Turn Your Head
Hiya, minna! Its been a bit long since I updated this story, (I think…) so I apologize for that. Gomenasai! So, anyways, I have for you, a very brand new chapter of 'Turn Your Head'! I hope you guys enjoy, and as always, please leave a review!
And tell me if I have any spelling/grammatical errors. Have fun with the Nalu, peeps!
Chapter 8- Help!
Lucy bit her lip subconsciously in her sleep. Natsu wondered what she was dreaming about. He hoped it wasn't a nightmare, because that was something that he couldn't save Lucy from. Well, he could shake her awake, but then he wouldn't get to see her sleep any more. Wait, let's reiterate that. He wouldn't be able to see her serene, peaceful sleeping face any more. It calmed him, seeing Lucy so peaceful. Natsu rubbed his eyes tiredly. Right now, it was 5:45 a.m., and he was very cranky, which even Lucy couldn't help with.
Natsu had woken up to a very furry morning, with Happy's fur pressing into his face. He had bolted upright, pushing the blanket halfway off Lucy's body, and remembered where he was. Lucy's apartment, Lucy's room, Lucy's bed. He blushed slightly, and rubbed his eyes, ridding himself of sleep. Natsu stood up and carefully laid the blanket back to its original position, just without his body. He placed Happy next to Lucy in his place and stroked Lucy's hair softly. His eyes caught the sight of her hair sprawled out messily and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her golden hair gleamed in the morning sun, and Natsu couldn't tear his eyes away from the beautiful sight. He shook his head and scolded himself.
The Ice Freak's stupid pervert tendencies are rubbing off on me! I swear, when I get to the guild, imma bash 'im up! Oh wait, I used a big word! Lucy's gonna be so proud of me when I tell her I used 'tendencies'. She'll have to treat me to fire chicken.
He grinned wolfishly at the thought of eating fire chicken. Drool already formed at his mouth and he imagined the spicy delicacy. Natsu made to wake Lucy, but she had already sat up. She groaned as the sunlight streamed into her eyes, stunning her momentarily. She still didn't move her right arm that much, scared that it would hurt if she strained it.
Natsu noticed that sadly, and thought back to last night. He had stormed off angrily because he couldn't go on a job with Lucy. That reminded him of the requester. The poor woman probably was waiting anxiously for a mage's arrival. He gritted his teeth. He couldn't allow an innocent to get hurt because he failed to recruit another person. That would be stupid. On the other hand, this day was another chance to hang out with Lucy. No, he would go on the job. It wasn't like him to leave people hanging.
Natsu whispered to the Celestial mage, "I have to go really quickly, I'll be back as soon as possible." Lucy just stared at him through sleepy eyes, not really processing his words. He grabbed Happy who lurched awake, and leapt out the window.
"At least go out the door like a normal person!" Lucy yelled after him, fully awake.
"Doors are for people with no imagination!" He shouted back. Lucy smiled. She closed the window and locked it for good measure, so that Natsu couldn't come in through it. Her small smile disappeared and instead she wore a frown on her face. Why did Natsu leave in such a hurry? It was really out of character of him to wake up that early and go somewhere. He wasn't… visiting anyone, was he? For some reason, imagining him visiting someone left a pang of envy in her chest. When she envisioned a girl, the envy grew to jealousy. She was startled by this inner outburst. What reason did she have to feel jealous? Lucy had no claim over him. She was only a nakama, partner in crime (jobs) and his friend.
Friend. That word kept on nagging her continuously. She snapped at her mind to stop it, but it persisted and she caved.
What did she want her relationship with Natsu to be? Did she… want to take another step with him?
Lucy imagined her and Natsu holding hands, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. A light blush rose up in his face and she giggled. She let go of his hand and skipped ahead.
"Hey! Wait for me!" He complained. Lucy didn't stop and instead started to run. He determinedly sped up and caught up to her.
"Mou, I can never run faster than you!" Lucy pouted adorably.
"Well, I'll never let you out of my sight. You're too precious to lose, after all." He replied. Now it was her turn to blush, red colouring her cheeks. Natsu smiled cheekily. She hit him playfully in the shoulder, which he grinned even wider at. He pushed her lightly, making her stumble a bit. A few people passing by had a small smile at their antics. She looked away from them, embarrassed at being-
She was shaken out of her fantasy by her alarm clock which was set at 7:30 a.m. She shrugged off her covers and got out of bed. She began to get ready.
Lucy arrived at the guild hall at 8:45 a.m. and had a strawberry milkshake. She was just idly sitting around at the bar, when Erza sidled up to her.
"Hey Lucy, do you want to go on a job?" Erza asked casually. Lucy nodded furiously. She desperately needed jewels to pay her rent, as usual. Erza smirked, expecting this to be her reaction.
"Well, I'll go get Gray while you pick out a job." Erza commanded. Lucy made a beeline to the request board, not wanting to step out of line. She shuddered to think of what'll happen to Gray if he refuses. Lucy reached for a simple job which had enough money for her rent and enough for Erza and Gray. She went on her tiptoes but still couldn't reach it. She went to get a stool which would enable her to get the poster.
Erza strutted over to Gray and smacked him over the head, hard. He rubbed the sore place and lifted his head to glare at the person who did it. He yelped when he saw Erza and immediately disposed of his glare. Even he wasn't foolish enough to wear that expression while facing Erza. He looked up at her resentfully, and asked, "What?" That guild members cringed in pity at his tone. Erza raised her hand again. She slapped him on the back, not holding back. He yelled in pain.
"How insolent. I alert you that I want to talk to you, and you just say, 'What?'?" She humphed in annoyance. Gray bit back an insult, fearing for his life. She stared at him triumphantly. "We are going on a job. Now." With that, she grabbed him by the ear and pulled him to the bar where Lucy would meet them. Gray was shouting "OW!" "LET GO!" "SHE'S A MONSTER!" Of course, the last one was in his head, otherwise said 'monster would bash him to a pulp.
Lucy dragged the chair over and stood up on it, wobbling precariously. She blushed when she felt a pair of tell-tale cold hands snake around her waist, which helped her get her balance. Gray smirked mischievously. Juvia ground her teeth in anger when she saw the position they were in.
"Juvia won't let love-rival steal her Gray-sama!" She muttered under her breath darkly. The few people who heard that sweat-dropped, Gray was never hers in the first place.
Lucy had grabbed the poster and Gray let go. An extremely faint blush dusted his cheeks, while Lucy's was aflame with embarrassment. She cleared her throat, smoothing out her skirt. She placed the chair to its original position and walked over to Erza and Gray who was already back there before her. She handed the leaflet over to Erza who examined it closely.
"So it's in the town of Airi, huh. Its six hours by train to there. Good thing Natsu isn't here or else I'd have to knock him out." Erza said, flexing her arm. It almost looked like she enjoyed knocking Natsu out.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go tell Mira and then go!" Gray said. Lucy nodded and Erza walked over to the said barmaid. She recorded the job, date and people taking them. Mira smiled and waved at them. They waved back and raced outside, 'All fired up' as Natsu would say.
Sorry guys, I know that was a filler, a boring chapter. But still, there was a bit of Nalu! That counts for something, right? No? Whatever. Anyways, IsolatedWilderness, out! P.S. Please leave a review.