Though her legs ached Levy stood and tired not to think about what was to come. She breathed heavily and took another fighting stance. The rain poured down as thunder cracked across the night sky. Blood trickled down her temple as she turned her head to the sound of Jet coughing up more blood and Droy who was unconscious; both their bodies bent and broken. Her eyes locked with Jets for a brief moment and she could see the panic and fear in them. Fear that her life was about to end. She let out a weak smile to let him know it was okay before returning her attention back to the problem at hand. Her three attackers stepped forward, their bodies illuminated as lightning flashed above.

The mission had been a simple retrieval but the two books had been more trouble than the flyer had led them to believe. The attack against them had been calculated and swift. And though Jet and Droy had managed to stop four of the seven members of the Dark Guild, they had been subdued and she was left alone with the final three. Levy's eyes fell to her satchel a few feet away and she noticed that they were looking towards it as well. Her mind raced as she tried to formulate a plan of attack but her current location, on the edge of the cliff, was less than desirable. If she was honest with herself there was only one thing she could do. With a deep breath she rapidly moved her arms, fingers twisting in the air, as she cast the word FIRE and her satchel was engulfed in flames.

"You bitch!" one man screamed as he charged towards the bag but the books within were nothing more than ash by the time he reached the smoldering pile. Levy cocked her head confidently as her fingers twisted again and she casted the word GUARD over Jet and Droy which transformed into a barrier surrounding them from any further attacks. When Levy lifted her arms in an attempt to cast it over herself however she was forced to stop in order to dodge an attack; sending her closer to the edge. She could see in her opponent's eyes that they were now out for blood now, her blood. She took a small step back and he foot touched the edge of the cliff; small pieces of rock falling down, by her calculations, at least sixty feet. If she was honest with herself there was only one possible end to the battle.

Levy looked over at Jet who was trying and failing to escape from her barrier. Tears fell from his eyes as he pounded his fists into the shield in a futile attempt to break her enchantment. He didn't even seem to notice that his wrist was broken as he screamed out to her but his words were blocked by the enchantment and continuing storm. Levy let out a weak smile knowing that it would only fall when they were out of danger though; even if she was no longer around. Next to him Droy began to wake and when he realized what was happening he dragged his torn body to Jet and started to strike the wall as well. Levy could hear the kill order even through the boom of thunder and endless rain. My magic is all but gone she though and in a last ditch effort to save herself, as the men started towards her, she cast a protection ruin around her body. Slowly it began to weave its way from her feet and up her legs. She felt the blade slice across her body just as the ruins reached her waist. The pain was immense as she rocked on the edge of the cliff for a moment. She turned her head to her teammates again and tried to grin; her soaked blue hair thrashing across her face in the wind, before tumbling over the side. Levy's vision began to tunnel as the ruins continued to snake up her body and the ground rushed to meet her. In the distance she could hear Jet and Droy's screams through the barrier above. Levy cracked a smirk as she closed her eyes. Those fools don't even realize that I have the content of those books memorized. When her body made contact with the boulders below the ruins had just reached the top of her neck; leaving her head exposed. White hot pain shot through her as the back of her head connected and she was knocked unconscious. Her body rolled down the slope before stopping to rest against the trunk of a tree; shattered and still.

It was not until the storm had passed the following morning that the barrier protecting Jet and Droy had fallen. Their fists bruised from hours of punching the enchantment to no avail. Both looked at each other not wanting to think about why they were suddenly free from her net of safety. The members of the Dark Guild had disappeared down the slope hours before; towards were Levy had fallen and yet her enchantment had kept them safe until the morning light began to stretch across the sky. Carefully they stood, holding each other for support, and walked towards the cliffs edge. When they looked over the side, they prepared themselves mentally for the sight of Levy's lifeless body. But she was no were to be seen. "They—they took her?" Jet fell to the ground as Droy turned away, covering his mouth to scream. They had failed her. They had failed their Levy. After a moment of silence Jet stood and placed his hand on Droy's shoulder "We'll go back to the Guild for help and then we'll find her. They couldn't have gotten far!"

