Notes: Once upon a time this was a tiny drabble prompt from the lovely Tay. I posted it for the first ever Klaroline event I participated in. It constantly thwarted my plans for it and I'm happy so many of you have taken the ride! Thanks to everyone who's encouraged me along the way and I hope you like this final batch of tiny snippets of the life this Klaus and Caroline build.
She cracks her eyes open, squinting at the clock on her nightstand. The display tells her the alarm won't go off for another twenty-three minutes. She closes her eyes again, silently cursing the extra ungodly hour. Caroline's never claimed to be a morning person, most of her friends would laugh at her if she attempted it, though lately the AM has had some appeal. She lets out a contented hum as she sinks back into her pillow, tugging the sheet up higher. Klaus, the reason waking up has become slightly less of a chore, stirs next her. He fits his body more snugly to hers, his hand slipping under her top to rest heavily on her stomach. She stills, turning to eye him suspiciously, but there's no telltale movement behind his closed eyelids and his hand doesn't attempt to wander. For once he's actually asleep.
She's maybe a little disappointed by that. Twenty three minutes wasn't ideal but she was confident they could make the most of it.
Though she can't blame him for being tired. Caroline certainly is. It's the last long weekend of the summer and she's been slammed preparing for back to back weddings. Klaus has been mostly left to entertain himself while visiting and Caroline feels kind of terrible about neglecting him even though there isn't anything she can do about it.
He hasn't complained, has been amusing himself by exploring the area and getting familiar. Sometimes Caroline can't believe that he's actually moving to be with her, that he seems thrilled to be doing so.
Despite understanding her work commitments Klaus had made it clear that he's been missing her company. She'd almost had a heart attack last night when she'd looked up and caught sight of him, smirking and dressed to the nines. Klaus, Enzo and Bonnie had snuck into the reception of last night's swanky affair – black tie, open bar and some of the best food Caroline had ever sampled – and Klaus had managed to coax her into a dance, teasing that he was beginning to forget what she looked like.
She'd been a little worried, had been stiff and formal as they'd taken to the floor, but Klaus had quickly managed to distract her, both with his above average dance skills and how good he'd looked in a tux. She'd allowed herself to relax, could grudgingly admit that nothing would blow up or burn down if she put down her clipboard for one song.
She'd drawn the line at a second, even after Klaus had deployed maximum dimple.
Later, she'd spied him talking to the drunken groom. She'd made her way over, slightly panicked that Klaus had been made as a wedding crasher but he'd caught her eye and shaken his head slightly. Caroline had lingered and shamelessly eavesdropped, grudgingly impressed by what she'd heard.
Klaus' talents for subterfuge truly were something to marvel at.
He'd somehow managed to convince the groom that they knew each other, that they were old college teammates. Caroline hadn't caught the sport (on the way home Klaus had assured her he'd done some googling about the happy couple – if she hadn't been so sleepy she would have taken more time to process how hot it was that he'd researched) but they'd been laughing and chatting like they actually were old friends. Given the size of the guest list, the potency of the whiskey they'd stocked the groomsmen's rooms with, and Klaus' ability to be annoyingly charming, Caroline hadn't been all that surprised by the ruse's success.
He'd insisted on driving her home, having caught a ride to the venue with Enzo and Bonnie. Caroline had to admit that being able to kick off her shoes and doze in the passenger side had been way better than singing loudly to pop songs with the windows rolled down to ensure she stayed awake - her usual routine for heading home after a long day and a late night.
Hoping into the shower with Klaus, as quick and unfortunately businesslike as it had been, before crawling into bed had also been a marked improvement over her the typical post-event wind downs. Months ago, when she'd been freaking out over the room mix up, had someone told her that hanging out in bed with Klaus would become one of her very favorite things, Caroline would have insisted they be checked for a concussion. She might have even suggested an exorcism, so crazy and unnatural would she have found the idea.
She's really glad her past self was totally wrong about Klaus, gladder still that he'd been so determined to pick away at her defenses. Waking up with him is better than waking up without him and she's looking forward to doing it every day. Has accepted that she wants mornings like this to be a part of her everyday routine as soon as possible.
Behind her Klaus shifts, his hand flexing on her stomach. "Time is it?" he asks, scratchy and thick and nearly unintelligible.
Caroline lets out a groan, pointing her toes in a stretch, "Too early. But I have to get up."
He releases her, flopping onto his back. When she glances over her shoulder he's got his arm thrown across his face, "Must you?"
"Yep. I've got pews to beflower, ribbons to fluff. A mother of the bride and a step monster to keep on opposite sides of the room."
"And minions to terrify," Klaus teases, a smirk curling his lips. "I know that's your favorite part."
He's not looking at her, still drowsing. Caroline takes the opportunity to brush her fingers over the spot on his side where he's ticklish, smiling impishly when he jerks and tosses her an accusing glare.
He'd totally deserved to be tickled and he knew it.
