Harry Potter x Stargate Atlantis x Star Trek Universe

Synopsis: Upon arrival in what Harry Suspected was his home dimension, he finds ships are traveling toward Earth. Curious, he investigate yet another world, and reality, not his own while attempting to stabilize his magical core, and benefit his burgeoning empire. This is a sequel to Harry Potter Humanity's Last Hope.

Setting: En Media Res onboard the CityShip Atlantis, in the Alternate Universe designated AU02.

Characters: Harry Potter, Stargate, Star Trek Universe, O/C.

Disclaimer: No profit is sought, or accepted, in the publication of this fanfiction. It is purely being written and shared for enjoyment; no remunerations are accepted or expected by the author. All right, privileges, and copyrights belong to their respective holders/owners. I freely admit to having been on a Harry Potter x Stargate kick the last few months, and will try to give special thanks to authors who inspired me on my bio page. Until then, however, if you see something similar too another author of this genre, please point it out to me and I will check my notes as to whether or not I could have accidentally modeled my characters, names, places, events after another.

Please enjoy and review with your comments, critiques.

Chapter 01: First Contact

High above the sweeping hills of Bozeman Montana, in an orbit best measured by the hundreds of miles, floated one of the last remaining communications satellites of the former United States of America which had survived not only the Third World War, but also the Eugenics Wars.

It was barely functional, and served the dual function of weather tracking radar, and communications relay between broadcasting systems of compatible design. It had also served, during the initial years of its life in the 1950s, as a command satellite for the United States Nuclear Missile Defense Network.

After the powers of Communism and Capitalism had finally triggered the nuclear Armageddon both sides had feared in the mid 1950s, the remnants had gathered together to form a semblance of civilization dealing with the ravages of nuclear radiation and the poison it represented to the humans of the day.

This had been the cause of the rise of a genetically engineered race; one which would not have the weaknesses of their predecessors; one which would give rise to a civilization of equals. There would no longer be a strong to exploit the weak, and there would no longer be an inferior class to fear exploitation.

In a way the Communists had won, as the society that emerged from the chaos of nuclear winter was no longer one driven solely by greed unregulated, but humanity, no matter how genetically modified from its roots, would always prove that the want to possess and acquire was the common element that bound us as brethren.

The Warlords, Czars, and Emperors that emerged in the early 1990s consolidated their base over vast swaths and countries, demarcating traditional boarders which had existed for millennia were suddenly absorbed in to single countries with a massive urban capital; seats of power from which the likes of Khan Noonian Singh would send raiders and militias into the countryside and neighboring territories to seek "tribute" of both treasure and the flesh.

At the onset of the Eugenics Wars, a coordinated effort was taken to launch a single campaign against the Augmented Humans, those like Khan, who were self labeled homo superior.

As his capitol gates were breached and siege was laid to his palace, Khan and a select group of his most devout augmented were able to escape the ravages of the populous rising as one against their reign, and sought escape to the stars thanks to the miracle of cryosleep, ion drives, and the advances in fusion reactors Khan and his scientists had developed.

The satellite used to coordinate the overthrow of Khan, and the other Augmented's rule, was the same that a young boy by the name of Zefram Cochrane would learn about in his primary school history classes in Bozeman, and would spark his interest in the sciences. Its story would also lead to his desire to create, design, and improve upon existing technology.

He would one day name his warp ship after this satellite…the Phoenix.

Now Cochran had passed on from life into the general psyche of the public as a visionary and hero to those on the third rock from the Sun. There was even talk of turning his laboratory and compound into a heritage site so that future generations would be able to see that with vision any challenge or obstacle can be overcome. His last project, the Warp 5 Engine, was one which continued to bear fruit and had resulted in the two ships currently racing each other back to Earth.

That had been over a hundred years ago though; and now the prize of the fleet, the NCC 1701 USS Enterprise was racing back to Earth to expose a plot of epic proportions that would cause the foundations of the Federation of Planets to shake.

"Mr. Sulu," Captain James T. Kirk began, "how much longer until we reach com range with earth?"

"Less than five minutes Sir," came the reply.

What in the Hell was Harrison thinking! There's no way he'll be able to get away with what he had planned, or with designing that monstrosity, Captain Kirk thought to himself.

"Sir! Weapons fire detected approaching from the aft, impact in less than 10 second…It's the Vengeance Sir," came the panicked cry of Pavel Checkov.

"It seems that the Admiral has once again been able to overcome what was previously believed as impossible," came the calm reply of First Officer and Chief Science Officer Spock from the right Captain Kirk.

"Evasive maneuvers! All hands brace for impact," came the orders of the Captain.

The energy weapons found their target and the Enterprise was thrown out of warp and the computer did its best to stabilize the ship with thrusters by keeping it from being sucked into Jupiter's gravity field.

Sulu typed furiously at his controls and was able to orient the com array of the ship in the direction of Earth, but before he could send off a distress signal, the Vengeance emerged from warp and began jamming their signal once again.

"Sir," shouted Checkov over the noise of the alarm and commotion of the bridge, "there is an incoming transmission from the Vengeance Sir!"

What's his play damnit, thought Captain Kirk.

"Mr. Spock, I want a weapons lock on that ship at all times and at your first convenience I want you to fire, am I understood?"

A raised eyebrow and a nod were his only reply.

"On screen Mr. Checkov," Kirk ordered.

***Kingsman Battle Group, Command Ship ISS Maverick***

"Sir we're cloaked and are within visual range of the two vessels we were tracking. There is one heavily armed warship and a lightly armed cruiser. Active com traffic is being tracked between the two. Would you like me to put the audio through Sir," asked Sub Commander Nia'rish.

"Aye," the Commander replied, "begin passive scans and hacking their computer systems. I want data on these people. Have second wing launch a Class 3 social probe, targeting Earth, and take up defensive positions following pattern Delta 16."

The Commander typed a few commands on his console as he completed a link to Harry's Office on Atlantis so he could review what was going on live.

"I want to know what these people are capable of and if they pose a threat to Atlantis, or the Empire. Lieutenant Ka'lva please bring up a display of the two vessels. Where's my audio Nia'rish?"

"It should be translating and coming through any moment Sir," Nia'rish responded.

Kirk. You don't get it do you! The Federation is weak, and war is inevitable. We have no choice but to prepare and build up a true fleet capable of striking fear into the heart of our enemies and scaring off those who would otherwise attempt to become so. We have to kill our enemies; there can be no mercy.

You and your crew were supposed to have died a martyrs death. You all would have had ships named after you for generations to come. Children would have sang your praises as we struck at the heart of the Klingon Empire, and brought those dogs to their knees! This truce between us is a poison, killing us slowly.

Admiral Marcus you've gone insane. The Klingons pose no threat to us, the Federation would never approve of what you've done, what you made Khan do. There are over 200 lives on this ship that you want to murder to cause a pointless war. Do you truly wish for us all to die; even Carol?

Carol! What in God's name are you doing on that ship!

There was a pause in the conversation.

You know Kirk I thought before I hailed you that you had one thing I wanted. The only difference you've made by revealing my daughter's presence is that you now possess two things I desire. Beam Khan and my daughter to the brig, then engage weapons fire. Target their warp core. I want it to look like the ship made it this far before dropping out of warp and exploding.

You can't do this Marcus!

The damaged ship began firing on the other, and took them by surprise. Power on the larger ship was lost and the weapons system was rendered inoperative.

"Sub Commander, open a channel to Atlantis, Supreme Commander Potter Priority One," the Commander ordered.

"This is Atlantis, I've been following along with your progress Commander. Introduce yourself and offer what assistance you can in resolving the situation. If you are fired upon destroy the offending ship, take as many prisoners as permissible. I will be monitoring your progress, and will leave this channel open. Supreme Commander Out."

"You heard him," yelled the Commander as the bridge officers began typing a series of commands that would slowly bring their ship into phase with the other ship's scanners and com frequencies, "I want contact established with both of those ships. I want to speak to this "Marcus" and "Kirk" split-screen."

"Aye Sir," came several replies.

***USS Enterprise Bridge***

"Mr. Chekov, damage report," called Kirk into the com unite in his chair.

"Captain," came the highly accented voice of the young Chief Engineering Officer, "we have hull breaches along the aft saucer section, and have sustained critical damage to the primary shuttle bay; it is open space now Sir, and we have sealed that deck as best we can. The Warp Core is still online, but I have crews working double time right now to stop two of the antimatter injectors from fusing. I have repair teams reporting from all over the ship Sir, half our torpedo tubes are blocked by debris which will take time to clear manually, and I have assigned three teams to begin clearing our starboard tubes now, they have cleared one of five so far and that tube should be on line in minutes Sir. The power relays to 25 per cent of the saucer phasers have exploded and are causing electrical fires, which is the least of our problems as they are also leaking low-level plasma radiation, in various places around the ship. We are crippled right now Sir, but the cease-fire is only to our benefit."

