Yeah, yeah, I have lots of stories that need to be finished. Blame Evie and Jon for not leaving me alone! This will be more of a slow burn with a bit more complicated OC. Hope you like!

"Hello?" Evelyn poured herself the last cup of coffee from her carafe as she answered her flashing cell phone late on a cold January afternoon.

"Evelyn?" The voice on the phone was pleasant and familiar, since she had been Evie's employer over a period of three months the previous summer. "Stephanie McMahon."

"Yes. Hello, Stephanie." Adding cream and sugar to the brew as she spoke, Evelyn leaned against the counter. "How are you?"

"Oh, I've been very well. Thank you. That being said, I do have a job for you, if you're open."

Evelyn smiled to herself, happy that she left enough of an impression on the demanding "Vincess" to earn a call offering another employment opportunity. "I've just finished up another temp job, so I have nothing but time. What can I do for you?"

"Have you been watching?"

She nodded, though the other woman couldn't see her. "Everything I can, why?"

"Well, then you've seen the Shield."

Oh, had she ever! Those three were sex on legs, and three times as delicious. "Of course!"

"Well, I'm in need of someone with exceptional organizational skills, the patience of a saint, and who takes no shit."

Evie smirked. "Well, you're talkin' to her."

"That's just what I wanted to hear. We want you to be on a more permanent basis. The Shield will be having a lot more public appearances and interviews to do in the coming months, and the three of them are proving to be . . . difficult."

Evelyn was instantly wary. "'Difficult', how? Because I'm not looking to babysit drunks or active addicts."

"Oh, no! Nothing like that!" Stephanie was quick to explain. "There hasn't been a wellness violation from any of them, though they all like a drink now and then. The three of them just have issues with being on time and Dean, or Jon, would forget his own head if it weren't attached."

Evelyn chuckled. "Okay. That I can handle."

"We'll be in Vegas tomorrow filming Raw, and I would like you to come in and meet them beforehand."

Agreeing, Evelyn stayed on the line long enough to make plans to meet the older woman and the men for lunch before making the necessary phone calls. She let her adopted sister and brother know that she would once again be traveling with the WWE. Then, she contacted her closest neighbor to let them know she would be out of town for the next few days.

Living in the mountains outside of Las Vegas, they took care of each other and helped where they could. The mother of the family would come over to gather the mail while the teenage boys would arrive to clear any snow from the driveway so that she would be able to get in without any problems. It was something they had done since she bought the two bedroom cabin on the five acre lot two years ago. In exchange, Evie got tickets to WWE house shows for the kids and allowed the family to hunt on her property from time to time.

Evelyn spent the rest of the day planning out what she would need during the trip and making meticulous lists. She had one for her toiletries, makeup, and hair essentials. There was a second denoting her clothing and shoes. A third contained nothing but electronics and the assorted necessary chargers.

Once those lists were completed, she plugged in everything that would need a charge for the next day and began to pack everything else. Shoes and a pair of slipper boots were placed in individual travel bags and then arranged in the bottom of her suitcase. Shirts and blouses were neatly packed on top of her slacks and jeans, her skirts taking up the entire right side. Socks and underclothes were placed in protective pouches and slipped between the two stacks. Her needed medications and vitamins were carefully placed in airline approved containers so she wouldn't have trouble with security. Packing had always been one of her favorite things to do, because she found it so relaxing.

The next morning dawned in shades of pink and purple, the light reflecting off the fresh-fallen snow like innumerable diamonds. Evelyn watched the sun come up from the swing on her covered front porch, her heavy nightgown and socks covered by a knitted afghan, her third cup of coffee held in both hands. Nights had always been the most difficult part of her day, but watching the sunrise always made up for the inability to sleep.

Standing, she went inside to get ready for her morning run before facing the new challenge ahead.


Jon, Joe, and Colby strode past the booing fans waiting on the other side of the parking lot fence a little before noon, smirking or waving sarcastically. Being the most dominant heel stable in the WWE, the trio had grown used to the reactions from the fans that gathered outside the arenas. There was talk of turning them face soon, and all three wondered how that would turn out.

"Gentlemen!" Paul Levesque, their boss and COO of the WWE, greeted them as they stepped past security and through the back door of the arena. His voice held a slight chuckle as he smiled. "Glad you could make it so early."