He's been looking for a way to extricate himself from an irksome conversation and the buzzing of his phone provides the perfect opportunity. He and Caroline were at an open house and, after making small talk with the real estate agent, his name had been recognized by an older man who lived in the neighborhood. The man professed to be an art connoisseur, was very familiar with Klaus' work and was asking questions about some pieces that Klaus honestly had little recollection of.
Really, the text is a blessing. He likes this house a great deal, is fairly certain Caroline does too, and making an enemy in the neighborhood was probably unwise. Klaus attempts an apologetic expression, "Sorry, I've been waiting for this message. My agent. I've got to respond immediately."
He doesn't wait for a reply, merely ducking his head and focusing on his phone as he heads for the staircase, rereading the text as he goes as if it were a very important one.
It's not particularly long though it is a bit puzzling. It's not from Marcel but from Caroline. Klaus has no idea why she's texting him to meet her in the master bath but he can't say he's not intrigued. He can't help but glance around furtively as he crosses the threshold of the master bedroom, half-expecting someone to stop him. The house looks barely lived in and he assumes the former owners have already moved out (though it's possible that they're just the tidiest people on the planet). It's still an odd feeling to be wandering around an unfamiliar home. The door to the bathroom is slightly ajar and he eases it open.
Only to have to press his lips together to keep from laughing when he spies Caroline sprawled out in the empty tub. He can just see the top of her head over the rim, her wrists resting on either side. The sandals she'd worn are discarded on the floor.
The tub is an enormous claw foot thing, planted next to a large window. He's noted it on the tour, assumed Caroline would like it. It seems he'd underestimated the bath's appeal. He slips into the room, shutting the door and making sure the lock clicks into place. Caroline startles, tilting her head, a slightly guilty expression on her face. It brightens when she sees him, melting into a grin, "So you managed to tear yourself away from your fan?"
He pins her with an unimpressed look, "I could have used a hand, sweetheart. He was asking me rather probing questions about my mental state five years ago."
"Sorry," she says, sounding anything but, "the realtor was occupied with the snack table so I had to take my chance."
"To become better acquainted with a bath tub?"
Caroline's hand lifts, her finger curling to beckon him over, "Yup. It's magical. Come here and I'll show you."
Well, who was he to refuse such an offer?
He follows her lead and slips off his shoes. Caroline doesn't make any move to sit up, grasps his wrist to tug him down in front of her. He's a bit stiff when she wraps her arms around him but she persists until they're reclining, her chin resting on his shoulder. "Now, imagine we're naked," she murmurs, brushing her lips across the side of his neck.
He squeezes her knee in warning, letting his fingers linger and stroke her bare calf, "Probably not the best idea considering there's more than a dozen strangers downstairs." Not to mention the fact that there was only a fairly flimsy lock separating them from said strangers.
He feels her lips curl into a smile and her palms run across his chest. She continues, her voice pitched low and enticing. "The lights are dim, we've got candles, wine. Hot water, maybe some bubbles. Doesn't that sound nice? Relaxing?"
"Nice, perhaps. But I don't imagine I'd feel particularly relaxed in such a scenario."
He feels the faint scrape of her teeth as her hands drift lower, under the hem of his shirt. "Okay, fine, be difficult. How about hot bathtub sex then relaxing?"
Klaus pretends to think it over, "I suppose that would be acceptable."
As always, Caroline is quick to call his bluff. "Well, if it's such a hardship we don't have to do it." She gestures to the glassed in shower across the room. It takes up the whole of one wall, a bench tucked in the corner where the roof slants. It's also rife with possibilities, and several scenarios flit through Klaus' mind, none of which will involve conserving water. "There are totally options. You could shower. I could watch you shower from the comfort of this awesome bathtub."
That hadn't been on Klaus' mental list but he admits it has potential. He files it away and focuses on the more pressing matter, twisting so that he can look at her, "You really like this house?"
Caroline's eyes are bright, excited. "I do. Do you?"
"It's a bit smaller than I'd wanted."
Caroline rolls her eyes, "Yes, I know you're obsessed with square footage since it's affordable here. I really don't want to clean a McMansion, Klaus."
He refrains from pointing out – once again – that he's more than fine with hiring someone to come in to clean. His place in London had been easy enough to keep up, a single bedroom and bathroom, a tiny kitchen and a living area that he alone occupied had never become overly messy and he'd had a cleaning service in weekly. Caroline hadn't been overly keen on the idea, had said that she liked things done a certain way and wouldn't be able to resist the urge to re scrub things that someone they hired had already gone over.
"I like the yard," he says. "And the neighbors aren't overly close."
"There's plenty of space to have people over. There are extra bedrooms. I know you want Henrik to be able to visit and I'd like to coax my mom to take a longer stretch of time off to come up here from time to time."
"All true."
"There isn't anywhere for you to paint," Caroline points out. "But I think the back bedroom might have potential. The house across the street has a walkout deck upstairs in the front, did you see? If we did something like that you'd have more room and it would be brighter. We could do an all seasons screened in porch underneath."
He likes that idea quite a bit, makes a mental note to look into the things they would need to do to make it happen. "Are you sure you want to dive into a renovation? Those shows you insist on watching have led me to believe that's a terrible thing for a pair to endure."
