Thanks to guitardee and Cecile for reviewing the last chapter! You guys are the best! :)

Just a real quick one today; I'm usually not able to write on Fridays and the chances of me finishing a full chapter by tomorrow were slim, so I thought it would be best to upload a short chapter instead of making you wait until the weekend! Just some Deanmon development in this time. Enjoy!

"Sam's gone."

Dean raised his brows at the sudden break of silence; the angel hadn't spoken a word since he'd trudged his way into the dungeon two hours ago and sat down in the corner. He'd rattled him with nonsense and constant flirting at first, but it hadn't done the trick – sonofabitch was hard as stone. And it just wasn't fun when the only reaction you got was sad eyes and forlorn sighs.


Castiel lifted his chin "Sam's gone to scour the area for a suitable hiding place."

"Huh," Dean scoffed "I'm surprised Crowley hasn't busted his ass and made an appearance yet."

"Perhaps he's not as loyal as you think."

He couldn't help but smirk at the way Castiel said that – all grumpy and muttered like he was jealous or something. His mouth went pouty and he crossed his arms like a kid who couldn't get his way; damn, Dean could picture himself doing bad, bad things to the angel when he wore that expression.

Now, the old him perhaps couldn't appreciate the fine ass that was Jimmy Novak, but things were different when ya had a case of the black eyes. Being a demon gave him an I-don't-give-a-shit attitude which just wiped away the panic and denial he was in for liking the D besides the V. If he wanted to check out a hot dude's jean-clad thighs in a dusty bar, well – subtlety be damned – he's gonna lean out of his chair and get a good eyeful! Same goes for giving Castiel the sex eyes; he had to admit, it was quite exhilarating flirting with an angel of the lord, being what he now was. It was like burnin' the bible and shovin' the cross up ya ass – backwards.

"Don't get your trenchcoat in a twist," He rolled his eyes "You're still my number one, baby."

Castiel got up to leave, pouty face now contorted into something of pure disgust.

And shit – shit, shit, shit, shit – Dean didn't want him to leave. He wanted the angel to sit back down in the corner and endure every single crude joke, flirtatious wink and pointless chatter. Not because he was like, ya know… gay for him besides wanting to strip him down, turn him over and – well, yeah, you get the picture. Nah, Dean Winchester – especially Dean Winchester gone demon – was not the sentimental type. With chicks, it was kinda necessary to hold hands and snuggle under the covers to ensure a second round of the good stuff, but not with dudes. And if Dean wasn't obligated to play the sappy love interest, then why the fuck would he choose to?

Cas – Castiel – was just an angel who Dean was more than certain had the hots for him, too. The whole "I need you" crap back in Purgatory had simply been code for "I need you in my bed right this goddamn second", of course. But, c'mon! He was a frickin' demon now; he didn't need to walk on eggshells around the guy to avoid hurting his feelings like a precious princess. If he wanted a quickie when Sam wasn't looking, then all he had to do was ask upfront! The fact that Castiel had been oblivious to all of his advances kinda contradicted the idea that the angel was just in it for the physical aspect of things, but it's not like that made a difference. If the nerdy little dude was expecting long walks down the beach and slow, passionate make-out sessions which included zero fondling, then he was gonna get a nasty shock, for sure.

No, no, no. The only reason Dean didn't want Castiel leaving him in the dungeon was the same reason he put up with Crowley instead of going it alone; he hated the isolation. Even with his newfound detestation for human kind (and those occupying human vessels), Dean couldn't stand the fuckin' boredom and pointlessness of just being around with no one else to talk to. Like, it's always better to have a drinking buddy, right? Someone to hold your hair and slip you a sneaky sawbuck when you're runnin' low? That's all Castiel was to him – a substitute Crowley (who, in himself, was basically a substitute Cas for the old Dean, but let's not get confused here); he was the guy who for some reason actually enjoyed Dean's company and thus was the perfect person to use to his advantage. If Dean wanted to sing AC/DC at the top of his lungs, it wouldn't be so weird if Castiel was in the room. If he got so bored that the latter was not enough to satisfy his boredom, he could just run his mouth off to Castiel til' the cows came home! Just some good ol' fashion using – no biggy! And if he managed to snag himself an hour or so alone with the angel, then he sure wasn't gonna complain.

So, that's why he found himself saying "Wait!" And then, in the sickliest, sweetest tone he could manage (cos if he was gonna get anything outta this, he had to play nice) he added "Please don't go, yet. I, uh… I don't wanna be alone."

And god frickin' damn it, the guy fell for it; he was like putty in his hands! His face went all soft and so nauseatingly happy and he said "Okay, Dean." And then with a small smile "I'll stay."

Oh, sweet victory! This was gonna be easy; he was gonna have the angel wrapped around his little finger and – oh, wait. That… that wasn't the satisfaction of getting his own way swirling around in his stomach. That was… it was… No, it couldn't be… Demons can't – they don't – fuck!

Those were feelings! Fuckin' sticky, sloppy, let's-all-hold-hands-and-pray-to-the-moon goddamn feelings! That wasn't part of the deal! He wasn't supposed to get a strange knot of something in his gut when Castiel smiled like that and said his name with so much frickin' tenderness in his voice! He was supposed to laugh and roll his eyes and get the urge to punch the guy in the face for thinking he had the right to even talk to him, let alone be nice to him! No, this was wrong; this shouldn't have happened. It was –

"Actually," He swallowed thickly, turning his head away from the first person to wring a bead of humanity out of him in months "You should… you should go. I don't – I'm sick of you now!" He tried to chuckle, but it sounded hoarse and scratchy "I've seen enough of your goddamn face for the day, so… just get out, will ya?"

Castiel stalled, his smile slowly drooping from his lips like the remnants of a good memory gone sour. He looked so fuckin' disappointed. Not angry, not confused – disappointed. Like the idea of spending the day cooped up in this dungeon with Dean was the best thing since angel food cake and it had just been snatched right out of his hands. There was more sorrow and grief and loss behind those blue eyes than Dean could even hope to feel in this state.

So when the angel licked his lips, dropped his gaze and gave a small, quick nod of his head before fleeing the room without a single word, Dean found himself wondering if the demon gig was maybe a little overrated.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of the old Dean return... Reviewers will get shout-outs in the next chapter, but all faves and follows are also very much appreciated. Bye for now!