A.N.: To these that pointed out some key "mistake", they will get their answers in this chapter.

I appreciate consulting criticism so feel free to criticize and help me improve. If you're here to insult me, please leave. Plenty of other fictions to read if you don't like mine.

Lastly, if you notice mistakes, I`m sorry, please PM them to me. Same goes for any questions you have about the story. Feel free to ask away.

Thanks. Enjoy!

2. Golden Cage

The problem is women think

he will change,

he won't.

The mistake men make is thinking

she'll never leave,

she will.

~ Unknown

She woke up startled.

Every bloody nerve in her aching body was tense and on alert.

She had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling…

Bonnie might not be a witch anymore, she might feel disconnected with nature, but everything about her previous character got magnified when she became a vampire and all her abilities, except the witch crafting part amplified too. Maybe she lost the direct connection to nature when she was turned into something that violated it, but her senses were heightened. Which ultimately means that she could easily read people's supernatural species, she could sense when something bad was coming but most importantly she could sense when something was off. Because she was a witch before her other senses – say, intuition – got magnified too. She suspected it had to do with the fact that she was a Bennett witch and Katsya`s descendant – she was the first witch to come up with the vampirism spell – for her new abilities. Of course she couldn't do spells and all the other fun stuff, but it was still good to know she wasn't completely cut off from the wizarding world.

Long story short, she felt that something was terribly amiss the moment her eyes flew open. She could feel it. In the thick magic hanging in the air around her, along with the feeling that someone was in the room, with her, watching her in the dark as she struggled hopelessly to figure out what was wrong.

Seemingly ignoring her senses she sat up on the bed she found herself laying on when she awoke, and looked around to get any signs or ideas of her surroundings and whereabouts. Even a vampire needed some time to see in the pitch dark. Seconds later the scene in front of her cleared up. Nothing in the room she saw from behind the thin white curtains showed any sign of familiarity. Even the thin but warm breeze around her seemed to be amiss. For one, the weather was never so warm in Mystic Falls around this time of the year. Even if she assumed she was in Whitmore, which was a lie, it was still too warm. She knew for a fact that she was not in New Orleans, the smell of food and the sound of jazz was always a constant reminder that the city never slept. Besides, there was still the matter of weather…

She also knew, from all the travels she had done with her parents that this combination of dry and warm weather did not exist somewhere in America. At least in the part of the States she was used living at. So if she was not in Mystic Falls or Whitmore, not in New Orleans, and presumably not in US, where the hell was she?!

As she watched the room from behind the see through curtains, she took notice of the person who's eyes she had felt in the darkness. Or, at least, the shadow of him. As he probably noticed her confused and tense gaze, in a flash, he was gone.

She cursed under her breath as pushed the curtains aside and her bare feet touched the marble floor, feeling a bit relieved when they made contact with the cold stone. She took notice of how her red satin nightgown – she was hundred percent certain she'd never bought or seen before, for that matter – clung to her curvy body in a dangerously sexy way. It was long and classy gown with a deep cut on the left side that reached to her upper thigh... She scoffed and reached out to take the, also red, cloak of sorts that lay on the nightstand beside the bed. She hurriedly threw it around her in a desperate attempt to cover herself. There were no shoes though, so she proceeded further into the room barefoot.

She looked around, trying to gather more information. She got nothing, besides the fact that the owner of this house had a really good taste and an obsession with wood. It was a large room with antique style decorations but other than a few statues and colognes, it was full of wooden tables and closets, even the bed was made of dark wooden material. There were no signs that electricity or anything related to it existed here and she wondered why a house seemingly so spacious and rich would miss something such vital to the modern world, even if it didn't fit the other decorations.

And then it hit her, she wasn't in the modern world anymore.

She looked around the room and confirmed the fact that she was alone. Though her intuition told her that she wasn't. She tried concentrating her hearing on a heartbeat or even breathing of sorts, something that indicated she another vampire's presence since she was convinced it should've been a vamp to flash away so quickly, when she caught a sound that surprised her.

The sound of the ocean waves as they crushed on the beach...

How on earth did I end up here?! She wondered as she looked outside the window and realized that she was in a house just a few miles away from the sea. The view was beautiful...Breathtaking even... And for a moment she got lost into the sight of the beautiful moonless night ocean's allure...

The sound of a match being lit, interrupted the rhythmic sound of the ocean's waves and she spun around to see that one of the old fashioned - or just plain old - oil lamps was lit and someone was putting the glass around it.

"Ah... Bonnie!" Exclaimed an awfully familiar voice just as her eyes were getting adjusted enough on the newfound light to see his face. Not that she needed to look at him to know who he was "You're finally awake, I was getting bored..."

To be honest, she knew all along that it was him, before she even heard the sound of his voice. Even if she refused to consciously acknowledge the facts, her subconscious knew the truth. That deep male scent that was all too playful and sinister at the same time was not easy to find or confuse. It was just way too familiar... She knew it all too well, it tempted her in her most exotic dreams and hard, sinful, realities.

"Kol..." she said, taking a deep breath as an attempt to calm herself and appear unaffected to the startling reality that she was alone in a room with the certain Original. In a bedroom at that!

She glared at his silhouette, in the dark corner of the room that had just been illuminated and stared at his playful, childish brown orbs narrowing her green ones at him.

He chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure it is times like this that you wish you still had your magic back so you could lit the whole room with a flick of your wrist muttering the 'incendia' incantation..." he smiled not moving from the spot he was standing in.

