Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: I know. I'm sorry. If there's anyone still out there, hope you like this chapter. The mistakes are my own.

After the divisional win, and with a week to prepare, Jane moved her focus towards their latest adversary: Baltimore Ravens. They would play Sunday night at the Gillette stadium given their home field advantage.

Since they were practicing at the Patriots facility, Jane was testing getting there in the morning and leaving, driving straight back to Boston and sleeping at Maura's house. So far, it was going great, she wasn't getting tired and was happy for that extra time with Maura. For Jane, it cemented even further that they could make their relationship work without neither of them having to change their routine much.

Maura, for her part, had a permanent smile on her face the whole week, feeling like they were living the best of both worlds. managing to find a routine between their schedules and filling her heart with love and happiness. So much that the blonde decided to surprise Jane with her favorite homemade dinner, having asked Angela for the recipe.

As she scanned the aisles of the grocery store near her home for the ingredients, she didn't notice where she was going and her cart ended up colliding with another one.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Maura exclaimed looking up to the other person.

"Maura?" The handsome man asked looking back at the blonde.

"Ian." Maura said surprised.

"You look great, Maura. It's been so long." The Australian said scanning Maura's body and moving towards a hug.

Maura politely hugged him back, quickly putting distance between them. "Yes, it has been quite some time. How are you?" She asked.

"I've been good. I arrived in the States last week." He replied, allowing himself to miss the time they had together. "How about we catch up tomorrow over dinner?" He asked charmingly.

Maura didn't notice his intentions "We can't have dinner but lunch would be nice." She replied simply wanting to get together with someone she considered her friend.

Ian's smile slipped little but he said "Great! How about that restaurant near the hospital we used to go?"

"That's fine. See you there around 12." Maura said already moving on to continue her search for supplies.

"It's a date." He said smiling when she was too far to hear.

"Honey, I'm home!" Jane yelled out jokingly when she got to Maura's house at night.

"I like the sound of that." Maura replied greeting her at the door as they shared a deep kiss that both hoped to convey the fact that they missed each other.

They slowly eased out of the kiss to catch their breath but stayed wrapped up in each other. With one hand over Maura's waist while the other moved to caress the blonde's cheek, Jane said: "I missed you, babe. How was your day?"

Leaning into Jane's hand while her own remained wrapped around the brunette's neck, Maura replied "I missed you too, Jane. And my day was good. My surgeries went great and everyone is recovering happily." Giving Jane one last peck on the lips, she grabbed one of Jane's hand in her own pulling towards the dining table saying, "In fact my day was so good and calm that I have a surprise for you."

"Wow, Maur. You shouldn't have." Jane said as she saw Maura's surprise. The dining room filled with candles and her favorite dish in the middle of it.

"But did you like it?" Maura asked timidly.

"Are you kidding?" Jane said turning to look at her. "I loved it" she added kissing the blonde. "And you even made my favorite meal." Jane said happily moving them to take their seat. "I'm going to get spoiled if you do this often."

"Maybe I want to spoil you." Maura replied charmingly.

Jane let out a wide smile leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend. "Thank you, Maura. I love you" She kissed her a few more times before saying "This smells amazing, baby. Let's eat so that I can show you how much I love you."

The next day both ladies went their own way after a healthy breakfast and shared kisses. Jane went on her now customary drive towards Foxborough and Maura went to her shift at the hospital.

Maura's morning was calm, she studied for her surgeries in the afternoon and visited patients before leaving to meet up with Ian at the restaurant. On her way, the blonde marveled about how a man that once enchanted her, almost blinding her; now had no power over her whatsoever.

Since meeting Jane, Maura had realized how her previous relationships were emotionally damaging and how she was used for the others own benefits and pleasures without any disregard for her feelings.

The doctor had no doubt in her mind that she was only going to this meeting to end this chapter of her life and tonight, when Jane got back, she would talk to her about her insights of her 'older' life.

Entering the restaurant, Maura scanned the room before spotting Ian at one of the tables in the center of the room.

"Hello, Ian." She said, quickly sitting down after she noticed he was standing up to hug her.

The Australian moved back into his seat, the frown on his face of confusion about what had happened vanishing in a glimpse. "Hello, Maura. May I say you look simply gorgeous in that dress." He said with a confident smirk.

