Hello FanFiction Readers! For those of you who are just tuning in, I am a major fan of Black Rock Shooter, as demonstrated by my multiple stories centered around the Otherselfs. For those that have been following me, I am trying to get back to my original project. I am trying to use all five of the original Otherselfs in a pairing with Harry. There will definitely be some Umbridge bashing, and various levels of Weasley and Dumbles bashing. Enjoy and Review!


I do not own Harry Potter or Black Rock Shooter, they belong to J. K. Rowling and Huke respectively. Although, I am pretty sure Black Gold Saw and her sisters would disagree.

Ch. 1 A Rude Awakening

Harry lay on his back in the secret headquarters for The Order of the Phoenix finally, able to relax after a long and arduous day at the ministry. He sighed in relief; he was so close to being expelled from Hogwarts. He frowned, what was Dumbledore's problem anyway? He barely looked at Harry the entire time he was there. Hell, he barely acknowledged that Harry was even in the same room! He looked at the clock, almost midnight. He let his mind drift, remembering the day that Hagrid came bursting through the door, quite literally, just to tell Harry that he was a wizard. A quiet chuckle escaped the scraggly teen alone in his bedroom. The look on his aunt and uncle's faces was priceless, and then Hagrid went and gave his cousin a pig's tail. BANG! A flash of green light snapped him from his reverie. Harry shot out of bed, wand held out in front of himself. He froze, seeing a bright green crack, about a meter in length, floating in the air. CRACK! The strange crack grew another half meter in length, and a set of metallic, claw tipped hands forced their way around either edge. Harry yelped and jumped back as another loud cracking noise occurred. The glowing green crack grew another meter, and opened up, sending whatever was in it sprawling. With a blinding flash, the crack closed up, and vanished. Harry shook his head and looked over at the thing from the crack. Harry swore softly as he saw what just fell into his room. It was some girl in a gothic dress and a strange headband. She had some sort of metal gloves on, giving her the appearance of having claws, and her headband had a set of vertebrae-like horns attached to it. He knelt next to her and reached out, attempting to move her hair away from her face. That's when he realized that her eyes were open. With a yell, he fell back as she jumped to her feet with inhuman speed. He saw a set of boney, wing-like things sprouting from her back as she spun to face him. She tried to take a step towards him, but crumpled into a heap, whimpering in pain. Harry's hero streak took over and he rushed to her side. "Hey, are you okay?" He put a hand on her shoulder and gasped as a soft voice echoed in his mind, Help me… The pain… Help… me… Harry pulled away and looked at her, she didn't seem hurt, so what was wrong? Professor Moody will know what to do. Not hesitating, he scooped her up, and rushed out the door and down the stairs. "Professor Moody! Where are you?"

His friend Hermione rounded the corner, "What's wrong- Harry, what happened?" Her eyes widened as she saw the strange girl in his arms.

"I have no idea, but I think Professor Moody can help her. Have you seen him?"

Hermione nodded, and pointed down the hall, "He's in the study! Let's go!"

The two of them ran as fast they could, almost knocking Professor Moody to the ground as he walked out of the study. "What do you think you're doing, Potter?"

"There's no time professor. This girl needs help bad, and I don't know what to do. Can you help her?"

The grizzled auror peered at the strange girl and nodded, "Best bring her in quickly." He ushered them in and locked the door behind them. Harry set her on the empty table and made way for the auror, explaining what happened. He pulled his wand out, and muttered different spells over the girl, whose chest was barely moving now. The last spell he muttered sparked off as shower of green sparks. He motioned for Harry to come to his side. "She needs to be bonded, now!"

Harry stared at him in confusion, "What do you mean, professor?"

The ex-auror rolled his eyes, "What do they teach you children nowadays? She needs to bond to a soul to survive. She seems to have lost hers when she came through that crack in the air." He looked over at Hermione, "You should leave now Miss Granger." She nodded nervously and scurried from the room. He turned back to the befuddled Harry, "You need to bond your soul to her."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

The man chuckled harshly, "You know how dementors steal souls with a kiss?"

Harry nodded slowly, not getting what the man was saying until, "Wait- You don't mean- I have to- to-"

"Kiss her? Yes, yes you do. Now, ask her if she wants to live."

