CoLu Week

Welcome one and all, to the most wonderful seven days of my life.

CoLu Week is only weeks away. Two and one day, to be exact. Honestly, I wish it would just hurry up.

I'm excited to read all the new stories of those participating and I hope that with all us authors, this paring will get the love it truly deserves.

Anyways, lets get on with it!


CoLu Week will be taking place from June 21st - June 27th.

The prompts are as follows.

Day 1- Language

Day 2- Caged

Day 3-Fairy Tale

Day 4- Rumors

Day 5- Glitter

Day 6- Family

Day 7- Journey

Well, that's about it. Oh yeah, little note. This story will be Rated M. The same as all my other CoLu stories.
