Puppies and Promises

By Lady of Spain

Chapter 1: A Freakin' Mess

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

I was so freakin' exhausted, I couldn't even lift my head from my lumpy, old pillow. I'd been running all damn day and night now for seventy-two hours, trying my hardest to get that girl outta my head, for all the good it did. I was surprised I hadn't gotten blisters on my paws. Anyway, I let sleep descend and break me away from the heartache she caused me. It was the middle of the afternoon before my peepers opened, and I was ready to face reality once more ... crap!

I shook my head to clear out the cobwebs, and hung my feet over the side of the bed. Trudging into the bathroom, I stripped off my crud-encrusted shorts and got into the shower stall. It was a wonder how a simple shower could lift your sinking spirits. I felt like a normal human again… well almost human anyway.

I'd just turned off the tap, and grabbed a towel, when Dad banged on the door. "There's a phone call for you, Son. He says it's important."

"Well, who is it?" I asked, rubbing the towel over my wet hair.

Silence …


"It's Edward Cullen."

The towel hit the tiled floor, as I threw it down with all the pent up anger I could muster. Goddammit, why would that filthy bloodsucker be calling me? He already had my reason for living in his king-sized, super-duper, deluxe bed; I had nothing left for him to take.

Retrieving the towel from the floor, I draped it around my waist and huffed in exasperation. I walked out to the kitchen. Dad shrugged, and handed me the phone, placing his fingers in his ears as he retreated to the living room.

Practically shouting into the receiver, I launched an attacked with, "What the hell do you want, leech?

My body was vibrating a mile a minute. I had all I could do to keep it under control, and all the while, Eddie boy was being a sickeningly, polite gentleman. "Never mind the how-are-you sh**. I know you hate my guts, and you know the feeling's mutual. So cut to the chase, huh?

"You want me to whaaaat? Why should I? She got what she wanted, and it wasn't me."

I heard the telephone rattling as it changed hands. "Hey, what's goin' on here?" Jeez, it was the pixie on the line.

"Alice, I hate to insult you, but if you think you can do any better at convincin' me, think again. Look, I don't wanna talk to you either. So hang it up, or put Eddie boy back on, so I can yell at him some more. I'm really in a mood now."

I pulled the phone away from my ear while more rattling sounded. %$### &^^!

Finally …"Welcome back, leech. Listen—don't be puttin' the fortune teller on. She's not gonna soften me up. All she'll do is annoys me, and believe me, I'm pretty damned annoyed already.

"Phft! All right, tick, give me one good reason why I should do that."

My stomach twisted in a knot at his next words, and a loud thud sounded as I slumped back against the drywall. "No freakin' way. Tell me it isn't true …pleeeaaase! How in the holy hell is that even possible? I thought you'd be shooting blanks.

"Wait a minute—hold up. If Carlisle says the little monster will kill her, then why can't he just get rid of it?

"Well, whaddya know … finally, we agree on something.

"Okay, I'll be there, but I'm not doin' this for you, chump. Yeah, bad-bye to you too."

Jeez, could things get any worse? The answer to that stupid question was a big, fat, yes.

# # # # #

Bella shifted her weight on the chaise, and looked up at me with a hopeful glint in her eyes. She still seemed to have that emotional bond with him that she couldn't shake, and I couldn't fathom. "Did he say he would come?"

"Yes, love. He sounded terribly irritated, but I convinced him that it would be in your best interest." In truth, I never wanted that mongrel to step across our threshold, and sully our home. Our sanctuary would be infested with his noxious dog odor, snide remarks, and colorful language. Why couldn't she break with him? She was married to me now.

I sat beside my Bella, and lifted her hand to my lips, kissing each digit, the softness and warmth of it stirring feelings of emotion within my un-beating heart. Our restful repose was cut short by the cacophonous roar of a motorcycle's engine as it sped up the path on the long, circular driveway. The thunderous noise ended abruptly, replaced by the stomp of work boots, clomping along the entrance to our home. Jacob's loud thoughts erupted subsequently, replete with every expletive imaginable. It was obvious that his annoyance hadn't abated one iota.

Opening the door, I gestured to him to step inside. He looked right past me, and spotting Bella, strode to her, brushing me aside. The blissful expression on her face conjured up that old jealousy, and the memory of their kiss at the mountain top began playing in my brain. God—that kiss! Incredibly, I could even sense her heartbeat as it sped up at his approach.

The way he swaggered across the room to her, made me want to rip him to pieces. She was mine, and he had no right to elicit that response from my wife. He looked so confident, so masculine, while I appeared to be a whimpering fool.

As he stood before her, I sidled up to him. God's teeth, the boy had grown another two inches since I saw him last. He now towered over me, and I noticed Bella taking in the magnificent view. If she hadn't begged me to invite him here, I'd gladly toss him out the door, but in actuality, I needed his help to persuade her to save herself from the inevitable. So, I gritted my teeth, and restrained my impulses.