"Sir," Spock began, "we should use this respite in hostilities to attempt to evacuate the ship. The escape tubes may not save the entire crew, but they could be launched. Some may be able to escape the jamming range of the Vengeance."

Kirk furrowed his brow before responding, "are you suggesting we abandon ship Mr. Spock? The pods would be sitting ducks; they have no weapons, and only minimal ion engines."

As Kirk and Spock were discussing possibilities and hashing out the morality of Spock's suggestion, Khan Noonien Singh was flitting between several consoles and stations on the bridge.

"Kirk," called imposing figure, "we need to move. I've found an opening into the Vengeance and there's a small window of opportunity," he said as he pressed a few commands and a flight plan and details took over the view screen.

In the debris field between the two ships Khan had been able to plot a flight path toward a service port on the listing ship's underside.

"Can your friend over there get to this service port and open it on request," Khan spoke referring to former Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott.

Spock took on a pensive look and is eyes rapidly began to dart back and forth as though he were conducting complex calculations.

"Captain, Khan's plan is not without merit but might I remind you that the only bargaining chip we held has already been beamed aboard the Vengeance? Even with Mr. Scott's assistance the probability of your succeeding in reaching the Vengeance and not being drawn into Jupiter's gravity well are miniscule."

"Can we do this Khan," Kirk asked intently.

"It's better than doing nothing and allowing Marcus to shoot us like fish in a barrel. Their ship will be operational in 30 minutes or less, and we are dead in the water for all intents and purposes…it's our only chance Kirk. Make the call."

"Alright, let's start making our way…" Kirk was interrupted as the view screen suddenly filled with static, and a shrill whine of feedback echoed through the communications system of the entire ship.

Half of the view screen came into focus and showed Admiral Marcus and his bridge crew running about, while the other half showing distortion and the faint outline of shapes which occasionally moved.

"Kirk," began the mad Admiral, "do you honestly think hacking my view screen is going to buy you more time?"

"Loath as I am to admit this, Sir, this isn't my doing. Did you want to surrender and turn yourself over to my custody before I had to come over there and make you," Kirk asked as sarcastically as possible.

Before the Admiral could respond a horrible screeching and almost vibrating sound began to oscillate over the communications system.

The crews on both ships were doing their best to shut out the noise, while those with heightened senses, like Mr. Spock and Khan, were on their knees in pain trying to block out the noise to no avail.

As seconds drug on into minutes eventually words became discernable, and eventually a voice, deep and commanding, could be heard by the inhabitants of the Vengeance and the Enterprise.

As the noise subsided, the viewer finally came into proper alignment and a bridge completely foreign to Federation specifications came into view.

"Greetings. I am Commander Boa'ran of the ISS Maverick of the Kingsman Battle Group. We have intercepted several communications between your ships and are here to offer our services in mediating your conflict; we assert jurisdiction under General Edict 407.3 of His Imperial Highness' standing Orders of Fleet, wherein assistance may be offered to lesser species in the event of imminent peril, or to preserve the interests of Justice."

Marcus and Kirk both looked confused as their respective First Officers were telling them that there were no ships in the vicinity and there was no source of origin for the signal.

"I'm Admiral Marcus of the United Federation of Planets, and you are in the sovereign territory of the Federation. While your offer of aid is kindly, you have no jurisdictional authority here, nor have you identified to whom your allegiances lie. Which Empire do you serve, and where is your ship located? Are you Romulan or Klingon?"

"Greetings Admiral, we are neither Klingon or Romulan," the Commander stumbled over the words, "we are part of the Alterra Nova Star Empire. We have just left the Galactic void and are returned to this area of space when we detected your engine signatures, and a distress call. We are here to investigate. We have detected trace elements relating to weapons fire, and are investigating. We were able to observe you firing upon this…Enterprise…Admiral. Of what crime is the crew guilty, and have they been convicted before an appropriate tribunal?"

Kirk allowed shock to register on his face, and Spock quirked an eyebrow in surprise. Marcus began to turn purple in rage.

"This is an internal matter concerning the United Federation of Planets, and is not open for discussion. Their trial was conducted elsewhere and they stole the Enterprise in their escape from justice. Which I am about to administer," Marcus answered.

The Admiral made a motion and several crewmen began to execute commands into their computer consoles. Torpedoes began to launch from the Vengeance and their phasers came to life firing upon the Enterprise.

"All hands, brace for impact," yelled Kirk into the com system; but the impact never came.

In space the ISS Maverick decloaked in between the two Federation Ships and allowed the, admittedly primitive, weapons fire detonate harmlessly against their shields.

The size of the Maverick alone rendered Marcus and most of both bridge crews speechless.

Easily three times the size of the Vengeance, the Maverick dwarfed both ships.

"USS Enterprise, based on communications we intercepted between yourself and the Vengeance, we are willing to offer you aid and defense if were to so request. We could begin sending over repair droids immediately to seal your hull breaches, and are willing to open our medical bays to your injured; or we would be happy to return to our survey mission if you decline. Please advise," Boa'ran smirked having guessed the response to come.

Kirk looked to Spock, then to the remainder of the bridge crew.

"Well, what are you waiting for Kirk," came the exasperated voice of Khan.

Kirk sighed and sat in the Command Chair.

"This is James T. Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise of the United Federation of Planets. We have been fired upon and attacked by a rogue element of radicals within Federation Command; namely Admiral Marcus in an attempt to provoke war with a neighboring race of beings, and in an attempt to hide his illegal acts and War Crimes. To the Commander of the ISS Maverick, I would ask for your assistance in securing the Vengeance and its crew for detention, and would gladly accept any assistance you are willing to offer in repairing my ship and treating my crew."

"Acknowledged Enterprise. In Accordance with General Edict 407.3(b)(6), and in accordance with the Laws and Customs of the Alterra Nova Star Empire I hereby confer provisional diplomatic recognition upon the United Federation of Planets, and further recognize the USS Enterprise and her crew as the Diplomatic Corps for the same," Commander Boa'ran began.

Several beams of light shot from the Maverick to the Vengeance and suddenly there were power fluctuations ship wide as Marcus began shouting for status reports over the voice of Commander Broa'ran as he continued in his discussion with Kirk.

"An offer of aid has been requested by provisional Ambassador Kirk in the apprehension of perpetrators of War Crimes, and in the disabling of the vessel known as the Vengeance. Its crew has been disabled by incapacity field sweep and are currently housed in holding cells aboard the Maverick. Repair droids have been deployed to provide immediate assistance with the crippled USS Enterprise."

"Captain Kirk," resumed Commander Boa'ran, "our scans indicate that there are presently 72 individuals in cryosleep whose power cells are slowly draining and whose life signs indicate a rate of cellular degradation only seen in deep-sleep interstellar travelers for a pre faster than light species. Do you need any assistance with either reviving these individuals to treat their cellular degradation or would you like our assistance in upgrading their housings with new micro fusion reactors, or fabricating replacement parts for their continued care?"

Spock caught the Captain's eye in an attempt to seek advice as to how they should proceed with Khan still on the bridge.

"Commander," began Kirk, "those individuals were hostages held by Admiral Marcus in an attempt to gain leverage over the gentleman standing before me today named Khan. Khan was blackmailed into committing several heinous acts of violence against the United Federation of Planets, for which we intend to see him stand trial; but at the same time I am unwilling to allow his crew and family to be placed in any danger. If you can help these individuals without reviving them, I would gladly welcome your scientists or engineers aboard; but at this time I am unwilling to relinquish them into anyone else's custody."

"Commander, I appreciate with the help you are offering and I now have your Com line in our computer memory banks. However, if you will allow, I would like to continue our discussion in 30 minutes time as our Engines were critically damaged and I may need to look into the possibility of evacuating my ship if we cannot patch ourselves up. I would ask though that you and your crew refrain from securing the Vengeance as I intend on sending over officers to assess the ship for evacuation purposes in the event of further deterioration of the Enterprise."

"Captain," Commander Boa'ran replied, "we will happily leave securing the Vengeance to your crew, and we stand by for your return communiqué. ISS Maverick out."

The screen went black and the image changed to that solely of the empty bridge of the Vengeance.

"Mr. Spock," Kirk continued, "please escort Mr. Singh to the Brig, but once our visitors arrive he is to be given a video feed and to be allowed to question or speak with them in order to ensure the safety of his people."

Kirk moved to face Khan directly.

"My crew is like my family Khan, and while I despise the acts you took to avenge yours, I can understand it. I intend to see you tried for the crimes you committed, for the innocent lives you took in this conflict; but I also intend to see you remain in the loop and at least give you the chance to fulfill your protective mission…within reason. We are not the savages Marcus became Khan, and so long as you do not present yourself as a danger you continue to be given this leeway."

Kirk finished speaking and Spock and three security officers began to lead Khan off the Bridge, in restraints.