Colby nodded and shook his boss's hand first. "We just came here after the gym."

Jon took his turn saying hello to Paul and then faded into the background. It was easier to pick out the nuances of conversations if he wasn't being forced to maintain eye contact. He liked Paul, but the older man's good intentions were subject to Vince McMahon's whims and shifting tempers. Jon had made a habit of watching people from a very young age, learning early that knowing how people normally acted would tell you when they were lying.

Leading them into the temporary office, Paul waited as they greeted Stephanie before continuing. "We have a tentative timeline for your face turn."

"Really?" Jon sank into one of the four chairs on their side of the wide desks. "This soon?"

"Not for another two months or so. We want to have you in an undercard match, as faces, at Wrestlemania." Paul chuckled at their stunned expressions. "And as such, there will be more house shows, interviews, personal appearances, and televised matches or promos."

Jon sniffed heavily and nodded before making eye contact with Joe. More live events, interviews, and all of that meant more traveling. There would be more nights driving to make towns, more bumps and bruises, and greater exhaustion levels. Shit was about to get real, and he hoped the other man was ready.

"Because of this," Stephanie smiled. "We have decided to hire someone to help out with your increasingly complicated work lives."

Paul's face morphed into a bemused, yet indulgent, smile. "We have?"

"Well, okay, I have." Stephanie chuckled just as there was a knock on the door. "This must be her now. Come in!"

The door opened to reveal one of the most beautiful women Jon had ever seen. And, considering the women he worked with and those who had thrown themselves at him in the past, that was saying a great deal. Her hair was a glowing blond, a thick braid on either side of her head leading to a bun at the base of her skull. When she greeted everyone in the room, Jon was treated to the full effect of her dramatic, olive green eyes. She wore a skirt with a high waist and a flared bottom, some sort of short jacket, and brown heeled boots decorated with gears and what looked like watch hands.

"Evie!" Paul nearly roared, his face splitting into a wide smile. "Steph just informed us she'd hired an assistant for these guys. I was almost upset that she hadn't talked with me about it!"

Evie returned his hug before she and Stephanie exchanged a simple embrace and an affectionate kiss on the cheek. "Really, Paul? When Stephanie calls, people come running."

"Oh, I know. I'm just surprised that you were available!" Turning to the men, Paul explained. "Evelyn here helped Steph out when Margo had a family obligation a few months ago."

Evie shrugged. "I wasn't free until two days ago. I was working as a PA for a woman in New York. Turns out, she gave her creepy teenage son a copy of the key to my room in her house. Woke up to him standing by my bed staring at me."

"Oh, that is disgusting!" Steph's words were emphasized by the four men nodding their agreement. "Did you press charges?"

"There weren't any I could press. I just demanded my pay and immediate release, which was granted without argument. I returned home, and received your call the next afternoon." Turning to the three sitting men, Evie smiled kindly. "And I'm glad I was free. Working with Stephanie for a few months was just so much fun, though I have a feeling that the three of you might be less trouble than she was."

"Hey!" Stephanie's mock outrage made everyone smile. "I wasn't that bad!"

Evie smirked. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

After introductions were made, Evie asked her new bosses if they had eaten lunch.

"Nah, hun." Colby shook his head and glanced at Jon and Joe. "We came here right after the gym."

Evie quickly noticed that, while all three men seemed open and happy to have some help, Colby was the most talkative of the group. Joe was very laid back and seemed prone to just going with the flow of what was around him. Jon, with his stunning blue eyes, studied her shrewdly as if holding off on making any decisions until he got to know her better. She couldn't fault him in thinking and feeling that way, but hoped he wouldn't cause a problem moving forward.

"Well, have any of you ever eaten at the 24 Seven Café at the Palms?" When they all shook their heads, she smiled. "It's amazing, and we'd be able to go over what it is we expect from each other and how I can help you in the coming months."

Turning to a grinning Stephanie, Evie raised an eyebrow. "And you're absolutely sure that I won't have to do general PA stuff while at arenas?"

"Absolutely not. If it doesn't involve the Shield, it doesn't involve you."