# # # # #

Jeez, what was wrong with this picture? And why did she havta look so damn happy to see me? She was married to the tick, for cryin' out loud.

Her face was lit up like Christmas lights when I walked in. "I'm so glad to see you, Jake. You look great."

"Glad to see you too, but I gotta say, you look like hell."

"Jacob …" the leech warned me. What? I gotta tell the truth. She looks like death warmed over. Isn't that why I'm here, to knock some sense into that stubborn head of hers?

Edward cringed. Served him right for trespassing on my thoughts. Bella patted the air. "S'okay, Edward. Jake's always been brutally honest, and I've seen what I look like in the mirror. It's no secret."

Extending my arms in either direction, I said, "Well, here I am. I know why Eddie wanted this visit, but why do you want me here?"

Bella canted her head, and put on a wan smile that pricked a million holes in my heart. I still had it bad. "I missed you. You're still my best friend."

I was proverbially scratchin' my head. "But you're a married woman now. You don't need me anymore."

"Yes, I do."

"Okay, let's not go there, huh … I can't take it."

"I'm sorry … but I have to know what Edward said to you to get you here."

I tried not to look at her bulging abdomen. "It's like you said. It's no secret; I can see what that … that thing is doing to you.

"Shove over." I squeezed onto the couch with her, and played with her hand. "Bells, as much as I can't stomach your husband, I agree with his concern. Anyone can tell that this will not end well at all. The little monster is gonna be the death of you. You're gonna leave behind—Eddie, Charlie and ME!"

She sat up straighter, clearly angry. "You don't know that!" she sputtered.

I stood up, flapping my arms about. "We're all in agreement here, Bells. You're in denial. Even Carlisle says you'll die giving birth to it!"

With eyes filled with disgust, she accused, "Edward put you up to this, didn't he?"

"Yeah, but this time, he's right. Why are you being so stubborn? No good can come from this. If you die, Eddie will hate that thing, and I'll mourn for you, and hate you for being so stupid."

Pointing to the door, she fumed, "Get out!"

I slapped my thighs, sighing in defeat. "That's what I get for telling the truth …"

Well that went over slicker'n snot.

The bloodsucker followed me out the front door, and with his hands on my shoulders, whipped me around to face him.

"That particular simile doesn't paint a very pretty picture, but you are correct."

I automatically flinched from his touch, shrugging to free me of his grip. "Stop that. You know it drives me crazy when you answer my freakin' thoughts. And get your ice-cold hands off me. You're making my flesh crawl."

Edward let loose of me, and dropped his meat hooks to his sides. The guy looked like he was about to cry … that is, if his tear ducts were functional.

Placing my hands on the top of my head, I walked aroud in a circle. "Jeez, I should've had my head examined letting you talk me into coming here. I knew she wouldn't listen to me. She never had before. Why would she now?"

"I had to try. She trusts you. I guess, now, I'll have to ask for your aid with an alternate plan."

"Great … an alternate plan. See how that goes," I snarked sarcastically."

"Jacob, please … I implore you, hear me out."

"I'm listening. I might regret it, but I'm listening."

"Bella is determined to have a child. So, what if Carlisle and I gave her a chance to have one … not a vampire-hybrid … but a normal, human baby?"

I shook my head. Where was this going? Adoption? "I don't follow."

Edward nervously rubbed his lips, with two fingers, getting up the courage to spout out the most ridiculous scheme to inhabit a brain. "I'm well aware that you're in love with Bella, and you still harbor lust-filled thoughts—thoughts of taking her to your bed. I detest you for it, but I'm sacrificing those feelings to save her life. Jacob … would you be willing to give her a child—your child?"

Was he serious? My mouth dropped open, and I was speechless for a good thirty seconds. Then the words poured outta my mouth in a torrent. "You are outta your ever-lovin', freakin', vampire head, you know that? What do I look like, a sperm bank? No thanks. I'm outta here!"

"No … wait. Think about it, Jacob. I'd rather she have a child with someone she obviously has feelings for. And you truly care for her too. If she wants more children, well then, she can have all the puppies you can supply."

"That's it. You are one certifiable nutcase. She is not having any puppies, okay? Not by me, anyway."

"Oh, come now, you can't deny that you've dreamed of making Bella yours, can you?"

"That's beside the point. She's not mine. She's your wife, and she'd never agree to it.

"And … contrary to what you believe, I do have some principles. Besides, if she came to me of her own free choice, that'd be different. I won't make love to her when you're offering her to me on a silver platter. It just seems so premeditated. I don't find that romantic at all, and neither would Bells."

"Romantic? We're discussing Bella's life here. Are you willing to throw it away?"

"Hey—wait a damn minute there, leech. I'm not the one who got her knocked up."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that fact, and I accept the blame."

"And I refuse the offer. Nice try, but no cigar."

Edward looked as if he was suckin' on a pickle.

"Cheer up, Eddie. You're a creative mastermind. You'll think up something … and without me in the starring role."