"Mr. Sulu," Kirk began once he'd sat down in his command chair, "I want you to assemble an away team of junior officers and assume control of the Vengeance."

"Sir," Sulu stated in a questioning tone.

"You've proven yourself Mr. Sulu and while I have no doubt our new friends are more than capable of manning the ship, I'd prefer that particular asset remain under Federation control, particularly with an officer I trust."

"Aye Sir," Sulu responded before saluting and leaving the bridge to assemble his skeleton crew.

"Captain," the voice of Spock came over the com, "Khan is secured as ordered in Cell number 5, and a view screen has been installed as ordered. I am returning to the Bridge."

"Negative Spock, meet with me in Engineering," Kirk responded.

"Affirmative Captain," came the reply.

"Uhura," the Captain began, "are you able to send a textual message to the Alterrans?"

"Aye Sir, I've been communicating with their communications officer. Apparently they have an advanced computer translation system; apparently the language we heard them speaking, even though it sounded like English, was not their natural language but their computer could instantaneously translate for them."

Kirk blinked a few times with a somewhat slack expression on his face before he replied.

"Utterly fascinating Lt., but right now I need you to request that our friends liberate my Chief Engineer from their holding cells. If you would, ask them to transport him directly to Main Engineering."

"Affirmative Sir," she replied before her hands began flying across her console in an effort to execute her orders.

"Lt. Uhura, the situation necessitates you have the Con. Please try not to damage the ship any further," Kirk spoke to the highest ranking officer left on the Bridge.

"Aye Sir," she replied as she signaled a junior officer to assume her previous duties, "but I don't think that's possible anyway."

Kirk snorted as he stepped onto the turbolift.

***Harry's Office Atlantis***

"Well that was interesting," Harry spoke to Talia and the other officers that were assembled in his office observing the data stream and broadcast from the Maverick.

"Clearly they have a higher class of technology than we were anticipating," Talia began, "but with the reports I'm receiving from data analysis, sensor scans, and an analysis of their computer core data, even overloading their "warp" core near one of our ships, a light cruiser at that, with minimal shielding….they shouldn't pose a threat to us."

"Have you seen the metallurgical analysis yet," came the voice of Talia's assistant who'd chosen the, bland, name of Barry for some odd reason. "It's a titanium and duranium alloy, and apparently some type of superconductor element which allows for their energy flow conduits for weapons among other things. Have you seen though that its tensile strength isn't even comparable to our Trinium Hulls; it's like tissue paper should we ever decide to fire upon them."

"I did see that," came the voice of Harry, "but more interestingly the heavily damaged ship the Enterprise…have you noticed that she only has a single, if thick, hull whereas the aggressor ship has a triple redundant hull design?"

The head of the Defense Minister began to bob in agreement.

"I had noticed that Sir," the Minister replied, "but it seems that this Vengeance was a prototype. If what we've been able to gather of the drama is accurate, this Khan fellow was likely bred for war and conquest. If he was the architect of this ship, he is brilliant."

"Is the metallurgical profile of the Vengeance the same as the Enterprise," Harry asked the room.

Talia and her trusty data pad were on the question as usual, even while others began to sift through their own files to try and come up with an answer.

"No Sir," began Talia, "it seems as though the two outer hulls are of an extremely dense metal that is constantly emitting a type of ion field that would reduce the effectiveness, or perhaps even negate, the impact of the energy based weapons that seem to be common in this reality. The inner hull appears to be the same titanium and duranium alloy, but with thin panels of this denser metal used to shield their energy conduits from the radiological and electromagnetic effects of space, their warp core, and their energy based weapons."

"Comparing the two ships we discovered why the Vengeance is heavily shielded," began the Defense Minister. "Apparently, this was designed to be the first of a new class of ships dedicated solely to military might, which after infiltrating the main data core of Earth, is a first since they made "First Contact" some century or so ago. This…StarFleet…is not a military organization as we would consider our Fleet Supreme Commander. It's primary mission is neither Defense nor offense, but is instead exploration of space while allowing for the safety of their crew."

Harry utilized his neural interface with the AI of Atlantis to open up a few files on StarFleet with his own datapad as the Minister was speaking and reviewed their history and governmental structure.

"How many planets are in this Federation and what are its bounds? I'd rather not have to fight for the Keep so soon if we are impinging on their territory, but at the same time it's mineral composition and strategic location make it invaluable to me," Harry asked looking at Talia.

"According to their own star charts Sir, the Federation is not so much a solid state as we would think of territory, but is better understood as several, well at present near two dozen, planets who share resources in this StarFleet for exploratory and peace keeping purposes. Each Planet maintains their own unique and distinct government, and their own unique and distinct laws, governments, and security/defense forces; through the Federation does call for each member state to provide for the mutual aid and defense of a member state if needed," began Talia.

"That being said Sir, Earth really only has laid claim to the Sol System and the outlying asteroid belt beyond. According to StarFleet protocol their present procedure for exploring new areas is to launch directional probes which seek out star systems of interest, which upload scans of such systems to the StarFleet mainframe, and then only after analysts have reviewed the raw data will a scout ship be assigned to view the area. I've taken the liberty of purging any reference to Hadrian's keep, or to habitable worlds or the mineral rich asteroid belts within a 2 light year radius of this planet from their systems, and instituted a virus that will lay dormant and passively remove, alter, or amend any reports they may receive on this territory that we are presently occupying."

"Smart," the Defense Minister admitted aloud as he inclined his head in respect to Talia. "For what it's worth Sir, the Janus Net has been deployed and we have began launching the basis for what will be a standard sensor net for the area of space we are claiming. Nothing will be coming in or leaving our sector of space without our knowing about it. The Fleet has been deployed to patrol and find habitable worlds for analysis, and thus far three of the five explored show promise for colonies, should you give the order."

No one was mentioning the elephant in the room: the Janus Device. After their arrival in this dimension and Harry's subsequent rant that resulted in his apparating to a mountain range on Hadrian's Keep, which he subsequently leveled in a release of magical energy as his core threatened to destabilize due to his extreme emotions, no one was admitting yet that it may be impossible for them to go home…but they weren't giving up hope either. Their scientists just needed more time, and so Harry had ordered that scouts begin searching out and acquiring space to hold the Empire, and even now a battle group was exploring Pegasus and Ida while launching new social satellites in the three galaxies they were currently observing. Atlantis' sensors already picking up dozens of local planets with life on them, there was hope that in this alternate reality there would be a version of the Alterran's ancient allies to befriend and introduce themselves to.

"Well," Harry began, "if we are going to be stranded in this reality for any length of time I want a full threat assessment of the indigenous life forms, galaxy wide, and I want contingency plans in place for hostile elements discovering us. Whereas the previous reality seemed to be almost devoid of life, even built for death, but this seems to be positively teeming. We aren't going to remain hidden forever, nor should we; but I want our people to have a chance to relax before we try to ship out of this reality. It seems like a relatively safe one to live in compared to the last, but until we are sure, I want scouts, probes, and battle groups in full cloak. I don't want to provoke a war, nor to offend potential allies; for now, other than our apparent recognition of the Federation, we're off the radar folks."

Talia and the others in the room were taking notes as Harry spoke, pondering on what he'd said and what the implications of his words could be.

Harry continued, "I want a diplomatic team assembled and sent to Earth immediately. Make sure they carry a sanitized version of our Governing Structure and History, claiming we are returned to this sector of the Galaxy after several decades of inactivity. These people would not be able to comprehend our current level of technology, so you are to dummy our records to reflect technologies they can comprehend."

Harry sighed before he stood from his desk and walked to the large windows overlooking his private balcony and the great ocean of Hadrian's Keep where Atlantis was currently moored before continuing, "the Enterprise and her crew will need help in explaining what's gone on, and who we are, without passions being inflamed that this was something other than an elaborate plot by a madman to expose untold innocents to an interstellar war. If Earth has a Foreign Minister, or Chief Diplomat, I want to be speaking with him/her/it within the hour, and I want the Cabinet assembled for observation purposes."

"I know I don't need to impress upon you lot the importance of the moral of our people right now, and I take full blame for our being in this situation, but I also take responsibility for the life of my people, their happiness and stability, and the eventual resurgence of my ancestors to the stars in my home reality. I've been in discussions with Dr. Marcus, and as he can attest, the people who currently make up our Empire are neither human or machine; forgive me for saying this so bluntly, but you're an entirely new species of creature which is sentient and entitled to life and natural development. I think of you all as my children, and will be damned if I don't give you all a chance to flourish. I've got the time to accomplish my goals in my own time, and right now my number one priority is to ensure that we can have stability rather than growth for growth's sake."

There were several pensive looks, some wistful, and more than one was smiling at Harry and the implications of what he was suggesting.

From the window Harry continued as several native species of bird flew by.

"We're starting a new day; not only in the chapter of the Alterran people, but beginning a new book for Homa-Alterra. I hope, when you write the history of your people and your role within my Court, you will recall times such as these; times when I sought to ensure the freedom of choice, individuality, and free will for your people and that I considered you my family."

