Chapter 1

"No!" Michelangelo cried out from the sight of his brother.

"Donnie, what have they done to you?" Raphel said, horror in his voice. Donatello just stared at his horrified brothers with a blank expression, awaiting orders from his master.

"Donatello snap out of it!" Leonardo yelled out to what used to be a scientist.

"Destroy them." A sinister voice said. Donatello's robotic red eyes lit up before he slowly grabed his new staff that was completly made out of metal.

"Donnie don't do this! Stop this isn't you!" The youngest of all the brothers cried out to his favorite brother. The only response he got was Donatello aiming the staff at them as if it were a gun.

"Don stop, we're your brothers!" Raph yelled out, his eyes filling up with tears of anger , sadness and frustration.

"I have no brothers." Was when their brother replied with before a series of missles were shot out and blood was splashed across the room, which was filled with the evil laughter of the Shredder.

"NOO!" Splinter cried out as he sat up from his bed, breathing heavily. His breathing slowed when he realised it was just a dream. He looked towards the door of him room. He quickly stood up and exited his room to search for his sons.

The doors to the dojo were opened to revile 3 of his sons in the living room watching T.V. He searched for his third eldest but he was no were to be found.

"Where is Donatello?" Splinter questioned. His sons turned their heards so him with a questioned look on their faces.

"He went to the junk yard before you fell asleep sensei. Remember, he asked you before he left." Leo explained.

"Alone!?" he said, becoming worried since he was pretty sure he was sleping for a few hours.

"He took April with him. Are you ok sensei?" Leo said. Splinter became worried for his son. He did not want his dream to become reality, but he was slightly releived since April was with him.

"I am fine my son." Splinter said. "I am just worried for you four." He said truthfully before entering the dojo again. He sighed, hoping his son would return fine.

Donatello and April continued to search through the junk yard, hoping to find something interesting. April looked around when she noticed the purple mask wearing turtle had disapeared... again. With it being dark it made things slightly harder for April to see what she was looking for.

"Donnie!?" She called out.

"Up here April!" She heard his voice call out to her. She looked up to see him on the top of one of the biggest junk piles there.

'How did you even get up there so fast?' April wondered to herslef. April searched for a way up her self, but the only way up there was to walk across a very thin wire, then jump onto a plank she already knew she wouldn't be able to make.

"Donnie could you come back down here please, I'm not ninja enough to do what you did!" April called up to him. His silhouette turned to her voice. She couls see he was holding something in his hsnad, but not sure what yet.

"Yeah, be right down!" He called back to her. She watched him turn his body before stumbling and literally rolling down the giant pile of trash. April gasped as he didn't stand up to stop himself, just continued to roll. April ran to were she predicted he would stop.

Donatello managed to get to his feet but gravity pushed him back down. He bounded off os something a thankfully landed on the ground on his plastron. He groaned in pain. His entire body was full of cuts and gashes, blood dripping from them.

"Donnie!" April crounched down next to him. She gasped at the sight she saw. She helped him to his feet as best he could without touching any cuts that might hurt him. She noticed his shell had black dust on in, as if he was shot by something. "Are you ak?" she asked him looking into his eyes. Here face was level with his because Donnie wasn't standing straight. He looked at her with complete pain filling his face.

"I've been better." He said tryig to joke. All she did was smile and shake her head.

"Lets get you to the lair." April said taking his arm and hand and started for the exit.

"We have a better idea." Another voice said in the darkness. They both recognised the voice all to well. Donnie completly ignored the pain, took out his staff and staied infront of April, even though she could protect herslef now, it was his 'crush instincts'. Karai jumped down from a pile of junk. April and Donnie faced their weapons at the kunoichi. "You know how to make a girl feel welcome." She comented.

"We're much worse when it's party time." Donnie said with an 'I don't care' voice. Karai placed a hand on her armored him. Donnie saw from the corners of his eyes, foot bots emerging from the shadows,slowly closing in on him and April.

"You don't mind if I throw one right now do ya?" The 'daughter' of Shredder said. From Donatello's caculations that there were only a few, so they could easily fight their way out of here.

"Umm Donnie?" April said, fear creeping inton her voice.

"Relax April, like Mikey said about the purple dragons, these guys are the same. Just a level one boss battle." Donnie said with a chill voice.

"Foot bots, retreave him." Karai said with her literally snappy fingers. And thats when the robots began to glow. The weapons came out of their backs and arms yes, but guns were attched to them, along with what seemed to be tranqulisers.

"I think level one got a few zeros added to it." Donnie said, fear creeping into his voice as well. The foot bots fired, what ever they were shooting at them, it was like the had a machine gun, the bullets just kept coming.

"Dudes, I'm getting a little worried about Donnie and April." Mikey said as the three turtles were about to leave for patrol.

"They have been gone a long time. Lets stop by the junk yard, maybe Donnie just lost track of time." Leo said walking through the turnslides. Raph mumbled something under his breath but Leo nore Mikey could figure out what he said. All the both of them knew was that he made a comment probably about Donnie purposly staying longer just to be with April.

"April, look out!" Donatello's voice cried out. April turned behind her to see a foot bot, sword at the ready. April was then pushed out of the way, replaced my a giant turtle.

"NO!" April cried out as she watched the blade swipe accross his plastron. She took off the robot's head with one swing of her tessen before crouching down next to her friend. He lay on his shell, his eyes closed and almost his entire chect covered in blood. "Donnie?" She said, hoping he was still alive. He opened his eyes slowly, it releaved April very little.

"Finally, foot bots, take the turtle." Karai ordered, pointing towards the bleeding and dying mutant turtle.

"You're not going to touch him!" April said standing up, defending Donatello just like he did for her when Karai was after her with the robot that just so happened to look like Chris Bradford's body suit.

"How cute." The evil kunoichi spoke, April just glared at her.

"A-aprilll." Donatello strained to say, but April completly ignored him, keeping her eyes on the kunoichi and three upgrated foot bots. "April... help." April looked behind herself to see that more foot bots had arrived and that er friend was surrounded by them. One had their foot on his shell keeping him down. One of the robots chirped and a smoke bomb was thrown down, the foor bots and Donatello were gone. She whiped her head around. Karai and the other robots were gone too. April now stood there, alone. She failed to protect her best friend when he needed her most, unlike him who never fails to protect her. April felt so ashamed. She could never forgive herself after this.

Footsteps were heard. April wiped her tessen out, ready for round two. But Leo, Raph, and Mikey were the ones causing the noise. April droped her tessen again and tears began to swell in her eyes. The three brothers dropped down from the fence and ran to April's side.

"April, what happened? Where's Donnie?" Leo questioned, placing a hand on her shoulder. April ran into his arms. Leo was surprised as first, but then wraped his arms around her as she cried into his plastron.

"It's all my fault!" She cried out. Leo looked to his brothers but they just shrugged his shoulders. Leo looked back to April.

"April, what happened?" Leo asked again. That's when April pulled away from Leo's chest and looked into his eyes.

"It's all my fault Leo. I could't protect him. Karai took him, she had foot bots with her, they were upgraded, they were faster, stronger, and had more weapons. I tried everything, I failed him, and I failed you guys!" April said tears falling from her eyes. Raph, Mikey, and Leo all gasped. Not only had their brother been captured, but Shredder has stronger weapons, and April blamed herself. This was not good.