Harry looked down nervously at the strange girl and stuttered out, "D-do you wish to live?"

The girl stirred, and cracked her eyes open. Her mouth opened slightly, and she tried to say something that Harry couldn't make out. Harry leaned in closer to hear what she was saying. "I- I wish… to live…" A soft sigh escaped her and she closed her eyes.

"Quickly now, boy, she doesn't have long to live in this world!" Harry took a deep breath and held it, before kissing her full on the lips. There was a flash of green light, and Harry was blasted back, landing hard on the floor. He heard Professor Moody swear loudly, and he wondered why his vision seemed to be flickering in and out with images that he had never seen before. "Potter, say something to me boy!" His vision cleared, and he saw Professor Moody standing over him. He coughed, and sat up slowly. "Thank god! I thought you were hurt!" The two of them froze as a soft cough was heard. They looked over and saw the girl stirring, about to wake up.

Dead Master POV

I felt pain. Large amounts of pain. This was worse than when Black Rock Shooter had stabbed her. It was all over her body. Moreover, why did her mouth taste like she had been eating lightning? She coughed and felt her mind quickening. Wait, the Rift! Did she make it through? She shifted slowly, hearing her boney wings dig into wood. Hold on… wood? She cracked her eyes open, and hissed in pain from the light. When her eyes adjusted, she saw that she was in some sort of study… and not in the Other World. She sat up quickly, almost falling off the table she was laying on. Looking around, she saw two humans staring at her. Oh no, she had been seen! She jumped off the table and made a break for the door. She reached the door, and tried to open it. No luck, it was locked! She spun around, breathing heavily. The smaller human seemed to be trying to calm her down. "Wait! It's okay, we won't hurt you! Please, just calm down." The bigger one had a stick… no wait that was a wand! These were magic users! That meant she could use some of her power! She held a clawed hand out in front of her, and summoned a ball of energy. Before she could use it, it flickered weakly and died. What the… She looked at her metal hands, and gasped in surprise as a plate of metal fell off, revealing pale skin underneath.

Third Person POV Harry

Harry tried to calm her down the best he could, "Wait! It's ok, we won't hurt you! Please, just calm down." No good, the girl held one of her clawed hands out, and summoned a ball of sickly green energy. However, before she could use it, the ball flickered, and dissipated. The girl looked at her hands in confusion, and a piece of metal fell away, showing her skin. The girl screamed in panic as more pieces came off, until all of the metal fell off. There was a clatter as her wing things and horns fell off too. She sank to the ground, looking positively terrified. She curled up into a ball and sobbed softly. Harry hurried to her side, unsure of what to do.

Moody clomped over, "You comfort the poor lass, and I'll go fetch Mrs. Weasley. We'll be needing a spare bed moved into your room." Harry nodded numbly as the man clomped out of the room. Turning to the girl, he was startled to see her looking at him with a piercing stare. She hiccupped softly and scooted away from him. Harry reached out to her, but stopped himself when she flinched away. He sat down and leaned against the wall. "So, what's your name?"

Her head shot up at the sound of his voice and she looked over at him. "My n-name?"

"Yeah, my name's Harry. Harry Potter."

She hiccupped again, "D-Dead Master."

Harry looked at her oddly. "That's an unusual name, do you have any nicknames?"

She nodded slowly, "My f-family called me De-chan. Before they died that is."

Harry looked at her sharply, "What? Who killed them? Was it Voldemort?"

She shook her head and said softly, "We lost our other halves. We can't live without them." She dropped her head for a moment, before looking up, eyes wide. "Why am I not dead as well?"

Harry felt himself turn red, "Erm… well… I was able to bond with you before you died."

They looked up, hearing Mrs. Weasley rush into the room, "Come along Harry, and bring her with you. I have her bed ready, and I bet that she wishes to rest."

Harry stood up and turned to Dead Master, "Come on, De-chan, let's get you to bed." He held out his hand, and she hesitantly took it, allowing Harry to pull her up. She staggered into him as she tried to walk out of the door. Without the weight of her hands, horns, and wings, she was extremely off balance. She had to lean on Harry in order to make it to the room.

As he helped her into the bed and Mrs. Weasley left the room, she called out softly to Harry, who was getting into his own bed. "Thank… you…" With that, she fell into a deep dreamless sleep.