Okay, I'm back my lovelies and I missed each and every one of you. I want to apologize again for my leave of absence and let you know that I am back, I'm going to try and update once or twice a week.

I am looking on making a change to the story but I want your opinion on this. So answer whether or not Edward should return to the story or not. I have an idea but I want to see what you lovelies think. This is a short chapter but I hope you enjoy.

Leah was only a few weeks pregnant but she looked almost eight months pregnant. Carlisle feeling Leah's massive tummy and giving a confused expression.

Douglas and Leah clearly had not been known this could happen and had not taken precautions. They had returned to ask Carlisle's advice on what they could do to ensure the safety of the baby. But even Carlisle was confused since no such hybrid has ever existed before.

They got Leah settled and laying down; while Alice made a phone call to an old friend for some advice on dealing what they could possibly expect with the baby. She was calling a vampire-human hybrid who told them Leah should start drinking blood to ensure the baby get the nutrients it needs. So Alice took Bella and Jasper outside into the woods while Carlisle gave Leah a bag of blood to drink.

Every day Bella would travel to the store with Alice and feel such a sense of pride when she left the store with the clerk unharmed. A few times, there were other customers in the store and Bella would struggle a bit but as she focused on seeing them as people and not food, it became easier for her to do each time.

Of course she knew school was going to be much more difficult, she felt herself getting more and more prepared for the day she could go to school. Alice assured her every time that she was going to be amazing when she went to school and Bella believed her.

"Because even if it gets too hard and you need to leave or if something happens, we will be there for you, no matter what," Alice assured Bella after an afternoon of hunting. Bella was once again looking like something from a horror movie and of course Alice was looking perfect as always. That was the most recent change. Bella was now stable enough to hunt with only one of the Cullens being present. Which pretty much just meant she'd lost her newborn strength.

"What do you think the baby will be like?" Bella asked, knowing Alice couldn't clearly see the baby and was asking for her opinion rather than for the future.

"I think that baby has two very stubborn but loving parents; and whatever pops out, will be loved no matter what," Alice laughed, staring at the house, watching Leah lay on the couch, while she and Douglas argued over baby names.

They didn't know what gender the baby was but they were leaning towards the name Jamie Clearwater. It was part of the condition that the baby be named after its mother to be involved with the pack.

Bella and Alice wandered into the woods and sat down but suddenly a scream caught their attention. Bella could hear clearly what was going on.

Leah was in a great deal of pain and Douglas was freaking out of his mind. The baby was coming.

Bella and Alice ran to the house to find Carlisle, Douglas and Jasper surrounding Leah who was just trying to focus on her breathing and not the pain. Her face was red and already glistening with a glimour of sweat.

It took just twenty minutes for Leah to fully dilate and begin pushing. It wasn't long before a baby girl was born; cleaned up and in Leah's arms.

The baby was precious, there was no denying that. She had pale skin but closer to Leah's skin tone, wisps of black hair and sharp blue eyes. Her skin was smooth and hair and she had a full set of brilliant white teeth. She was very much alert and aware of her environment. She grabbed on to Leah's finger and clutched it tightly.

Douglas took Leah in his arms and the rest of the Cullens' and Bella left them alone so they could enjoy the moment together.

"You do realize everything has changed now, don't you?" Bella asked Alice who simply nodded and smiled at Bella.

"Yes, but I think it's changed for the better."

Okay, I am thinking about continuing this story as a sequel so give me your opinion on two questions.

1. Should Edward return?

2. Do you want a sequel or for this story to simply be continued?