"And I bet this is one of the times you're lucky I don't have my magic back, cause you would be the first thing I'd set on fire in this room..." She spat and immediately regretted it as she saw in her eyes the sexual innuendo full sentence he just came up with. To her surprise, he didn't voice it. Maybe because his eyes and smirk communicated enough about his sinister thoughts. But Bonnie still couldn't see him clearly and now she was anxious to do so.

"Where are we?!" she asked as she felt a familiar tag on her senses that told her she recognized the magic that surrounded them. It would take her less than a minute to acknowledge it completely. "How did I end up here, with you of all people?!"

"I'm pretty sure you`ll know that in a few seconds" Kol said smugly as he moved away from the door frame he was leaning against and took a few steps closer to her.

Bonnie wrecked her brain trying to remember where she knew this kind of magic from, while Kol neared her. It was like when you`re trying to remember the name of that cute song you've heard and loved. It's on the tip of your tongue but you cant say it cause you don't quite remember it!

"As for your second question..." Kol continued talking as he neared her, ignoring her agony to recognize the magic.

"It's the Prison World Spell!" Bonnie exclaimed happy to have remembered the spelled but her features suddenly hardened when she realized what she'd just discovered. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed fearfully. "Who put us here?!"

Kol finally stopped his agonizingly slow pacing when he stood in front of the beautiful ex witch. He smirked devilishly as he rose a hand to gently caress her cheek, tilting his head playfully on one side.

"I did!" he admitted smirking widely at Bonnie's wide eyed face. "And I had a little assistance from a little friend of yours!"

"You ...put ... you..." she took a deep breath before trying again "You put us here?!"

Kol nodded seemingly amused.

"Why would you do that?!" she demanded to know.

"Because you wouldn't give me the time of the day and I figured-"

"That the best way to woo a girl is to cage her in a prison world alone with you and see how it goes?!" she exclaimed as if this was the most surreal thing she ever heard or seen. Which - in all honesty - it was. And that said a lot for someone who`d been through as much as Bonnie...

Literally through hell and back.

"This is a joke... right?" she tried hoping that he would say 'yes', but his face looked unyielding and the smirk in his eyes sadistically certain.

"This is the most serious I've ever been, Bonnie..." Kol said with a serious tone that surprised the girl. Playfulness was one of the things ever present in his every move. But he looked dead serious this time."Which says a lot for someone like me who hates buzz kills... I thought that-"

"Are you kidding me?!" she yelled taking a step back and shooting him a cold glare. He followed her every step as she backed away still yelling "What do you think you`re doing?! Do you really think that locking me in some God-forsaken prison world would make me change my mind about you?! Make me fall head over hills for you?! We are done Kol! We had a one night stand and that`s it! There`s nothing more else that could happen between us than it already has, ever!"

All the while she was backing away with Kol following suit her every move. At some point her legs hit the bed behind her and she almost fall but managed to stand with a little yelp. Kol continued his pace until he stood breathtakingly close with only a thin cloth of air separating their bodies and lips, towering over her from above. He looked down at her with his intense childish eyes, full with malice and ,mischief. Only Kol could achieve this exquisite combination.

Painstakingly slowly he raised a hand and caressed her chin with a single finger trapping some rebellious curly locks behind her ear. She truly, really tried to stop herself from leaning in his touch. But she had missed his caresses so much that she let herself get carried away from only a few seconds. A few seconds of lost control was the only validation he needed to smirk knowing she still craved him, the way he did her. His lips gazed upon hers, his hot breath hitting her lips hard, making her tremble with promised release of their combined desires. She wanted him, more than she could take. More than it was allowed.

"Don't" she managed to force herself say, as he nibbled her lower lip.

"Too late..." came his reply before his mouth claimed hers and they wrapped into each other's arms. He pushed her onto the bed his hands roaming on her body as his lips left her mouth to cherish every other part of her body that he had left unexplored in their first encounter.

"Kol..." she whispered heatedly as he left a trail of hot, open mouthed kisses from the corners of her lips to the beginnings of her ear.

"Yes..." he whispered in her ear playfully.

She shivered under his ministrations. Turned on, beyond comprehension.

"We have to stop..." she whispered too now, as if she wished he wouldn't hear her and continue his caress. If he was human he wouldn't have heard it. "We can`t do this..." she tried once more.

"Says who?" he growled slipping his hand under her gown and up her left thigh.

She bit her lower lip to suppress a moan but Kol could hear the sound of pleasure that coughed into her throat, pleasing him immensely that he could affect her this way. No matter what her mouth said, her body always spoke of the truth, and the truth was that she wanted him too. Bad... Maybe even as bad as he wanted her...

His fingers played with the string she wore and she bit her lips harder already panting, earning a chuckle from Kol.

"We really shouldn`t..." she whispered again with a sad sight.

Kol ignored her, continuing what his hands had picked before.

"Seriously, stop!" she said finally managing to sound serious and commanding and Kol froze in the middle of what he was doing.

He looked down at her, eyes hard and hurt.

"Why?" he asked almost too harshly.

"Because I don`t want to!" she said regaining her previous composure once more.

"It certainly doesn`t looked like that a few seconds ago!"

"You kidnapped me and caged me in a prison world" she stated feeling some of her previous anger returning to her now that his disorienting hands and destructing mouth stopped clouding his judgement. "Are you seriously expecting me to accept it and have sex with you right now?!"

She pushed him away and stood taking a few steps away from the luxurious bed, knowing perfectly well that she was able to only because he let her do it. He was an Original. She was completely at his mercy.

She suddenly turned around and glared down at him."Send me back Kol!"

Kol threw a head back and laughed. Like, really...laughed.

