Gosh, it's been so long that I have all but forgotten how to do this. Well, I'm starting this new fic and am not at all sure of when I get to write. But I still love Bechloe and I missed them. I'm trying to update regularly. I hope you like and it's good to be back.
"I want to tell you something, Beca. It's just...it's hard," Jesse said.
Looking into his eyes, she saw his insecurity and tried a smile. "It's okay, whatever it is."
"You know, I've been wanting to tell you for a couple of weeks now. Things have been so crazy even before Copenhagen."
"Don't I know it, but you know...I think I already know what this is about. We haven't been exactly close this last year...for longer really. I don't think there's anyone to blame; these things just happen. And now you're moving to L.A. I'm so proud of you, but..."
"But things have to end," he said.
Beca nodded. She smiled a little sadly at him and he was looking back at her wistfully. "Come here," she said and they hugged. "It's okay."
In truth, it was better than okay. They had dragged their relationship with them through this last year, though her feelings for him had changed so much. They seemed to have matured into a steady friendship, one she wouldn't want to miss. But their love, if that was what they had had in the beginning (and she wasn't sure about this at all), had dwindled quickly. Butterflies had been a rare occurrence to begin with.
They parted and Jesse still had that sad smile on his face.
"You'll be fine," she said. "Good-looking guy like you. California girls will just eat you up."
He laughed a short laugh. "Yeah, I don't think so. I...there's something else we should talk about...before I lose my nerve."
"What? You know you can talk to me about anything, that hasn't changed."
He bit his lip, nervously it seemed to her and avoided her eyes. "We...Don't get me wrong, being with you was great. I love you, Beca, but...well, things...we weren't like I thought we would be. Do you know what I mean?"
She wasn't sure she wanted to talk about this, but it seemed he did, and denying what she knew to be true would only complicate this awkward conversation. She nodded, but didn't say anything.
"You're great, Beca. You're beautiful and smart and...passionate about your music. Just...I didn't feel that you were that passionate about me—"
"Jesse," she interrupted him, but didn't know what else to say. She wasn't looking at him now, either, but at her hands.
"No, it's...I think...it wasn't just you. I held back, too, because...because I...Beca, I'm gay," he finally burst out.
Beca looked up at him with wide eyes. This wasn't what she had thought he would say to her at all. "What?"
"I'm gay."
They looked at each other for a long moment, reliving parts of their relationship that never quite fit together.
"Wow," she said.
Jesse nodded. "It has nothing to do with you. I mean, you were amazing, the best girlfriend in the world. I just..."
"You didn't want a girlfriend," she guessed at what he wanted to say and he nodded again.
"You're not angry with me for not telling you sooner?" he asked sheepishly.
"No, of course not. I...You know, I talked to Cynthia Rose some about all this. I mean, coming out and all that. She says, sometimes a person is not ready and has to work through it. And...to congratulate people who do come out. So, congrats, bud, you're out." She smiled at him.
Jesse laughed. "Yeah, I wish it would be that easy with my parents. They gonna flip."
"You're their only son...but they love you. And they want you to be happy."
Beca hugged Jesse again. She felt surprisingly good about this, but also just a little melancholy. While she was happy for him and relieved about the break-up and how they were handling it, something in the pit of her stomach didn't sit right. She had an inkling what it was, but didn't want to examine it too closely just now.
"I'm glad you're okay with this." He leaned back, but then took her hand. He held it loosely between his own. "You are okay with this, right?"
"Yes, I am. It actually explains a lot where the Trebles have gone these last few months. Suckin' on a Lollipop, really? Were you trying to tell me something?"
They both burst out laughing. Then Jesse cleared his throat a little awkwardly. "Maybe I was trying to tell myself something. I...Please don't think, I've cheated on you or anything. It's not that dramatic, but...well, Derek and I..."
"Derek, huh?" She asked smiling.
Jesse blushed. "We haven't done anything, but...there's been a few moments when we kind of wanted to. We had a long talk last night and...he's going to UCLA next semester to study law and we're gonna see each other again."
"That's great, Jesse. He's gorgeous, all the girls think so."
Jesse chuckled nervously. "Yeah, he is."
He looked up at her.
"Are you happy?"
"Good, I'm happy for you." She squeezed his hand.
"So, what about you? Do you have...something to tell me?" he asked.
Beca felt her heart speed up, but then she shook her head. "You know all my plans already. I'm gonna stay here, that is in Atlanta. And I'm gonna make music."
He looked at her for a long moment, then nodded. "And you're gonna be brilliant."
"That's the plan," she told him.
There was a long pause that maybe only Beca thought was awkward. Jesse seemed to be waiting for something, for her to tell him something. But there wasn't anything to tell. Things were slowly resolving around the Bellas house, everybody was leaving. Emily had already moved in, because there really was no reason for her not to. Amy and Bumper had left for Australia for Bumper to meet Amy's family. Only a few Bellas remained; things were ending.