"Um, bickering is kind of our thing. It's inevitable. Besides, relationship drama on reno shows is like 70% faked for the cameras. This house is under budget. You should totally get an awesome studio if I am getting a magical bathtub and great closets. And I kind of hate the kitchen cabinets so they'd have to go anyway. Plus, we need a better fence if we're going to get a dog."
"Oh, we're getting a dog now, are we?" he teases.
"Yup. Maybe a cat too. I have it on good authority that you're a secret softy who loves animals and I've always wanted a pet."
"Whose 'good authority?'" Klaus wonders though he's fairly certain he could get the answer in fewer than three guesses.
As he'd expected.
"Plus you always pet dogs we meet when we're out," Caroline points out. "That's kind of a giveaway."
Klaus refrains from pointing out that it's usually Caroline who stops people and asks to meet their dogs. He adds shelters and dog breeds to his list of things to look into before he gets to his feet, grasping Caroline's hands to pull her up. "It sounds like you're planning on moving in."
A brief flash of nerves is visible on her face and her eyes drop. She takes a deep breath, a hint unsteady, before she looks at him again. "I kind of want to buy it together."
A burst of pleasure hits him and Klaus smiles. Caroline's hands twist together and she's talking again, at a rapid clip, before he can express how thrilled he is by the news. "I know you said you didn't expect me to live with you right away but I think I want to. No, I know I want to. I don't really want to waste any more time, you know? Maybe it's a smidge fast but I'm pretty sure I've spent more time talking to you in the last seven months than I have with like 90% of the people I know, so…"
Klaus buries his hands in her hair, slants his lips over hers to stem what he's sure will be an avalanche of words. He doesn't need them. Caroline makes a soft noise of complaint, but she doesn't attempt to push him away, rising up on her toes to meet his kiss. He tastes her for a long, luxurious moment before pulling back, is gratified to note that all traces of worry have faded from her face. She feigns annoyance even as she loops her arms around his neck, "You know, sometimes you're going to just have to let me get my whole speech out. You can't just make out with me every time I have the urge to ramble."
"A speech?" Klaus asks. "How long have you been thinking about this?"
"Since we started trading listings back and forth," Caroline admits, and Klaus could not be more delighted with that information. That Caroline's put weeks of thought into this means it's more than an impulse, it means she's sure. "I met with a very nice lady at my bank last week to talk about the numbers. I told her your budget. Add that to the amount they'd approve me for, which was ridiculous by the way, and we can more than afford some renovations to make this place perfect."
"Then I guess we're going to make an offer on a house, aren't we?"
Caroline's eyes widen, "Just like that?"
"I think this one feels right, don't you? Though, if you'd like, we can make a pro con list or twelve and sleep on it. But I want this one. I think we should go for it. Take a chance, Caroline."
She wavers for only the barest seconds. Klaus knows he probably shouldn't have mentioned lists – Caroline was inordinately fond of them. She straightens her shoulders, nods decisively. "I want this one too."
Klaus climbs out of the bathroom and Caroline follows, bending to slip on to her sandals. "Then let's go back down. Hopefully they've noticed our absence and the competition will have thinned if they think we've been defiling the bathroom."
The back of her hand connects with his stomach, "We haven't been gone that long."
"No, but by the time you reapply your lipstick and repin your hair we'll have been gone long enough."
Caroline's eyes narrow and grow calculating. She lifts her hands to her hair, disheveling her curls even further. Klaus lifts an eyebrow in question and she shrugs, "You have a point about the competition."
Klaus hides a smile as they make to rejoin the people congregated downstairs and he notes the speculative looks they're sent – some amused, some bordering on scandalized. Caroline's all smiles, making a beeline for the real estate agent, paying no mind to the stares and whispers.
Her competitive streak might occasionally vex him but Klaus adores it all the same.
Caroline jerks awake when the light is flicked on, a pang of alarm streaking through her, right before the quilt is yanked off. A voice, one familiar (and, at this particular moment, super annoying) sings out, "Rise and shine!"
Oh good. The intruder wasn't here to murder her so she could probably go back to sleep.
Caroline groans, buries her head in her pillow. "Ugh, why," she grumbles.
Rebekah persists in being overly loud, "Happy birthday! Get up."
Caroline slaps a palm over her eyes, relaxing (now that she knows she's not about to be murdered in her bed) as she gropes for the blanket. "Rebekah," she whines. "It's early. How did you even get in here? You know what, never mind I don't care. Just go away."
Rebekah seems to have something else in mind. Caroline hears the scuff of her shoes against the floors, winces as the curtains in her room are flung open even though the light streaming in isn't all that strong. "No can do, I'm afraid. We've got a bit of a drive and I want to get some shopping done today."
Caroline blows her hair out of her face, pushing herself up to rest against the headboard, glaring at Rebekah resentfully. "I have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing I'm doing today is dinner and drinks with you guys."
"Right. Well, I thought that was a rather dull way to celebrate your birthday and it seems like Nik agreed." Rebekah grins, lowering her voice tauntingly, "He's been very sneaky."