"I`m serious!" she yelled. "I wan`t to go back!"

Kol looked at her once more as if asking her "seriously now?" and then stood up slowly from the bed to face her. She watched him as he neared her with that playful glint in his eyes, with the dangerous edge never too far. He raised a hand again to caress her lips, this time, she showed restrain.

"I`ll get you something to eat." he said at least, a few minutes later his smile dropping as did his hand. "You`re not going anywhere, little witch!"

"I told him it was a stupid plan. He didn't listen... He never listens!" Freya complained sipping from the glass of whiskey Marcel had offered her a few minutes before. "Proof, he really is my brother!"

The vampire smiled but the gesture stayed on his lips, never touching his eyes. Minutes later he frowned as a troublesome thought passed his busy mind. "Do you think he will fail?"

The witch scoffed and let herself get comfortable on the couch. "If my dear cunning and sadistic brother will fail to fool some new be witches about not having control over his otherwise vile and manipulative nature? Hm let me think..."

The woman tried to show off as if she was in deep thoughts. "Ahem... he will certainly not fail! Not if he's anything like me!"

"I still don`t understand what his plan is!" Kol chipped in clueless.

"It`s quite simple really..." Freya admitted. "Tun off his humanity... fool the witches and-"

"Yeah, that is what I do not understand."Kol interrupted again "How is it possible to turn him emotions?"

"He`s an Original." Freya explained "It`s a curtsy of dear mother. If the dull down vampires - no offence-" she turned to Marcel.

"None taken" came his reply.

"are able to flip the switch. The original`s switch is a thousand times stronger. That's why he never in the past has flipped it, even though he has thought of it." Freya took a sip and sat down at the arm of the couch. "You see... though, our brother has difficulties at maintaining the switch flipped." a deep sight escaped from the blonde witch as the realization that both men literally hung from her words. "For one he is a thousand years old vampire who has never flipped the switch, ever in his life. Like all effects - in the normal vampire - fades through time, so has his ability to completely flip it off. So glimpses of humanity could appear from time to time but generally he`s a-"

"Soulless monster who likes to play rough with his soulmate!" Caroline concluded entering the room as if she owned the place. All of them rose as she entered conflicted about what she had heard and what she should hear from now on. "No need to raise at the arrival of the queen..." she joked. Or not. She made her way to a king sized armchair and settled herself like one on it surveying them from there proudly. "Go ahead.." she encouraged Freya. "I was the first one to discover his switch was flipped I think I deserve to know how it works..."

They exchanged conspiring glances with each other. She smiled.

"Oh come now Freya..." she said smiling "we are friends aren't we? You have to trust your friends..."

The witch glared at her but sat down explaining further her brother`s conditions.

"For two..." she hesitantly continued "he`s a werewolf... a hybrid... Which means that his original side is somewhat overthrown by his wolf one. So paranoia, jealously, possessiveness, anger... all these negative feelings are still there..."

"So basically what you`re saying is that he is Klaus..." Caroline concluded leaning forward placing her elbows on her knees and connecting her hands in the front. "without the rather rare sentiment that barely existed there? And because of his wolf self-"

"He is ten times worse than the original Klaus!" Freya clarified.

The room went unbelievably silent for a few minutes.

"Well, that could be a problem..." Caroline mused before cracking a knowing smile and leaning back on the chair again. "If - that is - me and Elijah hadn't developed a bad-ass secret plan that is all in all much better than his rotten one..."

"And what that plan might be... exaclty?" Freya asked curiously.

"Well, it wouldn't be a secret if I told you now, would it?" she answered observing her perfectly manicured red nails.

"We`re all friends here?" Freya asked sarcastically.

Caroline smiled but rose immediately, she knew she didn't have much time so she had to work quickly.

"Did you do what Elijah told you?" she asked the two siblings and both Freya and Kol nodded. Marcel just stood gaping not having an idea what was happening around him.

"Tell Klaus I`m home!" was all she said before disappearing with a woosh.

All three of them went quiet.

"What was all that about?" Marcel asked but received no answer.

"Where the bloody hell are u sweetheart?! He roared as he invaded the house.

He heard the insensitive bubbly laughter he used to love so much when he still had his emotions on and smiled as he saw her.

It would be more accurate to say that he saw her delicate, sexy, leg showing off under the beautiful red sheet. Her blonde locks was the only other indication that it was her, along with her cologne; the one she wore whenever they play these sort of the games.

"Is it games you want sweethear?!"

He heard a suggestive "Mhm..."

Klaus reached to untie his belt and trousers, contemplating if he should keep the belt for her punishments or to proceed. But he decided to play along till he got bored and wanted to extract pain...

"Let the games begin then love!"

He all but jumped on the bed on top of her all along throwing the shit away from the woman's body.

He froze.

It wasn't Caroline.

It was a dead blonde girl.

A drained of blood girl.

His favorite type of blood and package.

He didn't have the time to process how accurate it was that not only had she killed. But she had killed someone that carried his favorite brand of blood. He felt a sharp pain. From every direction. Vervain... And wolfesbane..! He figured.

Tid for tad!

He tried to get off the bed but it was as if he was trapped in with some kind of spell, he couldn't leave.

He heard her laughter and turned around to see her seated on the little chair in front of the mirror. She had turned the chair around to face the bed, moreover, him. She sat on it like the queen she was, with a smug, mocking smile he wanted to tear away from her face!

Oh how he wish we could hurt her right now!..

She laughed once more and as she caught his eyes she murmured.

"Let the gamed begin, indeed...my love!"