Nodding, Evie smiled and turned to the men once again. "Come on! I'll drive."

The trip to the Palms Casino was short, though traffic did attempt to add quite a bit to the wait. The men had all smirked at each other at just how tiny their new assistant was walking among them. Even with her heels adding three inches to her height, the top of Evie's head barely brushed their shoulders.

Jon rode in the back seat with Colby, allowing Joe to have some legroom in the front, since his knee had been bothering him that day. Sitting behind his friend allowed Jon to watch Evelyn's face as she spoke and navigated the busy streets. Her eyes were open and expressive, and he found himself feeling more and more comfortable with the idea of her being around.

"Now, there are some things that I will absolutely not do." They had been seated quickly, and Evie spoke after sipping her milkshake. "I will not procure illegal substances or services, and do not ask me to buy alcohol for you if you're too wasted to get your own. I am your personal assistant, but that does not mean that I am your unquestioning slave."

Jon nodded along with the others, liking that she wasn't going to be expected to do anything and everything for them. "So, what sorts of things do you do?"

"I am here to make sure all of your travel arrangements are handled and to drive the three of you from town to town if needed. Or I can simply meet you at the hotel or arena, whichever is better for you. I'm exceedingly skilled at organization and will keep your interview and appearance schedules running smoothly. If you are trying to decide what to wear, I can help with that. Need to find a rental in any random town? I'll have one arranged ASAP.

"Basically, I'm here to streamline things so that you three can have more downtime between shows and better experiences with media outlets and fans."

Colby grinned at his stable mates, as if sharing some inside joke. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

"I will send updates and such to your tablets, laptops, and/or cells. I can email updated schedules as they change, and I am more than capable of reminding you three that late night drinks at the bar may affect any morning appearances or interviews the next day."

Joe chuckled. "Babygirl, you're going to have to go oldschool for Jon. My boy here ain't a fan of new technology, and that's if he doesn't forget it somewhere."

Nodding at them, she made a mental note to buy some electronic tags and pack her portable printer from then on. "Not a problem."

Jon nearly sighed in relief. It was no secret that he wasn't all that good with the new tech shit, and he hated when people made a big deal about it. That she wasn't daunted almost had him sighing.

Joe finished the bit of sushi in his mouth before asking another question. "So, you're with us all day, every day?"

"Ah, no." Evie shook her head with a grin. "You have families and girlfriends and all that at home, and I have zero interest in sitting around while you're doing your at home stuff. Your days off are my days off, though you can always call or text me with questions or if you need help with something. Just be aware that I might be hiking or working on something at home, and it is my day off, so it may take a while for me to answer you."

Jon took his turn to ask a question, leaning back in his chair and shifting a bit uncomfortably. "And how did you get here so fast? Do you live in Vegas?"

"Outside the city, actually. Up on Mount Charleston?" Her inflection made it a question, and she smiled as he nodded in recognition. "I lucked into an affordable small house that I'm renovating up there and 5 acres of land."

"You're renovating it yourself?" Jon frowned. "No offense, darlin', but you're awful small to be lugging around heavy equipment."

"None taken. I've been small all my life." Evie grinned. "I do what I can and then bribe the neighbors to help with what I can't do on my own."

The rest of lunch went much the same way, with questions coming from all directions. Evie had been the focus of a few first day interviews like this, and so was able to remain unruffled. There would be time later, when she was alone with her thoughts, to worry or feel as if she were somehow unprepared. It was how she was able to focus so completely, and she had been doing it for years.

When the men went back to Jon's apartment, where they stayed during Vegas shows, Evie slipped into the local public library. With the Royal Rumble approaching, Evie had a bit of a time making sure the files Stephanie sent her were complete and all-inclusive before entering dates and times indicating their obligations into her online calendar. It would automatically sync with her iPad, phone, and laptop. She then color coordinated the schedule, printing out calendars for January and February as well as written itineraries meant for each week. These she wrote Jon's name on and stapled together before slipping them into a plain black folder.

Remembering that she wanted to pick up some electronic tags, she headed to the nearest store.


Jon watched as Evie typed something out on her phone and chuckled at her case – Calvin and Hobbs making faces – before flicking his eyes down to his boots. He didn't want her knowing that he had been looking at her. Girls either liked of really hated when he looked at them, and he couldn't stand the thought of seeing disgust on her face if she didn't want him staring.