That clears the last of the fuzz from Caroline's brain. She swings her legs off the side of the bed, a bubble of excitement making her heart beat a little faster. "Is he…"
Rebekah makes a face, shakes her head ruefully, "No, sorry. I suppose I worded that badly. He couldn't make the trip. He's got a bundle of things to wrap up. Lawyers, leasing agreements, all sorts of boring technicalities to attend to."
"Oh," Caroline tries not to let her disappointment show – she knows just how much Klaus is dealing with, that moving his life across an ocean took time and effort. She'd spoken to him late last night and, had she been more alert, she would have realized that Klaus being in Virginia would have broken the laws of logic, not to mention those of time and space.
"But," Rebekah breaks in, setting her hands on Caroline's shoulders and turning her to face her closet, "We've been conspiring behind your back for weeks."
"Yeah, that makes me feel better," Caroline mutters dryly.
Rebekah ignores her sarcasm, "Stefan's waiting in the car, and we're meeting up with Bonnie and Enzo up in half an hour. Pack a bag."
"So I get to be the fifth wheel?" she asks. Rebekah really wasn't doing much in the way of selling this trip.
"Not really. Katherine and Elijah are driving up as well. I've even agreed to tolerate Elena Gilbert for a spa day and dinner. I'll strive to be civil. And Lexi will be coming along too."
Okay, maybe that didn't sound so bad. Caroline slides open the door to her closet, studying the inside critically. "I'm going to have to lodge a complaint about how little notice I was given. I have very particular packing standards. I like lists."
She can hear Rebekah making herself comfortable at the dressing table. "Nik said you'd say something like that. I'm supposed to remind you that you know very well that spontaneity won't kill you. And also point out that he's still winning. Though he wouldn't tell me what he's winning."
That pulls a laugh from Caroline. "It's kind of an informal contest thing. Who can plan the best date. This totally doesn't count though since he's not here."
"Thank god," Rebekah says. "I was half afraid the answer would leave me scarred for life."
Caroline smirks. She forces it down before she turns to Rebekah, adopting a wide eyed look of innocence, "That contest is totally PG. There's this other one…"
Rebekah slaps her hands over her ears, glaring daggers at Caroline. "One more word," she threatens, "and I won't hand over the itinerary Nik insisted I print for you."
"Ooh, gimme," Caroline reaches out, wriggling her fingers eagerly. "My lips are zipped about all the ways I've defiled your fave brother."
"Caroline," Rebekah's nose wrinkles in disgust. "Must you?"
"And I totally won't mention the defiling that may or may not have happened in the chair you're sitting in. Three times. Wait, four. And a half."
That gets Rebekah to her feet so quickly Caroline's surprised she doesn't pull anything. It's a struggle to keep from laughing and she presses her lips together to stem the sound. Rebekah fishes a folded piece of paper from her pocket, flinging it in Caroline's direction. "I'm only giving this to you because it's your birthday. And because I don't want to be seen with you if you're horribly underdressed."
She storms off into the living room. Caroline hears the TV click on. She debates pushing Rebekah further, tossing an insinuation about the couch (that would totally be true) through the door. Then Rebekah calls, "Tick tock, Caroline," and she remembers she's on a deadline.
Failing to meet those is against everything Caroline stands for.
She manages to get her things packed with a two minutes to spare, mentally pats herself on the back as she trails Rebekah out to the car. Stefan's got a hand hanging out of the driver's side window, his head tipped back against the seat. Caroline slaps the door (gently because Stefan would murder her if she dented one of his precious babies) and he jolts. "Hiya," she chirps.
He checks his watch, "Damn it, Caroline now I owe Klaus fifty bucks."
"Stefan!" Caroline exclaims, highly offended. "You bet against me?"
He offers her a smile she thinks is supposed to be placating, "No. I bet with your not so inner psychotic control freak. Who I know oh so well."
Caroline huffs, leaning in closer. Rebekah climbs into the passenger seat, interrupting before Caroline can reply, "Stefan. Honestly. You probably should have opened with 'Happy Birthday."
Stefan looks briefly embarrassed, "Oops?" he offers. "Happy birthday, Care." He smiles, more sincerely and Caroline finds herself returning it.
She supposes she can be magnanimous. Especially since, from the looks of it, Klaus and her friends had planned a kick ass birthday weekend.
It kind of sucked that Klaus couldn't be her to help her celebrate but Caroline had plenty more birthdays to look forward to. He'd be around for the rest of them.
When Klaus unlocks the door and surveys the front foyer he's wondered if it's possible that the boxes have multiplied. Getting to the kitchen will require some careful maneuvering.
There are stacks of moving boxes everywhere. Caroline's are carefully labeled, piled with his in neatly ordered clusters. Intermingled with their belongings there are packages they'd ordered over the last two weeks, things they'd bought in anticipation of decorating more rooms than either of them had ever had before. It's truly an alarming amount of stuff. They'd arranged for everything to be delivered today and Klaus thought unpacking and getting the new and the old situated was going to be an ordeal.