Harry grabbed the windowsill and slumped, head down and all, as he prepared for what he was about to say.

"I was prepared to seek out my genetic cousins and offer them the free choice to enter into the life I was swept into with the chance to reclaim the very stars, and traverse galaxies. I was prepared to utilize every resource I had at my disposal to ensure order was brought to chaotic times; but I was not prepared to create a new form of life, to have the burden of so many lives, so many souls, weighing on my heart daily. Then we got to that cursed dimension which absolutely reeked of death, destruction, and damnation. When I began to realize your biology I knew you all would be vulnerable to the virus. I couldn't lose a single one of you. It would have devastated me."

Harry took a deep breath before he turned around, and faced his legacy.

"I think this reality will be one which will give our people a chance to not only survive, but thrive. If Earth is fairly well protected, I'm not averse to the idea of moving on to a new area, and claiming new space to let the Alterrans prosper, but I'm not going to try to reactivate the Janus device anytime soon. It's time to allow our people the chance to experience what life is, in and out of service to the Empire. Right now my magic seems to be agreeing with this course of action, as I'm calming considerably and it just feels….right. God knows I'm not a seer by any means, but I think I should take the relative calm of my magic and the peaceful vibes I'm getting as being a positive rather than a negative."

"Sir," interrupted Talia, "I've received word that the Bridge Crew of the Maverick. I'd passed along your instructions to get us in touch with the Federation Diplomatic Corps, and there is an incoming transmission from Earth, StarFleet Command, from a Lt. George Paris. Commander Boa'ran and Captain Kirk have apparently been able to establish contact with Earth and explain the situation, and Lt. Paris has been designated as the diplomatic liaison with us until such time as their Chief Diplomatic Officer, Admiral Quentin La Roué, returns from a place called New Vulcan. If you would like to take the call here Sir, the remainder of the Cabinet can be present in moments."

Harry walked back to his desk and sat facing the hovering monitors which had descended from the ceiling so as to allow for face to face communication in a way compatible with Federation technology as he didn't want to expose his holographic technology at the moment.

"Very well," Harry said moving to his chair and taking the somewhat formal robe draped over the back and putting it on properly before he sat. "I don't want any other screen broadcasting, save mine. I want you all to observe. My chat line is open via the neural interface if you need to communicate."

Harry pressed a button and a middle aged man with strawberry blonde hair appeared on his view screen.

"Hail and greetings from the United Federation of Planets; I am Lt. George Paris of StarFleet which serves the dual role of joint research and exploratory arm of the Federation, as well as the communal peace-keeping force for our inter-planetary alliance. Though I have what is commonly considered a Military Rank, I represent no military organization, and our mission as a society is the peaceful exploration of Space and the expansion of our knowledge base."

The Lt. looked as though he were shuffling papers about or regaining is place on a datapad, as though he'd had to read this particular speech many times before, which he likely had.

"My government was contacted by representatives of your government, and I have been informed of the situation involving the Maveric and the Enterprise and before I begin I want to inform you that my government at no time authorized the renegade ship, Vengeance, to fire upon your people. We appreciate your government's efforts to assist our citizens in freeing themselves from the threat posed by renegade elements, terrorists even, and assisting in the repairs to our ship the USS Enterprise."

"Because of your intervention, the majority of those still living aboard the Enterprise at the time of the Maverick revealing herself, have been rescued aboard the seized Vengeance and were taken safely to space dock above Earth. If the alleged actions of Admiral Marcus caused any of your citizens to become harmed, we would request you allow us to contact them to offer them the chance to testify against the crew of the Vengeance as they are court-martialed. We are a society of laws and we intend to see that the victims of this senseless violence are afforded their day in court to ensure the accused receives just punishment for their crimes."

"Having said that Sir, may I have the pleasure of your name and rank? I was informed I was to be making a communication with your government and my files on the Alterra Nova Star Empire are woefully lacking. Are you the Foreign Minister or a member of the Diplomatic Corps?"

Harry smirked realizing the opportunity he had here to find out how these Federation personnel were when they didn't think they were talking to anyone important.

"I'm here at the request of the Emperor Sir," came Harry's reply. "I'm not a member of the Foreign Ministry, but the Emperor wasn't expecting you so soon. I'm sure he will be back shortly. My name is Harry, and I'm sure my government will eventually accept your credentials Sir, if that's what the information packet you just sent over was, as a qualified representative of the United Federation of Planets and extend to you the warmest of welcomes."

Harry smiled as he saw the feature of Lt. Paris visibly relax, as Harry introduced himself.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened to the Enterprise Sir. I'm very sorry you lost crewmen Sir. From what I know of the situation the Maverick wasn't given clearance to interfere in the situation until our government until after the Vengeance had began its attack."

Harry was sincere in his apology. While he didn't real responsible for the deaths personally, he knew that had they been able to interfere before the Enterprise had been fired on they could have neutralized the Vengeance fairly quickly.

"It's no worry Son. I've only got the briefest of reports outlying what happened, but I've been personally assured by Captain Kirk that Commander Boa'ran has done everything in his power to not only assist in repairing the critically damaged Enterprise, but undertook swift action to the loss of life. Our officers and crewmen are not military personnel, but StarFleet is a voluntary organization and these people understand the risks fully before they undertake a mission," Lt. Paris replied.

He doesn't seem to be arrogant, or nervous which is surely a good sign, Talia sent over the neural relay to Harry and the Cabinet.

"What's the Federation like Sir, if you don't mind my asking? Is it a fun place to live," Harry asked trying his best to ease Lt. Paris into letting his guard down and playing up his youthful appearance.

"I grew up in a place called Oregon which was originally part of the United States of America, before the Federation existed. Before we had the ability to travel space, the planet I grew up on was engulfed in global war and the effects lasted for multiple generations. The United Earth Government came about as a result of our being visited by the Vulcans, which was due solely to the efforts of a visionary scientist named Zefram Cochran, and our two planetary governments decided to form an alliance dedicated to self betterment through science and peaceful exploration of space and non-interference with non-terrestrial life forms who were not as capable or developed as we are. From the union of two planets entering into peace covenants and mutual aid agreements, we have since grown into a Federation of some two dozen different races and planets. We now have a common judiciary, legal code, and services which are provided and administered through StarFleet which ultimately must answer to the Federation's Parliament and Executive."

"The times we live in now are no where close to the chaos that existed before. We have an old proverb on Earth, which says something to the effect of "may you live in interesting times," and that's certainly the case now. Space is our final frontier and we are approaching it that way. We are trying to be reasonable in our expansions and explorations and the more people we encounter that are what we call "Warp Capable" we wish to respect not only there territorial bounds, but right to privacy. Like any government we look to establish routes of trade and commerce, but also cultural exchanges so we can learn more about the Galaxy we live in."

"That sounds pretty interesting Lt. Paris," Harry replied as there was a lull in the conversation.

After a few tense moments where the conversation lulled, Lt. Paris decided to press forward and continue chatting with Harry.

"I have to say, you look fairly young to me Harry; are you apprenticing under someone in your government? I mention this because on Earth someone that appears as young as you are, would normally be in school right now. Are you a student?"

In all of Harry's dealing with government officials in the previous reality most had been taken unawares just as Lt. Paris had been by Harry's youthful visage. He loved leading people to that conclusion and then surprising them.

"If I understand your concept of time correctly," Harry began, "it takes one 24 "hour" period of time for your planet to complete a rotation on its axis, which constitutes one "day", 364 ¼ of which equal one "year" to traverse the orbital path of your star. Is that correct?"

Seeing Lt. Paris nod Harry continued.

"Then I am more than 18 of your "years" Mr. Paris, and would be closer to 35 of your years vs. 18. I guess you could say I have a certain boyish charm no?"

Lt. Paris registered open shock on his face and couldn't help but wonder if he was being had.

"Wait, so if you're 45 how old is your average politician," came Mr. Paris' reply.

Harry knew this would shock him for sure. "Oh," he began, "significantly younger than me."

Lt. Paris began to process the information and a sinking feeling began to settle into his stomach.

This is priceless! Look he's putting it together, Talia sent to everyone over the neural link.

"Harry, you never answered my initial question about your rank or position in your government. Would you mind clarifying for me?"

Smiling like the Cheshire cat Harry was only too happy to answer.

"Oh sure! Sorry for that, I don't want to be rude. My official name and rank is Harry Potter, Supreme Commander of the Fleet and Emperor of the Alterra Nova Star Empire. I hope you will understand my desire to speak in a relaxed manner with you where you didn't have to feel on guard all the time. I find if people chat with me without knowing exactly who I am it facilitates a more honest and productive discussion."

Harry sat back and pressed a button on his desk which activated the view screens for the Cabinet Ministers, to allow them to broadcast to Lt. Paris.