Bonnie screamed throwing yet another vase at the original who caught it easily and put it to safety just to do the same thing with another antique his lover - or ex lover, as she kept insisting - thew to him and put it on a table.

"Okay, this is not a joke anymore Kol!" she yelled yet again.

"Oh, I agree!" Kol said playfully. "These vases you`re throwing around so carelessly are over three hundred years old! that's not a joke at all!"

"Do you think this is funny?!" the witch seemed outrageously at the verge of teats "None of this is funny Kol! Put me back to my time! I have to go back to my friends, I don`t belong here!"

"On the contrary, love!" said the youngest of the Mikaelsons with an angry glint in his always mischievous eyes as he took a threatening step closer "I think it`s hilarious that you think I`ll get you back into a world where you spend the nights with another man!"

She wanted to take a step back but she held her ground not letting the fear take over.

"Enzo is a good guy..." she said in a low voice her voice trebling as he took another threatening step closer, the earlier smile nowhere to be found.

"And I`m bad, Bonnie..." he said in that damned accent, voice low and she all but gasped when realizing only a thin amount of air separated them anymore. "More bad than you've already seen, worse than you've imagined... Even Klaus cringes at the results of my vile imagination... "

Now Bonnie had to remember how to breath and not to choke like a frightened cat. She couldn't help the step backwards though, the fear showing in her big eyes as his darkened with the next words that left his furious lips.

"If I find out that he touched you..." he didn't finish the sentence and it was worse than if he had actually stated the threat. "If he says the wrong things when I ask him..."

"Where is he...?" she asked voice trembling from fury and fear for her friend and once potential lover. "What have you done with him?"

"He`s underneath the compound... bleeding out of vervain..." his cruel features didn't soften at all when Bonnie hit the wall behind her and yelped. There was nowhere she could go now.

"Nothing happened..." she lied holding her head high "But even if it had, it`s none of your business!"

In a matter of seconds he was on her, trapping her body between himself and the wall. He listened to her rigid breathing for awhile before grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him.

"Everything that is about you concerns me, my little witch..." he whispered against her lips, before his angry brown eyes bore into her wide green ones "But I can see you're lying, Bonnie..."

She breathed heavily.

"Don`t you dare touch him!" she threatened.

Kol raised a semi playful eyebrow.

"I swear Kol if you -"

"You don`t seem to understand the situation here Bonnie!" he yelled losing his temper for the second time in one day "So let me spell it out for you. Look around!... You`re in a prison world, kept here by my will and you`ll remain so until I decide otherwise. You have no special powers other than those of an ordinary vampires, which are nothing compared to these of an original!"

Bonnie blinked but refused to let her fear show again. She raised her chin up.

"I`ve been in a prison world before!" she argued. "I got out. I`ll get out this time too."

"You can`t get out!" Kol confirmed. "You have no magic, your friends have no idea where you are and the only person who knows is compelled not to let anyone know before both of our plans are fulfilled. You are stuck here Bonnie Bennett until I decide you are to return to the real world and you do better start talking before you anger me further."


"What happened between the two of you?" he asked again.

"Nothing..." she cried out weakly.

"You`re lying!" he roared, his feast connecting to the wall behind her causing a hole and knocking dawn a few paintings off the wall.

"Kol stop you`re acting insane!" she yelled back.

He grabbed her jaw and brought her face closer to his.

"I am insane!" He said eyes blazing dangerously "Everyone knows that... You knew that... But you know what makes me tip from the edge?... The thought of another man touching a hair on your head... The thought of that wanker having what`s mine!"

"I`m not-"

She was cut off with a rough kiss. His mouth claiming hers as his hands pushed her against the wall sliding between her legs beneath the green, knee length dress that flattered her eyes. She felt her hands being neutralized by his stronger ones. Her body pressing against the wall as he pushed forward.

After a couple minutes of frenzied kissing he broke it off.

"Did he do this?" he breathed frantically touching her swollen lips with his fingers pushing the lower lip down, before biting it with human teeth "Or this...?" he moved from her lips to her neck leaving swollen kisses everywhere "Tell me could he do this?" he said in between the kisses.

"Kol..." she breathed and almost slapped herself; this was supposed to come out as a demand to stop, not a plea to continue.

In a flash he had her on the bed, hands pinned on both sides of her face, trailing kisses on her body.

"Tel me did he do this?" he asked tearing her dress in two and admiring her cleavage as it was now exposed to him. "Did he see you like this?" he whispered in her ear, caressing her breasts with both hands. "Did he touch you like this...?" he said continuing to torture her with his hands as his lips caressed her neck violently once more.

Once more Bonnie realized that if she didn`t stop him now, any other time would be too late. She was getting lost in his touch which was insanely hot as well as volatile. Somehow she was once more turned on by him... Again...

"Kol. Stop... NOW!"


"Kol, this is rape. I said no!" she tried again.

Two seconds later she was all alone, spread on the bed, breasts exposed, dress torn, embracing her legs and facing an empty room.

Kol was gone.

From that house.

From that world.

And she wanted nothing more than to have him back!

Klaus was murderous.

He was usually capable of killing anyone anywhere, but this was different. He wasn't waiting for someone to betray him so he could deliver a well deserved punishment, the crime was already committed and he was out for blood and the object of his fury had a face.

Long blonde curls, perky lips, endless legs...

She was used to frustrate him in a completely different ways these last couple of years and he usually got to get out his frustration in a completely different and undeniably pleasurable ways.

This time it was different, this time he was fairly certain he would seriously consider if he would end her miserable existence and even he couldn't tell for sure if he'd be able to stop himself before it was too late for the unfortunate blonde.

