"You should tell her, son." Lawrence pointed out. Linda shook her head. "You're still a teenager, besides, you're not leaving for four months; how long do you plan on seeing her?"

Ferb looked at his father, then his mother. "I need to tell her, but I don't know how. I never got the chance to tell her why I suddenly left after our date." Lawrence rested a fatherly hand on his son's shoulder. "Just tell her, and do so before things become serious." Ferb nodded sadly. "Do you think I should tell her tonight?"

Linda checked her watch. "It's not too late, you can see if she's available. Just don't tell her when you're out on a date." Ferb rolled his eyes and nodded. "I know that much." He stood up and went to the front door, pulled out his phone, and sent a text. The return message came back a few moments later. "I'm going out, I'll be back later." Ferb announced to his parents, then left.

Ferb walked through Danville Park and turned onto the street where Adyson lived. He looked up and saw her sitting on her front step. Adyson stood up and went up to him. "Hey." She said. Ferb nodded. "Evening."

Adyson was going to say something when Ferb pulled her into a warm embrace. "I'm starting to really like you and I want to be honest with you." He blurted out. Adyson hugged him back. "I know I like you and I want to be your girlfriend."

Ferb sighed as he pushed her to arms' length and looked into her green eyes. "I'm leaving at the end of summer. I'm enrolled in 'Semester at Sea'." He told her. Adyson studied him a moment. "What's 'Semester at Sea'?" She asked and he replied, "I'll be studying on a sailing ship. My first term we'll be sailing to Australia.

"Your parents are just letting you leave?" Adyson inquired and Ferb nodded. "When do you leave?" She whispered. Ferb moved a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I leave the last weekend of August. I understand if you'd rather-" He was cut off as Adyson thoroughly kissed him.

Ferb quietly closed the front door behind himself and started toward the steps. "I wasn't expecting you home so soon." His father remarked from behind his paper. Ferb startled. Lawrence chuckled and folded his paper. "I received a call, not too long ago, from Mister Sweetwater. He was asking about the semester at sea program. Apparently Adyson told him about it, and she is interested. I hope this has nothing to do with you, son."

Ferb blinked. "I told her I was enrolled and leave at the end of August; but never suggested that she enroll." Lawrence nodded. "I see." Ferb stood still as his father studied him and was relieved when he was told he could head upstairs.

Adyson made up her mind to date Ferb; even though he was leaving at the end of August.

"There was no room left on the ship." Adyson told Ferb, one day over lunch. With a sigh, Ferb nodded. "There's not very many spots to begin with." He said and Adyson smiled. "I've been accepted for the next term. Though we might not be on the same boat." Ferb chuckled. "We'll see what happens."

Phineas sat beside them. "Hey guys. School's almost out and you two have that Grade Seven camping trip, don't you?" Both Adyson and Ferb nodded. "Yep, we're both going and it'll be fun." Adyson chimed, once she finished her lunch.

Phineas nodded and finished his lunch. "I'm really glad things worked out for you guys." Ferb quirked an eyebrow and Adyson cocked her head to the side. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Phineas chuckled. "I never thought I'd see Ferb happy." He chuckled a bit more as he shook his head. "I'll see you guys after school." Ferb nodded and Adyson smiled. "Sure thing."

"Let's see, I've got my sleeping bag, jammies and a change of clothes." Adyson muttered to herself as she packed her bag. "I can't forget my toothbrush, that would be disgusting." She finished.

"You've got to wake up early Adyson, you'd better start thinking about getting some sleep." Mrs. Sweetwater called up the stairs. "I know Mom. I'm just making sure I've got everything for the trip."

Adyson's phone chirped with an incoming text. She grabbed the device and smiled as she read the message; she then sent her return message. "This weekend is going to be so fun!" She said aloud to her room.

In the morning, Adyson's mother dropped her off at the school and watched as she rushed off to her friends; but not before a quick "Goodbye, thank you and I'll see you Sunday."

Ferb walked to the school, alone; his pack on his back. He saw the rest of his classmates gathered about and wished he had stayed in bed. "Get o'er 'ere!" Buford called out and waved Ferb over. Ferb sighed and went to see his friend.

"Morning Buford." Ferb greeted as he took his pack off. Adyson came over and hugged him. "You made it." She said as she kissed him. Ferb quickly kissed her back and offered her a small smile.

Everyone got off the bus and made the short hike to the campsite. Ferb found a spot between a couple of trees and pitched his tent. He then went to lend a hand to Buford, who had somehow gotten half the tent upside down and twisted.

"Why didn't you say the tent smelled like rotten cheese?" One girl complained. Adyson slipped into Fireside Girl mode and looked the tent over. "Did you put this thing away while it was still wet?" She inquired and the girl, who's tent it was, nodded. Adyson shook her head. "We can't sleep here. It's a health hazard." She then turned to the girl. "You should have said something, I could have gotten my hands on a large tent."

One of the teachers came over. "What seems to be the problem?" Adyson explained that the tent couldn't be used due to mold. "You'll have to see if you can share tent space with other students then.

