I know it's been awhile since I've update and I am so sorry. But here it chapter 4 and I hope you all will love it. Enjoy!

Chapter 4: Poseidon's fury

Poseidon's P.O.V.

'2 Hours' Poseidon thought '2 Hours after Percy's emotions went wild, but finally the meeting here in Atlantis is over.' I was just about to go to Camp Half-Blood, but I heard thunder above me. Signaling there's a meeting at Olympus. At this point I will never see Percy. 'Zeus better have a very good reason calling an emergency meeting now,' I thought. I could feel the seas responding to my different emotions. Anger and frustration at Zeus. Anger at Amphitrite for not letting me go to my son and extremely worried about Percy. Then I had a bad feeling that something was wrong. I don't feel Percy or my other four children at Camp anymore. So maybe that's why my baby brother called for an emergency meeting. I hurried and vapor travel into the throne room.

In the Throne Room

Still Poseidon's P.O.V.

I arrived in the throne room on my throne with my trident in my hand.

"This better be important Zeus. I have other things to do."

"Like what, barnacle beard? Count to see what your I.Q. # is. Even though there is no number lower than zero," Athena sneered.

I am use to the insults from her, but this tops it. She never said anything that mean before.

"Don't mind her, Uncle. She pissed off Hecate a few minutes ago and Hecate cast a mood swing spell on her (I got it from the Winx Club)," Artemis explained.

"Thanks for clearing that up." But I was quite distracted and worried.

"Are you, okay, Uncle P? You seem worried about something," Apollo asked, but before I could answer.

"SILENCE!" Zeus thunder. I rolled my eyes at my brother's dramatics. Then…

"Why do you three look so worried?" Apollo blurted out.

Then I small flash caught my eyes. Hermes walked in with Chiron and Annabeth. I thought to myself that maybe she will know what happen with why Percy was so angry about. My thought were interrupted by Artemis.

"What are you talking about, Apollo?"

"Uncle Poseidon, Uncle Hades, and Aunt Hestia seem worried about something," he said to his sister.

"I felt Percy's emotions at the beach at Camp…"

"What does that have anything to do with..." a sneering Ares started, but I doused him with water and one angry glare from me; he shutted up.

"I'll tell you and everybody else what happened," said drama queen Zeus. "Jake, son of Nike told me everything…" he started, but got interrupted by Athena's daughter.

"Wait, Lord Zeus. He l…" she started.

"Don't interrupt me, child…"

"Let the girl speak/talk," said Artemis and me at the same time.

Zeus looked ready to explode. Annabeth spoke before anybody could say anything else.

"Jake lied about everything!"

My little brother's face turned bright red. He looked like a big fat tomato. He's lucky were not in Italy. He'll be canned.

"He what," he said dangerously calm.

"He lied, my Lord."

"She's telling the truth, father," Apollo said seriously; for once.

"What did this Jake tell you, brother?" I asked.

Zeus told us that my kids and other children would not let him and Annabeth to be friends and then when they said they are going to be friends if they like it or not. Then my children and other demigods attack them for no reason. I knew that Jake was lying even when I wasn't even there. I know my kids would not harm somebody else unless somebody pushed them too far and I know they would not mind if Annabeth had other friends. They would encouraged it. Especially if he liked architecture as much as she does.

Zeus then told us that his three kids, my five children, my brother Hades' two kids, Clarisse la Rue, Frank Zhang, Will Solace, Leo Valdez, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, and Chris Rodriguez are banished from the camps and Olympus until further notice.

Hades, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, Hephaestus, Hermes, and me glared at Zeus. All of us had our weapons out, except for Hestia.

Third Person's P.O.V.

The gods and goddesses were mad, but not as much as Poseidon. He gave Zeus the worst death glare that not even Hades could muster. His eyes held pure fury in them and the point of his trident in the King of the Gods chest. Earthquakes shook the throne room violently; fountains on Olympus started acting up and mirroring the Sea God's rage. While down below scientists were baffled. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, threaten the whole world. The seas were angry, rain fell in sheets causing floods everywhere, and many other disasters.

Everybody knew that Poseidon was the most overly protective god when it came to his children's safety.

"Poseidon cal…" was the only thing Zeus could get out before he fell off his throne by a 9.5 magnitude earthquake that shook the very foundation of Olympus. Screams could be heard from outside and down below. Zeus looked scared st!tless, then scrambled to get up and started running away from his furious brother. While the Sea God chased after him firing godly energy out of his symbol of power.

Minor gods and goddesses and nymphs were picking themselves off the ground. Only to see the King of the heavens running for his live. They were confused until they looked back towards the throne room to see a very scary Poseidon. Then they got out of his way so they were not caught in the middle of the Sea God's wrath.

The other 12 major gods and goddesses (Hades and Hestia got their throne back) help some of the lower beings out various things they fallin, because of the earthquake. While Hestia went after her brothers.

*Time Skip - a few minutes*

Hestia's P.O.V.

I followed the sounds of Poseidon's trident and Zeus' master bolt being fired. Most likely at each other. I found them in the arena we have here on Olympus. I was standing there watching them fighting like children. My brother Poseidon has every reason to be mad at Zeus. I shooked my head in disappointment at how Zeus banished those demigods from both camps. Then I remember what Zeus said, 'Banished from both camps and Olympus until further notice.'

"Brothers, stop fighting," I said in a soft, but firm voice.

"No, sister. He banished my babies." Poseidon said in a hurt voice.

"Please, Poseidon. Listen to me… Please," I pleaded with him.

He nodded and said, "Okay, Hestia. I'll listen."

"Zeus said that the demigods were banished until further notice. Now that Zeus knows the truth." I turned to look at my youngest brother and said in a firm voice. "And I'm positive he'll lift the banishment and we can bring them back to camp."

"Yes," Zeus nodded quickly to me. "I can see that they are not guilty. So I hereby lift the banishment on the accused demigods and Jake O'Donnell will be brought to Olympus to face punish with Annabeth Chase."

I nodded and told Poseidon come with me so we can both go get the banished demigods. While Zeus contacted Hermes from him to deliver the recent developments.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Remember: the more nice comment I get. The fast I update. Have a nice day or night. :)