Maybe the wolf side of him that decided she was his life partner would prevent him from snuffing out the light from these fiery blue eyes he had come to depend on. Maybe his anger would override his appreciation and logic.

Whatever happened though he couldn't let her little stunt go unpunished. She would pay for her audacity and he would be the one delivering the cruelest of punishments for her.

Another growl left his throat. He had tried to keep the noise to minimum. His pride and status prevented him from asking any help from his brother or his minions. No one was allowed to see the King of everything under the sun brought to his knees by a teenage baby vamp. He, of course, could kill any hybrid that came to his rescue but he was short of hybrids lately.

He tried to remember how much time it had passed from when his torture started. He came up empty handed. Hus vision was blurred from the pain the love of his life had so kindly inflicted and his mind was rather preoccupied coming up with plans of vengeance and torture.

"Do you feel that my love?" her sweet angelic voice got lost in the beast`s growls of anger and frustration.

He couldn't really feel the pain she caused considering his condition, but he did felt his body weakening with every little torture his little vixen had oh so generously prepared for him. It was smart, what she did... She was smart, no doubt to that!

"When I get up-" he started threatening but was cut off by her melodic voice.

"It`ll be to late to retaliate!" she replied. "Because I will be far..." she leaned in to whisper in his ear "far away from you..."

Another set of growls filled up the room and Caroline`s emotionless face was jeweled by a merciless grin.

"I just couldn't leave without paying you back for everything you did these past couple of months, now could I?" she played with her voice as she once more shoves another syringe into his body. It was a smart combination. Vervain plus wolfsbain. Kol really did came through! She knew he had a grudge against Klaus and used it to her advantage.

Besides, Elijah`s compulsion didn`t prevented her from having fun, did it?

"As long as you don`t harm or kill any innocent people, or plot anything against my family, you are to do everything in your power to complete the plan..."

Klaus was far from innocent, and this couldn`t be considered plotting against his family either...

She was just playing rough with Nik, paying him back for the humiliation he made her suffer these last couple of months. She knew he couldn`t feel the pain, but the anger and pride of an Alpha never really went away. Humanity switch or not.

Another cruel smirk passed her beautiful features as she once more injected a dose of varvain laced woulfsbain into his system, and just before his body froze she made him watch as she drove a stake right into his hear.

"You know, there is a small fortune in ignorance. One we do not realize or appreciate before we lose it. All this fuss about innocence and some people still don`t get what it really is about. So many movies, books, shows surrounding around innocent young girls falling in love for the first time, coming of age, hurting, and sometimes even turning bad…

Some people still don`t realize this …

Falling in love is ignorance. Ignorance to the fact that there is no such thing as true love or soul mates.

Ignorance is innocence, innocence is happiness.

Who are the most innocent creatures on the world?


That's why they are happier of us all.

Knowledge is followed by a burden that some people are not strong enough to carry, thus it's best for them to stay in their darkened cage with chains on their wrists and feet and experience the illusion of happiness. The only happiness they know exists in their illusion filled world.

These brave enough to break the chains and climb the mountain in their quest to find the truth are constantly on the verge of dying or risking never meeting happiness. And since they`ve already know that their prior happiness was an illusion they are no longer content by it."

The room went silent as the two vampires assessed each other animatedly.

Cold blue boring into warm green orbs.

They stood there, just staring at each other for a moment.

"Is there a specific reason why you`re name dropping Plato to me?" asked the other blonde vampire with the green speculating eyes. She sat on the wooden chair, showing off, in a stance of comfort, but her captor knew better than to believe she was truly comfortable.

A dark smile crept on her chilly red lips and the older woman felt something akin to fear for the first time in a very long time. After all, despite the fact that the younger in age girl was older than her in vamp years, she had long to feel that emotion. The perks of having a thousand year old vampire protecting you from all possible enemies. There was a death penalty for anyone that harmed her or the blue eyed vampire in front of her. She didn`t exactly knew if the term "anyone" applied to her, considering her captor was the queen herself and a person she would consider a friend if circumstances were different.

The green eyed vampire, Camille, tried to conceive her feelings earning another malicious smile from the other girl and realizing that she did a terrible job. Caroline was as good as reading people as her. It was unnerving sometimes to have another knowing her mind.

"May I ask why the lecture?" she demanded to know, as if she was not in a demeaning position. The queen could be scary when she wanted to, and she had power no one could foretell, not even her mighty king.

Caroline laughed wholeheartedly.

"And there it is!" her bubbly voice echoed in the room. "Curiosity, the destruction to mankind itself. The one thing that, according to bible, bided the humans from paradise and exiled them on earth!"

"Will you answer my question or will you continue your phylosophic monologue, avoiding it?" Cami asked annoyed this time. She had noticed that something was off on the other blonde the moment she walked into her home, or her lover`s home, to be more accurate. She knew by the coldness in the other girl`s eyes that she had turned it off.

"The thing is…" said Caroline as she stood, taking her time to answer and to hover around the sale as if she owned the place. Cami had difficulties of getting used to leaving in such grand places, she was a big fan of measure, something she didn`t have in common with the love of her life. "I`m at a disadvantage, and I need leverage…"

Cami's eyes shot straight up as a mocking smile spread on her lips.

"Oh, really?!" she asked. "Is there a thing that Klaus won`t give to his beloved queen of hearts?"

Caroline spared a warning glare at her and continued feeling her glass with expensive liquor.

She drunk the alcohol in the glass on one go and realizing that Cami still wanted an explanation, she shrugged and said "I`ve had a rough day!"