Maura feeling uncomfortable, with his compliments and under his hungry gaze, turned looking for a waiter while replying with a demure "Thank you."

After they placed their orders, somehow the conversation turned to a monologue about Ian's travels and things he conquered in every place he stayed. All the while, Maura kept wondering how could she ever fall for his charms and one day think he could be a part of her future. She finally realized he hadn't and never had asked how her day was or anything regarding her life. He wanted her as his audience and was never truly interested in her life.

"Maura?" The blonde heard from her side and turned her head to see who it was.

"Frankie, hi!" She said getting up to greet him, noticing how uncomfortable he was, his eyes looking back and forth between her and Ian. "What are you doing here?" She asked, glad to see him.

"Having lunch with Stella." Frankie replied gruffly not taking his eyes of Ian, pointing to his date beside him.

Pleasure to meet you. I'm Maura." She said shaking the other woman's hand, getting a shy "hello" back.

"And who your date might be?" He asked finally turning to look intensely at Maura.

The blonde's eyes turned wide when finally realizing what her brother-in-law was thinking, "Oh no, Frankie! This isn't…" she started but was cut off.

"I'm Ian. Nice to meet you." Ian said getting up and offering his hand to shake.

Frankie's eyes didn't leave Maura for the longest second before grabbing hard the offered hand. "We'll leave you to it."

"Wait, Frankie! I promise this is not what it looks like." Maura said desperately grabbing his arm as he turned to leave.

"Does my sister know you're here?" He asked simply.

Maura didn't know what to say, simply because Ian didn't enter her mind after Jane got home and she didn't even remember to talk to Jane about it.

"I see." He said quietly before leaving a sad looking doctor standing alone in the middle of the restaurant.

"Is everything all right, Maura?" Ian asked.

Angry at the situation and at the man beside her, she turned to look at him fiercely answering "No, Ian. This situation is not all right. None of this is right." Grabbing her purse, she started to leave.

"Why? Wait up, darling."

"Do not call me that. You had no right to give him the impression that this was anything more than friends having lunch. This was not date or anything remotely like that." She said.

"What do you mean? We always get together when I'm in town. Was he your boyfriend or something?" He said

"We used to. But, since then, I realized how selfish and self-centered you are. I'm in a happy relationship and, not that it's any of your business, but he is my brother in law." She said fiercely, knowing by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting her to react, making Maura realized how much she has grown.

"If you ever cared, do me a favor and do not contact me any further. Leave me alone." She ended, making her way to the hospital dialing Jane's number on the way back to talk to her and prevent this from blowing up in her face but only getting voicemail.

A couple of hours later, Maura was changing out of her surgical scrubs back into her clothes, ready to go home from what she considered a troubled Friday. Even though she was distracted, her surgeries went well but she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened over lunch.

She knew Frankie was going to talk to Jane about it but she wanted to talk to her first and she didn't know if that was possible or not. Since it was near the time Jane's practice ended, Maura decided to call her as soon as she arrived home.

However, it seemed none of her plans were concreting as the blonde's cellphone rang the moment she closed her door and she struggled with her bags to answer it.

"Dr. Isles." She answered not looking at the display to see who it was.

"Hey." The husky voice she loved so much reaching her ears.

"Jane! I'm sorry, I didn't look at the display. I missed you today and need to tell you something. Are you coming home?" She asked breathlessly.

"I missed you too, babe." Jane said somberly.

Maura, hearing her tone and hesitation, grew serious and sat down on her couch. "Is everything all right, Jane? Did you hurt yourself?" She asked worried.

Jane chuckled humorless before saying. "No, nothing physical. I just…" she paused before continuing sadly "well, Frankie told me you were on a date today, Maura. Is that true?"

Maura squeezed her eyes shut at the hollow tone of Jane's voice and cursed herself for hurting her. "No! It wasn't like that, Jane." She exclaimed passionately, hoping Jane would let her explain. "I love you. And only you. I promise. Just let me explain please."

Jane sighed, debating what to do. "Okay. Tell me what was really like."

Maura breathed out hoping to calm herself, wanting to explain everything clearly and not leave any doubt in Jane's mind.

"Yesterday when I was at the grocery store buying what we needed for our dinner, I ran into Ian…" she started from the beginning but was interrupted.

"Ian Faulkner, your ex-lover?" Jane said angrily.

