Hello everyone. I'm back... sort of kind of not really. I'd first like to apologize to all of you for not updating in... I don't even remember how many years now. Life got in the way; I lost motivation, and (on looking at previous chapters during my hiatus), I realized how weak the writing was for this story. I know I can do much better, and I've grown substantially as a writer after all this time, which leads me to my announcement.

I'm not going to be continuing this story from where I left off. If I ever get back to it (which I'm planning to do, especially now that I'm finishing up school), I will be doing a complete overhaul and rewrite of Life Is No Fairy Tale. I know this is disappointing for many of you who have been patiently waiting for the next installment, but I promise you the next version will be so much better. The plot, characterization, and the actual mechanical construction of my prose will be stronger and easier to read/enjoy than this version.

Fair warning, the pairings in the new version will most likely change. I was very young and off the cusp of many unconventional age difference romances (see twilight), so it didn't occur to me at the moment that even if someone got de-aged, the mental maturity of a person substantially changes the dynamic in a relationship.

Lucy will remain as an adult when she gets transported into Harry Potter. Most of the central conflict and obstacles she faces will remain in the reworked fic. The method by which she arrives there, how she gets magic, Alastair's and Avery's interference, and her fate will be unchanged. What is going to change will be the pacing, some events, some dynamics, and eventually (what Lucy and Alastair set out to do) the outcome of the war and the way all of it unfolds.

I'm currently in the outlining phase of another Harry Potter fic that I might smush with this one because it's generally canon compliant with the only difference being that two American siblings are transferred to Hogwarts in the fourth year. I haven't decided yet whether I'm going to meld them. If not, when I post it, I'd love to see you guys check it out and let me know what you think. I know it's a bit bold to ask you guys to devote your time to another fic, especially when I've been so careless with your support in the past, (again so sorry for not updating you all sooner) but It would mean the world to me all the same.

If anyone of you is interested in helping me beta during the rewrite process, that would be a tremendous help. It would speed up my timeline considerably, and the new and improved version could probably be up and running as soon as next month. I had a rewritten first two chapters, but my external hard drive got corrupted and swallowed them whole. I remember them pretty well, so it's not a huge loss, but still, it's going to cause a bit of a delay. So, yeah, with help, I could probably have the first three or four chapters ready for posting by mid to late January. I want to post weekly to make up for my absence and to get back to where we left off in the narrative, so I'd like to have a backlog of chapters before posting again.

When I'm close to posting the revamped version of Life Is No Fairytale and my other untitled potter fic, I'll post another update here.

Thanks so much for your patience and support