Wally was staying at Barry's house for the weekend and they had just finished eating dinner, when he got a call from Dick.

"Hello" Wally said.

"Wally get down to the infirmary now!" Dick said.

"Why, what happened, what's wrong and to who" Wally asked.

"It's Bart, he" Dick said when he was cut off by someone grabbing the phone.

"Hey Wally, just ignore Nightwing he's overreacting everything's totally crash here so no need to come down here" Bart said.

"Bart" Wally said.

"Sorry got to go, bye" Bart said hanging up.

Wally didn't like the worried tone in Dicks voice and the cracking sound in Barts. "Something was very off with that call better get down there and see what's up" Wally thought Wally super sped to the infirmary when he saw Nightwing cornering Bart with an inhibitor collar in his hand and Tim trying to back him up and get Bart to calm down.

"What's going on here" Wally yelled getting everyone's attention.

While Bart was distracted Dick tried to get the collar onto him but Bart super sped across the room at sat on a chair away from everybody else

"ok will someone please tell me what's going on here" Wally said.

"The team was on a mission when Bart broke his arm were trying to get Bart to let us reset his arm but we can't get close enough" Tim said.

"Can you guys give Bart and I a minute" Wally said, then Bart got up from the chair.

Tim and Dick left the room and Wally got closer to Bart as Bart backed up until he was cornered.

"Wally, Stay Back, Wally Stay Away From Me" Bart yelled as Wally got closer then Wally stopped in front of Bart and hugged him for a few minutes until Jaime walked in.

"Tim called me after Bart hung up on you, can I help" Jaime said walking in.

Wally smirked and said "actually you had perfect timing do me a favor and scan Bart for another injuries".

"Got that scarab" Jaime said looking at over his right shoulder.

"Scan almost complete" the scarab told Jaime.

Bart looked confused and then Wally answered his unasked question "when do you ever tell me or anyone for that matter everything that's wrong with you".

"That's true... Scans almost complete" Jaime said.

"Ok so far other than the broken arm Bart has a broken rib and a shattered knee, ow that has to hurt" Jaime said.

Wally looked at Bart, sighed, then said "Bart get on the bed".

"But" Bart said.

"Bart, get on the bed" Wally said.

"B-" Bart said being interrupted by Jaime.

"Bart just get on the bed" Jaime said.

Bart sighed and got on the bed.

"What hurts more and which one do you want us to fix first" Wally said, Bart didn't respond

"Jaime which rib exactly" Wally said sighing then looked at Jaime.

"Third from the bottom on the right, but it looks like it's healing and the scarab says that we need to hold the rib up for a little bit until it heals should take about 7 minutes" Jaime said.

Wally nodded "Bart" Wally said knocking the boy out of his gaze. "You ok" Wally asked worried.

"Yeah fine just lets hurry up" Bart said.

"Jaime how's the scan coming" Wally said.

"It's done" Jaime said.

"Anything new" Wally said.

"Yes, but it can wait" Jaime said.

Wally nodded and said "ok Bart what do you want to us to fix first, you're arm, knee, or rib.

Bart shrugged. "The scarab said we have a 5 minutes until the rib heals and unless we hold it up fast it'll heal wrong" Jaime said then Wally looked at Bart who gazed off again.

"Bart lay down" Wally said.

"Why" Bart asked snapping out of his gaze.

"So we could hold your rib up until it heals" Wally said, "now take off your shirt and lay down".

"Why can't I stay sitting up" Bart said.

"Because it'll be easier to fix your rib" Wally said.

"5 minutes" Jaime said.

"I never asked to be fixed" Bart said trying to get off the bed but Wally stopped him.

"Stay, Jaime watch him I'll be back in a sec" Wally said.

A second later Wally came back with Barry. "Why is he here" Bart asked Wally.

"Nice to see you too, Bart" Barry said, "but why am I here".

"He has a broken rib that has" Wally said looking at Jaime.

"3 minutes" Jaime said.

"Until it heals but for it to heal properly we have to hold it still until time runs out" Wally said.

"Why-" Barry said being cut off by Wally saying.

"He won't let me" Wally said.

"I don't mean to interrupt but we have 2 minutes until it's to late"

"Bart" Wally said.

"No" Bart said.

"Barry" Wally complained

"One minute" Jaime said

"Bart lay down now" Barry said

"But" Bart said.

"Now Bart" Barry yelled

"45 seconds" Jaime said.

Barry made Bart lay down. Bart tried to get up but Barry ran over to him and held him down.

"Now Wally" Barry yelled.

"20 seconds" Jaime said.

Wally ran over to Wally vibrated his hand and put it in Bart's chest and straightened the rib and Bart screamed his lungs out.

"Just 5 more seconds 2 and 1 it's healed" Jaime said then Wally took his hand out and Barry let go of Bart.

"Ow" Bart said turning and clutched his rib, "that was so not crash".

"Jaime what was the thing the scan found that could wait" Wally said.

"It was-"Jaime said getting cut off by Bart putting a hand over his mouth.

"It was nothing and we're sticking with that, now that the whole rib things over with I'll be leaving now" Bart said moving his hand and turned around.

"Freeze" Wally said then ran to block the door.

"Jaime you were saying" Barry said.

"Well other than his knee and arm he has a cut on his side" Jaime said.

"Don't expect me to sleep over anytime soon" Bart said making his way back to the bed.

"Wait what about his arm and knee" Barry asked.

"Nothing" Bart said.

"He has a broken arm and a shattered knee" Wally said.

"Dude" Bart yelled.

"He was going to find out anyway" Wally argued.