed over her "features."

"Yes?" Her voice was silvery and pleasant.

"Would you be a dear and bring my friends and I some lunch and drinks? Three of the specials, two ales and an apple cider for the lady."

"Coming right up," the woman smiled politely.

"Now that should loosen you two up a bit," the pirate chuckled.

While the woman was back at the bar retrieving their order, Xianghua couldn't help but notice the look that woman carried in her eyes. Something about her just seemed to rub the young warrior the wrong way and her irritated face gave a clear indication of that.

Kilik fixed his gaze on her and raised a brow. "You okay?"

"I don't like that girl."


"She's seems a little too nice. I bet she's up to something."

"Xianghua, you can't be serious. We just met her two seconds ago and she hasn't done a thing."

Maxi shook his head and chuckled a bit. It was so obvious why Xianghua wasn't too happy right now, but Kilik was too naïve to see it. "You really have a lot to learn about women my friend."

"What are you talking about?" Kilik raised a brow.

"You'll find out in due time, buddy."

After a good twenty minutes or so, the woman returned with the trio's order. "Three specials, two ales and an apple cider. Hope you enjoy!" The woman looked at Kilik for a second before giving him a wink and walking away. A light blush crept upon his face as he stared at the retreating woman in an awkward silence. Xianghua rolled her eyes and Maxi just laughed. It was always funny to watch Kilik's reactions when it came to beautiful women hitting on him.

"Well, now I see why you got more food and ale than I did."

Kilik smiled nervously. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Xianghua began eating, staying quiet about the situation which prompted Maxi to whisper something into Kilik's ear. Kilik then gave Maxi a weird look, but the pirate insisted that he go along with the plan. The monk hesitated but decided to trust his friend's idea anyway.

"So um...how's your food Xianghua?"

The Chinese girl replied with a very simple "It's fine," before sipping the apple cider from her mug. Maxi motioned for him to keep going not allowing him to give up that easily.

"Uh...I like your new outfit. It suits you well."

That was a little bit better wasn't it?

Xianghua brought her head up to meet Kilik's gaze. His eyes were filled with warmth while his cheeks were stained with a dark crimson blush.

"Thanks. You do mean that right?" Although she tried to hide it, her eyes held a glimmer of happiness in them. Kilik had complimented her instead of that annoying bartender lady from earlier.

"Of course I do."

Maxi grinned as he casually sipped away the ale in his mug. He didn't say much, but gave Kilik a simple thumbs up. It wasn't quite what he would have said but at least the two were talking again.

"Ahhh! Now that was refreshing! Are you two almost finished yet?"

"Just about. What's next?" Kilik asked.

"Well," Maxi began, "I have good news my friends. We will be officially sailing outta here within the next hour!" I was able to work things out with my friend so he's going to allow us to stay with him and his crew for a while. I even convinced him to take us West and we're leaving later on tonight."

"That is good news. I guess we should get going then."

The trio gathered their respective belongings before heading outside the Tavern. The sun was now beginning to set behind the still waters of the seaport, displaying a beautiful mixture of yellow and orange across the clear sky. Kilik and Xianghua followed Maxi over to where a man and a large vessel awaited them. It was a good thing Maxi was associated with many people from many different walks of life, otherwise they'd be walking to their next destination.

"It's about time you showed up. I was beginning to think you had changed your mind."

"After forking over all that money? What kind of dumbass do you take me for?" Maxi laughed.

"It's best we not go there," the man joked.

"Arman, these are my companions Kilik and Xianghua. They're the ones I was telling you about earlier back at the Tavern. Guys, this is Arman. He's a merchant and an old friend of mine from when we were teenagers. His father and my father use to do business together."

Arman was about three years younger than Maxi with long, curly dark hair, ice blue eyes and a scruffy black beard. He wore merchant's garments and was rugged and very handsome.

"Nice to meet you," the duo greeted politely.

"Likewise. Maxi's told me a lot about you two. Why don't you all follow me and I'll show you each where you'll be staying."

The man now known as Arman lead each member of the trio to their assigned room. Kilik and Xianghua's rooms were across from each other while Maxi's room was near the back of the ship.

"I hope the rooms are to your likings. I rearranged them to accommodate your needs."

Maxi walked over with his usual grin and clapped Arman on the shoulder. "Thanks buddy. You're definitely a life saver!"

"Anytime, but promise me you won't start drinking and acting like a bumbling fool."

"Okay, okay. I'll try not to drink...much."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure he doesn't get into any mischief," Xianghua assured.

"Great! I'll meet you guys later for dinner. I have to go make sure my crew has all the shipments on board so that we can leave. Feel free to make yourselves at home. I'll see ya in a little while." With that said Arman made his departure leaving the trio to themselves.

Well, there's chapter one. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll be posting chapter two soon so keep an eye out.

Please R&R.