Albeit one he's rather looking forward to.
He'd gone out to pick up food, had stopped for some champagne because he thought this evening deserved to be treated like an occasion. Caroline's stacking dishes in a cupboard when he enters the kitchen and she pauses when she spots him. "I found plates," she tells him. "And forks."
Klaus hefts the bottle, "What about glasses? A corkscrew?"
Caroline whirls, "Ooh, good thinking. There was a corkscrew with the forks. And I just saw my champagne glasses." She rummages for a few moments while Klaus sets the food on the island. He begins unloading the boxes of Chinese takeout, smiling at her dramatic exclamation of, "Ah ha!" when she finds the correct box. She joins him with all the necessary utensils, "That smells delicious and I am starving."
"It's been a long day," Klaus agrees. They hadn't had to do much in the way of physical labor, having sprung for full service movers. Caroline had been a dervish, flitting in and out of rooms and making sure everything ended up where it belonged unharmed, that nothing ended up scratched or broken. Klaus had enlisted Stefan and Enzo in helping him set up the bedroom furniture so he and Caroline would at least have somewhere comfortable to sleep tonight.
"But a good day," Caroline says firmly. She hands him a plate, begins to examine the food he'd selected. "I thought we'd eat on the porch since anything resembling a chair is in pieces and the couches are wrapped. I tossed a couple blankets out there."
"Romancing me, are you?" Klaus teases.
"You're the one who sprung for the champagne," she points out. "Don't be mad I'm beating you at your own game."
"I wouldn't say beating.
Caroline laughs, "No, you wouldn't."
She piles food on her plate, rounding the island when she's done. She snags the champagne glasses with her free hand and bumps him with her hip as she passes. "Don't worry, Klaus, I don't mind your inability to admit defeat. It totally makes things more fun for me. I'll be generous and we'll call this one a draw."
"You're benevolence astounds me," Klaus tells her dryly.
"You're damn right it does!" she calls as she retreats from the kitchen. "Now, meet me on the porch and prepare to be amazed. Don't forget the booze!"
He quickly makes his own plate, his curiosity growing. He sees the light first when he turns, the soft glow that only comes from candles. He can tell Caroline's been busy when he approaches the doorway of the screened in porch. She hadn't stopped at blankets, had unearthed a pile of pillow – some new, some old – to make a comfortable resting spot on the floor, surrounded by candles of various shapes and sizes.
Caroline wriggles her eyebrows when he enters, "So? Does it pass your high romance bar?"
"It's amazing," Klaus says. "And this addition was a brilliant idea, sweetheart."
He imagines they'll spend a lot of time here, and he's very pleased with how his studio space has turned out, can't wait to get all his supplies unpacked. He hands her the champagne and gets himself settled.
Caroline beams, "I know! It might be my second favorite part of the house."
Klaus doesn't need to ask what her favorite part is. He's fairly certain he'll be coaxed into it later and that Caroline won't rest until she convinces him of the merits of baths.
"I think we should get a second little tree for in here," she says. "It'll look awesome all lit up when we have our party. I may have bought a few extra decorations in anticipation."
That likely explained why there are more packages than Klaus had anticipated.
"It's been ages since I've had a tree," he tells her. "My light stringing skills might be rusty."
"I have faith in you, Klaus. You're an artist. I've seen your work. I'm sure you can make anything pretty."
High praise from Caroline. They'd yet to spend a holiday together but, from their phone conversations and Rebekah's complaints, he'd gathered that she took special occasions very seriously. Klaus had never been overly fond of such celebrations, something Caroline was not so subtly aghast at. He's certain she'll be pulling out all the stops to make the coming Christmas one they'll remember. He expects more surprises like this one.
Klaus will just to have to figure out one or two of his own. He's not about to allow Caroline to pull too far ahead. The gloating would be unbearable.
Caroline shaking a tiny bit as she climbs the stairs, trying to regulate her breathing. It's leftover adrenaline, a hint of anger. She'd fielded a call from one of her mom's deputies as she'd gotten home, had parked in the driveway to take the call. Seeing the name flash across the screen had been nerve wracking enough but the hemming and hawing he'd done after she'd snapped a greeting had made her panic grow. Worst case scenarios had flown through her head and a sob had built in her throat.
When he'd eventually stammered out that her mom was okay Caroline had been forced to bite her tongue to stop from unleashing a torrent of curse laden admonishments. Any idiot knew you were supposed to open such a call with an assurance. By the time he'd managed to spit out the details, that her mother had sustained minor injuries while responding to a domestic dispute, Caroline had been sweating and queasy, her limbs feeling weak as her body processed the confusing flood of emotions.
Klaus' car had been in the garage so she knew he was home, she'd dragged herself into the house, trying to get her brain to focus on everything she needed to do. There's music coming from the studio and Caroline pops her head in. Klaus is shirtless and paint streaked, a pair of ancient jeans sitting low on his hips, and any other day she'd linger a moment to enjoy the sight. Today she raps on the wall just inside the door to get his attention. He glances over, face creased in confusion, though that clears once he spots her. He turns slowly, "Is everything all right, love?"