"These are my Cabinet Ministers Lt. Paris, and while I will be happy to invite more formal diplomatic relations in the future to be conducted by my Foreign Ministry, I wanted to have the chance to answer any questions the Federation may have had personally in these early stages. While I customarily reserve my interactions for the Chief Executive Officer of a government, I'm glad I've had the chance to meet with you."

Harry drew out a datapad and half of the screen showing Lt. Paris began to darken as Harry activated a program that allowed him to share information with the Lt. without directly transferring it to him.

"What I'm about to show you," Harry began, "is a recording of the entire incident involving the Vengeance and Enterprise, as well as the Maverick once it became involved. If you would please observe the screen."

Harry played the video and observed the reactions of Lt. Paris carefully.

After the video ended showing the actions and admissions of Admiral Marcus Harry began by addressing the obvious question.

"We had a scout ship in the vicinity of your solar system when we detected two large ships incoming. We ourselves are interested in meeting new species, and we picked up emergency com traffic requesting assistance which we discovered to be originating from the Enterprise. Out scout contacted the Maverick and she went in cloaked to assess the situation as we did not wish to interfere with an internal matter if aid was on the way; but Commander Boa'ran reported his systems detected active weapons fire in an active FTL Corridor, which could lead to massive feedback of subspace on a quantum level if a ship's drive were to go critical in transit."

"We were highly interested in ensuring that just such an explosion is not allowed to happen as the damage to subspace would be disruptive if not out right dangerous to FTL travel, and if the explosion were of a particular type it could ignite a quantum rift fire that would take out an entire solar system before the appropriate counter measures could be deployed. You're very fortunate we came along when we did and began monitoring your ships' systems to prepare to lend aid, else we never would have been able to record the dialogue you just watched."

That's right boss, pile it on, Talia sent. This was a convenient cover that the Science Minister was feeding to Harry as he was chatting with the Federation Officer; such an explosion was known to happen to a heavily damaged Alterran ship, but the Federation's technology posed no such risk as it was simply far too primitive to pose that level of danger. But Paris didn't know Harry wasn't talking about FTL technology that he understood now did he?

After frowning for a moment and massaging his eyebrows, the Lt. took a breath before responding.

"It really is lucky your ships happened by then. I've never looked too deeply into warp theory, but from what I can recall of the basics I'm still amazed there aren't more restrictions placed on the development of engine variants as those power houses are damn terrifying at the potential hazards they present; but I have to say I've never heard of quantum fire before. However, before I drone on any further I would like ask if you received my Diplomatic Credentials and files which outline the United Federation of Planets and StarFleet, and whether you will accept my credentials and position as the Temporary Ambassador from the Federation to your government. If you would please confirm your receipt of the files."

"The files have been received Supreme Commander," came the voice of Sha'orah a senior member of the Alterra Nova Diplomatic Corps, and aid to the Foreign Minister Fa'leh. "We have reviewed his initial file packet of Diplomatic Credentials; he is a well decorated diplomat Sir. We have no objection to his being recognized; however we do insist holding off on granting a mission and recognition at this time, and would advise that any and all communications happen via subspace until deeper ties are established. General Edict 407.3(b)(6) has been invoked Sir and the Minimal Amount of time we must give to the Provisional Ambassador is 6 months to negotiate a temporary treaty of nonaggression. "

Harry reclined and steeped his hands in thought.

"Do you have any objections to that Lt. Paris," Harry asked eager to see how the potential ambassador would take the suggestion.

"That is nothing unusual and not outside of our own protocol, in a sense, when we encounter a new species or spacefaring people. But I see no need to take Captain Kirk from his active command, as he is not skilled in the Diplomatic arts or a member of the Diplomatic Corps. I've been assigned to represent my people to you and have the requisite authority to speak on my people's behalf. I must insist that you accept me as your provisional ambassador in place of Captain Kirk. That being said, would you be willing to provide an outline of the sector(s) of space you lay claim to, or the boundaries of your empire as they presently stand."

Admiral La Roué had left in place a standing order upon his taking over the Diplomatic Corps, that the first priority after first contact was made with established spacefaring races was to obtain a star chart of their territory or systems claimed. This served two practical purposes in that 1) the Federation would be able to see the territorial bounds of a potential ally or neutral and would be able to respect their neighbor's privacy, and 2) it would allow for new routes of commerce and cultural exchange to be plotted in subsequent negotiations, or event safe travel routes to explore unexplored or unknown territories by traveling as a short cut through an ally's territory.

I don't think it's wise at this time to give them any outline of the claims we have to this sector of space as we are not yet fully apprised of what territory it may be advantageous for us to lay claim to Supreme Commander, Fa'leh advised over the neural link. I believe we should agree to nothing today, save that we will review Lt. Paris' credentials and the Diplomatic Packet he has given us, and we will reply to them within a month as to whether we accept Lt. Paris or not, and will save the exchange of further documents for that date as well. We have a working relationship with Kirk; let's keep him as he'll likely feel indebted to us.

Sir, Talia joined in, I believe that this is a prudent course of action to take. We have just began launching social satellites and we don't know what we could be up against, or even whether Hadrian's Keep is as beneficial in this reality as it was in the last. We may need to move further into the Galaxy, and if that's the case you've already established you don't want to reveal how vastly we outclass them technologically.

Harry furrowed his brow as this was all being discussed in seconds with the neural net, and began contemplating his words carefully.

"We believe Lt. Paris," Harry began, "that that request is a bit premature. We mean no offense when We say this, as We are following my own established protocol, but We are not prepared to accept your Diplomatic Credentials at this time or accept you as a Temporary Ambassador; as We have already recognized a Temporary Ambassador in accordance with Our Laws and customs, a Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise."

A somewhat annoyed look flashed across Lt. Paris' face before he carefully schooled his expression and regained control of his facial features.

"We requested this Diplomatic communiqué to introduce Ourselves to the your government in a token of good will, and We look forward to working toward more formal relations with your peoples. However, having just encountered your species and people we are unable and unwilling at this time to even begin talks to establish lasting ties without having the chance to review your documentation and the information you have provided. We offer a second meeting, with Our Foreign Minister Fa'leh, or her designate, at a time and by such means as will be negotiated between our governments, with your Ambassador Kirk."

Harry pressed a typed a few commands onto his datapad and sent an information packet containing Minister Fa'leh's Diplomatic Credentials and the Alterra Nova laws relating to diplomatic mission exchange, the government structure, and a copy of the Empire's Legal Code the Leges ex Imperium.

It would be interesting to see if the Federation Diplomats would raise the issue of Latin used in Alterra Nova, or whether they would catch the translation as the documents were being transmitted in Alterran.

"We have ordered the Maverick and her battle group to remain in the vicinity of," Harry picked up his datapad and acted as though he were scanning for something from the information which Lt. Paris had transmitted, "Earth." Harry placed the datapad back down and focused solely on Lt. Paris.

"This frequency is one which your systems can readily utilize for contact Our government by. Messages sent by this frequency will be relayed by the Maverick which will be stationed outside of your government's territorial bounds as outlined in the information packet you have transmitted." Harry pressed another series of commands onto his datapad before continuing and refocusing on Lt. Paris.

"We are aware of the recent hostilities your government has been engaged with due to information Ambassador Kirk felt obliged to share with us in regards to your Klingon neighbors. In a show of good faith we are willing to offer the services of the Maverick Battle Group should Earth fall under attack, or hostile forces enter your star system; are these terms for the opening of negotiations acceptable to the Federation, if not we will reserve further comment and communication until Ambassador Kirk should make himself available."

Lt. Paris registered intrigue at the proposal as it was being described, then the briefest moment of anger and annoyance when Kirk was mentioned.

"I can assure you Emperor that I am more than capable of handling negotiations between our governments for the purposes you've outlined, and I can assure you that the Federation views your terms as quite generous; there is no need to involve Captain Kirk with these negotiations as he is quite injured and is seeing to the wellbeing of his surviving crew and extremely damaged ship. My orders are to open and handle initial negotiations between our governments pending the return of Admiral La Roué. We are accustomed to more open and free flowing negotiations in the Federation, and we are not in the business of rushing relations. Trust is not immediate between strangers and only a fool would believe otherwise. Please understand that I am my government's trained diplomat and the only one authorized to speak on its behalf. Captain Kirk has neither the training not the authority to speak on the behalf of the Federation or its peoples," Lt. Paris replied in a polite tone, yet it was clear he had disdain for Captain Kirk for some reason.

Sir, began the message on the neural net of Defense Minister Vorlao, end discussions now. You've set your terms and we cannot appear weak to the Federation. This hostility, minor though it is, could be their attempt to test our resolve or capability. We are the clearly superior race. Let them come to us once they are ready to meet with us on our terms and our terms only. Concede no ground at this point.

Harry agreed with the assessment of Minister Vorlao.

