Post-it Affections

Disclaimer: if you recognise it, it isn't mine. I literally own nothing. Even my laptop.

AN: I have no idea what I am doing - I have life-changing exams tomorrow…And this is when I get inspiration! Why Lord?! Also I promise no continuations of this, and it is somewhat influenced by Shinku's Tokens of Affection which is the bomb and you should go read it. Now.

Warning: gratuitous swearing.

Sarah Williams was in a bit of a situation.

It should first be mentioned that she had had her graduation from high-school last week and was on her summer vacation before she headed off to college in Chicago. After her adventure in the Labyrinth when she was fifteen, she had slowly learnt several life lessons - that life isn't fair, that she should look beyond peoples faces and gauge their personalities before judging them, and of course that she really did love her little brother, Toby. Putting them into practice was a little harder but she managed it well enough with the reminders from her friends from the Labyrinth!

Yes, she had kept in contact with them. Although at first she had been worried that is was some kind of vivid hallucination, she had tentatively called for Hoggle, Ludo and Sir Didymus on her first day back at school that year, after she found it far more difficult than she would have liked to make friends. High-school girls were vicious and her fellow tenth-graders had no qualms about teasing her for her love of dressing up and fairytales, something she had not put aside in the Labyrinth at all, for her imagination had got her through several of the challenges there. She had been quite upset as she wanted to be more friendly now that she had put aside her bratty attitude for the most part and had not really managed to make many inroads at all with the girls there.

When she returned home, she had sobbed to her vanity mirror that she needed her friends, and through they had come with advice to persevere against them (Didymus), to ignore the mean ones and keep her head high (Hoggle) and that she was always their friend (Ludo). This had cheered her considerably and she had headed back to school with a renewed sense of purpose. Sure enough she made some friendly acquaintances there who were willing to have a fresh start with her. Three years later, and she called them friends - not very close ones, but friends all the same. She had changed too - having gained more self-confidence, had a fling with a guy in college when she was seventeen (it ended badly after 2 months when he asked for more than she wanted to give) and overall matured.

This is where her problem came in.

Sarah had been invited to one of her friends, Kate's, 18th birthday party the night before and our eponymous heroine had gotten completely drunk. She collapsed in bed afterwards, not even bothering to take off her stockings or short black dress. When she had woken up the next noon, she was only coherent enough to stagger to her bin, throw up the alcohol she had imbibed, grab a set of loose lounge pants and tank top and take a cold, short shower. When she returned, considerably more sober, she cleared her room, remade her makeup smeared bed and was just putting away her make up when she saw it.

Lurid pink, with a sprinkling of glitter, a post it note was stuck to her mirror.

She grabbed it a little shakily, and read the spiky text written there:

Oh Precious Thing, You should take more care…

Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. She panicked a little because for all that she spoke to Hoggle, Ludo and Sir Didymus weekly, occasionally hosted the fireys (away from they house, they were pyromaniacs after all), or other goblins when they pitched up at her door, she had never spoken to him again. The Goblin King. Jareth. And now, now that she had her life on track, was kinder and more social, had learnt from the Labyrinth dammit, now he was back to haunt her.

But how? She had spoken the words, he had no power over her! He couldn't! But as she grew more and more wild with fear she remembered. Just a snippet from last nights extravaganza that she only had blurred memories of, a conversation - "Don't you have a guy you want to be with, Sar?" Kate had slurred, well into her vodka shots, "Someone to warm you up on those cold nights?" And she, like the fool she was had muttered something nondescript, her mind turning to the one guy she had really been attracted to - who had made her knees a little weak even as she stood up to him…who had been deliciously wicked in a way she had liked, a way that foolish fling she had had just couldn't compare to. Eventually Kate had wormed his name out of her - Jareth. And oh shit what did she say then, what did she say that allowed him back into her life?

She had no idea.


Hey guys! So this is me back in 2015, 1 day before 2 of my 5 exams…sending out this…i am a moron, yes.

So I hope you liked it! I have a few ideas for this fic that I am playing around with, so as always review with suggestion and polite or constructive criticism, flames just make me unproductive and bored so please stay away flamers.

Thanks for reading! I will update probably in late June - maybe from the 20-30th?