Clearly the initial burst of panic and fear had left her looking a mess. She smooths her hair, grimacing at her visibly trembling hand, "I got a call. My mom got hurt."
Klaus' eyes widen in concern and he sets down everything he'd been holding hurriedly, crossing the room in a few quick strides. His hands hover over her shoulders and Caroline appreciates his concern for her pale blue blouse even if she could really use a hug. "Is she in the hospital? What happened?"
Caroline blows out a heavy breath, "She got knocked down. Hit her head and broke her arm. She'll be fine. They're going to keep her in the hospital overnight because of the concussion. I'm going to drive down there even though she'll be super cranky about it. I know her and I know she'll push herself harder than she should."
Klaus nods immediately, retreating to grab a rag and wipe his hands off. "Right. I'll hop in the shower first. Pack up what you need and then, while you're cleaning up, I'll get my stuff things. We can take the pup with us and I'll call Bekah and bully her into minding the cat. I assume you'll want to stay the weekend?"
Tears spring to Caroline's eyes and her next inhale is shaky with emotion. Klaus didn't often say 'I love you' but he made it clear in so many other ways. This moment is one of them and she can't help but be a little overwhelmed at the fierceness of her feelings in response. She's a worrier, has a bad habit of taking care of other people and forgetting about herself. But Klaus clearly has that covered.
Klaus' eyes flash with alarm when he takes in her expression but he manages to get it under control. She flaps a hand near her eyes, willing them to dry, "I'm fine!" she manages. "It's just… you're…" Caroline flounders for several long moments. Finally she shakes her head and crosses the room. She wraps her arms around Klaus' waist, pressing her face into his shoulder. A little paint damage to her clothes was worth the comfort she felt pressed up against the warmth of him. "Thank you," she murmurs.
He cups the back of her neck gingerly, pressing his lips to her temple. "You don't have to thank me."
"I might have to later after you endure a weekend of my mother glaring at you with suspicion." Liz Forbes had heard Caroline's low opinion of Klaus a time or two over the years and she wasn't as willing to let it go as some people. She hadn't been able to really get to know him just yet, but Caroline was confident her mother would relax once she did.
"Nonsense," Klaus counters briskly, "perhaps this is the weekend I'll manage to charm her out of her misgivings."
"You are good at that," Caroline teases. "I think it's the dimples."
"Sadly I think you're mother's a bit less susceptible than you were to those."
Caroline snorts out a laugh and Klaus relaxes at the sound, his relief obvious.
Seriously, he could not do tears.
"Do you have any notes you'd like to offer? Helpful hints? You're very much alike, you and your mother."
She shakes her head, "Nope, I think you'll be good. You make me happy. Mom'll get onboard once she sees that."
"I imagine it might take a while. You have to have gotten your stubbornness from somewhere. But I'm not planning on going anywhere."
Caroline had known that, of course, but the casual statement warms her all the same. A little good news is welcome after her earlier scare and it helps her settle, calm. When she pulls back she wipes her hands across her face, "Okay. I'm going to grab that shower."
Klaus raises a brow, feigns an expression of shock, "No notes on my plan?" he teases. "Sweetheart, that's a first."
She rises up to press a kiss to his lips, lingering for a long moment, hoping the action conveys everything that she feels because she's still a little too raw to voice the enormity of them. She's worried and grateful and anxious but under all that she feels safe. Strong, even. There's a new confidence brimming in her. This incident is minor, her mother will be fine, will likely be grumpy about Caroline hovering and interrogating Klaus within twenty four hours. Other disasters will spring up, they're inevitable no matter how carefully Caroline plans her life. She knows Klaus will have her back then, just as she'd have his.
She's pretty sure that there's not a lot they can't handle if they tackle a problem together.
"Ugh, your sister is so annoying," Caroline grouses, her head bent over her phone.
It's not a new piece of information for Klaus. He has a lifetime of evidence that Rebekah delights in being difficult. He's long since worked out the best ways to thwart her, to needle her in return. Caroline's still finding her own methods.
Rebekah and Caroline have spent the past few days finalizing a cruise itinerary. His sister had brought up the idea over Christmas, still bitter that she hadn't been able to enjoy her carefully planned holiday because of her accident. Klaus had been a bit reluctant, had wanted to whisk Caroline off somewhere new, just the two of them. Rebekah had gotten to Caroline first. Bekah had played the woe is me card, tugging on Caroline's sympathies. Then she'd begun expertly poking at Caroline's fond memories of the cruise she and Klaus had taken – the beautiful beaches, the variety of excursions, the opulence and convenience of the ship – managing to get Caroline onboard.
When faced with her excitement Klaus had caved. Decided that perhaps it was for the best, kismet in a way, considering he was planning on proposing soon.
He's been more active in helping to plan this cruise, wanting to set up the perfect moment, but he's largely stayed out of the current skirmish. If Rebekah sensed weakness from him she'd never back down.