Droy nodded as they both turned and started to run in the direction towards Magnolia, Jet moving faster than his larger physique. He struggled with the pain shooting through his body as they moved and focus on the run; Jet already far ahead. As he moved his mind wondered to darker thoughts and he mentally began to question what their attackers had wanted with her dead body. Droy shook his head as tears rolled down his eyes. She could not be gone again. After seven years without her they would not lose her again.

Hours earlier with the storm still raging in the sky above Levy awoke soaked from the storm and confused. Her head ached and gingerly she touched the back of her wet hair; her hand coming back dripping crimson. She stood gradually, for her legs felt weak, and crumpled into the tree trunk for support. After a few moments to regain her composure she began to move into the forest knowing that she needed to find shelter from the storm and figure out where she was. Who she was.

Gajeel's mission had been long and grueling and he was eager to return home and drink his earnings away. The storm raging around him however was threatening to ruin his plans. Angrily he cursed into the bellowing thunder and shook his fist at the sky. As the rain began to pour harder he could hear Lily's voice in his mind telling him it was time to find shelter and cursed the cat who hadn't even joined him on his latest mission. As he walked through the woods his mind wandered to the Guild Hall, most likely warm and packed with members at this time of night. Including her. Though Levy had been distant when he had first joined Fairy Tail (for obvious and logical reasons) he was thankful that they had grown somewhat friendlier since their partnership on the Island. He enjoyed her company particularly the sweet smell of leather and ink that rolled off her as she moved around him. It was times like this that he was thankful for his lack of company on missions. His mind could drift to places that he knew it should and did not belong. With Gajeel's mind wandering he was caught off guard when he walked right into the woman he had been thinking of. When their bodies connected Levy fell to the ground and sank into the mud of the forest floor. It took Gajeel a moment to fully register that she was actually in front of him and not just a figment of his hopeful imagination. And yet as the rain continued to fall and he gazed down at her through his hood and cloak he knew immediately something was wrong. He could taste her blood in the air. "Oi, what are you doing out in this shit!?" he reached his hand out to help her stand but Levy looked at it and him in fear and began to back away through the mud.

"Who—who are you?" Levy asked when her back hit a tree and she had nowhere else to crawl. Her chest moved rapidly and he could tell that she was feverish and hurt. Gajeel held up his hands to signal that he was not an enemy and crouched down in the mud before her. Slowly he removed the hood of his cloak and revealed his face; the rain quickly soaking through his raven hair. Yet, Levy's face showed no signs of recognition; only fear. He reached his gloved hand out to touch her but she only pushed herself into the tree more; as if hoping she would phase right through. "Don't touch me! Now who the hell are you?"

For a moment there was silence as he snapped his arm back and held up his hands again. Gajeel had never heard her curse before and if they situation had been different he would have cracked a smile at the sound of the word leaving her innocent lips. But he couldn't when he noticed their purple shade. He let the silence continue as he took the sight of her in fully. Her dress was torn and blood stained, sandals missing from her feet which were covered in mud and blood. Her blue hair was plastered to her face and her skin pale, bruised, and in a few areas bloody. "My name is Gajeel. You know me." He paused to let his words sink in but she seemed even more confused "What happened?" Levy shook her head and he knew that was her honest answer. "There is a cave a few feet from here. We need to get out of the storm." With that he stood from the mud and outstretched his gloved hand for her to take. She looked at it, panic clearly visible in her eyes "You are safe with me. I promise." After a moment she finally placed her hand in his and he pulled her off the ground. "You don't have shoes I need to carry you. Okay?" Levy looked down at her bare feet and nodded as Gajeel carefully lifted her into his arms and began to run towards the cave in the distance. As he moved through the woods his mind raced, trying to understand what had happened to Levy to make her forget who he was. By the time the cave came into view she was already unconscious from fever.