Chapter One: Little Bark, Big Problems
It had become almost routine for Meme and Fee to meet every night to stare up at the stars, and to talk about life with one another. The conversations topics usually started out nonsensical. They would scream inside jokes to one another, however, over time, these conversations became more and more serious. One night, maybe it just got a little too serious.
"Do you ever just….wonder where you came from?" Fee sighed loudly, as she questioned her existence and purpose in life.
"What do you mean?" Meme looked at Fee, wondering how exactly the two of them screaming about bubble liquid turned into questions of existence.
"Well, you know. Me and Foo are orphans….and not just that, but….have you seen any other Imps around here?" Fee shrugged, sitting up. "And that fact made me wonder…..about me and Foo's past….and family and stuff." She hugged her knees.
Meme frowned. "C'mere." She held out her arms, motioning for Fee to hug her.
Fee smiled slightly, and got into Meme's arms. Meme fluffed Fee's hair, and kissed her forehead. "I'm sure you'll figure out more about your past, soon enough, Fee." She patted Fee's back.
Fee sighed again. "I'm sorry I got all teen angsty and stuff." Fee pouted. "I just felt….comfortable enough to tell you…I guess….I dunno, this whole 'sharing my feelings' thing is new to me."
"It's okay, man." Meme said, giving Fee another reassuring pat on the back.
"Don't tell anyone about….this…."
"You're secret's safe with me."
Fee stood up, and then held out her hand to Meme, helping her up into standing position.
Fee, since she was now 15, had sprung up in height. She was almost taller than Meme, who had barely grown at all in the past 5 or so years. Fee's crush on Meme seemed to have grown in intensity, due to her raging teenage hormones. Of course, no moves had been made.
Meme was 16, almost 17. She was a little embarrassed to still only be 5'3" but at the same time, she found it cute that Fee almost towered over her, when just a few years before, it was the other way around. Meme was now well aware of Fee's feelings for her, and with no doubts, reciprocated the feelings. But she felt that Fee was supposed to make the first move, she just didn't know when Fee would do it.
The two teen girls walked slowly towards their friend Harvey's home.
On the way there, Foo, Fee's twin brother, began to follow after them.
Foo laughed a little, seeing the two teen girls together. "Hey Fee, having fun with your girlfriend?" He playfully teased.
Fee glared at Foo, and sighed, rolling her eyes a little. "She's not my girlfriend…" Fee said, in a deadpan tone, and then added under her breath, "...yet"
"Huh?" Meme towards Fee.
"Nothing….I coughed….through my eyes." Fee lied through her butt.
"Oh…" Meme looked away from her.
They got to Harvey's house, and went in. At this point, the twins and Meme usually just entered Harvey's house without any prior warning. Harvey wasn't annoyed, or surprised. He just expected it, and accepted it as the norm.
"Oh, hey Fee, Foo, and Meme." He greeted from the couch. He had the TV on the news, which was pretty typical for him, only, the news story was pretty…different, to say the least.
Usually, when the news was brought up to Fee, she would ignore it, or fall asleep in boredom, but the story intrigued her.
THIS JUST IN: Mysterious RV drives through Little Bark Grove. Old Man, who calls himself "Uncle Grandpa", of indiscernible species, mystifies locals with magic and random acts of kindness.
"Magic and random acts of kindness, eh?" Fee tapped her chin with her finger. She wondered if this 'magic kind man' could help her with her problems, the main one being her and her brother's origin.
"I don't know….He seems kinda creeeeepy….." Foo said, hiding behind the couch, peeking over to look at the TV. "What if he's a vampire?"
"Eh, he seems more like a mage to me." Meme shrugged.
"I'm gonna look for this guy." Fee began to walk towards the door.
"I'll come with you." Meme followed.
The two teen girls walked through the forest, beginning their search for Uncle Grandpa.