Caroline's got her feet tucked under his thigh and he pats her shin in a manner he hopes is comforting. They'd settled down to continue their Game of Thrones rewatch (Caroline wanted to be prepared for the new season), but she hasn't been paying much attention. She's been glued to her back and forth with Rebekah, fingers flying over her phone's screen and muttering insults and outrages. "She's still trying to push rock climbing. I told her that she and Stefan could go without us but she won't let it go."
Klaus takes a sip of his beer, "Bekah's not really one to forget a grudge."
"And while I respect that as life philosophy this isn't one she's going to win to her satisfaction."
He suspected Rebekah wasn't so convinced of that. She's been sending him pictures of mountains for days. Had told him that Kol had offered to pay handsomely for a video of Klaus mid-panic attack. Klaus hadn't passed that information on to Caroline, of course. She'd likely drop all pretenses of civility and they'd already paid for the tickets. Klaus didn't think the cruise line's cancellation policy would apply in the case of an all-out war between a pair of soon to be sisters in law. "She wants me to have to face my fear and fail so she can gloat over it."
"Not on my watch," Caroline declares. "You did fine last year but this incline is nuts for any beginner and no one who's afraid of heights would be comfortable with it."
Her head snaps up suddenly, the pouf of hair gathered on top of her head bobbing at the sudden motion. Klaus turns to look at her, his curiosity piqued, and he finds a fairly devious smile curling Caroline's lips. It's not an expression that bodes well for Rebekah. "It was snakes, right? That's what Rebekah's afraid of?"
"Yes," Klaus says slowly.
"Even tiny harmless ones, if I remember the story correctly. And we're going somewhere where there are plenty of snakes."
Klaus shakes his head with a soft laugh, "True. And they tend to be large." They hadn't seen any such snakes on their last trip, not even on their outdoor excursions. That very well could have been because they hadn't been looking.
Judging from the glee on Caroline's face that's not going to be the case this time.
"Pretty sure some of them can kill people too," she chirps, tapping away at her screen. "And that's totally scarier. Are snake sanctuaries a thing? Maybe some kind of nature preserve? There's got to be something like that on our route."
"And here I thought you'd come to like Rebekah."
"I do. Mostly. But I like you more, duh. And if she messes with you she messes with me."
There's only one appropriate response to such a statement. Klaus sets his bottle on the coffee table, turning and tugging on Caroline's ankle until she sinks lower, sprawling across the sofa cushions. He shifts to loom over her, presses a kiss just below her jaw, taking an appreciative inhale of her skin. She tips her head back even as she giggles, groping above her to set her phone down. "So the whole knight and shining armor thing turns you on, huh? Should I see if they make slutty lingerie in chain mail?"
"That sounds terribly uncomfortable," Klaus notes.
Caroline threads her fingers through his hair, hitching her legs over his hip as he leisurely moves down. She's wearing an old tank top, one worn thin. The fabric is easily stretched aside as he begins to explore her collarbone with his tongue. "Newsflash, Klaus. Most of the lacy strappy sheer stuff solely meant to be worn pre-sex isn't made to be comfy."
"I appreciate your sacrifice," Klaus tells her, pulling her shirt down enough to reveal the slope of her breast.
She arches up into her mouth, a signal he's familiar with. Patience wasn't Caroline's strong suit. He brushes his lips over her nipple, teasing her with the hint of a touch. "The orgasms are an excellent token you your appreciation."
He lifts his head, gripping her hips to still there restless shifting, "That sounds like a hint, love."
Her eyes are heavy lidded when they meet his, her lips wet. It's one of his favorite versions of Caroline.
"Then take it," she says, her voice just beginning to thicken with want. "Like, now."
Klaus happily obliges, tugging her pajama pants lower, dragging his mouth down the newly revealed skin.
They'll get back to the research later, perhaps tomorrow because Klaus will surely need to move them to the bed once they've tested the limits of the couch. Together they'll find the perfect option to force Rebekah's hand. Against his and Caroline's combined capability for deviousness his sister won't stand a chance.
An odd feeling drags Caroline from sleep and it takes her a long moment to figure out what it is. She's perfectly warm, the duvet pulled up over her shoulders protecting her from the chill coming in from the open windows. She's not alone, Klaus is beside her, one of her legs is thrown over his and she can feel his hand next to her hip. Squinting she turns her head to look at him only to see his eyes hastily close.
Well, that was weird. Klaus was pretty shameless about his tendency to creep on her in her sleep. She'd seen the sketchbook (all of the sketches), knew that he had one or two pics in his phone. He's been acting off for a couple of days, edgy and easily startled. She glances at the clock, sees it's nowhere near time for the alarm to go off.
They have to be at the airport at ten and Caroline was planning on sleeping as late as she could. She knows a nap on the plane is unlikely to happen, that she hasn't quite beaten her nerves about flying.
As much as she longs for it there's no way she's going to fall back to sleep without figuring out why Klaus is acting squirrelly. She's not totally clueless – Bonnie's recent digging had been a big fat clue about the reasons Klaus might be having an attack of the nerves.