Maura faltered but replied "Yes, my former acquaintance." Saying "lover" to Jane brought her a feeling of cheating. "Please Jane, let me explain everything first before your questions." She added quietly.

Jane grunted but replied "Fine."

The blonde cleared her throat before continuing "I didn't even recognize him at first, perhaps because I feel like I've changed so much after you came into my life that everything before seems like a fogged memory." She waited for a reaction from Jane but since there wasn't one, she carried on "Next thing I knew he was asking me out to dinner, I thought it would be nice to get some closure but at night is our time so I told him we could go out to lunch. I completely forgot to tell you about it since we had such an amazing time during our romantic dinner, I promise I wasn't trying to hide anything."

Maura heard Jane moving and desperately wanted to know what the brunette was thinking. "I had no desire or feelings towards him, yesterday or today. I simply wanted to end that part of my life with good feelings, even if he mistreated me or was incredibly selfish he was still a friend during a time in my life. And today, I realized how badly I was treated in my previous relationships and I know that because now I finally have something, or better yet, someone good in my life. When I got home tonight I was going to talk to you about it. Anyway, I thought it was clear to him that it was simply two friends catching up but when Frankie approached us, Ian clearly didn't think like that, and assumed it would end as it normally did. I got angry at myself and him, and left. I tried to call you but I only got your voicemail. I'm so sorry for hurting you by forgetting to tell you and misreading everything. You know it's still hard for me to notice some things." She finished quietly and waited for Jane to say something.

Jane exhaled, and after a moment of silence, said "I know, Maur." And she did know that sometimes Maura saw things rationally and logically and didn't know others were thinking differently, especially in social interactions. But still, Jane couldn't stop her insecurities from getting to her. "Do you promise you didn't feel anything for him? I know he can give you so much that I can't." Jane added.

"But you're wrong! You give so much more. I felt nothing for him. I only felt shame in myself for believing he was good for me. I love you like I never loved anyone and I need you in my life." Maura said passionately.

"I love you too, Maur. And I believe you. It was just hard, you know? Hearing you were at a fancy restaurant with a man ogling at you." Jane said.

"I'm sorry again, Jay. I never meant to hurt you. And I was going to talk to you tonight, please believe me. Please don't drive home mad." Maura replied.

"I'm not mad. For a moment, I had to imagine my life without you, because you had realized you wanted to be with him, and it was like everything in me had shattered." She started, knowing Maura wouldn't like what was coming next "I just need sometime alone to put myself together again so I'm going to stay here tonight, okay?"

Maura tried to hold in a sob but knew she wasn't successful and she sniffed drying a few escaping tears, trying to understand Jane's side. "If it's that what you want then understand Jane. I'll miss you holding me tonight. I love you, okay? No one else." She said.

"Don't cry, babe, please. I love you too, Maur. I'll miss you in my arms. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" She said, emotionally drained.

"Okay, I love you. Good night" she replied knowing Jane was done with the heavy talk, and hearing a whispered "goodnight" in reply she disconnected the call.

Even before the sunrise and after a relentless night, Jane woke up thinking about what both Frankie and Maura told her. In her heart, she knew Maura loved her and had no doubt it was a misunderstanding; if someone had second intentions and tried to take advantage of something was Maura's ex, who probably thought Maura was going drop at his feet. Just that thought made Jane shake in anger and want to punch the guy.

The brunette knew the blonde had been hurt when she said she was going to stay in Foxborough but Jane knew it was the right decision. She needed to calm down and get a hold of her emotions alone before facing Maura; but know she longed to have Maura in her arms and to reassure the blonde that they were fine.

Since the game was the next day, they would only have a technical practice with review of plays and strategies to play against the Ravens and the brunette knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate without truly making up with Maura. Since it was a late practice, Jane decided to drive to Boston and back hoping to make the blonde happy. As soon as the sun appeared, Jane got to her car and drove, knowing she would get there right after Maura had awoken.

Sometime later, in Chestnut Hill, Maura stretched and reached for the other side of the bed but, when her hand encountered cold sheets, reality set in as the previous day entered in her mind with Jane's tone filled with hurt echoing in her ears.

Even though her heart was still hurting, she didn't have any more tears left to cry and had to get herself ready for her afternoon shift at the hospital. She grabbed her robe, going down to the kitchen to make her coffee and breakfast.