"We are sorry Lt. Paris, but that is unacceptable. We stand by our original offer and will engage in no further communications with the Federation except through Ambassador Kirk. We wish him good health in his recovery and the same to his injured crew. Please advise him to contact Us once the Federation has given him the training necessary for his post as Ambassador, and his is cleared to speak on the Federation, and its people's, behalf," Harry said as he terminated the video feed.

The video screens began to retract out of view, and Talia was the first to speak, as usual.

"I believe Sir, that that went better than expected. We're dealing with a completely different society and mindset than that which we just left, and to be thrust into this situation within the first 24 hours in a new reality, I believe the terms of our association with these humans is well thought and practical."

Harry sat back in his chair and observed his Cabinet.

"I think Sir that we need to thoroughly examine, and map the Galaxy," came the voice of Minister Vorlao. If our time in the last reality was any indication our Alterran databases will only provide a rough estimate of what we may encounter here, and I want to know what's going on and the technological capabilities of the natives before we become too entrenched here."

"I agree," came the voice of the Foreign Minister. "We need to have a clear understanding of what type of life forms and governments exist in this reality before we try and establish our own presence. I suggest that our primary concerns should be deploying several battle groups to begin a detailed examination of the galaxy and ensuring our social satellites are able to integrate and operate without alerting people to our presence. I dare say we may find a few worthy trading partners out there so long as we go about this in a calculating and deliberate manner."

Harry observed Talia and Vorlao nodding in agreement, and several other members of the Cabinet looked as though they were in agreement.

"I see," Harry replied as he tapped a few commands into the computer terminal built into his desk causing a holographic display of the galaxy as they knew it to phase into existence.

"As you can see this is an approximation of a real time map of Avalon," Harry began. "Minister Xi'an," Harry addressed to the Science Minister, "can you give me an approximate timeline of how long it would take to have the social satellites and various probes needed in place to gain a real-time display of our current home?"

The minister began pulling up data statistics on his own datapad and he asked the Home Minister to cross reference information he had relating to raw materials that his office kept track of.

"I believe," Xi'an began, "that with the current level of strategic reserves onboard the productions platforms we currently have, we should be able to launch a comprehensive galactic net, and have it operational, in a 45 days time if we go slow; by that I mean send scouts to systems before we launch our tech, as has been discussed Sir."

"Minister Vorlao," Harry began, "do you agree with Xi'an's assessment and timeline? Is that workable and practical?"

"I think it is Sir," Vorlao began. "I've been going over the numbers for our fleet and barring an enemy existing of comparable strength, ability, or number as either the Wraith or Ourselves, we should have more than enough of a fleet presence to settle and grow in peace. Right now the bulk of our battle groups are crowding up the Keep's system, and I'd honestly feel better if we could send at least a portion of them out on exploratory and survey missions to help us better prepare for what may come."

Harry looked at each of the members of the Cabinet as he processed what he'd been told.

"Suggestions Talia," Harry asked.

"If we are going to send out manned missions and Avalon is home to as many diverse species as I suspect it is, we should proceed with heightened caution. All ships should be fully cloaked, fully shielded, and phased to prevent any possibility of detection. Going back to what we discussed earlier, we don't know how much of this galaxy is occupied, nor which territories may be suitable for our use. I also wonder, Minister Valao, if it wouldn't be prudent to send out several probes into neighboring galaxies? Before we become too heavily involved in this, highly populated, galaxy, shouldn't we at least have a "black site" we can fall back on in the event we discover a threat in this realm we can't deal with at present?"

"That's a point I hadn't even considered," came the voice of Harry as he turned to face Minister Valao and give him his undivided attention as he answered Talia's questions.

"We could have probes in the two nearest galaxies within two and four weeks respectively, and their mapping, level three telemetry scans, would begin immediately and would take someone between four to seven months respectively with single probes. Current stores of necessary component materials limit our production capabilities to two probes the roughly 75 relay stations which will be required for the probes to transmit their data across the galactic void(s)," Minister Valao answered.

"Sounds to me like we need to begin finding colonies for raw resources regardless of the course we take today," came the Minister of Industry Sel'ea from near the end of the table.

"Which again highlights the need to have survey missions and a live stream of the galaxy and an accurate databse of all the local players, which brings us back to square one," Minister Volao responded. "But to be clear, I do agree Minister Sel'ea."

"I think we're just circling the bowl now ladies and gentlemen. We seem to have several good ideas and courses of action highlighted. Now, we just need to ensure that we follow through. Have the Forge begin the process of creating the necessary intergalactic probes and support infrastructures, and let the Camelot begin the process of fabricating anything else we may need for the time being," Harry began.

He stood up from his desk and walked over to the holographic display and began manipulating it, zooming away from the spiral arm of the galaxy where Earth was situated and focusing in on an area of space which in the previous reality, and his home reality, held a collection of solar systems within a short distance of each other that were mineral rich in the materials the Alterrans used in the production of their ships and cities.

"This portion of the galaxy was designated as "Minoa" on ancient star charts, and it's proven fertile in every reality Atlantis has encountered so far having the raw materials we would need for production purposes. Regardless of any scouts we send utilizing the Keep as the source of origin, let's prioritize the Minos cluster and see if that won't make a suitable base of operation outside of the Keep; Thank you everyone for your attention. I'd like reports on progress every 12 hours, and let's do try and keep the reports down to less than 10 pages," Harry said directing his gaze to Minister Sel'ea who was notorious for his detail.

"You are all welcome to continue using the room, but I'm due for an appointment with Dr. Malcolm. If you will excuse me," and with that Harry exited the room, leaving Talia to conclude with the remainder of the Cabinet.

The meeting continued on for a few more moments before Talia called it to a close once there was a concrete plan of action that the Fleet would be able to undertake. Each Minister now had their marching orders implement, and it was looking like the sun never truly set on the Alterran Empire.

***StarFleet Command, San Francisco, Earth***

Diplomatic Corps, Office of Lt. George Paris

"Please advise him to contact Us once the Federation has given him the training necessary for his post as Ambassador, and his is cleared to speak on the Federation, and its people's, behalf," Emperor Potter said before the screen went blank.

"Check the feed on that Ensign," Lt. Paris ordered his crewman assistant, "I want to know if he terminated or if we lost the feed."

"Aye Sir," Selina Ramirez replied. She types several areas of her desk which appeared to be a computer terminal as well. As her hands flew across the surface, information began to scroll on a glass pain which serves as her monitor.

"It seems Sir that the signal was terminated voluntarily. I have no information from which to draw the conclusion that the signal was either interrupted, intercepted, or not terminated purposefully; I think the Emperor simply wished to go no further in these initial negotiations Sir," Ensign Ramirez supplied.

"Ensign I want you to contact Captain Hudson's Office and let them know I'm on my way down to report on these events. Also, please request an emergency conference with Admiral La Roué. He needs to be apprised of these events, as I was ordered to report directly to him on the Alterrans; I'll let him be the one to decide whether or not we will comply with the demands of these Alterrans," Lt. Paris ordered. "Once he's able to conference, please let me know."

"Aye Sir," Ramirez replied.

After Lt. Paris had left to conference with his good friend, and senior officer, Captain Hudson, the young ensign was left to her thoughts of these diplomatic events and her duties.

***StarFleet Command, San Francisco, Earth***

Diplomatic Corps, Office of Captain Anita Hudson

Captain Hudson and Lt. Paris were seated, rather comfortably, near the fireplace in the Captain's Office and the two were just being served coffee by her steward.

"So tell me George," the beautiful woman of African descent said with a slight New England accent, "what has you so flustered? I don't normally get to see you in this state," she said with a smirk as she sipped her coffee.

George looked to his watch, an antique Timex he'd inherited from his grandfather who'd survived WWIII rather unscathed before replying.

"We've known about the existence of these Alterrans for approximately the last six hours," Lt. Paris Began, "and we have no knowledge of them apart from what they've revealed to us; no one in the Federation has ever encountered them as the databases are utterly devoid of any mention of them. I just got done with over an hour and a half of discussions with their leader, and I'm nowhere closer to understanding them now than I was to begin with. I couldn't get any of the concessions that I was ordered to attempt to obtain, and I don't know what we're going to do."

Lt. Paris took a drink of coffee before he sat his cup down and leaned forward to face his friend.

"Anita I don't know what to do here. These Alterrans present a clear threat to our people if the recordings of the Vengeance and Enterprise are accurate. The weapons Marcus had this Khan fellow develop are at least 30 years ahead of what we currently have in service, and no damage was inflicted on the Maverick….8 high yield torpedoes, 4 standard yield, and 26 separate phaser cannon bursts struck the Maverick in the span of 10 seconds. A volley of half that compliment almost certainly caused a warp core breach on the Enterprise even with shields at full power, and it didn't even register an energy variance with the Alterrans," Lt. Paris said.