If there was a sparkly ring in her future, the cruise would be a logical place to whip it out. Her subtle snooping hadn't yielded any velvet boxes but Klaus was crafty. He'd make sure she couldn't find it.
She kind of can't believe he'd have any doubts about her response but it was a big question, fraught with pressure. A big part of Caroline's career was built on crafting perfect weddings and people always wanted to hear the proposal story.
She couldn't wait to say yes.
Caroline slides across the mattress, bending her leg and curling it over Klaus' thighs as she cuddles closer. She rests her hand on his stomach, "Hey. I know you're awake. Wanna tell me why?"
He lets out a sleepy noise and Caroline scoffs. Klaus mumbles something unintelligible, apparently really committed to fake sleeping.
Caroline rolls her eyes, "Please. That was terrible." She props herself up on her elbow, staring down at him expectantly. Klaus seems unwilling to end his ruse, face stoically blank and eyes closed. She jostles him slightly, "Seriously? Are you trying to freak me out?"
That gets his attention. His eyes open, a slightly guilty expression in them. "You've nothing to be freaked out about."
"Really? You've barely been able to sit still when we're in the same room together for the last two days. You're constantly distracted. All that plays on a girl's insecurities."
He scrubs a hand over his face, "It's nothing like that, Caroline. I promise."
"And I believe you," Caroline says because, if she were being honest, she has very few Klaus-related insecurities left. "But something is up. And it's your job to be the super cool world traveler guy and distract me on the plane, remember? If you're all stressed I'll be all stressed. Plus, I really don't want you to be stressed. I love you and we're going on vacation and it's going to be awesome."
Klaus stares up at her for a long moment, and she can read the debate raging across his face easily enough. He'd never be an open book but when it was just the two of them she usually managed to read him. He seems to come to a decision, rolling away and sliding open the drawer on his bedside table. Caroline swallows quickly, feels her heart rate pick up. She presses her lips together to keep in the excited squeal that wants to burst out.
Suspecting was different than knowing. Spying the small box wrapped in Klaus' fingers, watching his expression turn nervous but hopeful, Caroline's entire body reacts. She tenses in a good way, her stomach fluttering with excitement. Klaus faces her, pulling her down so they're sharing his pillow. He reaches out, a fingertip grazing her chin.
Klaus clears his throat, "I hadn't quite worked out what I was going to say. I've been working on it."
A strangled laugh spills from her and she presses a hand to her mouth to muffle it. "It's okay. Preparation is sexy."
"You would think that," Klaus says, his lips curling in a smile that is all genuine adoration. He takes a deep breath and it's not altogether steady. "I love you, Caroline. I probably fell a little in love with you a little over a year ago in that bed on that cruise ship. And I fell a little more with every conversation we had when we came home. Moving here was an easy decision because I wanted nothing more than to spend my days and nights with you. Even when we argue, sometimes especially when we argue, there's nowhere else I want to be. There's nowhere else I'll ever want to be."
Caroline had expected to cry and for once Klaus doesn't look like a deer in the headlights when he notices. He cups her face, his thumbs gently wiping the tears away. She leans in, brushes a kiss over his lips. "Me too," she manages shakily. I love you. I love this life."
He smiles, shifting back slightly, fumbling with the box. "Will you marry me, Caroline Forbes?"
She's not entirely sure if she'd even waited for him to finish. The 'yes' that burst out of her had been on her lips before he'd managed the first syllable of the question.
He kisses her properly as soon as she says it, rolling her onto her back and smiling in to it. She forgets all about the ring as she sinks into him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders because she needs him closer. She's breathless when he pulls back with a gasp, resting his forehead on hers. "That was a really good speech," she tells him.
"I was going to take you on a picnic. Good wine, great food, beautiful scenery."
She shakes her head immediately. "This is perfect. I fell in love with you in a bed too, you know."
Klaus' eyes flash, a sure sign he's about to tease her. Caroline tugs his mouth back to hers before he can.
It takes her awhile to remember the ring. It's just a thing and, despite her fondness for shiny objects, it's not as important this closeness. She rests her hand over his heart, confirms that it's beating as rapidly as hers. She loves that Klaus is just as exhilarated by this moment, by the path they're about to travel.
The alarm startles them out of bed and when they realize they're missing something they begin a frantic search, laughing breathlessly, hair mussed and clothes askew. Klaus finds the ring, tucked between the mattress and the headboard, and offers it to her, slightly sheepish. "I think I was supposed to put it on your finger before kissing you."
She slips it on with an unconcerned shrug, admiring the way the faint light catches the diamond and the flanking sapphires. "Maybe we're doomed to be unconventional." Klaus' taste is flawless and it looks like it belongs on her hand.
"And you're fine with that?"
She pushes him on to the bed, climbing on his lap and looping her arms around his shoulders, mentally patting herself on the back for insisting they pack everything last night. She's happy to savor this, something that wouldn't be possible if they were scrambling to get out of the house. "It's worked out pretty well for us so far."
Klaus face grows serious, his hand rubbing circles on her back. "It will always work out for us, love."
It's a promise, one she trusts him to keep. One she makes in return, "Because we'll make sure of it."