The blonde was in the middle of her cup when the doorbell rang, at first she hoped it might be Jane but quickly dismissed that thought when she remembered the brunette wouldn't be ringing it. She stood up, making her way to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" She asked angrily, folding her arms, and closing her robe even more, feeling somewhat vulnerable in it.

"Please, Maura, hear me out." Ian said, "Can I come in?"

Maura couldn't believe the audacity of the man in front of her, she clearly told him to stay away and he shows up at her door. She didn't want to let him in but didn't want her neighbors to witness this discussion. So, she stepped out of the way but remained in the hall not letting him enter further into her home.

"What do you want? I told you yesterday I didn't want to see you or talk anymore." She said fiercely.

"I know, I heard you. And it made realized how much you've changed. I'm not sure we would be good together anymore." He said, making Maura think to herself You obviously want someone who will fall for your charms without questions "And I came to apologize for making you feel like that." He ended.

Maura almost laughed at his version of apology, happy she had grown and not blind to his egocentric ways anymore. "I hope you find your happiness the same way I found my happiness." She simply said, ending the conversation in what she hoped a polite manner and moved to open the door.

However, before she could touch the doorknob, it started to turn opening the door from the other side, revealing Jane with a bouquet of flowers.

Maura felt her heart swell and smiled wide at the sight of her girlfriend, moving closer to wrap her in a hug, her eyes frowning in confusion after seeing Jane's eyes leave hers and Jane's face fall as she dropped the flowers.

The small thud from the flowers hitting the floor sounded like a nuclear bomb in Maura's ears bringing her back to reality and the fact that she was in a robe with Ian behind her.

"Jane, wait!" The blonde screamed, running after the brunette when she turned to leave. "Is not what you think!"

"That's getting old, Maura." The brunette said with her heart broken.

Maura faltered but carried on, passing Jane, standing in front of her, blocking her path. "But it's the truth." She said, looking into Jane's eyes.

"I know what is going through your mind right now, but that did not happen." Maura said, knowing the worst was running through the brunette's mind. "I went to bed alone after our talk, missing your arms around me. And as I was having breakfast this morning, he showed up. That's why I'm in my robe and I only let him inside because of the neighbors. He was just leaving." She said, emotion dripping through her worlds and eyes begging Jane to believe her.

The brunette looked deeply into Maura's eyes and after moments of silence she opened her mouth to reply.

"She's telling the truth, you know?" A male voice interrupted her. "I came here to apologize for my actions yesterday." Ian said stepping closer to the tall brunette, watching her wrap an arm around Maura's shoulders bringing her closer. "I meant no disrespect towards the both of you or your relationship. I truly hope that, when we cross paths again, we're able to maintain our friendship. Good bye, ladies." He finished going to his car and driving away.

Jane exhaled, looking down to the woman in her arms. "Hey." She said, with a light smile, running her hands through Maura's arms.

"Hey, Back." Maura replied, snuggling more into Jane. "Do you believe me, right?" She asked quietly, almost afraid of the answer.

Jane distanced herself a little, putting both hands on Maura's face, looking into her eyes. "Of course I do. Even before he interrupted us. I know you can't lie." She said, a smirk in the end before turning serious "I know you wouldn't lie to me."

Maura let out a relieved breath and a watery smile, trying to hold her tears. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too babe" Jane replied smiling before catching Maura's lips in a passionate kiss, both women wrapping around each other.

Suddenly realizing they were still outside, Maura pulled away. "Not that I'm not happy, but can we finish this inside?" She asked already going back while fixing her dismantled robe.

"Right, you're right" Jane said running her hands through her hair trying to calm down. Picking up the flowers from the floor, one of Ian's words came back to her.

"Maur, when Ian said he came to apologize, did he hurt you yesterday?" Jane asked angrily.

Maura unclench Jane's fists, trying to calm her, and replied "Not physically. He was just disrespectful and thought I was still the same weak person from before."

Jane huffed wanting to punch Ian's face even more, before finding herself in Maura's arms. "I know we still need to talk, but why don't we do it cuddling in bed?" Maura asked sweetly making Jane chuckle.

"You got it, Maura. But first." She said leaving Maura standing alone in the hall, exiting, and closing the door after her.