"What is it you want from me that you have to threaten Klaus with my life to get it?!" asked the green eyed vampire musing, her curiosity piqued.

She thought that Caroline was about to threaten Klaus with her life to get something from him?!

That earned another laugh at her from the other girl.

"I`m sorry…" she said still laughing "Just for you information, nothing worth your life would be something Klaus wouldn`t give to me on his own free volition!"

Cami flinched but decided not to answer, but the other vampire seemed still dissatisfied with something.

"You are so arrogant!" Caroline spat. "You really think that Klaus gives a damn about you… or that you can fool me!"

"Fool you?!" inquired the therapist feigning innocence.

Caroline took some threatening steps before lowering herself to look at her straight in the eye as she spoke.

"Do you honestly think I wouldn`t notice that your phone is on the speaker this entire time we talk?!"

The malicious smile that spreading on her beautiful, pale face when the panic started raising inside of her was all the indication Cami needed to decide that she wasn`t bluffing.

"Then why didn`t you-?!" she stuttered but was cut off with Caroline`s ironic voice and face taunting her "Because I want your boyfriend to hear this-"

And before the other girl could react, Caroline had already snapped her neck.

With a loud gulp, Cami`s lifeless body fell to the floor.

Caroline picked up the phone and smiled as she heard the all too well known manly voice say "What do you want?"

"For starters, I want you to find me a witch that will do exactly as I say!" Caroline said arrogantly. "And if you`re valuing your dear lover`s life, I recommend you do exactly as I say!"

"You`re going against Klaus?!" he seemed surprised.

Caroline smiled and she let her silence be his answer.

"You know that I already have men heading over towards you…" his melodic voice was warning and menacing.

"Now, that would be a waste!" she said giggling as she stepped over the blonde vampire`s dead body to go pour herself another drink "You know I can tear them to shreds before they even attempt to think of attacking me, so call them off!"


"Why do you need a free witch?!" he asked.

"Now that`s not your concern!" Caroline said sternly waltzing through the room to sit gracefully on the couch. "Your concern is to get one that will obey me…"

"But why not use one of the Mikaelson witches? Or even Freya?!"

"You know the answer…" Caroline said as if bored.

"You want to disappear without leaving a trace; Cyfius is your ticket to freedom!"he concluded after a little while.

"You are partly correct…" said the blonde taking another gulp. "Klaus will come after me as soon as he realizes I`m leaving him. But before that, I want a little pay back. If you try to warn him and my plan fails, Kol will kill you, if you need any proof that he will, just call him to tell you himself! You have till nightfall to get me a plane and twelve men that can protect me and answer only to me along with a powerful witch!"


"I am being symbolic… I need the witch in one hour outside the Lafayette Cemetary..." said the blonde pouting and taking another sip. "Oh, and, Lucien… Keep in mind, that I hate failing, so if anything in my plan goes wrong because of you, keep remember that I could be as ruthless as Niklaus if I want to be! I will melt your precious little snowflake without blinking!"

The other line was silent for awhile.

"You will have everything you asked for till, tonight and a powerful witch will be waiting for you at the cemetary…" Lucien said pausing before adding "Just, please… Don`t hurt her!"

"That`s up to you!" was all she said before hanging up.

Bonnie was gazing into the night`s thick darkness as it slowly started dissolving when the sun`s first rays made their appearance. She was consumed by thoughts, when she heard the small woosh indicating that a certain original was with her in the same room. Considering her options the entire night, she came to the conclusion that she couldn`t afford her wounded pride. She usually was not a quitter but she wasn`t stupid either. Kol`s mercy was all she had in this place and from what she knew he had none. Only a twisted kind of rule-book he rarely followed.

She had to play by his lunatic rules. If she wanted to stay sane. And it may seem like a nonsense but it made perfect sense to her at he time.

Desperate times and all...

"We kissed..." she said in a low voice still her back turned at him. "Twice..."

When he was silent for awhile she turned around and evaluated his angry eyes.

She held his gaze stubbornly.

"I liked it a lot..." a murderous glare in his eyes told her he hadn`t liked what he heard very much "But I stopped him before things would... escalate further..."

Silence staring...

"Why?" he asked finally.

She sighted heavily.

"Isn`t it obvious?" when Kol`s unflinching gaze met her she sighted once more and sat down on the mahogany armchair before continuing. "I knew you`d kill him as certainly as I knew it was none of your business!" she deadpanned without earning any more reactions from the original "You`re right, I knew from the beginning that you were insane..."

"I don`t like to share, Bonnie!" his voice was cold as he stared her down rooted to the spot, leaning on the door-frame. "What`s insane about that?"

"We had a one night stand Kol, it's not like we are married or something..." she rolled her eyes.

"I can arrange that..." he smirked cruelly.

"Look... the point is, either way, I stopped because I was afraid of his life... and of betraying my feelings cause yes Kol" a small breath of fury "as insane as it might seem, I do have feelings for you I shouldn`t have and I know you know it and that`s why you haunt me so persistently..."

Kol smiled wickedly and took some steps closer to sit next to her on the sofa leaving just enough space to barely not touch her.

"At least you admit it..." he said "Its a start..."

"Yeah, but that`s of no use now, I`m stuck in this world cause you won`t trust me enough to try your luck outside this world and I won`t trust you until you set me free... So I`d say we`re in a predicament.

"Maybe this will earn a bit of your trust...?" he asked hesitantly offering her a small vial.

"Vervain..." she immediately guessed and took it, thanking him before drinking. Another day and he`d be able to compel her.

