I sat on a metal chair behind a window. On the other side of the glass, the Avengers were seated around a large, silver conference table. Everyone seemed on edge. Natasha sat rigid-back, scanning the room carefully with her eyes. Clint had a deep scowl etched on his face. Even Tony seemed more serious than usual.

I could see them clearly, though they couldn't see me. The window was double sided. The Avengers had no idea I was watching them - Fury's idea. It had been a few hours since our talk. Fury had decided that I needed to be introduced to them, since they had been stalking me the weeks before. The only way to get them to trust me would be to change their past judgements.

After a few tense moments of waiting, Fury strode into the Avengers' conference room.

"Percy Jackson has decided to cooperate." The Avengers traded glances with each other.

"I believe his motives are innocent enough, and there will be no reason to convict him of any crimes." At this, everyone except Natasha started in surprise.

"What do you mean his motives are- " Captain America put his fingers in air quotes, "'innocent enough'?"

Fury scowled and rumbled, "I mean exactly that. I don't believe he intends to harm SHIELD or Earth. Therefore, I see no reason to imprison him."

"Well he might not want to hurt us, but his freaky friends might!" Tony Stark said as he waved his hands around in the air. My blood started to boil. If he only knew what we'd done for the world. If only.

Fury glanced subtly at me. I knew he couldn't see me, so I just took a deep breath and tried to sit still.

"Stark. Take a seat and quit acting like a child." Fury said coldly. Stark glared at Fury and opened his mouth to say something, but Hawkeye pushed him back.

"He has a justified point, Fury. Tony and the rest of us just want to know how we can trust this kid? He got past the lie detector machine. We can't trust him." Hawkeye said tersely. I tried not to let that get under my skin. If the roles were reversed, I would say the same thing probably. I just prayed that this wouldn't get in the way of me joining their team. The fact that they already hated me just made my mission significantly harder.

"Are you questioning my judgment, Barton?" Fury raised his eyebrows at the guy, daring him to answer. Hawkeye - Barton - whatever - raised his hands placatingly.

"I'm just saying - " Hawkeye started, but Fury cut him off.

"I believe Perseus Jackson could be an asset to this team. He warned me of an incoming threat - a threat that his world and our world need to work together to defeat. You will treat him with respect." Fury said shortly. The Avengers started to raise their voices in confusion and protest.

"Am I clear?!" Fury asked after a few tense seconds. Grudgingly they nodded. Fury turned around and nodded at me to come in.

I gulped nervously, and flattened down my hair.

Here goes nothing, I thought. The walk towards the door felt like a funeral march. If I screwed this first meeting up, I could blow the whole plan to shambles. I tried to repress that thought as I turned the door knob.

As I pulled the door open, I was greeted by looks of pure confusion and distrust.

Great start Jackson, I thought to myself nervously. Absently, I fingered riptide in my pocket.

"Meet Percy Jackson." Fury told the Avengers as he waved a hand towards me.

"Um… hi." I said awkwardly as I gave them a noncommittal wave.

Come on Jackson. You have to do better than that, I chided myself for being so awkward. The Avengers surveyed me, and I had the odd feeling that I was being x-rayed.

"Thor Odinson. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Perseus." Thor boomed as he stood up and walked towards me. Joyfully, he extended his hand and shook mine. I had to resist the urge to cradle my hand afterwards. That guy was definitely a God with strength like that.

"It's just Percy." I croaked. Thor laughed loudly, and patted me on the back.

"Of course! My apologies Perseus- Percy." Thor grinned and stepped aside.

"Formal introductions can happen later. Jackson will be staying at Stark Towers. You guys will be joining him there - full time." Fury narrowed his eyes at the Avengers when they started to protest, though that didn't stop them from complaining.

Tony was the first to stand up.

"So what Fury? You were just going to invite them over without asking me or notifying me at all?!" Tony yelled.

"Last I checked you have enough room for each Avenger to have their own floor." Fury commented smoothly. Tony's face purpled.

"That doesn't mean you can just command people to live in my house without my consent! Pepper is not going to be happy!" Tony threw his hands up.

Clint was the next to stand up, "So you just expect us to get up and leave our lives? This was not in my job description!"

"Fury we have lives as well. I don't feel comfortable just leaving." Bruce reasoned. Fury scowled.

"You wouldn't have a home if it wasn't for this kid." Fury hissed, "There will not be a discussion on this." The team shared glances that were mixes of curiosity and doubt. I tried not to be offended.

Fury looked purposefully at me, "Jackson, have your friend come get you. Get your stuff and report to Stark tower. Further instructions will be given there." Fury looked pointedly at the Avengers, "And you all will be there as well. No complaints."

Fury turned and left with a swish of his jacket.

The Avengers slumped back dejectedly in their chairs and sighed.

I didn't really know what to do other than say, "Umm… where's the nearest water fountain?"


"Percy Jackson! You are not leaving me again!" Annabeth yelled. There were tears welling in her eyes that were dangerously close to spilling over, and her forehead was bandaged from the fight.

"Do you know how hard these past few days were?! What happened to 'never again'? Was it all bullshit?!" Annabeth was hysterical. We were alone in the Poseidon cabin, but I'm sure 100% of the camp could hear us.

I ran my hands through my hair, and rubbed my eyes.

"Annabeth… I don't want to leave you! We need to do this for the camp."

If looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot.

"We've done enough for this camp Percy! Why don't we start thinking of ourselves for once? Just once!" Annabeth cried. She wrapped her arms around herself and turned towards the window. I could feel my heart breaking in two. She was right. The problem was how Fury would react.

I surged forward and gently turned her towards me. The tears began to flow. Tenderly, I began to wipe them away. She looked up to me, her eyes wide and vulnerable. Gods, I hated putting that look on her face.

"I can't do it Percy. I just can't." She whispered. I rested my head on shoulder.

"I can't either." I admitted. She sucked in a breath.

"Then let me come with you!" Annabeth pleaded.

I closed my eyes for a second.

"Okay." I said. Annabeth pulled back.

"Okay? That's it?" Annabeth asked. I just sighed.

"Yeah. I'm so tired, Annabeth. Just hold me for a little while." I whispered in her ear. I felt a million years old, and I just wanted her near me.

Immediately, I could feel the fight leave her body. I kissed her on the forehead, and we pulled some blankets down on the floor. As we laid there, I felt all of my worries melt away. It may sound cheesy, but being with Annabeth tended to do that to me.

It was perfect for a few hours, until someone pounded on the door.

Sorry for the SUPER long break. I had a bunch of exams and an internship and some school trips, so I had no free time. Regardless, I am back now!