"I don't know what to take of them," he continued, "but I know I don't trust them. I mean, why were they in our area of space? How were they aware of what Admiral Marcus had done? How can they be so advanced technologically and not know the bounds of the Federation, especially in light of how easily they were able to demonstrate such advanced computer systems able to translate, in real time, English into their language and theirs into ours."

Lt. Paris took out a cylinder from his pocket and took a puff from it, as apparently it was a smoking device.

"You know those things are just as bad for you as the cigarettes they replaced don't you," came the voice of Captain Hudson after she'd allowed George to ease into silence and his smoking.

He looked at her with his favorite sarcastic face as if to ask why he should care.

"If you're looking for advice," she continued, "I think it's going to be best to play this by ear as far as diplomacy is concerned; we simply don't know enough to make an accurate call right now, and God knows we don't need another fuck up like we did with the Klingons…we're just now starting to get some resolution to that."

Anita sat and stirred her coffee with a biscotti.

"Now if you're asking what I think militarily…I think you're right. We know nothing about these people, their intentions, or their capabilities. I've not seen the readings of the Enterprise personally, and all of their scans of the Maverick have been classified at the highest clearance. Scuttlebutt is that Marcus' little project is sending deep ripples and a shockwave throughout the echelons of power in StarFleet and the Federation. There's talk of a reorganization of the fleet and an effort to bring 'Section 13' into the light of day."

Lt. Paris continued to puff on his smoking device as he listened intently to what the Captain had to say.

She finished stirring her coffee and took a nibble of her biscotti before she continued.

"You're feeling the strains of the Corps particularly hard today George, and it's not the first time we've had this discussion. Do you think your frustrations with the Alterrans could be your wanting to get back onboard a ship?"

George scowled at the question posed to him.

"I don't think that's it Anita," he began. "I just don't like coincidences. You can't tell me that you aren't considering that perhaps the Alterrans had something to do with Marcus' treason? I mean, he's had to have based his weapons designs on something, and God knows even though we've come a long way since Khan went into stasis, even our best scientists would need more than a few months to come up with what he has. He can't have done this with a blank canvas."

George reclined back into his cloud of scented smoke, beginning to relax as the chemicals flooded his system and helped him release stress.

Anita fanned his cloud back his way with a collapsible fan she kept nearby for just such occasions.

"I think," George began, "that I have no choice but to recommend to Admiral La Roué that Kirk be given a crash course in diplomatic protocol. After what he's done with Marcus he's due a commendation at least. Wouldn't you think he'd deserve a promotion?"

"If you've been spinning this web of conspiracy to sound out your justification for acceding to the Alterran's demands, or to justify Kirk's appointment to the post of Ambassador when you speak to Quentin, I think you need to put that pipe down. There's no what the brass is going to let their golden goose come over to the diplomatic corps, and there is no way in Hell Kirk would willingly give up his ship. He's far too young to be a diplomat anyway."

George began to massage his head and sighed heavily.

"He will become their ambassador Anita; I know it, and this is going to cause us untold trouble in the future. He's a loose cannon, has no regard for protocol, and doesn't respect the chain of command, nor the office he holds. He's demonstrated such time and time again."

"If, and that's a big if, Captain Kirk were to be given such a post, number one," Anita said as she held up a finger, "it isn't going to be long term and I think you know that; number two," Anita raised a second finger, "you're not going to be passed up for merit appointments, and will very likely be given the Alterran portfolio once Quentin has had a chance to chat with their leader himself, and finally you know the diplomatic corps and the service corps are vastly different. You thrive here and would thrive no matter what corps you were assigned to, whereas Kirk will likely flounder here and won't last a month."

Lt. Paris snorted a bit at the remark about Kirk.

"I sat with you in this very room and watched the recordings of the Enterprise's interactions and communications with Commander Boa'ran with you, and I seem to recall their leader himself said that Kirk was just a temporary appointment; that their laws governing diplomatic relations were involved in Kirk's appointment since he was the highest ranked individual of a foreign government they'd established contact with. That's not an entirely unreasonable law…trust who you know, even if you don't know them well. At this point we know nothing about their laws, but they did save over 200 Federation lives when they weren't obligated to...I think it's in our job descriptions to give people the benefit of the doubt and side interpret first contact through the lens of benevolence."

Anita sat her coffee down and pressed a button on the side of the coffee table which lit a fire for her; the autumn weather was setting in and a chill was steadily rolling in from the bay.

"I just don't know Anita," George continued. "I don't know what we are going to do. I'm not against Kirk, but I'm not impressed with him either. He's cocky, he's arrogant, and his ship will have been completely rebuilt twice now, once the crews finish rebuilding her this time, in less than four years…that's nearly two years out of service and he's been a commissioned officer less than five. He's supposed to be a scientist, and yet he's acting like a conquistador of old…charging into situations, and seems to be trying his damnest to go down in a blaze of glory, with his crew in tow, before he's 30. That's not what a good captain does Anita…you spent your five years out there and didn't get into a tenth of the trouble he has…and he's still on his first tour."

George sighed and poured a glass of water from the decanter on the table beside him. It was Anita's favorite; a Vulcan zinfo-spring water which held a natural stimulant, tasted of blueberries, and was slightly carbonated.

He swirled his water and watched the bubbles spin in the water before dropping in two of the large ice cubes into the drink.

"Anita, my problem with Kirk is that he makes a great cowboy captain, but a shit diplomat. Granted his bridge crew help fill in the gaps of Kirk's competency, but in this day and time, with the Klingon peace so fragile, we don't need greenhorns with lit sparklers running gung-ho in the tinder box of the diplomatic corps."

Anita laughed at George's dramatics.

"I think George you're exaggerating and you know it. Kirk's got a few personality quirks but we all do, and we were all greenhorns once upon a yesteryear. While it is unusual for someone of his personality to be an ambassador, we're supposed to be the corps that can roll with the punches and go with the flow better than the meatheads and grunts to use your own words. We're in completely new territory now my friend. The top tier of command has either been assassinated or will likely be taken down in Marcus' web as it's collapsing. I've tried to get in touch with a few friends of mine that were in the academy a few years ahead of me with Marcus and they've suspiciously gone silent, and can't be located. Granted, it's only been a few hours since this all came to light, but at the same time, you never know now do you George?"

The two continued to sit and chat for the remainder of the day and on into the night, and eventually Lt. Paris dictated a report to Admiral La Roué which Captain Hudson signed on to, regarding Kirk, the Alterrans, and why he should hasten his return.

***Klingon Scout Ship, 1.02 light years from Earth***

Klingon's were a warrior race known for their commitment to honor, and prowess in physical strength over intellect; yet they were a surprisingly equal society when it came to gender parity.

Liva of the House of Kl'ovath was the commander of the Bleth'dak, a lightly armed and highly cloaked scout skip of the Klingon Empire. They had been assigned to infiltrate the heart of Federation Space and observe the goings and comings of Federation Ships.

There was currently a flurry of activity going on at present because the Bleth'dak had observed both the Enterprise and the Vengeance enter the Sol system, but had been unable to trace their warp trail from this distance.

"I want a detailed analasys of these ships and compare them to known Federation vessels, and I want it done in the next microspan or else I'll flay you myself Dirth, Son of Morgath," Liva shouted from her command chair as she typed commands into the arms of her chair causing a screen with basic information on the two ships battling to emerge.

"Aye Sir, the smaller ship has been identified as a Constitution Class Cruiser….NCC 1701, it is the Enterprise Sir….there is nothing in the database for the larger ship."

Activity on the bridge stopped for a moment as everyone turned to Dirth at his revelation.

"Is this a new classification of ship," To'vath Son of Duragh and second in command asked of Dirth.

"I have searched the database twice Sir, and there is nothing in the database which matches the scans we have taken so far of this vessel, but the gas giant they are near has a deep gravitational pull that may be effecting the results of our scan from this distance…we would need to be within .05 light years of the ship, just outside the Sol system, to take more accurate readings," Dirth replied to the first officer.

Liva smirked before tapping a few commands that bathed the bridge in red lighting and projected her voice throughout the entire ship.

"All hands," she began, "prepare for deep incursion into Federation space. All non-essential systems are to be shut down, and all hands are to present at the ready. This is a level 2 incursion. Station masters are to report for ready within 5 minutes or you will be launched into space."

She barked at the helm to take them within .05 light years of the Sol system, and ordered Dirth to begin making adjustments to their sensors to record all data available from the mystery ship and its specifications as was their mission.

By the time the Bleth'dak arrived the Maverick was decloking and Liva ordered battle stations.

"The Federation has developed a cloak," the helmsman yelled as the viewscreen took in the massive ship which appeared between the Enterprise and the other ship.

"Confirmed ship is decloaking between the Enterprise and the mystery ship…the new ship is at least three times the size of the Enterprise, but other than spatial displacement I am getting no readings," Dirth reported in panicked frustration.

"Explain," snarled Liva.

"It is as though the ship is not there. We detect the displacement of space particles and the presence of some type of energy, but I cannot detect the actual ship," he answered.