Adyson kicked the ground. "I'd rather sleep outside." She cursed. Ferb came up behind her. "You can take my tent, I'll sleep outside." Adyson turned around, "We could share the tent… as long as we stay out of trouble." She blushed. Ferb nodded and smiled, then picked up her pack.

The teacher spent the next hour trying to find space for the four girls in other tents and found room for three of them. "I'm sorry, I could only find room for three of you." He said. Adyson grinned. "That's okay, I've got a space." The teacher looked at her and Adyson took a breath. "I swear, nothing's going to happen." She paused. "Ferb said I could sleep in his tent with him." The teacher studied her for a moment then shrugged. "What would your parents say?" Adyson shrugged. "I don't know, but I swear… we'll do nothing but actually sleep."

The teacher shook her head as she walked away muttering about how she really should contact their parents.

Sometime, in the middle of the night, Adyson heard a noise. She reached for her light, turned it on and noticed that Ferb was still sleeping. "Ferb?" She whispered, "Wake up."

Ferb stirred and opened an eye, raising an eyebrow at his tent mate. Adyson glanced about, "I heard something." Ferb nodded and slipped out of his sleeping bag, then out of the tent.

Ferb caught the culprit, and held them tight."I give! I give!" Buford hollered and woke up the rest of the camp, bringing the teachers out. "What is the meaning of this?" One of the teachers looked about as other students came out of their tents.

"I'm just havin' me a bit 'a fun." Buford tried. Ferb sat staring into the dying embers of the campfire, wishing he were anywhere but here. Adyson was being consoled by Ginger and Katie.

"You're really lucky that the teachers agreed to let you stay in Ferb's tent." Ginger commented, then Katie voiced her opinion, "They could have sent one of you home for even making the suggestion." Ginger frowned at her friend. Adyson nodded, "Ferb said that he'd let me take the tent and he would sleep outside. I'm the one who swore to the teachers that nothing would happen between us… and I'm telling the truth when I say nothing happened." She then shook her head in anger. "Who puts a tent away while it's still wet?! How stupid can someone be?"

Katie shrugged, "Maybe no one told them. I didn't know before I joined the Fireside Girls."

The bus pulled up infront of the school and everyone stumbled off. One of the teachers came up to Ferb and Adyson. "Thank you for being responsible in the face of temptation." Adyson blushed and Ferb shrugged.

Adyson spied her mother and grabbed her pack. "Hey Ferb, I'll see you this afternoon?" He smiled in response as he grabbed his pack and headed home. "Ferb." He turned and raised an eyebrow as he saw his father. He then walked to the car. "How was your trip son?" Lawrence asked.

Ferb nodded. "I shared my tent with Adyson." He said as he put his gear in the car.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Can you repeat yourself?" Lawrence inquired and Ferb blinked, then took a breath. "I shared a tent with Adyson. The tent one of the other girls brought was full of mold. The teachers found space for three of the girls and I volunteered my tent to Adyson. She's the one who suggested that we share it, as long as nothing happened between us." Ferb looked at his father and was quick to finish, "Nothing happened."

Lawrence had no sooner gotten out of the car with Ferb, than the phone rang… Linda answered.

"I see." Linda said. "Thank you. We'll see you shortly." Linda hung up the phone and turned to her step-son. "That was Adyson's mother on the phone. She said that you and Adyson were sleeping together." Ferb's jaw dropped and he shook his head. "Not like that. We shared a tent. The girls' tent was full of mold and…" Ferb pulled his hair. "I give up. It's not like anyone ever listens to me."

Adyson and Ferb were sitting in the Sweetwater living room; their parents were talking in the kitchen.

"I'm never going to be allowed to see you again." Adyson gasped as she turned to face her boyfriend. "It's my fault. I'll take the blame." He said as he placed a hand on her cheek.

"Adyson, Ferb…" Mrs. Sweetwater called, as she came into the living room. "Mom." Adyson replied, quietly. The four parents studied their children, Linda spoke next. "We really want to believe that nothing happened between the two of you, however, we feel that for the next three weeks you shouldn't see each other."

Ferb took a breath and held it as he digested his fate. "That's not fair!" Adyson exploded. "Ferb's leaving in two months and you're forbidding us seeing each other for almost half that time?"

"I'm sorry dear." Adyson's mother started before Adyson interrupted her. "No you're not! You want me to be miserable! You don't care! He's leaving at the end of August and won't be home until…" She trailed off and looked toward Ferb. "Just before Christmas." He supplied. Adyson looked back to her mother. "The end of December!"

Summer started and Ferb sat under the oak tree in the back yard. "Did you really share your sleeping bag with her?" Phineas cautiously asked. The tall teen glared at his step-brother, then shook his head.

The gate opened up and Isabella walked through, closely followed by Adyson. Phineas grinned, before Isabella could say anything and Ferb's eyes went wide. "Hey Phineas, whatcha' doin'?" Isabella sang as she gave the red-head a hug. Adyson smiled and sat beside Ferb.

"I overheard part of a conversation my parents had with yours, this morning." The brunette said. Ferb's eyebrow raised. Adyson continued, "We can see each other this summer, until you have to leave." She then leaned over and kissed him.

The End

AN: Thank you for reading.