"I suppose you want me to set the worm free..?" he said sarcastically.

"Enzo is a good guy!" she defended fiercely, earning his rage once more.

"Do you really want to have this conversation again?!" he growled.

Silence fell for a bit more, before any of them spoke again.

"If he says the same he`ll be free..." Kol promised earning a smile from the witch.

"I`m still mad you know..." Bonnie said again "for everything you did... and continue to do..."

"I know..." was all he said.

"I won`t forgive you easily..." she continued.

"We`re vampires, darling, we have nothing if not time..."

"Then why imprison me here...?" she wandered.

Kol look at her in the eyes straight and clear.

"Because I won`t have anyone else have you before you`re mine again... I want you all to myself, just like you do" he said winking at her and disappearing soon after saying he had to go again.

Bonnie looked outside the window once more stunned to see it was already daytime.

When had the sun started shining again?

"Took you long enough!" She growled as she entered the compressed place between the huge containers where Lucien had set the meeting. "I trust you aren't stupid enough to warn your sire about what it is you're doing this particular evening, are you?"

"I came alone and told nothing to anyone... Just hand Cami over and you'll have everything you want."

She smirked wickedly with a devilish glint in her ocean blue eyes he had never seen before. It scared him. Besides the fact that he was a handful couple of decades older than her, it was the first time he ever saw her without her...well, humanity on. He could take her, he was certain. But he knew when he did he'd have to face the wrath of the Original ruling family.

"Now, now Lucien..." she scolded him, still smirking as she neared him suspiciously... predatorily "You're in no position to demand anything if you want your special snowflake to return to you in one piece..." she perked her lips, playing with her voice, her stance, her hair aimlessly taking a few more elegant steps as if predator cornering her pray.

She took a step even closer. She bit her lips and looked up at him scandalizing him. Drawing a hand slowly on his chest, it traveled up to his torso all the while sending him wicked smiles and heated meaningful glances.

"What are you doing?" Wondered the Executioner finally voicing his confusion.

"You know..." she whispered getting even closer till they were only inches apart. "You're too good to be wasted on that pathetic damsle..." she licked her lips and looked up momentarily taking her eyes away from his lips. "I bet you could do with some... upgrade in... well, bed..."

Her smirking eyes and excited face proved that she indeed meant every word. Lucien gaped unable to find words. The ever stoic peace seeking Queen was out to seed havoc by seducing him?

He laughed.

"You mean to enrage Niklaus by seducing his right-hand man. It's a clever move my Queen but not quite the accurate one since I'm not gonna be seduced. I love Cami, and even if I didin't, I would prefer if my head stayed attached to my neck..."

"I'm sure if you are indeed his right-hand man, he'll spare your life for one... mistake..."

His breath caught as the space separating their faces minimized down by inches. He cleared his throat meaning to come up with a respectful argument. One wrong move, and his head would be on display...

"Ahm... My queen..."

"Yes..." she whispered expectantly, her breath colliding on his lips sucseeding in totally confusing him.

Lucien Castle, the ever talkative Kingsmaker CEO, at loss of words. This must be the end of the world. This should DEFINITELY be recorded by history books.

Caroline smiled knowing exactly where his thoughts were headed. At that moment his sell phone ringed and he breathed with relief. Don't get him wrong, he liked Caroline. But one more move and his devotion for Cami would have faltered and his life would be on the line.

"Saved by the phone.." whispered one last time Caroline before leaning back and winking at him.

"Gregory!" he acknowledged harshly.

"All is set, Sir!" he confirmed.

"Does that mean my plane is ready?" Asked the blonde, sobering up.

"Yes!" replied the vampire. "Gregory is waiting for my command to bring it here.."

"So, tell him to bring it here now!" she said as if talking to a five year old.

"Where is Cami?!"

"She's safe... for now...!" she warned.

"If you touch her-"

"ENOUGH!..." she yelled before pinning him down with one fiery glare before lowering her voice again "You will bring my plane here right now... this is how it goes down Lucien... I'll take the plane to the place of my desire, then send Cami back to you when I'm sure my whereabouts are covered. And don't even attempt to try telling Klaus anything or I'll rip her heart out the first chance I've got... I have an inside person - besides Kol - who'll be at Klaus' side at all times, so don't even think about crossing me..."

She had thought this through, he gave her that. No escape roads.

"You know you've signed all our death sentences, right?! Whoever the insider is and me... When Klaus learns we aided you.."

"So don't tell him!" she said simply.

He laughed humorlessly.

"You're insane if you think you can hide your whereabouts or the truth for long."

Caroline smiled mysteriously and Lucien realized she was as cunning and devious as Klaus. Maby worse.

"Where is she?! Where the fuck is that bloody woman?!" was the first thing he yelled as he stormed into the compound, out and about, for everyone to hear.

Kol was the first one he saw. He was sitting on the armchair, more like laying, with his feet solemnly placed on the small table, as he enjoyed his drink with a relaxed, victorious grin.

A part of Klaus noticed that for the first time in what seemed like centuries, his brother seemed content, at completely at ease, glowing with something he couldn't place. He seemed happy...

He didn't care though. Not one bit. It was a simple observation.

"Who could you possibly mean, brother?!" teased his younger brother even if he already knew that the only woman who could ever make his brother this riled up was his queen.

"Caroline!" he growled taking a threatening steps towards his little brother.

Like he always seemed to be doing lately, Elijah appeared in front of him out of the blue, placing a warning hand on his chest.

"Calm yourself, Niklaus!" he commanded, composed as ever. "What could that innocent girl have done to incur your wrath thus way.