A confused Maura stood looking at the door, waiting to see what Jane was planning. She found out when the doorbell rang and letting out a smile, she opened.

"Hello, beautiful. This are for you, to show you how much I missed you." Jane said standing outside the door, smirking.

"Good morning, Jane. They are lovely." Maura replied, playing Jane's game, grabbing the flowers, and kissing the brunette. Feeling Jane tighten her arms around her waist, Maura quickly lifted her legs wrapping them around Jane's waist and felt herself be carried through the house towards her bedroom, where they stayed until it was time for them to leave for Foxborough and her shift.

On Sunday, Maura's life was once again in order as she got herself ready to wait for Frankie to pick her up as the three of them were going to Foxborough together.

It was the conference championship game and the Gillette stadium was buzzing as fans from both teams, Ravens and Patriots, screamed and cheered as images appeared in the jumbotron.

Since Jane had taken a more permanent spot in the team, Maura, Frankie and Angela had been invited to watch the game at the skybox but, they didn't feel the need or were completely comfortable with that. They liked feeling the crowd's adrenaline even though the blonde knew that once Jane became more famous and their relationship got more attention, she wouldn't be able to stay incognito in the crowd.

They took their seats dressed in their ever growing Patriots apparel and waited for the game to begin.

Jane, for her part, did her "good luck" traditions in the locker room, before getting ready and waiting for the coach's speech. It wouldn't be technical or anything like that, more a motivational one. The preparation was done and she would only run through the list of plays in her mind while warming on the field. She felt ready and the team was ready. They would only lose if they beat themselves.

As everyone moved down the tunnel to enter field, Jane passed everyone by, clapping hands or backs, hyping the players, wanting an electrified team on the field. She took her place in the front with Frost beside her, waiting for their cue. The brunette heard the crowd cheers as the Ravens took the field and fixed the beanie in her head, knowing their turn would be soon.

Jane took a deep breath when she heard them announcing the Patriots and fans cheering when Pats Pat entered with the cheerleaders. Feeling a pat on her back she looked sideways seeing Frost wide smile in silent question. She smirked confidently in reply and nodded as her silently answer.

At that, Frost faced forward and took of running fast not waiting for anyone, the cheering growing when he came out speeding through their stadium; Jane started her jog, leading the team as they exited the tunnel.

Maura cheered loudly with the fans when she saw someone speed light out of the tunnel, glancing at the Jumbotron and seeing it was Frost. Not a moment later she saw her love get out in a comfortable jog and she cheered even more, feeling the stadium shake with the excitement from the others fans and the hairs on her neck rise with that energy, that grew even more when Jane raised her fist in acknowledgment. Jane started her warmups and focused back on the game, waiting for it to begin.

In the first quarter, the two teams couldn't get a rhythm to their offense, the Patriots defense was playing beautifully, overpowering the Ravens offense and Joe Flacco. However, the Pats offense was another story; Jane was putting all the balls in their place and finding players open all over field but they would just drop the ball or not gain any yards after the catch. Frost was playing well but after some key plays he made, he was double teamed and he still was trying to figure out how to shake both players. They were winning by two field goals, but the brunette was not happy. She knew they needed a play that boosted the offense mood and killed mood of the Ravens defense.

They started the second quarter near the 20-yard line and, with a quick pass, Jane hit Frost in his middle route, one of players covering him, tackling Frost near the 8-yard line, giving the Patriots for the first time a chance to score a touchdown.

The coaches called a running play and Jane knew it was the best option since the Ravens were probably expecting the ball to go to Frost. Everyone took their place with Jane at shotgun and she yelled out signaling the start of the play. She passed the ball to the running back behind her and watched as he moved to the side to cut the opposite players.

But a second later, she also watched him lose the ball and a mass of players jump on top of it trying to grab the ball. Her despair turned into hope as, in an unbelievable lucky way, someone ended up kicking the ball towards one of the Patriots players, who moved quickly grabbing it and jumping into end zone and scored the touchdown. Jane laughed incredulously and went to congratulate him.

After that, as Jane had predicted, the whole team got an energy boost and the game finally became interesting and started to look good for the Patriots. They managed to score another touchdown while the Ravens scored a touchdown and a field goal point; the second quarter ending with a score of 20x10 for the Patriots.

