Hey, It's been a while.

So basically, I kept trying to write a new chapter but I either never finished them or didn't like how they turned out. That was a while back. I don't even remember writing this. I rediscovered it while trying to see if I could upload stuff from OneDrive. You can, by the way.

And I thought, Why not publish it? So I did. I know it's a little dark... again.

Please read the very important AN at the bottom.

Stack the blocks… higher and higher… Until it's a tall castle.

"Hey Ayato, How high is it gonna be?" My annoying brother, Laito, asked as he hovered over me.

My hands stacked faster, "It's none of your business, so what does it matter to you?"

"Oh Ayato, is this what your castle will look like?" A new shadow fell over my masterpiece.

"Yep!" I eagerly nodded, glancing up at my mother. Her green eyes stared down at me.

"Excellent. As to be expected of my son," She smiled, her fangs glinting. Her hands lowered and cupped my face, "That's right, you mustn't loose to anyone. You must always win!"

"Yeah, I will!"

"To beat Karl's power, you must become the best."

"I will be the best." I eagerly nodded.

My mother's dress brushed against the castle, knocking a single block over with a clack. More blocks fell, my eyes widening in horror, until they all laid at my feet.

'My castle…'

My lip began to tremble. "Ah…"

"Oh, sorry Ayato," she apologized nonchalantly. "But it's alright, isn't it? They're just blocks anyway."


She walked away. I began to pick up the pieces. 'This time I'll make it much wider.'

"You're making it again?" Laito asked incredulously.

"You think I don't know what your saying to that person? Is that really what you want, Ayato?"

I frowned. 'I know about that.'


I opened my eyes.

"Are you awake, Ayato?" a gentle voice broke the silence.

I turned my head, staring up at the kind eye. Blond curls bounced around her smooth skin, against narrow shoulders.

"Oi, Pancake," I mumbled and sat up.

My sudden movement caused her to go all mother hen on me. "Are you hurt? Did you have a nightmare?"

Like I would tell you if I did.

When those jerks showed up, I was picked to be the one that should 'guard' this girl. At the time, I had secretly been elated to have the job. This way, Pancake would be all mine. However, the down-side was that the human would worry over me constantly.

When I had dreamed of waking up and seeing her, I had envisioned her sleeping peacefully in my arms. Not her panicking over my head.

Not that I mind, really…

But I wasn't in the mood for her right now. I had a headache.

"…Shut up."

Yui stopped trying to get me to open up, but she looked even more worried.

That dream took a lot out of me. I needed blood.

My face contorted with frustration and I pounced, pinning her slender form under my weight.

"…Don't look at me!" I growled.

"Now that that useless dream is over, give me blood." I purred into her neck.

Something wasn't right. I don't know what, but I had an itching suspicion. I stilled in my movements.

"… Ayato?" Pancake wimpered, her face likely as pink as her eyes by now.

"Somehow… it tastes different than usual," I pulled away, blood dripping down my chin, my voice hoarse.

"Eh?!" She looked up at me.

"You've," I rasped, pain and anger filling my chest, "been getting sucked by that Ruki guy, haven't you?"

Ruki… I've never despised someone so much. Not my father, not my mother, not even Richter. The mere mention of his name makes me livid.

Her eyes widened in fear, "I- I haven't!"

"Then why did the taste change?!"

"I don't know!"

I paused, considering. "Maybe the taste changes depending where you drink from?"

"Eh?!" Pancake didn't seem to like that idea.

"I'll try drinking from different places and compare," I decided, yanking her shirt up.

"Kyaa!" Yui looked absolutely mortified, her face flushed.

"First, as usual, I'll start with the neck."

I nuzzled my nose against her skin.

"Nnn…" Yui responded, unwilling to submit.

She's so hot… her skin, her breath…


Her sounds… the way she feels under me…

I moved my leg against her's, enjoying the way I could feel her skin against my pant legs.

"Next, I'll try the shoulder."

"Nnnn!" She muffled a cry of pain.

Hot…so hot…

"Nnn… The taste really is a bit different. Now, I'll sample the ear on this side." I moved from her newly marked shoulder to her left ear.

"Uuhh…" She moaned weakly.

Shoot… I'm getting excited. Yui is getting even more… um… delicious every moment.

"And now for the arm," I murmured into the appendage. My hands were trembling as I grabbed her wrist.

"Ah… Ahh!"

Oh man… Yui… Yui!

"Ayato, please slow down."

"Huh? I haven't done enough investigating yet!" I pouted.

I – I can't… take anymore of this… Yui. Please…

My trembling hand slid up her leg, my neither region throbbing at the intimate position we were in. "Next is the leg…"

Yui gave a weak cry of alarm. "Nooo…!"

My hand propped her leg up, nuzzling it to find the right place. Finding It, I bit into her thigh.

"Listen up… You're mine and mine alone…" I said between gulps, surprised by my articulation. Inside, my mind had all but been overwhelmed. I had never drank from here on her before.

Mine… Mine. Mine. Mine! Not his! He has no right to even look at Yui!

I glanced at her flushing and troubling her bottom lip. Her normally wide, bright eyes now half-lidded and dazed.

"Ayato…" She murmured.

Her eyelids fluttered shut as she fell limp upon the sheets. Her blond locks formed a halo of gold around her pale face.

No… No!

My chest hurt. I had drunk too much again. She tried to warn me. Why didn't I ever listen?

Do I crave her blood so much?

I wrapped her in my arms, cradling her to my chest. It felt so good when I held her, like she was molded to fit in my embrace.

Some embrace. I could've killed her.

Her head lolled to the side, resting on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful with her eyes closed.

Why did the thought of losing her hurt so badly? I dread the day I lose her forever. Death is a sign of the deepest affection. But… I can't bear the thought of seeing her, lying in a pool of her own blood.

Thankfully, I didn't have to live out my worst fear today. Her wounds have closed. Her body's warm. Her breath is gentle. Slowly, I lowered my mouth to hers.

If not her blood, then…



Basically it's a scene from Ayato's route in the game, from Ayato's POV.


I know this is really, really late. I lost the ability to write directly onto a WordDocument. Since I didn't know at the time that I could write on an online version of Word and upload it onto here via my OneDrive, I went looking for other places I could publish stories.

So I ended up using Quotev.

Sure, it's harder to navigate. Sure, it's mostly comprised of some poorly written original content, x Readers, and Quizzes. Sure, the majority of the fanfiction there is for Harry Potter or Naruto - neither of which I'm fond of.

But they allowed me to write directly on the site and upload it easily. And that's what I needed.

Now back to the point.

I uploaded Diabolik Lovers on there as well. It got positive feedback, and so did the one on this site, so I continued to write on that one, hopping some people reading this one would eventually find it there and continue reading. I don't know if that happened or not.

Except it turns out that I can update this one too.

So now there are two versions.

I'll be doing my best to fix this problem, but the two versions will end up with different orders.

A link to the one on Quotev is on my profile. My username on Quotev is Frostiana Glace.