Liva commanded that the viewscreen have a diagnostic run to ensure the image they were seeing was real…seconds passed and the report came that the screen was not malfunctioning; there was a ship which just materialized in front of them that they could not scan, of unknown design, and unknown origin.

Suddenly the ship suffered a massive power fluctuation and Liva was thrown from her chair as sparks flew from several consoles and one of the ship's lateral thrusters and sub-light engine engaged at full power sending to the sip into a spiral at high speed away from the two mystery ships and the enterprise.

"Report," Liva screamed as she tried to clime into her seat after the inertia dampeners had failed when a second power surge overcame the ship, "have we come under fire?"

"Negative Commander," came the voice of her First Officer who Liva noted was bleeding rather heavily from a cut above his left eye, and a gash on his left hand. "We registered a power surge in the warp core before systems began to malfunction. Recommend we initial wounded bird protocol and contact our tracker ship for repairs at the rendezvous. The cloak has fluctuated in power Sir; if we remain we risk exposure."

Liva snarled in frustration and anger before she slammed her fists upon her armrests.

She calmed herself, considered her mission, and recognizing the dangerous situation her ship and crew were in ordered the ship be brought under control and the coded distress message sent to their tracker ship.

"Enact emergency protocols, engage manual systems, isolate the computer core and effected systems; plot a course to the Interceptor, and send the coded message requesting a meeting with General Ma'lketh. Get my ship under control now; otherwise you're of no use to me and dead weight," Liva spat to her bridge crew who understood her threat of either succeeding or dying.

The next few minutes were a flurry of activity ship-wide, but control was not re-established until the ship had listed, albeit quickly, out of the Sol System and been forced into warp without the order of Commander Liva.

Smoke was billowing from the air vents of the ship as they sped away from the Federation's core at maximum warp, their destination Quo'nos….but with ships systems malfunctioning, the crew knew they may not make it.

"Status!," yelled To'vath asked after stepping up from the unconscious form of Commander Liva.

"Hull integrity is at 45 per cent, command systems are unresponsive. The computer is non-responsive and the core is protected by some type of energy shield we are unfamiliar with Sir!"

Some type of alarm began to sound throughout the ship as the craft fired one of it's stealth probes, but it also began gaining speed.

"Sir, somehow we are exceeding Warp 4, and excelerating!," Dirth shouted above the noise of the hull groaning under the stress of the speeds the ship was not designed for.

"Shut down the engines at once! Cut main power if necessary," screamed To'vath.

The Bleth'dak had accelerated to the point of being out of Federation Space and was barely in the Federation/Klingon Neutral Zone when another probe fired and the ship dropped out of warp suddenly, and main power was cut.

The ship slowly phased back into normal space, and would be visible to ordinary scanners.

Commander Liva began to stir as the sudden drop from warp had shocked her awake.

"Status Report To'vath," she ordered. There was no reply.

Looking around blearily her focus slowly returned to a bridge that was partially on fire, and several member of her bridge crew impaled and motionless on debris which came down after the ship dropped from warp…To'vath was among them.

She rose tepidly and with shaking steps traversed the distance from her command chair to Dirth's station, and seeing him dead removed him from his seat so she could assess the ship and its systems.

The warp core was not in breach surprisingly, and there were few crewmen left alive; but she was registering something odd…it seemed the computer was downloading, to where she could not tell, but there were several of the stealth probes they were tasked with deploying primed and posed to be launched to an area she could not determine. She registered five probes posed and ready to launch, but her immediate concern was the stability of her ship and not a malfunctioning launch system.

"Engineering this is Liva, report!," she ordered.

Static was her only response.

A written message displayed over the systems she was monitoring, apparently from a member of Engeneering.

Liva: This is Kel'neth, Shi'rokh is dead as are the majority of the officers here. Warp core is under control at present, but beyond my skills to diagnose. Most ships systems except for life support, weapons, recon seem to be heavily damaged and inoperable. Navigation is completely down, and the computer core is offline and inaccessible. There are not less than 30 micro fractures along the port and starboard wings, and deck 5 is loosing pressure at a slow but steady pace. There are plasma fires throughout the ship, and automated systems have failed to contain them. We have an estimated 35 minutes to evacuate the ship Sir. I do not have the skill or knowledge to overcome our present conditions. Recommend sending a distress call to Quo'nos and landing on the nearby planetoid at coordinates x'002323, y' 1.02435, z' 453.57301.

Liva scowled and snarled at the perceived weakness of Kel'neth, but quickly calmed knowing that he was simply trying be as honest with her as he could. While it was honorable to die in battle if the mission could not be accomplished, she was not willing to murder the remainder of her crew to save a ship that was beyond repair…a crew which she owed her life to.

She opened internal com systems and broadcast the order to evacuate, but before she rose from the station to seek out a stasis tube herself, she noticed the weapons systems had activated. She shut them down and cut the power to the weapons array before rising, looking about her bridge one last time, at her dead companions, before saluting them and leaving for the escape pod near her quarters.

The dead monitors of the bridge showed static as escape pods began firing from the ship within 5 minutes of Liva leaving the Bridge…and as they began to navigate toward the nearby planetoid, the weapons terminal Liva left suddenly returned to life, and the weapons system and automatic targeting program began to load.

Several screens began to flash and not less than 15 targets appeared, each one represented an escape pod leaving the Bleth'dak.

Suddenly the targeting program tracking the signatures of the pods flashed from yellow to red, and the plasma cannons of the Klingon Scout ship began to charge, as the impulse engines began to fire reorienting the ship placing the extremely vulnerable pods into weapons range.

Liva, who had not yet left the ship, felt the first wave of the weapons fire as the inertial dampeners of the ship had long since failed.

She cursed as she left the probe launch bay, where she was trying to set up a distress beacon, and hastened to return to the bridge she'd left not 10 minutes prior.

She entered seeing a single console active and felt another wave of weapons fire discharge and several of the lights blinking disappeared from the screen; she began frantically typing her command codes to deactivate the weapons system, and after failing multiple times, attempted to reorient the ship away from the pod's line of fire but the con was unresponsive to her.

"Perhaps today IS a good day to die!," she shouted before attempting to instigate a warp core overload.

The core began to show critical, but now torpedoes were firing and where before there were 15 survivors there was a lone pod entering the atmosphere of this unknown planetoid, and suddenly another recoil raced throughout the ship before it blinked out of existence as well.

The warp core suddenly shut down without exploding as she'd planned.

Liva snarled in anger and punched the screen, cracking it in many places…yet it still functioned.

Suddenly a figure appeared on every monitor on the Bridge, and the viewscreen as well.

He was humanoid in appearance, but with a bald head and blue tattoos Liva could not understand the meaning behind, but in perfect Klingon he began to speak.

"I am sorry your crew had to die Commander, but it was necessary to protect the interests of the parties I protect."

"Human scum! You will pay for this with your life!" She ran to the damaged station and began scanning for ships.

"That will be unproductive, and will not reveal anything useful to you," the man said as the station, "your actions are futile. Your systems are under my control."

"This is an act of War against the Klingon Empire Human Scum! We shall rain down fire upon your worlds and the blood of your children shall paint the streets," she threatened as she fought the locks rejecting her command codes.

"I am sorry madam, but your death is necessary as well to complete my mission. I will attempt to make it as painless as I can; for what it is worth, you have fought me honorably and were I a lesser being, your efforts to regain control of your ship may have succeeded," with that the screens went black.

Suddenly the doors to the bridge sealed, and the oxygen to the room was pumped out.

With her dying breath the Commander removed a plasma gun from underneath the console and shot out the view screen plasma relay, which opening a hole into space, and to her mind, rendering the bridge inaccessible as the hole was too small, and the secondary bulkheads ship wide to descend and lock in place.

The plasma fire will reach the weapons store in a few moments, then the ship will be vaporized. Today I die with honor, Liva thought as the last of the oxygen left her brain and the last life form aboard the Bleth'dak died.

The man appeared on screens throughout the ship and information began to scroll rapidly informing him of the status of the ship, before arcs of energy began to race throughout the ship.

The automated fire suppressant systems activated and suddenly a square block of something materialized in several of the critically damaged systems of the ship before seemingly melting into thin air.

Several minutes passed before the man on the screens began to nod in satisfaction, and suddenly the listing Klingon ship began to reorient itself, it's engines flared to life, and the ship jumped into warp leaving behind no evidence, except the scant debris of the mostly vaporized pods, that it had ever been in this system of space.

***To Be Continued***

Well, that's the first look at the Sequel to Humanity's Last Hope.

I hope that this will be a slower story that I can develop more, but to do that I would appreciate all of the feedback you're willing to give dear reader.

I'd also appreciate it if you'd be willing to recommend these stories to a friend for their review and critique.

As always, this is something I do in my spare time, and I can't assure regularly paced updates.

Thank you for reading.

Chapter Date: 06/07/2015