Chapter One: Reaping

This is staying pretty close to the book and starts with the reaping.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Rings through the square in Effie Trinkets bubbly voice.

I can't help but think the odds are not in Gales favor, or mine for that matter. Gale has his name in their 42 times and mine is in there 20 times. Suddenly I feel really nervous for Gale. 42 times is a lot! But there are thousands of slips in that bowl. I try to reassure myself. Thank God Prim only has one slip in that bowl!

"Ladies first!" Effie walks to the ball with the girls names and pulls out a slip.

I hold my breath. I'm feeling nauseous and so desperately hoping that it's not me.

"Primrose Everdeen" Effie reads in a clear voice.

I am stunned and I try to remember how to breathe. I almost fall over but someone tips me back up. This can't be happening. Prim had one slip, ONE SLIP in thousands! I didn't even worry about her getting chosen.

Then I see her, making small steps to the stage. "Prim!" I yell coming back to life, "Prim!"

I start running towards her. A peacekeeper tries to stop me by I refuse, "I volunteer!" I gasp, "I volunteer as tribute."

There is some confusion since district 12 hasn't had a volunteer in decades.

"No Katniss!" No you can't go!" Prim screams holding onto my legs!

I feel someone pull her away and I look to see Gale fighting to stay steady. He gives me a sad look and takes Prim to my mother.

"Lovely, that's the spirit of the Games." Effie says as I walk onto the stage, "What's your name?"

"Katniss Everdeen," I speak as clearly as I can still in shock.

"I bet my buttons that was your sister. Come on, everybody! Let's give a big round of applause to our newest tribute!"

To the credit of district 12, nobody does. Instead, everyone offers me the three finger salute of district 12.

I'm greeted by Haymitch drunkenly and Effie goes to the boys bowl. I'm not really paying attention to her chatter. Still in shock her voice sounds far away, but I hear her say, "Peeta Mellark."

Oh no. Oh no, not him.

Of course I know Peeta. He is 17 a year older than me. We go to school together. Despite that, I have never spoken to him. Not once, but I have always been aware of him. I know a secret about us, about our families. My mother and Peeta's mother are sisters. Peeta is my cousin.