A/N: SORRY THIS IS LATE! Couldn't sentence properly.
The Last Chapter! Basically all fluff. Thank you so much for all your support/encouragement/threats throughout this little beast of a story. If anything didn't make sense, rest assured, it is because I have no idea what I'm doing.
"What are you doing?" Loki cried out, horrified. "Get away from me!"
Thor was standing, stunned, with one muscular arm held out from his body, and the other holding his cell phone. "Loki-"
"Oh, no, brother. You do not just waltz up and begin molesting me-"
Thor's mouth dropped open. "Molesting? I did no such thing! I was merely arranging to have a selfie taken with you!"
"Arranging-" Loki blinked. "Selfie?"
The blonde god rolled his eyes. "Yes, a selfie. No pain is involved. The only pain involved, according to your Lady, is the shame of performing an obligatory 'duck-face'." He frowned a little at that. "I am still unsure of what a duck-face actually involves-"
Ignoring the antics of the two gods on the other side of the roof top courtyard, Loki's lady, along with Jane and Pepper, were enjoying the mid-afternoon sunlight. Along with their friends Mojito and Margarita.
After the events of the previous few weeks, Tony had moved himself and Pepper into the penthouse of a luxury five-star hotel in the city. Tony had wanted to take them all on vacation, but Fury demanded that Loki stay within the city limits, much to the billionaire's disgruntlement. Normally, such a command would have had him responding with a one fingered salute, but in deference to Loki's very precarious position on Earth, he forwent his usual response.
Which made Loki feel both warm and rather uncomfortable.
To hide the fact that he was having 'feels', as Darcy described them with a cheeky smirk, Loki used his not inconsiderable powers to help begin to rebuild Stark Tower and to clear the damaged sites of debris. He also allowed himself to be used by SHIELD, something revealed only to the very, very top brass, and the Black Widow, under pain of- something extremely painful he was sure, to carefully probe the mind of Greene-Taylor and find out exactly how Thanos found him.
And if the Mad Titan planned a repeat attack.
It seemed that the former CEO of Greene Software had been slipping further from reality for longer than people had realised. His stepfather had suspected something, but had been killed by an apparent brain aneurism before his suspicions could become something more substantial. Jarvis had hacked Simon Greene's private files after Greene-Taylor's near admission to Tony.
Things went from mad to Stark Raving when Thanos had decided to pay Tony back for destroying his army, and found Greene-Taylor mentally broadcasting his obsession with the billionaire. The touch of homocidal tendencies helped boost the signal.
The seed was planted, and the man was very happy for the Thanos power-up.
What Loki was relieved to learn though, was that the Mad Titan had a less 'hands on' approach to this incident than he did with his own ill-fated foray into Midgard. Thanos' attention was elsewhere, for now.
Loki dropped into the canvas beach chair next to Darcy's and promptly pulled her into his lap. With only an obligatory indignant 'hey!' Darcy settled across the hard planes of his chest, resting a hand at the 'v' of his charcoal coloured t-shirt, index finger teasing across his skin.
He tried not to purr like a cat, but an approaching Tony noticed his expression anyway.
"Oh my, Rock of Ages," he gasped dramatically, "is that domestication I smell?"
"Never," Loki replied lazily. "You must be mistaking it with the fragrance of satiation." Darcy snorted into his chest as he turned a shit-eating grin on the other man.
"Oh, good grief," Jane protested. "We really didn't need to know-"
Darcy raised her head. "Pah-leeze, Jane. Like you're so pure." She rolled her eyes in the scientist's direction. "I shared a wall with you in London. You and the Love-Chunk over here."
Jane's mouth dropped open as Thor's face began to look a lot like Loki's. "But- but you said you couldn't hear anything!" She sputtered.
"My old Nine Inch Nails collection came in handy."
Thor looked even more smug, if possible.
"Well," Tony interrupted sarcastically, "as much as I love to talk about other people's sex lives, I have some news." He dropped onto a low table next to Loki and Darcy and gave the former villain a glare through one eye, leaning his elbow on his knee.
Loki pulled back from the billionaire suspiciously. Tony kept staring in a Nick Fury-type fashion. The god tightened his grip on Darcy and raised a eyebrow. "Lady Pepper, I believe your man's brain needs, how do you say it- rebooting?"
Ignoring the snickers from both Darcy and Pepper, Tony dropped his voice and growled, "I want to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."
Loki's eyes widened. "What? No. Oh, no, no-" He thrust a finger in Tony's face. "Don't even-"
"Oh, yes, yes, Mister Edward Lewis, formally Cullen. You are officially a consultant for SHIELD. Not under your real name of course-"
"No. Just stop-"
"It'll be great!" Tony crowed, blithely ignoring Loki's protests. "The Terrible Trio, working together for the betterment of man, woman and immortal alien-kind-"
"The Terrible- Stark, you cannot be seriously-"
"Sticking it to the man! Looking out for the little people-"
"What man?!" Loki was completely off kilter. Finally, he rubbed a tired hand over his face. "Stark, your tongue is in dire need of removing. And you are not helping," he snarled half-heartedly at Darcy.