"Oh, she's anything but innocent brother!" Niklaus growled as he kept wandering in the compound in search for her.

"CAROLINE!" he yelled as he rounded the corners of the compound. "Come out and face me sweetheart, I promise, if you surrender to me right now you'll suffer less... I promise Ill kill you quickly."

The wildly troublemaker occupying the crouch burst into livid laughter adding to his brother's untamed fury.

"Now you gave her proper motivation, Nik!" Kol teased "I'm sure she'll show up to take you upon your grand gift of a quick death..."

"Shut up Kol, or you'll dig yourself your own grave! Quite literally!"

Kol shrugged and raised his hands as if to indicate surrender as Klaus got further in the compound.

"Don't make me surch for you love..." he growled seemingly amused. "I do enjoy the cat and mouse game and we all know how the story ends don't we?! If I find you before you surrender though, I'll make you beg for your sweet, inevitable death!"

"Really Niklaus?" Elijah mocked from upstairs.

"Have you seen her?!" the younger Mikaelson enforced the question.

Elijah found himself down the hall and next to his younger siblings in a matter of seconds and as he spoke, he readjusted his perfectly ironed suit.

"No, I haven't. Is the honeymoon over already?" he inquired.

Klaus looked at his brother seemingly at lost. He suspected what his brother was telling him but he needed clarification.

"She told everyone that the two of you were going on honeymoon. She made it very clear that you two were making amends and no one should disturb you until you two wished to return home..."

"So you believed her?!" Klaus growled.

"Well you're not exactly predictable these days now, are you?!"

"What the bloody hell is this fuss about?!" growled Hayley storming out of her room like an angry wolf.

The two brothers ignored her completely too entrapped in their own fight to mind her.

"Niklaus, for God's sake, mind your manners!" Elijah urged "Do you want the entire compound to hear the way you talk to your queen?!"

"Mind your business Lijah!" His brother replied dismissively "She is my wife, my property, you have no say in what I do with her!"

"Not in front of strangers,you don't! What is the matter with you lately brother?! It is like you no longer care for your profile or the girl you claim to love for decades now!"

That made Klaus' rage bit down a little. He couldn't have his brother requiring if he turned it off or not... That would ruin a perfectly laid out plan, not to mention that his brother would most likely try to turn his emotions back on. And he couldn't have that now, could he?!

Gathering his anger and trying his best to tame his wolfish rage he turned to his brother. Fortunately he didn't have to come up with some sort of an apology cause they were suddenly interrupted by a certain old vampire that walked in hurriedly.

"We have a problem..." said Lucien entering the room.

Suddenly three pairs of eyes turned on him. The two brothers spared him one simple glare before returning to their critical feud - as if the newcomer had never spoken - but Lucien wasn`t done with them just yet.

"Its about Caroline... You won`t believe what she made me do!"

All the eyes turned on him and the vampire started explaining.

"I know that I`m irreplaceable precious but do you really have to check on me every five seconds Klaus?!" Caroline mocked as she played with her locks in the mirror, re adjusting them in a most provocative way that she knew would draw men in dozens.

"Ah, Caroline... my ever witty life partner..." Klaus replied in a supposed cool and cruel manner. "I see that no matter how many miles you put between us your tongue remains as cutting as the blade of an ax, sweetheart..."

"Oh, but my love... I`m closer than you think I am..." her voice was teasing and it drove the king`s nerves to certain edges.

"And where exactly is it you are, my dear?" he said so sweetly that you`d think he he hadn`t just vividly fantasied about having her in front of him so he could rip that bloody tongue of hers out, after making her put it into a good use at the state of her knees.

"At my hotel, getting beautiful and ready to have fun... You know some of us are still into enjoying life in general..." she mused.

"And what, pray tell does the word 'fun' entail for you, sweetheart?!" his tone grew unnaturally sweet. Because she knew pretty much every hitch in his breathing and every little waver of his voice, she could tell with great easiness that he was most definitely and undoubtedly jealous. Which, if she was honest with herself, was exactly what she was aiming for.

"Probably dancing till my heels melt, definitely diking till I can`t remember my name and potentially making out with some dark tall stranger at the backstreet alley of the most luxurious club in town!" she stopped to reconsider for a moment before retyping her earlier statement. "And if I`m feeling vengeful, maybe even having sex in his master bedroom!"

That little sentence and the convincing way she stated it was what shattered his patience into million pieces. She meant every singe word. And he knew her too well, to believe she wouldn`t actually go through with it.

"Listen carefully Caroline..." he growled in a dangerously low voice and tried his best to contain his trembling hands from crushing the phone into pieces like he did so many times in the past two weeks. "You will stay put in your hotel room till my men find you and bring you to me or I swear to whatever it is you believe in, you will cherish the breath in your lung`s when I see you again, as your last!"

"What? Wait... I`m sorry babe I was boosting my breasts, you were saying?!... Oh, never mind. Gotta go anyway. Hot guys to shag and all..."

"Caroline..." he growled.

"Wait, before I hung up, could you thank Elijah for me?! I left in a hurry and didn`t get the chance to do so myself. None of this would actually be possible without him!"

"Miss Forbes, Mr Black is asking a minute with you..." he heard someone saying to his woman from the other line and his jaw was about to hit the floor.

"Oh, uhm... okay Jessica, tell him to wait for me at the bar, I`ll be right there!"

And with that the line went dead.

Klaus stared at the phone stunned contemplating whether to throw it from the balcony or to crash it with his hand. He did none. Instead he whooshed to the center of the compound screaming like a madman.


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