Hallo, peoples! I know I said that I wouldn't be updating for a while but I managed to find some down-time in between outings. Let me know what you think! This is going to be the last chapter...let me know if I should continue with anything I mention in this story. Enjoy! :)
A day after she was released from the sick-bay, Skye strode angrily down the hall to Coulson's office. She reached the door just as May was closing the door, smiling. Skye looked at her, then breezed past her into his office. Coulson was going over some papers, smiling as well. She made a mental note to ask May about that as soon as possible.
"Hey!" she barked at him. Coulson looked up.
"Hey, Skye, how're you feeling?" he asked, concerned.
"Fine, thank you. Now, are you going to confess or am I going to have to spell it out?"
"Um...what? I'm not sure I'm following," he said confusedly.
"You know what I mean. How could you not tell me that Cal isn't my father? THAT YOU WERE ALL ALONG?!" Skye screamed. Coulson stared at her, then looked down, ashamed. He looked back up, tears in his eyes.
"Skye...let-let me explain, please. H-how did you know?" he stammered.
"When I was shot, I heard you talking to Jiaying. Want to tell me why you haven't told me? You've known since I was shot by Quinn, and you were fairly certain since Ward put a bag over my head! I told you how important this was to me and you still said nothing! Why?!"
"I didn't want to complicate your life, and ultimately, your training. If we hadn't recruited you for S.H.I.E.L.D, then you would have been in danger in your every day life, knowing what you know. And if I had told your while you were training then you would have grown distracted. I'm so, so sorry. You had a right to know, and I denied you that right. I think some part of me was afraid that you would react badly and I would loose any bond we had," he said sadly.
"That still gave you no right to keep this from me," Skye told him coldly. He nodded. "How-how did it happen? Me, I mean?"
He offered a small smile. "I figured you were going to ask that. I traveled to China in 1989 on a mission. Some of us got hurt and our field medic was killed in action, so we had to head to a local clinic. Your mother worked there, and she was the one who stitched me up. She was acting all flirty, and I offered to buy her a drink. We went to a nearby bar and got a little bit tipsy. She followed me up to my room afterwards, and...well, I won't go into the specifics. I left three days later, but before I went she told me she was pregnant and she planned to tell Cal it was his. I never heard from her again, until now," he solemnly finished. Skye stared at him, mouth agape.
"S-so...you're...you're really my dad?" she asked.
"Yes." Skye took a deep breath, then burst into tears.
"Why didn't you tell me? So what if it would have endangered me? Or distracted me? It still would have been better then me finding out like this," she said through her tears.
"Yes, yes, that's true. I know I'm an idiot, Skye. Is there any way I can get you to forgive me?" Coulson implored.
"No...not now. I just-I need some time. It would be best if you just kept your distance for now, okay?" Skye told him, sniffling. All he could do was stare at his daughter as she stood and walked out the door.
Skye ran down the hall to her room, struggling to hold back tears. When she arrived, Lincoln was reclining on her bed, tossing a ball at the wall.
"Hey! How'd it go?" he asked when he saw her. She stared at him for a moment, then completely lost it. She sank down next to him, sobbing. Lincoln hugged her and let her cry into his shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" Skye shook her head mutely. So, Lincoln held her as she cried.
"I didn't think it would be so hard," she whispered when she was through. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn this into a sob fest." She stood up. "I'm going to go."
"Wait. Um, if you want, I could take you out to dinner sometime? You know, to cheer you up. You look like you need it," he said with a smile.
"Sure! That would be amazing. I could really use some cheering up right now. How about tonight?"
"Yeah! Yeah, that works! I'll see you tonight!" he called as he backed out of the room. She smiled at him. Things weren't perhaps as bad as they seemed, so long as she had him to lean on.