The three women were in hysterics at the exchange. "I- I'm s- sor- sorry," Darcy gasped between giggles.
"You are not," he sniffed.
"Your face!" She squealed before collapsing into laughter again.
"I get no respect around here," Loki sighed. Thor thumped him on the back in consolation.
"Best get used to it, brother." The blonde god threw a somewhat disgruntled look at Tony. "At least you can keep up with Stark's jibes."
Loki grunted in agreement. Then he turned a sly look on Tony. "Although, we do outnumber him now, brother."
Tony froze as Thor nodded solemnly. "That is true. And we always have worked well as a team-"
The billionaire's mouth dropped open, clearly about to protest at this inevitable persecution from the two brothers, when Pepper motioned at him with a Mint Julep she had just made. "Just- no, Tony." He began to pout with all the grace of a three year old as he took a sip. Then he brightened up.
"Can we carpool?"
Darcy clung to Loki a little more than necessary for the trip back to her apartment. Well, she thought it was to her apartment.
"Where are we?"
Loki looked around with a proud smile. "Your dwelling, of course."
"What?" She swung around. The place was ENORMOUS. The high roof arched over their heads and a soft light filtered in through the arches. It reminded her a little of Valhalla, to be honest. "Hold the phone-" She spotted a door. Normal enough looking. She stepped through.
Yes, this was her apartment door. It's got the number and everything.
"Huh," she said. Darcy walked back inside and closed the door behind her. Crossing her arms, she glared at the God of Mischief. "Have you been redecorating, babe?"
Loki nodded regally.
"Right," she said, trying not to smile. "You know what this means."
He strode closer, running his fingers gently up her arms, to stop on her shoulders. "What does it mean, love?"
Darcy was practically vibrating with excitement at that point. "It's bigger on the inside!"
"I realise that."
"In the what? I assure you, this is still your dwelling-"
Loki had lost track of what Darcy was talking about several exchanges back, so he decided to communicate in a language they both spoke. Raising one hand to cup her chin, he dropped his mouth onto hers. She stood stunned for a moment, like she almost always did, as if she couldn't quite believe what he was doing, then she threw her arms around his neck and proceeded to kiss him back. His lips relaxed with a soft sigh and Darcy's tongue slipped past his teeth to stroke his own. Lifting her easily in his arms, she wrapped her legs around his narrow waist as his hands dropped to her ass, holding her firmly as he backed her into a table. Thus propped, Loki's hands were free to roam.
"Oh," Darcy moaned, "Oh, wait. Ah-"
"What?" He gasped back. One of his hands slipped under her t-shirt.
She threw back her head and made a sound he was sure she had never made before. He was so proud. "Loki, I want t- to know someth- ah!"
He was determined to leave a mark on the delicious skin between her neck and shoulder before it healed too damn quickly.
"Thor!" She cried out.
Loki pulled back, indignant. "Way to kill the mood, dude," he quipped at her.
"Sorry," she said, panting. "Give me a sec." Visibly gathering her thoughts, she tried again. "Does Thor know. About what's really happened to Odin?"
Ice green eyes met bright blue. Loki looked away first. "No. Not yet."
"Loki," his Darcy, his Sigyn, said softly. "It's okay." He searched her eyes again. "'Not yet', you said. Not yet. You plan to, and I'll be there when you do. No matter what." She kissed him gently.
He was staring at her in that weird way again. "What?" she shifted uncomfortably in his arms.
"You're spectacular," he whispered, his face lighting up.
She felt a blush rising in her cheeks. What is it about this man - this God - that makes her want to explode with embarrassment every time he complimented her? "Stop it," she mumbled.
He shifted so his mouth brushed her ear. "It's true," he breathed, making her shiver.
"'S not," she argued.
"It is, and I'll prove it," he growled, tightening his grip on her splayed thighs.
"I have an idea!"
That caught his attention. "Really, now?"
"Uh, huh!" She pushed him away and dropped off the table.
"Can't this wait, love?"
"Your fault, babe," she threw back over her shoulder as she pulled open a kitchen draw. "Where is it-" she muttered. "Ah, ha!" She brandished a small card above her head. Plucking it from her fingers, he gave her a suspicious glare before reading a familiar script. Ah, the card he left with her bouquet of flowers after their, one of their, misunderstandings.
"So," Darcy looked up at him, all big eyes and heaving chest. "Is that even physically possible?"
"Hmm," Loki pretended to consider, tapping the card against his chin while considering the love of his life. And her cleavage. "I believe it is. But only after practice." He hoisted her up onto the the table again and gave her a hard and fast kiss. "Lots of practice."
"I love practice," Darcy moaned happily.