Note: Barely edited. So, could you excuse the mistakes for a while? Thanks! Please enjoy!

"We think the wrong is right. Even if we do know it is wrong, we still do it... for the sake of our love."

I sat at the corner of my bed, still crying my eyes out. My mom was sitting next to me, still rubbing my back in a comforting way. My father was quietly watching the two of us, sitting at my computer chair. No one spoke between the three of us but I was the only one sobbing and whimpering. All of a sudden, my mom hugged me and I tucked my head under her chin. I used to do that whenever I was a kid, when I was crying because of a really sad thing.

The last time I did this was when I lost myself and my soul when I had learned that I got in an accident and that I had amnesia.

Both of my mom and dad were here but...

I let out another sob as I wiped my cheek in a futile attempt with an already wet tissue.

... But I felt so alone, so fragile, and so broken.

The worst feelings rushed to me in one moment. What did I do to get this? All I wanted was for Gray to be my friend. Today, I just wanted him to know about my feelings for him. Should I have told him? He'd surely reject me and that would hurt more than I was feeling right now.

I highly doubt I could take any more pain.

Because honestly, I think I had left my broken heart at the park and my shattered soul had begun to leave my body.

"Stop crying now, dear."

"But mom..." I whimpered weakly. I closed my eyes as I placed a hand over my chest. I whispered, "It hurts..."

"I know it does, sweetie. People in love will experience this, once or twice or several times. You are a delicate lady and this is the first time you fell for someone so it really will hurt."

"Mom, do you think moving on is the best thing?" I asked her, my hand falling back to my side. Slowly pulling away from our embrace, my eyes found hers staring at mine intensely.

"Oh, Lucy," she whispered as she shook her head in a sad manner. "Time will help you, and in the right time, you'll be able to forget those feelings." Time can try to help but I don't think I can simply forget about my feelings for my first love. As if sensing what I was thinking about, she added as she patted my head once, "First love never goes away, true, but Lucy, remember this: if you keep trying to live your life while one-sidedly loving someone, you will do nothing but ruin yourself."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I asked louder than what I had planned to. I saw my parents' concerned looks. I looked away, biting my lower lip. "Am I just supposed to sit here and wait so I can forget about him? Should I live with anguish in my heart?"

No one really understands me.

"Mom, I can't do that."

"Lucy?" My mom asked. I could see the confusion in her eyes. Another tear fell from my eye as I lowered my head sadly.

"I can't just forget about my feelings and the two years we spent," I told her. My father sighed but my mother smiled. I didn't get it but I just didn't pay attention to it. Not minding it at the time would be the best. I smiled a little as I said, "I can't... I can't forget him."

"Lucy, you don't need to forget him. I know you won't be able to forget about Gray but you have to let go of your feelings at the right time," my dad finally spoke up, walking to us. He sat next to me and I leaned on his shoulders. The last time I did this was also ten months ago.

What right time? On my death bed?

"Sweetie," my mom whispered as she wiped my tears with a tissue. "You can let go of your feelings a decade later and it will only hurt you more if you force yourself to move on. But, Lucy, you have to let go."

I already let go... through the most painful way.

Somehow, my tears stopped flowing. I was thankful that I wasn't crying anymore but if I can't cry any more, is my love for Gray that shallow? Was it just a crush? An infatuation? No. I'm sure what I'm feeling is true. I'm sure I love him. But he doesn't.

"Mom, Dad, can I - can I go to that place you were talking about?"

My parents looked at each other, sending each other a message through their eyes.

Ten months ago... my parents and my friends were saying that there was a place that I could go if I wanted to remember that special person. I never wanted to go to that place, but now I want to. I'll try to remember that person.

"All right, Lucy. After lunch, we'll go out, okay?" My dad asked. I only nodded.

"Can I... can I go back to the park? I want to be alone for the meantime," I told them as I took a tissue and wiped my eyes and my cheeks.

"Sure, dear, go ahead," my mom answered me with a smile. I don't know if Gray's still there or not, but I really wanted to go there *for the last time*. I stood up and looked at the mirror. My eyes were okay, my cheeks and nose were fine too. I turned and gave my parents a smile.

He was still here.

"Hey," I said in a low voice as I sat next to him. He turned to me, his eyes wide with surprise. I asked him, "What are you still doing here?"

"What about you? I thought you already went home," he answered me.

I shrugged, pretending as if I didn't cry earlier. But I was still emotional about the whole thing. It was a good thing my voice wasn't shaking and I wasn't wavering. 'This will be your last. Cherish it,' I thought to myself. As much as I didn't want to, I had to. Like what will happen to my feelings, Gray has to leave my life and I have to let go of him and eventually forget everything. I don't know if I can, but I believe my mom and dad. I hope that with time, I'll be able to forget these two years.

"Yeah, but it's okay now. It wasn't that important anyway," was my reply to him. I hope he doesn't thinks suspiciously of it. He faced me, looking at my eyes directly. With the serious and intense gaze he was giving me, I suddenly felt shy and insecure... deprived of my happiness.

During our two years, he held a piece of my heart and my happiness. Just tonight, he took that, more than I had willingly gave him.

I was devoted him to more than I thought I was.

"You sure it's not important?" He asked, leaning a bit closer to my face. I pulled my head back a little, maintaining a small distance between us. "Your eyes are red. I can tell you cried."

Dang it.

"I-I didn't cry," I tried to defend myself. However, we both knew he was right and there was really no need to defend myself.

He suddenly sighed as he closed his eyes. Then he leaned closer. I wasn't able to move. He placed his forehead on top of mine then he opened his eyes, staring at mine.

"Wait, G-Gray, you have a g-girlfriend," I stuttered with uneasiness creeping in my stomach. I was extremely uncomfortable with our position. My conscience wouldn't be able to eat it if I were labeled as a cheating woman. And heck, he was proposing to his girlfriend already.

What would I do if Juvia happened to pass by today?

"I don't have one," he whispered. Darn it, this was making me crazy.

"Wh-What? Uhm...what about Juvia?"

"I broke up with her... seven years ago." He closed his eyes again. I wanted to pull back but I couldn't. This is crazy. He told me they've been together for two years and now he's saying the broke up seven years ago? Damn. I must be out of my mind .

He suddenly chuckled, his eyes still closed. "You don't remember me, do you?"

What was he saying? I wanted to ask him. Why would I forget him when I think to him every day? What was there for me to remember? I had questions in mind that really needed answers from him. But my throat felt dry and I couldn't move my lips or my tongue. What about my questions? Will they remain unanswered? As every second passed, the more I grew uncomfortable and tense.

Finally, he opened his eyes, staring at my own again.

Then, he dropped his forehead to my right shoulder. I flinched a little but didn't make a move or say something.

"You cute dork, we... we've been together for four years."

Tantrum Zone: You didn't expect that, did you? I just love how this story seems so much of a fanfiction, yet it's a true story. Ya liked it?

FOLLOW! Don't you wanna know how this ends?

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- Annie