Since they had deferred in the coin toss, Jane and her offense got the ball to start the third quarter and, while they had a 10-point lead, she didn't want anyone to let their guard down, knowing one mistake could set back what they had done.

The Ravens defense also stepped up and managed to stop some of their plays resulting in 3-and-out drive, frustrating Jane again. Lucky Flacco's performance took a turn for the worst and his passes were incomplete one's or thrown away.

With a few minutes to end the 3rd quarter, Jane called everyone to the huddled and said, "Okay guys, let's try to enjoy their bad sequences and put some more distance in the score. We're going to do the Flying Panther, everyone good?" Getting nods in return, they broke and took their place in the line.

From her place at shotgun, Jane surveilled the field, studying the defense before looking at her own teammates places to see if they were aligned correctly. She started to get them ready by yelling out their signal while looking around her "Ready! Get ready!" She noticed Frost jogging sideways coming closer to her and assume an incorrect spot from the designed play. However, Jane wouldn't have the time to correct him and was forced to put their play in action. "GO!GO!"

The brunette got the ball and faked a play with the running back behind her before moving to look down the field and, with time to find the perfect open target, Jane spotted Frost near the 10-yard line, and without thinking twice, she put her arm back and threw a long deep pass hitting Frost at the 5-yard line, making it easy for him to just continue running and, with a few steps, enter the end zone making it a 51 yards touchdown.

Jane ran to congratulate him shaking her head and chucking "You got lucky in this one, man!" She said, patting him on the back.

Frost laughed "We don't need luck, Jane." He replied joking.

The third quarter ended with the score of 27x10 for the Patriots. The Ravens team tried to close the distance but Flacco's performance wasn't a match for the defensive players, multiples sacks marking the fourth quarter for the Ravens while the Patriots closed their win with another touchdown, ending the game 34x10 as the stadium erupted in cheers.

"Maura!" The blonde heard Frankie yelling through her cheers and the stadium noise. She turned to give him her attention. "Let's go!" He yelled, gesturing to her follow him.

Confused on why he didn't want to stay for the ceremony, seeing that they were putting up a podium while the players were in the locker room, she ran after him and Angela to catch up and ask them what was going on.

When they cleared the noisiest area, Frankie turned to both ladies looking at expecting faces. "Jane got us cleared for the field for the celebration. I thought maybe you would want to be there and not in the stands, Maura." He said.

The blonde couldn't believe and stopped herself from squealing and grabbed the pass from Frankie's hand. "Let's go! We can't miss it!" She said, not waiting for them, and running towards the field.

Maura didn't spot Jane among the sea of players wearing "AFC Champions" jersey's and caps, so she stood to the side with Angela and Frankie hoping one of them saw Jane. She watched as a former Patriots player handed Mr. Kraft, the owner, the Lamar hunt trophy, and the older man gave a powerful speech about the Patriots history and thanked the fans.

Her beautiful girlfriend finally appeared behind her coach when Cavanaugh receive the trophy and answered how he was feeling winning his first conference trophy.

"This season been a roller coaster and marked with tough decisions, that lead us here." He said rising the trophy. "This isn't only my first conference win but it's ours! And I know this marks new times for the Patriots organization. It's the first of many!" He ended handing the trophy back to the presenter.

"Let's hand now this trophy to number 12 over here, Jane Rizzoli." He said bringing her front and center as the stadium cheered louder and Maura's eyes filled with tears watching her girlfriend accomplish so much and try to control her emotions as she waved to the crowd as confetti started to fall from the sky.

"Jane, how does it feel to make it this far in your first year in the NFL?" The presenter asked.

The brunette ran a hand through her hair to calm down and replied. "It feels unbelievable. I'm thankful for everything the organization, the coaches and Mr. Kraft did for me, taking a chance on someone who was against the odds."

"And is that your motivation? Show everyone what they missed?" He asked

"No. I'm glad they missed me because it got me here. My motivations are my fellow teammates, not wanting to let their hard work go for nothing." She paused "The fans, who encouraged and supported me. Thank you!" She yelled out as the stadium shook, "And my family and loved ones who never stopped believing in me." Jane ended searching the crowd for Maura, Angela and Frankie.

"One more question and I'll let you search for them, Jane." He said, watching her wandering eyes. "Going to the Superbowl. How do you think it's going to be?"

