Harry POV

Our new house is perfect. I hope they accept our offer so we can move in soon. I'm really excited to have my very own bedroom. I wonder if Jessa well let me paint the walls a new color...

After Jessa put an offer on the house, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and see what was around. The school was only two blocks away, well within walking distance. On our walk we also found a cool park around the corner.

"Let's sit on the swings for a bit, shall we? I have some stories to tell you." Jessa said. As she led us to sit down, I noticed her wave her hand at the swings discreetly. Magic! I was sure it was a spell, but I couldn't see anything different.

"What kind of stories?" I asked as I sat on a swing. Somewhat distracted with looking for signs of magic.

"Your aunt Petunia gave you a very brief run down of your real history, but if we are going to go into the magical world to buy the house you'll need a better understanding of how our world works. I want to make sure you get a clear picture of things so I'm not going to sugar coat your family history, or mine." Jessa watched me to make sure I was paying attention, so I nodded my understanding.

"Good. Your mother wasn't surprised when her Hogwarts letter came, because she already knew she was a witch. She had met a boy who lived nearby who's mother was a witch, and he recognized when Lily did some accidental magic. They became fast friends and couldn't wait to go to school together.

Things became a lot harder for Lily after they got to school. Quite honestly, she was excited to go learn magic and thought she'd be accepted and treated just like the other first years, but children can be cruel.

In the magical world, magical legacy is everything. Magical families will have magical children and teach them theory from the time they're young. Any non magical, or squib, child born to magical parents had always been considered a failure or a sign of weakness. It's almost shameful. When Ben was born in my family, and he never manifested magic, society was very hard on my family. We didn't abandon Ben to the muggle world like everyone thought we should. My parents sent him to muggle primary school and made sure he went off to college and got a great job. Ben is still a part of my family, though others thought my parents should disown him.

Families with a long history of magic are called Purebloods. They have been relying on magic for so long, that they are afraid and suspicious of muggles and so by extension, muggle borns like your mother.

When she started school, she didn't know this and was hurt and surprised to find that many of her peers looked down on her for her muggle heritage. They expected her to be bad at magic and would tease her when she would ask simple questions.

This only pushed Lily to work harder and get top marks in her classes. She didn't put up with bullies and became something of a champion for the other outsiders. That's how Lily and I became friends. The purebloods shunned me because of Ben and Lily took me in.

Your father, James, was a bit of a bully and a prankster in those early years. He wasn't rude to Lily or me, but he hated Lily's other friend. I think he was jealous honestly, because Lily was so pretty and smart and so clearly good and she was spending her time with us outcasts.

Meanwhile, a war was brewing. The pureblood supremests and their Dark Lord Voldemort were stirring up propaganda that muggles were dangerous and unintelligent. That they couldn't be reasoned with or trusted, and muggle borns by extension were stealing magic from them.

Honestly it was all pretty extreme and people believed it because they were scared and wanted an excuse for their fear and ignorance.

Your father and his friends were very firmly on the side of the good. When the war started to get more serious they all had to grow up a bit. Your father was an only child and on his 6th year his father died and mother fell sick. James stepped up as head of his family and Lily noticed how much he had changed. They fell in love and got married right after graduation.

Pretty soon Lily was pregnant with you. We were all so excited. But the war was on in full at this point, and Lily was a target. She didn't let that stop her though. Your parents were fighters and helped so many people in the war.

Just before you were born, they got word from one of our spies that Voldemort was targeting them. It was decided that you would all go into hiding. With the spell they used, they were completely safe. In the beginning, I was the secret keeper. Which means, no one could find them unless I told them where they were. When you were about a year old, I was called away to care for my parents in America, so your parents needed a new secret keeper. I was never told who that would be.

On Halloween your family was betrayed. The secret keeper told Voldemort where you were in hiding and he came that night. No one really knows exactly what happened, except that he killed James first, then Lily, then he turned his wand on you. Something happened and his spell backfired.

No one ever found his body, but no one's seen or heard from him since that night. Most assume he's dead, though a few believe he'll come back someday.

The extraordinary thing about all this, is that you survived with just that scar on your forehead. The force of the spell backfiring literally blew a hole in the roof and possibly incinerated Voldemorts body, and yet you only had a cut on your little head.

Where the media got wind of this, they went a little crazy. You're famous. They call you the Boy who Lived. They say you'll be the next Merlin. Honestly, it's a bit much considering you were an infant. But as they say, no one was there to see what really happened that night.

I assume Dumbledore found you and took you to your Aunt Petunias based on the intense spellwork i found on her house. What I don't understand is why. Your parents put it in their will that if anything should happen to them, you would first go to Alice and Frank Longbottom. They were our friends in school and they have a little boy your age. It was decided that they would have the most stable home to raise you in. If that wasn't possible, you were to go to me as your godmother, then your godfather last. Petunia wasn't even on the list.

I had only heard last month that Alice and Frank were attacked a few weeks after that Halloween and confined to a permanent spell damage ward in St. Mungos Hospital. Their son is being raised by his grandmother, and I assumed you were going to be there. I planned to come take custody of you as soon as I'd heard.

As your Godmother, we are bound by magic. I'll always be able to find you, no matter what spells were set to keep out magical folk. So I followed our bond and found you with Petunia, of all people, under a mountain of spellwork made to keep you safe from the public and Voldemorts followers. That brings us to now." Jessa paused and watched me for a moment. I knew I would need time to process all of this information, but right now I was strangely numb.

It was a lot to take in. My parents were betrayed by someone they trusted. That stings a bit. I was famous for living when I should have died. That just seemed bizarre. Me? Famous?

"I'm famous?" I asked. "You're sure?"

Jessa laughed and pulled my swing towards her and ruffled my hair. "Yes, I'm sure. Let's talk about what that means for us."


Thanks again for all the reviews! I hoped this chapter helped answer some of your questions!