Ok, my story is turning into smut, but you get that. I'm just writing it for the fans, hahahahaha...where have they gone, lolz. anyways, thanks for sticking with my story, i know its all in bad taste...hehe...oh and Jarenna Silversater is meant to be Jarenna Silverstar if u didnt pick that up, me and my damn typos.oh yes and invedidably was meant to say inevidably...still not sure if thats a word. To Jarenna, Draco leant me your story, past and name...please dont kill me. Remember * * * * * means sex scene for those of the faint heart. PS Jarenna didnt really do this to Draco.

Chapter 10

Hermione sat down on Draco's towel in front of the shower, looking at him with utter fury. The fact that he had kept a secret from her hurt her terribly. She had always valued his honesty, thats why she had reacted so badly when he had broken up with her. Now he was willing to jeapodise everything that they had because of something he hadn't told her. She spoke, "tell me whats going on! Do you think I havent gone through enough pain recently?"
"No Hermione, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't think it was important enough to bring up, it was long before you told me how you felt about me!"
"Draco! Thats ridiculous! You should of told me! What is it thas between you and Silverstar! Tell me!"
"I can't"
"If you love me, you'll tell me!"
"Hermione, thats not fair. I can't tell you. It would be bad for everyone if it came out."
"So you dont love me, hell, you dont even trust me!"
"Hermione! I do love you! And I do trust you, please don't make it such a big deal."
Hermione knew he was struggling. "Tell me or I'll take this off" her hands reached to the clasp on her necklace.
"No Hermione, Dont!" he called to her and she slowed looking at him.
"O-Ok I'll tell you"
Hermione placed her hands in her lap, to Draco's relief, away from her neck.
Draco proceeded then, to tell Hermione the one thing he had kept secret from the love of his life.

"In our first year at Hogwarts there was this girl in Gryffindor who caught my eye whenever she walked past, but I kept it secret because I was Draco Malfoy, evil Slytherin Prince or whatever it was then, anyway soon I forgot about her mainly because Pansy cast a spell on me, which I never forgave her for but that was in late second year, early third year. In fourth year you sent me that owl after our encounter in the 18th Century telling me that you cared for me which made me think about you a lot, the bit I'm missing out is what happened for the rest of third year. Well your remember I mentioned a girl. Finally she noticed me and began to pursue me, sending me emails on that computer thing in the muggle studies room and the ones in the library. Well soon she was coming up to my ddorm and I to hers" - Hermione gave a small sob. "Please Hermione, just listen. Then I got the owl from you and I started thinking about you more and more, abandoning Jarenna. I had told her I loved her, but when I pictured saying it to her I couldnt mean it, but when I pictured saying it to you, I wanted to give you everything. I told Jarenna how I felt and she said she would keep me in her heart should I ever come back to her, we were friends after that and she consulted me on how to be with you without anyone knowing. Eventually, as things between you and I got more intense, I hardly saw her, before she was just a memory of what had once been. Do you see Hermione? You and I are destinged for each other, I dont want anyone else."
"Oh Draco, I know that but why were you so mean to her before?"
"Because when you died, she sought to console me, and I was grateful but she took it the wrong way and took advantage of my depressive state. She kissed my neck and undid my pants everytime she came over, but I always pushed her away. She said that I would get what I deserve and so would she, and walked out. I've avoided her since then, until today when she bumped into me, I saw her. She was wearing a necklace almost exactly like yours, only no snake and she was holding a book. A book she had shown me when we were together, her love poems to me. There was no replacing that book. It was a one time original and then I knew she had the obsession, much like the one I had for you when you died...any way it was weird and it made me angry. I don't know why..."
"I understand Draco, she sounds messed up, but what did she mean you and her would get what you deserve in the future?"
"I don't know...she's just a sad, obsessed girl and I dont know why she said that"
"Ok Draco", she stood up and moved closer to Draco and turned the taps off so she wouldnt get wet. "Please know you can trust me! I love you and I need you to tell me your problems, I want to help. You know that dont you. Please dont keep secrets from me."

* * * * * *
"Hermione, I wont again, I promise. Now can you turn the water back on? I'm freezing!"
"You're freezing eh?" Hermione said slyly as she stepped into the shower and closed the door behind her. She put her hands around his waist and ran her fingers up his back. Draco returned the embrace and they held each other close. Draco decided to risk Hermione's mood and proceeded to tease her. He stooped down so his lips brushed her ear. he stroked her hair and whispered, "It doesnt seem fair that I'm naked and you're not." She smiled and began to grind against him, making him quiver with excitement.
"You're very forgiving my beautiful."
"No one takes advantage of my true love" she said with a hint of malice and determination, Draco pondered on this before letting it go as Hermione turned the cold tap on, making him gasp as the icy water hit him. He watched her and she looked into his eyes. She pushed him against the wall of the shower, moving against him, making him visibly hard. Not that he wasnt already. She moved her hands along his body and down his thighs. She knew how to make his blood hot. He was almost struggling to compose himself as his throbbing member felt pain as she grazed her finger tips against it.
They sunk down to the floor of the shower and soon they were both very clean and very dirty at the same time.
* * * * * *

((sorry i couldnt be bothered writing it - not in the right frame of mind, namely completely buggered))

A/N Dammit when will this story end, it takes me so long caza i am at tafe now (like college) and its annoying me to hell and back caz i have no time to do anything, but dont worry, i never leave a story unfinished...its getting there! hahaha. please review, its greatly appreciated, also all the people who actually know me and have read this disgusting story please dont be scared of me its just my internet alter ego taking over. :P