Jane smiled and replied, "All I know for sure is that it'll be one hell of a game."

"The AFC champions, everyone! Congratulations." He ended, shaking Jane's hand and she walked down the stairs quickly looking for Maura.

Jane finally spotted the three of them with their back towards her, probably looking into the crowd searching for her.

With quick steps, Jane reached her love and grabbed her from behind, arms around her waist lifting Maura from the floor. "We won!" She said into the blonde's ear hearing a squeal in return.

After her scare, Maura turned her head kissing Jane on the cheek. "Congratulations, babe. You were amazing."

Jane put her back down and replied "Thank you, baby. I couldn't have done it without your support. I love you." She ended, kissing Maura short but passionately.

"I love you too." Maura replied after the kiss, giving a light tap on Jane's cap, making Jane laugh.

"Here you go, Maur." She said taking the cap off and putting on Maura's head. "It looks better on you, anyway." She ended with a wink and, as if suddenly remembering they weren't alone in the world, she turned to hug Angela and Frankie, as Maura watched them celebrate together.

So hyped with their win and celebrating with her family, Jane lost track of time, coming back to earth only when one of the Patriots personnel tapped on her shoulder saying the players were going to the locker room for a final talk and then they were free to go home.

Not wanting to waste any time but not ready to be separated from Maura yet, Jane kissed the blonde and said "I have to go back to the locker room to change and we can go home. Wanna come with me?"

"Are you sure I can come?" Maura asked not wanting to put them in trouble.

The brunette didn't even reply, taking Maura's hand into her own and telling Frankie and Angela they would meet them back at the parking lot.

They chatted quietly simply enjoying each other's company, not battling an eye to anyone around them. Arriving at the locker room hallway, Jane walked Maura over to a sofa and asked her to wait there while she changed and, with one last kiss, they parted ways.

Entering the locker room, chaotic fun aroused around her, players taking pictures in every corner, before coach Cavanaugh asked everyone to get together.

"Solid win, everyone. But it's not over yet. The journey is ending but the most important challenge is still to come and in two weeks all our hard work will be rewarded. I won't keep anyone here any longer, so go home, celebrate and be ready for Monday for a practice bright and early." He ended as everyone cheered and moved on to get ready to leave.

Jane went to her secluded shower and got dress as fast as she could not wanting to keep Maura waiting much longer. The brunette said good-bye to her teammates and left accompanied by Cavanaugh and the owner of the franchise Mr. Kraft.

They chatted as they walked, Jane letting out a smile as soon as Maura came into sight. "Are you ready, Maur?" She asked, grabbing the blonde's attention.

Maura let out a smile, standing up fixing imaginary wrinkles on her clothes. "Babe, this is coach Cavanaugh and Mr. Kraft." Jane introduced them wrapping her arm around Maura's shoulder.

"Pleasure to meet you, gentleman." Maura said shaking their hands.

"Pleasure is all ours. It's good to finally meet you, since Jane talks nonstop about you." The owner said making Maura and Jane blush.

"Yes. To finally meet who puts up with Jane when she's not with us." Cavanaugh joked before they said their goodbyes.

The couple met up with Angela and Frankie and, as they put Jane's bag in the trunk, Jane and Maura heard someone calling out, making them turn around.

"Jane, hold up!" They saw a man running towards them.

"Hey, coach Dean. What can I do for you?" Jane asked her offense coordinator.

"Sorry to delay you both." He said looking at their locked hands before continuing "I wanted to ask you if you could get a couple of hours earlier on Monday. I have a new set of plays but before showing to the team I wanted to show you and get your opinion on them."

"Of course. I'll be there." Jane replied, always ready to work.

"Great. Good night." He said and after waiting for something that didn't came, he left.

"He likes you." Maura said, ending her silence, making Jane turn back to her.

Jane had already realized that but it didn't matter to her, "Well, then it sucks for him that I'm crazy about, and only have eyes for, this blonde, sexy and adorable doctor who owns me completely." She said wrapping her arms around Maura's waist, kissing her and feeling the blonde smile into her kiss.

Their passionate kiss would have continued if not for Frankie who decided he had enough "Hey, lovebirds! Let's go! We'll celebrate at home and you can carry on there!"

The ladies laughed breaking their kiss and entered the car, speeding of back to Boston.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it!