Hey, all!

This is your friendly announcement that I've started publishing Red Queen, Part III! It's called Hans Røde Dronning, which is "His Red Queen" in Norwegian. I was going to put a link here to it, but frankly FF just gets worse and worse with regards to posting links, even to their own sites, so instead, for my sanity and yours, just go to my profile and find Hans Røde Dronning in my stories list. Or search for the title. I'll have "Red Queen, Season 3" in the description, so if you look up "red queen" and narrow it down to TVD stories, all of mine should come up with only a few others for competition.

It begins in TVD season 5, and some plot points will be the same or similar, while others will diverge radically once Red Queen's alterations and independent plot start to have a ripple effect. Also, there will be several plot points that get changed because, upon re-watching the season for research, I decided that they were really damn stupid. Seriously, season 5 has its good parts, but there are some parts that aren't just bad, they massively contradict the established rules for that world. I look at magic like "science we don't understand yet," as I'm sure I've established. Therefore, when stuff contradicts established canon, I can't just let it slide. I either explain it away, as in the case where I broke down how Doppelgangers happen (in an Author's Note early on in Red Queen) or I simply don't use the plot point, as will be the case with some season 5/HRD stuff. I imagine I'll rant further about those points in the A/Ns of the appropriate chapters (so as not to spoil anything about which plot points will appear and which will not.) Epic TVD analysis points to anyone who can point out dumb-as-rocks plot points from TVD that definitely wouldn't work in that world.

Anyway, HRD is part 3 of 4 total. Part 4 (still working on the title) won't have much to do with show events; by then the ripple effect will have taken over the whole thing. Part 3 has been difficult to get going on, because re-watching the Klaroline-less season 5 over and over for research is so much less entertaining than re-watching other Klaroline-inclusive seasons, heh. But, since I gotta make sure that everything still stays consistent around my changes, I'm stuck having to dig into season 5. *Pout.* However, I imagine I'll miss it when it comes time to do part 4, since I won't have any show events to fall back on when I get stuck. Yikes!