Alright! New story!

Yes i know i shouldn't start a new story now when i already have ones to work on but... i have writers block on those and the plot bunnies attacked! So it's not my fault!

this is a Reborn! story. there will be characters from other anime/manga in it but they will be OOC and likely badly written...

also any info on anime/manga characters that i put in will come form Wikia!

ok well enough of that...(before i give away the story line) lets move on!


Tsunayoshi Sawada. Or, in his home town, Sawada Tsunayoshi. 5 year old only son of Sawada Iemitsu and Nana. Tuna-fish and Tsu-kun to his parents, one would think that his life was perfectly happy... but with just one look at the scene currently playing out in the park closest to Namimori Elementary you would soon realize just how wrong that statement was.


"Useless Tsuna!'

"Loser Tsuna!"

"How stupid! Even your parents hate you!"

"N-no! They don't! Stop lying!" Tsuna shouted back at the bullies, with tears in his eyes.

"Then where are they, Dame-Tsuna?"

"They forgot about you, Useless Tsuna!"

"Because they don't want you, Loser Tsuna!"

"That's not true!" Tsuna cried as he turned to leave only for one of the bullies to trip him. "Owww!" Tsuna gasped, his hands going to his scraped up knee, wishing that someone, anyone, would save him.

"Fuffuffu... What's this? Are you okay, little boya?" A voice said from in front of Tsuna.

"Holy crap! Run! It's a monster!" The bullies screamed, running away.

"Are you okay, Young master?" The man spoke once they were alone.

"Eh...?" Tsuna slowly looked up, taking in the appearance of the tall man in front of him.

Nice, slightly pointed, black dress shoes rested on the ground right in front of his face. Continuing upwards were a pair of pants with a fiery design, followed by a black dress shirt with a white tie, and on his shoulders rested a large, fluffy, pink feathered jacket.

After registering all that he was seeing, Tsuna snapped his gaze up to meet the sunglasses covered gaze of the impossibly familiar man in front of him.

"But that's... not possible..."

End for now. this is just a quick chapter to see if anyone likes it so please follow and review to tell me what you think!

or if you have any questions...

i need a beta reader please!

ok bye for now!