It didn't help that she was just about the prettiest thing he had ever seen. She had changed from her corseted green skirt and frilly shirt into a t-shirt featuring a pinup style Harley Quinn along with a long jersey knit skirt and ballet flats. Her hair was down now, waves falling to her waist like a waterfall of sunshine. The glasses with which she had replaced her contacts were black cat-eye rims.

She was breathtaking.

"Jon," her voice drew him out of his own head.


She held some little squares up and grinned. "I got something to help with leaving behind your electronics."

He scrunched his nose up in confusion. "What's that?"

"I use these little tags on my iPad and cellphone, just in case I accidently leave them behind. You put one on something that you never forget, like your wallet. The others go on your tablet and cell phone, or whatever else you need. When you get too far away from your gadgets, the tag in your wallet beeps to let you know."

Jon frowned. "It'll beep the whole time? I don't want to sound like a freakin' fire alarm here."

"Nope, just three short beeps to let you know you're leaving something behind." Evie grinned at him and shrugged. "They've saved my butt a few times. Want to give them a shot?"

"Sure, why not?"

Nodding, Evelyn attached the sensors and made sure they were all linked up before handing them back to Jon. He slipped his wallet in his pocket and went to stash his tablet and phone in their designated areas. He could hear Evie cleaning up their trash and packing her things away at the bench she had used behind him. She had pulled her change of clothes from a bag she kept in her purse, and had been in the t-shirt and skirt by the time the guys got back for the ring.

Colby and Joe soon joined them after their showers, dressed in comfortable clothes for the trip to Flagstaff. Evie had informed them that she would be making the four hour drive, and that they were welcome to ride with her if they didn't want to rent a car. After insisting that they be allowed to pay for gas, food, and coffee, the men agreed.

"Whoever needs to stretch their legs out the most should ride behind me, I think." Evie smiled her thanks as Colby held the door open for her as they left the arena. "My seat will be pulled far closer to the dash than the passenger. I've got tiny little legs."

Jon snorted at the way her voice became squeaky at the end of her statement. "Joe should take that seat. I've got shotgun."

Colby snorted with a frown. "Why do you get shotgun?!"

"Because we all know you both are just gonna pass out as soon as we get some food, and I wanna be able to look out the windshield."

Evie giggled at their argument and looked to Joe. "Do they always fight like this?"

"Nah," he smirked and shook his head as they stopped beside her black Subaru and she popped the trunk. "Sometimes, they're worse."

Making sure her bags were packed in first so the men could retrieve theirs easier, Evie shook her head and slid in behind the wheel. She adjusted mirrors and turned the radio down as the men loaded their bags and sank into their chosen seats. She was secretly pleased that they had agreed to ride with her so soon. A quick trip would let her get a sample of how future drives would go without being long enough to really bother anyone if they didn't get along.

Jon adjusted his seat and then settled in for the trip. As expected, Joe and Colby were out cold after eating their dinners, choosing vegetable wraps while Jon and Evie had burgers. This left him alone with the diminutive blonde. She was singing along quietly to the soft song playing on the radio, her fingers keeping time on the wheel as the next selection on her playlist began.

He couldn't contain his surprise when he recognized the tune, enjoying her choice in music. "You like Hank?"

"Yeah," she grinned lightly. Jon's dimples were just about the most adorable thing she had ever seen. "I'm a fan of a lot of different kinds of music, really. This just felt like good music for driving at night. Did you want something else?"

"Nah, this is good." Feeling a familiar tingling in his arms and back, he began to fidget quietly in his seat.

"You okay?"

He nodded, but continued to move restlessly.

"Having a nicotine fit?"

Slightly surprised that she recognized the signs, Jon nodded. "Yeah. Mind if I light up?"

Evie shrugged. "Depends. Are they menthols?"

"No," he shook his head again. "Marlboro reds."

"And the health nuts in back don't care?" Evelyn didn't want to make anyone angry, even if it were her car.

"They're okay as long as I roll down a window."

"Go for it."

Jon lit up as Evelyn drove through the desert night, the soft sound of Hank Williams keeping them company.